Current Students and PHD Alumni

Shaokang Hu

Ph. D. student, The University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Shuangyang Li

Co-supervise with Prof. Jinhong Yuan.

Ph. D., The University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Yuanxin Cai

Ph. D., The University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Lin Xiang

Ph. D., Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Dr. Yan Sun

Ph. D., Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Dr. Lou (Lucas) Zhao

Co-supervise with Prof. Jinhong Yuan.

Ph. D., The University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Zhuo Sun

Co-supervise with Prof. Jinhong Yuan.

Ph. D., The University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Zhiqiang Wei

Co-supervise with Prof. Jinhong Yuan.

Ph. D., The University of New South Wales, Australia

Great lab Personel!

Our institution has several exciting projects for Master and PhD students in the area of wireless communications. If you are interested, you may contact me provided that you meet the following criteria:

Master students: In your Bachelor's, you finished in the top 5 % of your class.

Ph.D. students: In your Bachelor's and Master's, you finished in the top 5 % of your class and you have submitted IEEE conference/journal papers from your Master's work.

Current Postdocs

Former Postdocs

  • 2022 2019
    Dr. Chang Liu


    Currently working as a Lecturer@La Trobe University, Australia

  • 2022 2021
    Dr. Shihao Yan


    Currently working as a Senior Lecturer@Edith Cowan University, Australia

  • 2022 2021

    Dr. Yuanxi Cai


    Currently working as an Assistant Professor@Beijing Information Science & Technology University, China

  • 2021 2019

    Dr. Zhiqiang Wei


    Currently working as an Associate Professor@Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

  • 2021 2019

    Dr. Weijie Yuan


    Currently working as an Assistant Professor@Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Bachelor and Master Alumni