Manuals >User's Guide >Menu Descriptions
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Hardware Setup Window

The Instrument Setup window enables you to define interface filenames, active instruments, instrument addresses, and unit names to be used in Setups.This window can also be used to control a particular instrument manually.

File Menu

The File menu allows you to perform basic file management commands as well as exit the Hardware Setup window.

Enables you to load an instrument configuration from a previously saved file.
Enables you to save the current instrument configuration to a file of your choosing (the default filename is .icconfig).
Close Window
Closes the Hardware Setup window.

Tools Menu

This set of commands provides basic GPIB capabilities to communicate with the instruments on the bus. These may be useful for debugging an instrument driver or manually setting an instrument to a certain state that is not supported by IC-CAP. The Status panel displays continuously updated information about GPIB activity.

The Tools menu offers the following choices:






Serial Poll


Provides the current GPIB bus status.
Closes the current interface file and opens a new one.
Provides exclusive access to the bus.
Releases the I-O Lock on the bus.
Resets all the instruments on the bus using the Interface Clear command.


Sets the address to which certain commands apply. Some of these commands are:
  • Send String

  • Receive String

  • Serial Poll

  • Address > Listen

  • Address > Talk

  • Address > Check

NOTE: Use the command Address > Set first to set a target GPIB address on which to perform various communications such as "Send String" or "Receive String."
Who Are You?
Polls all addresses other than those at which the CPU is configured. Provides a list of all instruments attached to the bus and powered on, along with their addresses.
Polls active address for any response.
Sets the instrument at the active address to the Listen state.
Sets the instrument at the active address to the Talker state.


Send String
Prompts for a string that will be sent to the instrument at the active address. Carriage return and line feed characters can be included using "\r" and "\n", respectively.
Receive String
Sets CPU to Listen status and the active address to talk status, and collects data from the active address until an EOI is received. Usually used with Send String. The result is also placed in the HPIB_READ_STRING system variable if you have defined it.
Receive PEL String
Same as Receive String, but skips the Talk/Listen setup which should be done using the Send Byte command. The result is also placed in the HPIB_READ_STRING system variable if you have defined it.
Display String
Displays data most recently read by the CPU via a Read String operation.
Lets you send a command to the instrument at the active address and receive a response from the instrument. The response is displayed in the Status panel. The result is also placed in the HPIB_READ_STRING system variable if you have defined it.
Send Byte
Sends one command byte specified as a decimal integer. For example, use 63 to send UNLISTEN.


Specifies the timeout value in seconds. Specifying 0 (zero) disables the use of timeout, which is not recommended.


Prompts you for the name of an GPIB Analyzer macro file.
Executes commands contained in the GPIB Analyzer macro file. For the syntax of commands, refer to Chapter 12, "GPIB Analyzer," in the Reference manual.

Serial Poll

Polls the active address and displays the status byte in decimal form.

Instrument Menu

The Instruments menu offers a variety of instrument operations to assist you in making measurements.

Queries the GPIB bus for instruments.
Displays a list of found instruments on the GPIB bus.
Displays a list of currently active instruments.
Zero Sources
Forces zero to all the found instruments.
Self Test
Causes the execution of self tests on instruments currently connected to the system, powered up, and listed in the Instrument List.

View Menu

The View menu allows you to toggle on and off the screen debugger and the toolbar.

Screen Debug
Enables you to toggle on and off the low-level debugging facility that produces detailed debug messages on each GPIB transaction.
Enables you to toggle the toolbar on and off.

Windows Menu

The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
