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Simulation Debugger Window

The Simulation Debugger window displays the circuit input deck and the results of the simulation in text form. To display data, open the Simulation Debugger window and then run a simulation (either from the DUT or Setup level). The data is displayed in the Input, Output, and Command File regions, however, the Command File region is used only with the Saber simulator and displays the Saber commands generated from the IC-CAP Setup.

For debugging, edit the data in the Input editor, then run a simulation from the debugger to test the changes. To run a simulation from the debugger, use the Manual Simulation command on the File Menu. If the changes are successful, change the circuit definition to reflect your changes.

Note: After running a simulation using the SPICE3 simulator, the Output region of the debugger displays the message ".print card ignored since rawfile was produced." To display the output of the simulation in text form, issue the Manual Simulation command.

File Menu

Manual Simulation
Executes a simulation using the circuit deck in the Input field of the debugger. The Debugger Input field is not linked to the Model Circuit Definition editor or Input and Output setups, so edits made in the field have no effect on IC-CAP and are irrelevant to a simulation run from a DUT or Setup. To make changes permanent, make them in the Model Circuit Definition editor.
Save Input File
Provides a dialog box for specifying a filename for saving the contents of the Input editor to a file.
Save Command File
Provides a dialog box for specifying a filename for saving the contents of the Command editor to a file.
Save Output File
Provides a dialog box for specifying a filename for saving the contents of the Output editor to a file.
Closes the Simulation Debugger window.

Windows Menu

The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
