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Creating Graphic User Interfaces

The Model GUI Items tab accesses a page for adding, customizing, testing and diagnosing the widgets in a GUI.

The widgets include various types of selection boxes, with single or multiple selection, read only and editable text displays, spin boxes, sliders, and standard and radio type push buttons.

The IC-CAP Studio provides an exchange of data between PEL Macros/Transforms, Variable Table entries and the GUI. GUI items can perform IC-CAP automation including execution of PEL Macros/Transforms, which can access the state of the GUI Items stored in variables in the variable table. In turn these macros/transforms can launch other GUI dialogs to create the use model you wish.

The placement of widgets is typically organized in row type place holders (known as Horizontal Tables) nested within column type place holders (known as Vertical Tables). When a caption is added to a table, a pleasing bounding box is drawn as a border around the items in it, and the caption is inset within the border.
