2021 A Deep Community Based Approach for Large Scale Content Based X-ray Image Retrieval
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Mehdi Moradi & Z. Jane Wang
Medical Image Analysis (2021), v68:101847. [impact factor = 11.148]
2020 Parkinson's Disease Detection from fMRI-derived Brainstem Regional Functional Connectivity Networks
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Jiayue Cai, Tianze Yu, Martin J. McKeown & Z. Jane Wang
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assited Intervention (MICCAI), Lima, Peru.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2020) v12267: VII 23 (pp. 33-43), Springer International Publishing.
[pdf] [slides@MICCAI2020] [presentation@MICCAI2020]
Community Detection in Networks: Methods and Biomedical Applications
Nandinee Fariah Haq
PhD Thesis, University of British Columbia (2020).
2019 Deep learning feature based medical image retrieval for large-scale datasets
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Mehdi Moradi & Z. Jane Wang
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS, Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
[pdf] [poster@NeurIPS2019]
Community Structure Detection from Networks with Weighted Modularity
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Mehdi Moradi & Z. Jane Wang
Pattern Recognition Letters (2019), v122:14-22. [impact factor = 3.255]
Parcellation of functional sub-regions from fMRI: A graph clustering based approach
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Sun Nee Tan, Martin J. McKeown & Z. Jane Wang
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2019), v49:181-191. [impact factor = 3.341]
Computer Assisted Readings of Chest Radiographs
Nandinee Fariah Haq & Z. Jane Wang
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Ottawa, Canada, 2019 (pp. 1-5).
[pdf] [slides@GlobalSIP2019]
2018 Similar Image Retrieval from X-Ray Database
Nandinee Fariah Haq & Z. Jane Wang
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Vancouver, Canada, 2018.
2017 Connectivity-based parcellation of functional sub-regions from brain fMRI signals
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Sun Nee Tan, Martin J. McKeown & Z. Jane Wang
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Montreal, Canada, 2017 (pp. 933-937).
[pdf] [slides@GlobalSIP2017]
2016 Community detection from genomic datasets across human cancers
Nandinee Fariah Haq & Z. Jane Wang
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Washington DC, USA, 2016 (pp. 1147-1150).
[pdf] [slides@GlobalSIP2016]
2015 A data-driven approach to prostate cancer detection from dynamic contrast enhanced MRI
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Piotr Kozlowski, Edward C. Jones, Silvia D. Chang, S. Larry Goldenberg, Mehdi Moradi
Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2015), v41:37-45. [impact factor = 3.750]
Prostate cancer detection from model-free T1-weighted time series and diffusion imaging
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Piotr Kozlowski, Edward C. Jones, Silvia D. Chang, S. Larry Goldenberg, Mehdi Moradi
SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, USA, 2015 (pp. 94142X-94142X).
[pdf] [poster@SPIE2015]
Multimodal classification of prostate tissue: a feasibility study on combining multiparametric MRI and ultrasound
Hussam Al-Deen Ashab, Nandinee Fariah Haq, Guy Nir, Piotr Kozlowski, Peter Black, Edward C. Jones, S. Larry Goldenberg, Septimiu E. Salcudean, Mehdi Moradi
SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, USA, 2015 (pp. 94141B-94141B).
2014 Improved parameter extraction and classification for dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of prostate
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Piotr Kozlowski, Edward C. Jones, Silvia D. Chang, S. Larry Goldenberg, Mehdi Moradi
SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, USA, 2014 (pp. 903511-903511).
Prostate cancer detection from contrast enhanced T1 time course without pharmacokinetic modeling
Nandinee Fariah Haq, Piotr Kozlowski, Edward C. Jones, Silvia D. Chang, S. Larry Goldenberg, Mehdi Moradi
Proceeding of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Milan, Italy, 2014 (pp. 22:1069).
Prostate Cancer Detection from Magnetic Resonance Images : A Data-driven Approach
Nandinee Fariah Haq
M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia (2014).
Prostate cancer detection from multiparametric MRI
Nandinee Fariah Haq, S. Larry Goldenberg, Edward C. Jones, Silvia D. Chang, Peter Black, Piotr Kozlowski & Mehdi Moradi
In Proceeding of 8th Annual Lorne D. Sullivan Lectureship and Research Day , Vancouver General Hospital, Canada, 2014. (Regional)
Multimodal classification of prostate tissue: a feasibility study on combining ultrasound b-mode and elastography with mpMRI
Hussam Al-Deen Ashab, Nandinee Fariah Haq, Guy Nir, et al.
In Proceeding of 8th Annual Lorne D. Sullivan Lectureship and Research Day , Vancouver General Hospital, Canada, 2014. (Regional)
2013 Random forest classification for multiparametric MRI
Nandinee Fariah Haq, S. Larry Goldenberg, Piotr Kozlowski & Mehdi Moradi
In Proceeding of 7th Annual Lorne D. Sullivan Lectureship and Research Day, Vancouver General Hospital, Canada, 2013. (Regional)
Deformable registration for multiparametric MRI imaging of prostate
Nandinee Fariah Haq, S. Larry Goldenberg, Piotr Kozlowski & Mehdi Moradi
In Proceeding of 7th Annual Lorne D. Sullivan Lectureship and Research Day, Vancouver General Hospital, Canada, 2013. (Regional)