Manuals >User's Guide >Creating Graphic User Interfaces
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GUI Item Options Controlling Variables

Once the widget type has been chosen the left side of the dialog box lists the Options available for that widget. The Caption option should usually be set because it appears on the widget and adds to the intelligibility of the GUI.

There are only a few Options vital to the functionality. These options control data, whereas the rest affect only the appearance and cosmetics of the GUI.

The Options which allow a variable to track and store data are shown in the following table which lists the name of the option and the type of variable it controls.

Modifying Variables

    • All variables and arrays must be declared and defined, typically in the Model Variables Table, and declared in the Widget Properties box.
    • Some options can only track an iccap_variable in the form of an ICCAP_ARRAY. In this case a single blank will be presented with the instruction to Please enter the name of an ICCAP_ARRAY. Other options may be `hardcoded' with a literal, or can be tied to a variable. For the later case, please check the box labeled Track Variable and fill in the Variable Name blank.

Options that can be tied to Variables:


Option Name

Value Type

Check Box
Toggle State
Integer: 1 or 0
Dropdown Combo
Entered Text
Selected Index
Typed Text
Visible Item Count
Dropdown List Combo
Selected Index
Visible Item Count
Edit Text
Integer: 1 or 0
Field Value
String (editable)
Selected Index
Visible Item Count
< none >
Push Button
< none >
Radio Box
Selected Index
Radio Button
Toggle State
Integer: 1 or 0
Scroll Table
Margin Height
Margin Width
Current Position
Spin Box
Real Value
Spreadsheet Table
Current Page
Margin Height
Margin Width
Page Change OK
Integer: 1 or 0

The Callback section of the Widget Properties dialog box list the conditions under which a Macro or Transform will be executed. These possible conditions, depending on the GUI item, are:

Triggered by:
< Enter > Pressed
The Enter key was pressed.
Button Pressed
Button down detected.
Combo Pulled Down
A menu is visible.
Exit Function
Top level widget was closed.
Focus Entered
Cursor is in the GUI item area.
Focus Lost
Cursor has left the GUI area.
Item Double Clicked
An item in a list was double clicked.
Item Selected
An item selected from a menu or list.
Page Changed
New Page number.
Page Validation
Attempt to change a page.
Radio Changed
A Radio Button was pressed.
Slider Moved
Slider stopped moving.
Slider Moving
Slider still moving.
Spin Box Decreased
Value decreasing.
Spin Box Increased
Value increasing.
Spin Field Modified
Value changed.
Toggle State Changed
A Check Box state changed.
Variable Changed
A tracked variable changed.

By selecting a callback condition, e.g., for the Push Button widget we select the ButtonPressed condition in the Callbacks box. A sub dialog appears on the right prompting for two arguments to iccap_func. The arguments are the object to operate on and the action to take.

These could be a macro name (e.g., countPresses for the item to act on, and the second argument could be Execute for the action to take.

This would cause the Button Pressed condition in the Callbacks box to be shown as:

Button Pressed (iccap_func("countPresses","Execute"))
