Manuals >User's Guide >Creating Graphic User Interfaces
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Common Options

These options are common to most widgets, so they are described in this section. Widget specific options are in individual tables in each GUI item description.

Background Color
Specifies the Background Color for the GUI Item.
Optional on all widgets, but doesn't make sense to leave blank for Buttons, Labels or Pages. For all other widgets if will appear above them and left justified with them.
For Buttons, the caption text appears directly on the button, thus identifying it and distinguishing it from other buttons.
For Pages, it is the text on the tab.
For Tables, it is the header text (optional).
For Edit fields it is the text describing the field (not the text in the field).
For Labels, it is the text itself as it appears on a page or table.
Use the Sample button on the Properties dialog to see how text appears on an item.
The Option Editable may be set to TRUE or FALSE. When TRUE it allows the text insertion point to be placed between text characters so that they may be edited.
Foreground Color
Specifies the Foreground Color for the GUI Item.
Indicates the type of font to use.
Height and Width
These are the widget dimensions in pixels. Note that these options are only used if applied to a widget which is actually displayed. If the options are set on children of the widget being displayed, they will be ignored.
Indicates the names of the items (text strings) contained in the widget such as a Dropdown List, List or Spin Box.
Specify the name of a variable in a variable table. It is expected that this variable will have a value of the format: ICCAP_ARRAY[x] where x is a number specifying the length of the array.
This option indicates whether the item is managed (shown) or unmanaged (not shown). This allows a widget to be removed from the GUI at times when it is not needed, and rapidly restored when needed without the rebuilding time. In the sequential display of pages it is used to make only the active page visible (see tutorial on sequential display). Most useful when Track Variable is selected. Default is 1.
Can be Vertical or Horizontal. Default depends on widget type.
See tutorial Captions, Frames and Sizing.
Row and
Column Span

Indicates how many rows or columns this table should span in a table.
Note, a dummy table must be placed at the cell(s) of the table that will be overlapped.

When sensitivity is set to 0 the widget is non-responsive and appears greyed out to indicate that it is not active. When sensitivity is 1 the widget has normal appearance and response. This option is useful if Track Variable is selected. PEL code can then set the tracked variable to 0 or 1 for a dynamic look to your GUI.
Sizing Options
These indicate how the widget should behave in a Table when you expand the GUI window.
See tutorial Captions, Frames and Sizing.

Unmanage a Dialog

Dialogs can be removed from the screen without being really destroyed. Some dialogs are somewhat time consuming to build. If they are unmanaged instead of destroyed, the next time they are displayed, they will not need to be rebuilt and will appear quickly.

 iccap_func(mydialog, Close GUI, DialogName)
iccap_func(mydialog,Close Single GUI)
