Manuals >User's Guide >Menu Descriptions
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Main Window

File Menu

Creates a blank, untitled model file and displays a symbol for it in the work area of the Main window. Highlight the text below the symbol and type the desired name for the new model. Double-click to open the Model window.
Enables you to open an existing model file.
Enables you to quickly open a model file in the examples directory
Opens the selected Model window (select the model symbol, then the command).
Auto Execute
Runs the AutoExecute macro in the selected model if it is declared or opens the selected Model window if AutoExecute in not declared.
Save As
Enables you to save one or more of the models currently in memory.
Change Directory
Enables you to change the directory to which data will be saved during the current session.
<File Names>
Contains list of most recently loaded files.
Exits IC-CAP. The Save As dialog box appears enabling you to save any models currently in memory before exiting.

Edit Menu

Undoes the most recent Cut, Copy, or Paste command.
Cuts the selected model to a buffer from which it can be pasted. This enables you to load and view another model by the same name—without overwriting the first one—and choose between them, pasting the one you cut if desired.
Copies the selected model to a buffer from which it can be pasted. By copying and pasting, you can have one or more copies of a given model open at the same time.
Pastes the contents of the buffer.
When pasting a model you cut, the same name is retained.
When pasting a model you copied, an underscore (_) character is appended to the name, as well as a numerical indicator, which is automatically incremented.
Delete (No Undo)
Deletes the selected model from the work area.

Tools Menu

System Variables
Displays the System Variables window for setting values for global (system) variables. You can create user-defined variables by typing names and values here. You can also type names and values of supplied variables here, or click the System Variables button and use the dialog box to select variables, view descriptions, and set values. Note that the names of supplied variables are reserved and cannot be used for variables you create.
The Print button enables you to save the currently displayed variables table to file. You are prompted for a filename. The file is saved to the current work directory with a default .asc extension.
  • Open—Enables you to open a previously saved Variables Table file (.vat). Change directories as needed, select the desired file, and click OK.

  • Save As—Enables you to save a variables table to file. Change directories as needed, type the desired name in the Selection field, and click OK.

  • Close—Closes the variables window.

  • Undo—Undoes the previous copy or paste

  • Copy—Copies the currently defined global variables enabling you to paste them in the Model window at the Model, DUT, or Setup level.

  • Paste—Enables you to paste variables copied at the Model, DUT, or Setup level to the global level.

System GUI Items
Displays the System GUI Items window. For details, see Chapter 12, "Creating Graphic User Interfaces."
Simulation Debugger
Displays the Simulation Debugger Window.
Stop Simulator
Stops any currently running piped simulator. The command is most useful when using the ADS simulator with the Root model to ensure correct simulations can be made after changing directories to test other models, and to allow model regeneration.
License Status
Displays a window with dynamically updated license information:
  • The codewords currently in use

  • The codewords currently available

To release a specific license, select it and click Release.
Hardware Setup
Displays the Hardware Setup Window.
Launches the Statistics program, if licensed.
Select Simulator
Enables you to change the default simulator after startup. Note: this selection is overriden by a SIMULATOR variable. For detailis, refer to Selecting a Simulator.
Displays the Function Browser dialog box for reviewing available functions.
Plot Options
Displays the Plot Options dialog box, which enables you to define trace options, plot options, and text annotation.
   File Debug
Toggles the debugging facility on and off. When on, messages are recorded in the file .icdebug.
   Screen Debug
Toggles the debugging facility on and off. When on, messages are displayed in the IC-CAP Status window.
   View GUI Pages
If toggled on, the GUI Items page will be shown in Model windows when the window is first opened.
   Status Window to Top
If toggled on, the Status window pops to the front of the screen anytime new messages are displayed in it.
Executes internal diagnostics.

Windows Menu

The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
