ISCA Hall of Fame; Two papers selected for ISCA@50 Retrospective
(Updated July 4, 2023)
Yeah! I have been added to the ISCA “hall of fame”. This is not a “real” hall of fame because, as the site explains, a “real” hall of fame would admit people based upon their “impact”. Not stated is that it’s also not a real hall of “fame” because vanishingly few people understand what computer architects do or have heard of their names (despite their using the end product of computer architects’ work for hours a day every day). This particular “hall of fame” just counts numbers of papers published at ISCA and whether you have eight of them. It’s hard to get a paper published at ISCA so only a small fraction of people who have ever submitted a paper to ISCA have eight published. I’ll take it.
Also, two of my ISCA papers were selected to appear in a special ISCA@50 Retrospective of the 25 years of ISCA papers from 1996 through 2020: Cnvlutin: ineffectual-neuron-free deep neural network computing from ISCA 2016 (retrospective) and Accel-sim: an extensible simulation framework for validated GPU modeling from ISCA 2020 (retrospective). Only 98 of the 1077 papers published at ISCA in that 25 year timeframe were so honored.
I also recently learned that a third ISCA paper of mine, GPUWattch, apparently, at least as of earlier this year, had the most citations from ISCA 2013 (according to this article).