2332 Main Mall,
Welcome! My research focuses on computer architecture and machine learning. An long running focus of my research has been on graphics processor unit (GPU) architecture for non-graphics applications. For example, my group introduced the first and most widely used simulator for GPGPU architecture research and I co-authored a book on GPGPU architecture with two of my former PHD students. Most recently my group has also been exploring (a) how to more efficiently train deep neural networks both with changes to hardware (including GPU architectures and dedicated accelerators) and software/algorithms; (b) hardware accelerators for robotics; (c) exploring how to improve GPU architectures for real-time ray tracing.
To learn more about my research please visit my projects and/or publications pages. To learn more about current and past members of my research group visit my group page. To learn about my background go here.
RA Positions: Information for prospective graduate students can be found here.