
vpr/SRC/place/place.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "vpr_types.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "mst.h"
#include "place.h"
#include "read_place.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "place_and_route.h"
#include "net_delay.h"
#include "path_delay.h"
#include "timing_place_lookup.h"
#include "timing_place.h"
#include "place_stats.h"
#include "read_xml_arch_file.h"
Include dependency graph for place.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SMALL_NET   4
#define FROM   0
#define TO   1
#define FROM_AND_TO   2
#define ERROR_TOL   .01


enum  cost_methods { NORMAL, CHECK }


static void alloc_place_regions (int num_regions)
static void load_place_regions (int num_regions)
static void free_place_regions (int num_regions)
static void alloc_and_load_placement_structs (int place_cost_type, int num_regions, float place_cost_exp, float ***old_region_occ_x, float ***old_region_occ_y, struct s_placer_opts placer_opts)
static void free_placement_structs (int place_cost_type, int num_regions, float **old_region_occ_x, float **old_region_occ_y, struct s_placer_opts placer_opts)
static void alloc_and_load_for_fast_cost_update (float place_cost_exp)
static void initial_placement (enum e_pad_loc_type pad_loc_type, char *pad_loc_file)
static float comp_bb_cost (int method, int place_cost_type, int num_regions)
static int try_swap (float t, float *cost, float *bb_cost, float *timing_cost, float rlim, int place_cost_type, float **old_region_occ_x, float **old_region_occ_y, int num_regions, boolean fixed_pins, enum e_place_algorithm place_algorithm, float timing_tradeoff, float inverse_prev_bb_cost, float inverse_prev_timing_cost, float *delay_cost, int *x_lookup)
static void check_place (float bb_cost, float timing_cost, int place_cost_type, int num_regions, enum e_place_algorithm place_algorithm, float delay_cost)
static float starting_t (float *cost_ptr, float *bb_cost_ptr, float *timing_cost_ptr, int place_cost_type, float **old_region_occ_x, float **old_region_occ_y, int num_regions, boolean fixed_pins, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched, int max_moves, float rlim, enum e_place_algorithm place_algorithm, float timing_tradeoff, float inverse_prev_bb_cost, float inverse_prev_timing_cost, float *delay_cost_ptr)
static void update_t (float *t, float std_dev, float rlim, float success_rat, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched)
static void update_rlim (float *rlim, float success_rat)
static int exit_crit (float t, float cost, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched)
static int count_connections (void)
static void compute_net_pin_index_values (void)
static double get_std_dev (int n, double sum_x_squared, double av_x)
static void free_fast_cost_update_structs (void)
static float recompute_bb_cost (int place_cost_type, int num_regions)
static float comp_td_point_to_point_delay (int inet, int ipin)
static void update_td_cost (int b_from, int b_to, int num_of_pins)
static void comp_delta_td_cost (int b_from, int b_to, int num_of_pins, float *delta_timing, float *delta_delay)
static void comp_td_costs (float *timing_cost, float *connection_delay_sum)
static int assess_swap (float delta_c, float t)
static boolean find_to (int x_from, int y_from, t_type_ptr type, float rlim, int *x_lookup, int *x_to, int *y_to)
static void get_non_updateable_bb (int inet, struct s_bb *bb_coord_new)
static void update_bb (int inet, struct s_bb *bb_coord_new, struct s_bb *bb_edge_new, int xold, int yold, int xnew, int ynew)
static int find_affected_nets (int *nets_to_update, int *net_block_moved, int b_from, int b_to, int num_of_pins)
static float get_net_cost (int inet, struct s_bb *bb_ptr)
static float nonlinear_cong_cost (int num_regions)
static void update_region_occ (int inet, struct s_bb *coords, int add_or_sub, int num_regions)
static void save_region_occ (float **old_region_occ_x, float **old_region_occ_y, int num_regions)
static void restore_region_occ (float **old_region_occ_x, float **old_region_occ_y, int num_regions)
static void get_bb_from_scratch (int inet, struct s_bb *coords, struct s_bb *num_on_edges)
static double get_net_wirelength_estimate (int inet, struct s_bb *bbptr)
void try_place (struct s_placer_opts placer_opts, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf *segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_mst_edge ***mst)


static float * net_cost = NULL
static float * temp_net_cost = NULL
static int ** net_pin_index = NULL
static struct s_bbbb_coords = NULL
static struct s_bbbb_num_on_edges = NULL
static struct s_place_region ** place_region_x
static struct s_place_region ** place_region_y
static float * place_region_bounds_x
static float * place_region_bounds_y
static float ** chanx_place_cost_fac
static float ** chany_place_cost_fac
static const float cross_count [50]
static float ** point_to_point_timing_cost = NULL
static float ** temp_point_to_point_timing_cost = NULL
static float ** point_to_point_delay_cost = NULL
static float ** temp_point_to_point_delay_cost = NULL

Define Documentation

#define ERROR_TOL   .01

Definition at line 38 of file place.c.

#define FROM   0

What block connected to a net has moved?

Definition at line 34 of file place.c.

#define FROM_AND_TO   2

Definition at line 36 of file place.c.


Definition at line 39 of file place.c.

#define SMALL_NET   4

Cut off for incremental bounding box updates. 4 is fastest -- I checked.

Definition at line 22 of file place.c.

#define TO   1

Definition at line 35 of file place.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

For comp_cost. NORMAL means use the method that generates updateable bounding boxes for speed. CHECK means compute all bounding boxes from scratch using a very simple routine to allow checks of the other costs.


Definition at line 31 of file place.c.


Function Documentation

static void alloc_and_load_for_fast_cost_update ( float  place_cost_exp) [static]

Allocates and loads the chanx_place_cost_fac and chany_place_cost_fac arrays with the inverse of the average number of tracks per channel between [subhigh] and [sublow]. This is only useful for the cost function that takes the length of the net bounding box in each dimension divided by the average number of tracks in that direction. For other cost functions, you don't have to bother calling this routine; when using the cost function described above, however, you must always call this routine after you call init_chan and before you do any placement cost determination. The place_cost_exp factor specifies to what power the width of the channel should be taken -- larger numbers make narrower channels more expensive.

Definition at line 3589 of file place.c.


    int low, high, i;

    /* Access arrays below as chan?_place_cost_fac[subhigh][sublow].  Since   *
     * subhigh must be greater than or equal to sublow, we only need to       *
     * allocate storage for the lower half of a matrix.                       */

    chanx_place_cost_fac = (float **)my_malloc((ny + 1) * sizeof(float *));
    for(i = 0; i <= ny; i++)
        chanx_place_cost_fac[i] = (float *)my_malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(float));

    chany_place_cost_fac = (float **)my_malloc((nx + 1) * sizeof(float *));
    for(i = 0; i <= nx; i++)
        chany_place_cost_fac[i] = (float *)my_malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(float));

    /* First compute the number of tracks between channel high and channel *
     * low, inclusive, in an efficient manner.                             */

    chanx_place_cost_fac[0][0] = chan_width_x[0];

    for(high = 1; high <= ny; high++)
            chanx_place_cost_fac[high][high] = chan_width_x[high];
            for(low = 0; low < high; low++)
                    chanx_place_cost_fac[high][low] =
                        chanx_place_cost_fac[high - 1][low] +

    /* Now compute the inverse of the average number of tracks per channel *
     * between high and low.  The cost function divides by the average     *
     * number of tracks per channel, so by storing the inverse I convert   *
     * this to a faster multiplication.  Take this final number to the     *
     * place_cost_exp power -- numbers other than one mean this is no      *
     * longer a simple "average number of tracks"; it is some power of     *
     * that, allowing greater penalization of narrow channels.             */

    for(high = 0; high <= ny; high++)
        for(low = 0; low <= high; low++)
                chanx_place_cost_fac[high][low] = (high - low + 1.) /
                chanx_place_cost_fac[high][low] =

    /* Now do the same thing for the y-directed channels.  First get the  *
     * number of tracks between channel high and channel low, inclusive.  */

    chany_place_cost_fac[0][0] = chan_width_y[0];

    for(high = 1; high <= nx; high++)
            chany_place_cost_fac[high][high] = chan_width_y[high];
            for(low = 0; low < high; low++)
                    chany_place_cost_fac[high][low] =
                        chany_place_cost_fac[high - 1][low] +

    /* Now compute the inverse of the average number of tracks per channel * 
     * between high and low.  Take to specified power.                     */

    for(high = 0; high <= nx; high++)
        for(low = 0; low <= high; low++)
                chany_place_cost_fac[high][low] = (high - low + 1.) /
                chany_place_cost_fac[high][low] =

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void alloc_and_load_placement_structs ( int  place_cost_type,
int  num_regions,
float  place_cost_exp,
float ***  old_region_occ_x,
float ***  old_region_occ_y,
struct s_placer_opts  placer_opts 
) [static]

Allocates the major structures needed only by the placer, primarily for computing costs quickly and such.

Definition at line 2688 of file place.c.


    int inet, ipin, max_pins_per_clb, i;

    max_pins_per_clb = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < num_types; i++)
            max_pins_per_clb =
                max(max_pins_per_clb, type_descriptors[i].num_pins);

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
            /*allocate structures associated with timing driven placement */
            /* [0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1]  */
            point_to_point_delay_cost =
                (float **)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float *));
            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost =
                (float **)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float *));

            point_to_point_timing_cost =
                (float **)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float *));
            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost =
                (float **)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float *));

            net_pin_index =
                (int **)alloc_matrix(0, num_blocks - 1, 0,
                                     max_pins_per_clb - 1, sizeof(int));

            for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)

                    /* in the following, subract one so index starts at *
                     * 1 instead of 0 */
                    point_to_point_delay_cost[inet] =
                        (float *)my_malloc(clb_net[inet].num_sinks *

                    temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet] =
                        (float *)my_malloc(clb_net[inet].num_sinks *

                    point_to_point_timing_cost[inet] =
                        (float *)my_malloc(clb_net[inet].num_sinks *

                    temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet] =
                        (float *)my_malloc(clb_net[inet].num_sinks *
            for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
                    for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)
                            point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] = 0;
                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] = 0;

    net_cost = (float *)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float));
    temp_net_cost = (float *)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(float));

    /* Used to store costs for moves not yet made and to indicate when a net's   *
     * cost has been recomputed. temp_net_cost[inet] < 0 means net's cost hasn't *
     * been recomputed.                                                          */

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
        temp_net_cost[inet] = -1.;

    bb_coords = (struct s_bb *)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(struct s_bb));
    bb_num_on_edges =
        (struct s_bb *)my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(struct s_bb));

    /* Allocate storage for subregion data, if needed. */

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            *old_region_occ_x = (float **)alloc_matrix(0, num_regions - 1, 0,
                                                       num_regions - 1,
            *old_region_occ_y =
                (float **)alloc_matrix(0, num_regions - 1, 0, num_regions - 1,
        {                       /* Shouldn't use them; crash hard if I do!   */
            *old_region_occ_x = NULL;
            *old_region_occ_y = NULL;

    if(place_cost_type == LINEAR_CONG)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void alloc_place_regions ( int  num_regions) [static]

Allocates memory for the regional occupancy, cost, etc. counts kept when we're using the NONLINEAR_CONG placement cost function.

Definition at line 2808 of file place.c.


    place_region_x =
        (struct s_place_region **)alloc_matrix(0, num_regions - 1, 0,
                                               num_regions - 1,
                                               sizeof(struct s_place_region));

    place_region_y =
        (struct s_place_region **)alloc_matrix(0, num_regions - 1, 0,
                                               num_regions - 1,
                                               sizeof(struct s_place_region));

    place_region_bounds_x = (float *)my_malloc((num_regions + 1) *

    place_region_bounds_y = (float *)my_malloc((num_regions + 1) *

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int assess_swap ( float  delta_c,
float  t 
) [static]

Returns: 1 -> move accepted, 0 -> rejected.

Definition at line 1855 of file place.c.

    int accept;
    float prob_fac, fnum;

    if(delta_c <= 0)

#ifdef SPEC                     /* Reduce variation in final solution due to round off */
            fnum = my_frand();

            accept = 1;
            return (accept);

    if(t == 0.)
        return (0);

    fnum = my_frand();
    prob_fac = exp(-delta_c / t);
    if(prob_fac > fnum)
            accept = 1;
            accept = 0;
    return (accept);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_place ( float  bb_cost,
float  timing_cost,
int  place_cost_type,
int  num_regions,
enum e_place_algorithm  place_algorithm,
float  delay_cost 
) [static]

Checks that the placement has not confused our data structures. i.e. the clb and block structures agree about the locations of every block, blocks are in legal spots, etc. Also recomputes the final placement cost from scratch and makes sure it is within roundoff of what we think the cost is.

Definition at line 3679 of file place.c.


    static int *bdone;
    int i, j, k, error = 0, bnum;
    float bb_cost_check;
    int usage_check;
    float timing_cost_check, delay_cost_check;

    bb_cost_check = comp_bb_cost(CHECK, place_cost_type, num_regions);
    printf("bb_cost recomputed from scratch is %g.\n", bb_cost_check);
    if(fabs(bb_cost_check - bb_cost) > bb_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                ("Error:  bb_cost_check: %g and bb_cost: %g differ in check_place.\n",
                 bb_cost_check, bb_cost);

    if(place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
            comp_td_costs(&timing_cost_check, &delay_cost_check);
            printf("timing_cost recomputed from scratch is %g. \n",
            if(fabs(timing_cost_check - timing_cost) >
               timing_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                    printf("Error:  timing_cost_check: %g and timing_cost: "
                           "%g differ in check_place.\n",
                           timing_cost_check, timing_cost);
            printf("delay_cost recomputed from scratch is %g. \n",
            if(fabs(delay_cost_check - delay_cost) > delay_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                    printf("Error:  delay_cost_check: %g and delay_cost: "
                           "%g differ in check_place.\n",
                           delay_cost_check, delay_cost);

    bdone = (int *)my_malloc(num_blocks * sizeof(int));
    for(i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++)
        bdone[i] = 0;

    /* Step through grid array. Check it against block array. */
    for(i = 0; i <= (nx + 1); i++)
        for(j = 0; j <= (ny + 1); j++)
                if(grid[i][j].usage > grid[i][j].type->capacity)
                            ("Error:  block at grid location (%d,%d) overused. "
                             "Usage is %d\n", i, j, grid[i][j].usage);
                usage_check = 0;
                for(k = 0; k < grid[i][j].type->capacity; k++)
                        bnum = grid[i][j].blocks[k];
                        if(EMPTY == bnum)

                        if(block[bnum].type != grid[i][j].type)
                                    ("Error:  block %d type does not match grid location (%d,%d) type.\n",
                                     bnum, i, j);
                        if((block[bnum].x != i) || (block[bnum].y != j))
                                    ("Error:  block %d location conflicts with grid(%d,%d)"
                                     "data.\n", bnum, i, j);
                if(usage_check != grid[i][j].usage)
                            ("Error:  Location (%d,%d) usage is %d, but has actual usage %d.\n",
                             i, j, grid[i][j].usage, usage_check);

    /* Check that every block exists in the grid and block arrays somewhere. */
    for(i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++)
        if(bdone[i] != 1)
                    ("Error:  block %d listed %d times in data structures.\n",
                     i, bdone[i]);

    if(error == 0)
                ("\nCompleted placement consistency check successfully.\n\n");
                ("\nCompleted placement consistency check, %d Errors found.\n\n",
            printf("Aborting program.\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float comp_bb_cost ( int  method,
int  place_cost_type,
int  num_regions 
) [static]

Finds the cost from scratch. Done only when the placement has been radically changed (i.e. after initial placement). Otherwise find the cost change incrementally. If method check is NORMAL, we find bounding boxes that are updateable for the larger nets. If method is CHECK, all bounding boxes are found via the non_updateable_bb routine, to provide a cost which can be used to check the correctness of the other routine.

Definition at line 2350 of file place.c.


    int i, j, k;
    float cost;
    double expected_wirelength;

    cost = 0;
    expected_wirelength = 0.0;

    /* Initialize occupancies to zero if regions are being used. */

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
                    for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
                            place_region_x[i][j].occupancy = 0.;
                            place_region_y[i][j].occupancy = 0.;

    for(k = 0; k < num_nets; k++)
        {                       /* for each net ... */

            if(clb_net[k].is_global == FALSE)
                {               /* Do only if not global. */

                    /* Small nets don't use incremental updating on their bounding boxes, *
                     * so they can use a fast bounding box calculator.                    */

                    if(clb_net[k].num_sinks >= SMALL_NET && method == NORMAL)
                                get_non_updateable_bb(k, &bb_coords[k]);
#if 0
                            get_bb_from_scratch(k, &bb_coords[k],
                            get_non_updateable_bb(k, &bb_coords[k]);

                    if(place_cost_type != NONLINEAR_CONG)
                            net_cost[k] = get_net_cost(k, &bb_coords[k]);
                            cost += net_cost[k];
                            if(method == CHECK)
                                expected_wirelength +=
                        {       /* Must be nonlinear_cong case. */
                            update_region_occ(k, &bb_coords[k], 1,

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            cost = nonlinear_cong_cost(num_regions);

    if(method == CHECK)
        printf("BB estimate of min-dist (placement) wirelength is ;%.0f\n",

    return (cost);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void comp_delta_td_cost ( int  b_from,
int  b_to,
int  num_of_pins,
float *  delta_timing,
float *  delta_delay 
) [static]

a net that is being driven by a moved block must have all of its sink timing costs recomputed. A net that is driving a moved block must only have the timing cost on the connection driving the input pin computed

Definition at line 2133 of file place.c.


    int inet, k, net_pin, ipin;
    float delta_timing_cost, delta_delay_cost, temp_delay;

    delta_timing_cost = 0.;
    delta_delay_cost = 0.;

    for(k = 0; k < num_of_pins; k++)
            inet = block[b_from].nets[k];

            if(inet == OPEN)


            net_pin = net_pin_index[b_from][k];

            if(net_pin != 0)
                {               /*this net is driving a moved block               */

                    /*if this net is being driven by a block that has moved, we do not  */
                    /*need to compute the change in the timing cost (here) since it will */
                    /*be computed in the fanout of the net on  the driving block, also  */
                    /*computing it here would double count the change, and mess up the  */
                    /*delta_timing_cost value */
                    if(clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_to
                       && clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_from)
                            temp_delay =
                                comp_td_point_to_point_delay(inet, net_pin);

                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                                timing_place_crit[inet][net_pin] * temp_delay;

                            delta_delay_cost +=
                                - point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][net_pin];

                            delta_timing_cost +=
                                - point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][net_pin];
                {               /*this net is being driven by a moved block, recompute */
                    /*all point to point connections on this net. */
                    for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)
                            temp_delay =
                                comp_td_point_to_point_delay(inet, ipin);

                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] =
                                timing_place_crit[inet][ipin] * temp_delay;

                            delta_delay_cost +=
                                temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] -

                            delta_timing_cost +=
                                temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] -

    if(b_to != EMPTY)
            for(k = 0; k < num_of_pins; k++)
                    inet = block[b_to].nets[k];

                    if(inet == OPEN)


                    net_pin = net_pin_index[b_to][k];

                    if(net_pin != 0)
                        {       /*this net is driving a moved block */

                            /*if this net is being driven by a block that has moved, we do not */
                            /*need to compute the change in the timing cost (here) since it was */
                            /*computed in the fanout of the net on  the driving block, also    */
                            /*computing it here would double count the change, and mess up the */
                            /*delta_timing_cost value */
                            if(clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_to
                               && clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_from)
                                    temp_delay =

                                        [net_pin] = temp_delay;
                                        [net_pin] =
                                        timing_place_crit[inet][net_pin] *

                                    delta_delay_cost +=
                                        [net_pin] -
                                    delta_timing_cost +=
                                        [net_pin] -
                        {       /*this net is being driven by a moved block, recompute */
                            /*all point to point connections on this net. */
                            for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)

                                    temp_delay =

                                        = temp_delay;
                                        [ipin] =
                                        timing_place_crit[inet][ipin] *

                                    delta_delay_cost +=
                                        [ipin] -
                                    delta_timing_cost +=
                                        [ipin] -

    *delta_timing = delta_timing_cost;
    *delta_delay = delta_delay_cost;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void comp_td_costs ( float *  timing_cost,
float *  connection_delay_sum 
) [static]

Definition at line 2300 of file place.c.

    int inet, ipin;
    float loc_timing_cost, loc_connection_delay_sum, temp_delay_cost,

    loc_timing_cost = 0.;
    loc_connection_delay_sum = 0.;

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
        {                       /* for each net ... */
            if(clb_net[inet].is_global == FALSE)
                {               /* Do only if not global. */

                    for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)

                            temp_delay_cost =
                                comp_td_point_to_point_delay(inet, ipin);
                            temp_timing_cost =
                                temp_delay_cost *

                            loc_connection_delay_sum += temp_delay_cost;
                            point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] = -1;    /*undefined */

                            point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] = -1;   /*undefined */
                            loc_timing_cost += temp_timing_cost;
    *timing_cost = loc_timing_cost;
    *connection_delay_sum = loc_connection_delay_sum;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float comp_td_point_to_point_delay ( int  inet,
int  ipin 
) [static]

Definition at line 1948 of file place.c.

    int source_block, sink_block;
    int delta_x, delta_y;
    t_type_ptr source_type, sink_type;
    float delay_source_to_sink;

    delay_source_to_sink = 0.;

    source_block = clb_net[inet].node_block[0];
    source_type = block[source_block].type;

    sink_block = clb_net[inet].node_block[ipin];
    sink_type = block[sink_block].type;

    assert(source_type != NULL);
    assert(sink_type != NULL);

    delta_x = abs(block[sink_block].x - block[source_block].x);
    delta_y = abs(block[sink_block].y - block[source_block].y);

    /* TODO low priority: Could be merged into one look-up table */
    /* Note: This heuristic is terrible on Quality of Results.  
     * A much better heuristic is to create a more comprehensive lookup table but
     * it's too late in the release cycle to do this.  Pushing until the next release */
    if(source_type == IO_TYPE)
            if(sink_type == IO_TYPE)
                delay_source_to_sink = delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y];
                delay_source_to_sink = delta_io_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y];
            if(sink_type == IO_TYPE)
                delay_source_to_sink = delta_clb_to_io[delta_x][delta_y];
                delay_source_to_sink = delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y];
    if(delay_source_to_sink < 0)
                ("Error in comp_td_point_to_point_delay in place.c, bad delay_source_to_sink value\n");

    if(delay_source_to_sink < 0.)
                ("Error in comp_td_point_to_point_delay in place.c, delay is less than 0\n");

    return (delay_source_to_sink);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void compute_net_pin_index_values ( ) [static]

computes net_pin_index array, this array allows us to quickly find what pin on the net a block pin corresponds to

Definition at line 983 of file place.c.

    int inet, netpin, blk, iblk, ipin;
    t_type_ptr type;

    /*initialize values to OPEN */
    for(iblk = 0; iblk < num_blocks; iblk++)
            type = block[iblk].type;
            for(ipin = 0; ipin < type->num_pins; ipin++)
                    net_pin_index[iblk][ipin] = OPEN;

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)


            for(netpin = 0; netpin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; netpin++)
                    blk = clb_net[inet].node_block[netpin];
                    net_pin_index[blk][clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[netpin]] =

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int count_connections ( ) [static]

only count non-global connections

Definition at line 962 of file place.c.


    int count, inet;

    count = 0;

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)


            count += clb_net[inet].num_sinks;
    return (count);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int exit_crit ( float  t,
float  cost,
struct s_annealing_sched  annealing_sched 
) [static]

Return 1 when the exit criterion is met.

Definition at line 1115 of file place.c.

    if(annealing_sched.type == USER_SCHED)
            if(t < annealing_sched.exit_t)
                    return (1);
                    return (0);

    /* Automatic annealing schedule */

    if(t < 0.005 * cost / num_nets)
            return (1);
            return (0);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int find_affected_nets ( int *  nets_to_update,
int *  net_block_moved,
int  b_from,
int  b_to,
int  num_of_pins 
) [static]

Definition at line 1573 of file place.c.


    int k, inet, affected_index, count;

    affected_index = 0;

    for(k = 0; k < num_of_pins; k++)
            inet = block[b_from].nets[k];

            if(inet == OPEN)


            /* This is here in case the same block connects to a net twice. */

            if(temp_net_cost[inet] > 0.)

            nets_to_update[affected_index] = inet;
            net_block_moved[affected_index] = FROM;
            temp_net_cost[inet] = 1.;   /* Flag to say we've marked this net. */

    if(b_to != EMPTY)
            for(k = 0; k < num_of_pins; k++)
                    inet = block[b_to].nets[k];

                    if(inet == OPEN)


                    if(temp_net_cost[inet] > 0.)
                        {       /* Net already marked. */
                            for(count = 0; count < affected_index; count++)
                                    if(nets_to_update[count] == inet)
                                            if(net_block_moved[count] == FROM)
                                                net_block_moved[count] =

#ifdef DEBUG
                            if(count > affected_index)
                                        ("Error in find_affected_nets -- count = %d,"
                                         " affected index = %d.\n", count,

                        {       /* Net not marked yet. */

                            nets_to_update[affected_index] = inet;
                            net_block_moved[affected_index] = TO;
                            temp_net_cost[inet] = 1.;   /* Flag means we've  marked net. */

    return (affected_index);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static boolean find_to ( int  x_from,
int  y_from,
t_type_ptr  type,
float  rlim,
int *  x_lookup,
int *  x_to,
int *  y_to 
) [static]

Returns the point to which I want to swap, properly range limited. rlim must always be between 1 and nx (inclusive) for this routine to work. Assumes that a column only contains blocks of the same type.

Definition at line 1662 of file place.c.


    int x_rel, y_rel, iside, iplace, rlx, rly, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
    int num_col_same_type, i, j;

    rlx = min(nx, rlim);        /* Only needed when nx < ny. */
    rly = min(ny, rlim);        /* Added rly for aspect_ratio != 1 case. */

    min_x = max(1, x_from - rlx);
    max_x = min(nx, x_from + rlx);
    min_y = max(1, y_from - rly);
    max_y = min(ny, y_from + rly);

    num_col_same_type = 0;
    j = 0;
    if(type != IO_TYPE)
            for(i = min_x; i <= max_x; i++)
                    if(grid[i][1].type == type)
                            x_lookup[j] = i;
            assert(num_col_same_type != 0);
            if(num_col_same_type == 1 &&
               ((((max_y - min_y) / type->height) - 1) <= 0
                || type->height > (ny / 2)))
                return FALSE;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if(rlx < 1 || rlx > nx)
            printf("Error in find_to: rlx = %d\n", rlx);

        {                       /* Until (x_to, y_to) different from (x_from, y_from) */
            if(type == IO_TYPE)
                {               /* io_block to be moved. */
                    if(rlx >= nx)
                            iside = my_irand(3);
                            /*                              *
                             *       +-----1----+           *
                             *       |          |           *
                             *       |          |           *
                             *       0          2           *
                             *       |          |           *
                             *       |          |           *
                             *       +-----3----+           *
                             *                              */
                            switch (iside)
                                case 0:
                                    iplace = my_irand(ny - 1) + 1;
                                    *x_to = 0;
                                    *y_to = iplace;
                                case 1:
                                    iplace = my_irand(nx - 1) + 1;
                                    *x_to = iplace;
                                    *y_to = ny + 1;
                                case 2:
                                    iplace = my_irand(ny - 1) + 1;
                                    *x_to = nx + 1;
                                    *y_to = iplace;
                                case 3:
                                    iplace = my_irand(nx - 1) + 1;
                                    *x_to = iplace;
                                    *y_to = 0;
                                        ("Error in find_to.  Unexpected io swap location.\n");
                        {       /* rlx is less than whole chip */
                            if(x_from == 0)
                                    iplace = my_irand(2 * rly);
                                    *y_to = y_from - rly + iplace;
                                    *x_to = x_from;
                                    if(*y_to > ny)
                                            *y_to = ny + 1;
                                            *x_to = my_irand(rlx - 1) + 1;
                                    else if(*y_to < 1)
                                            *y_to = 0;
                                            *x_to = my_irand(rlx - 1) + 1;
                            else if(x_from == nx + 1)
                                    iplace = my_irand(2 * rly);
                                    *y_to = y_from - rly + iplace;
                                    *x_to = x_from;
                                    if(*y_to > ny)
                                            *y_to = ny + 1;
                                            *x_to = nx - my_irand(rlx - 1);
                                    else if(*y_to < 1)
                                            *y_to = 0;
                                            *x_to = nx - my_irand(rlx - 1);
                            else if(y_from == 0)
                                    iplace = my_irand(2 * rlx);
                                    *x_to = x_from - rlx + iplace;
                                    *y_to = y_from;
                                    if(*x_to > nx)
                                            *x_to = nx + 1;
                                            *y_to = my_irand(rly - 1) + 1;
                                    else if(*x_to < 1)
                                            *x_to = 0;
                                            *y_to = my_irand(rly - 1) + 1;
                                {       /* *y_from == ny + 1 */
                                    iplace = my_irand(2 * rlx);
                                    *x_to = x_from - rlx + iplace;
                                    *y_to = y_from;
                                    if(*x_to > nx)
                                            *x_to = nx + 1;
                                            *y_to = ny - my_irand(rly - 1);
                                    else if(*x_to < 1)
                                            *x_to = 0;
                                            *y_to = ny - my_irand(rly - 1);
                        }       /* End rlx if */
                }               /* end type if */
                        if(nx == 1 && ny == 1) {
                                return FALSE;
                    x_rel = my_irand(num_col_same_type - 1);
                    y_rel =
                                 (0, ((max_y - min_y) / type->height) - 1));
                    *x_to = x_lookup[x_rel];
                    *y_to = min_y + y_rel * type->height;
                    *y_to = (*y_to) - grid[*x_to][*y_to].offset;        /* align it */
                    assert(*x_to >= 1 && *x_to <= nx);
                    assert(*y_to >= 1 && *y_to <= ny);                  
    while((x_from == *x_to) && (y_from == *y_to));

#ifdef DEBUG
    if(*x_to < 0 || *x_to > nx + 1 || *y_to < 0 || *y_to > ny + 1)
            printf("Error in routine find_to:  (x_to,y_to) = (%d,%d)\n",
                   *x_to, *y_to);
    assert(type == grid[*x_to][*y_to].type);
    return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void free_fast_cost_update_structs ( void  ) [static]

Frees the structures used to speed up evaluation of the nonlinear congestion cost function.

Definition at line 3560 of file place.c.


    int i;

    for(i = 0; i <= ny; i++)


    for(i = 0; i <= nx; i++)


Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void free_place_regions ( int  num_regions) [static]

Frees the place_regions data structures needed by the NONLINEAR_CONG cost function.

Definition at line 2602 of file place.c.


    free_matrix(place_region_x, 0, num_regions - 1, 0, sizeof(struct

    free_matrix(place_region_y, 0, num_regions - 1, 0, sizeof(struct


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void free_placement_structs ( int  place_cost_type,
int  num_regions,
float **  old_region_occ_x,
float **  old_region_occ_y,
struct s_placer_opts  placer_opts 
) [static]

Frees the major structures needed by the placer (and not needed elsewhere).

Definition at line 2620 of file place.c.

    int inet;

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
            for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
                    /*add one to the address since it is indexed from 1 not 0 */






            free_matrix(net_pin_index, 0, num_blocks - 1, 0, sizeof(int));


    net_cost = NULL;            /* Defensive coding. */
    temp_net_cost = NULL;
    bb_num_on_edges = NULL;
    bb_coords = NULL;

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            free_matrix(old_region_occ_x, 0, num_regions - 1, 0,
            free_matrix(old_region_occ_y, 0, num_regions - 1, 0,

    else if(place_cost_type == LINEAR_CONG)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void get_bb_from_scratch ( int  inet,
struct s_bb coords,
struct s_bb num_on_edges 
) [static]

This routine finds the bounding box of each net from scratch (i.e. from only the block location information). It updates both the coordinate and number of blocks on each edge information. It should only be called when the bounding box information is not valid.

Definition at line 2953 of file place.c.


    int ipin, bnum, x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    int xmin_edge, xmax_edge, ymin_edge, ymax_edge;
    int n_pins;

    n_pins = clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1;

    x = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].x;
        y = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].y + block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].type->pin_height[clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[0]];

    x = max(min(x, nx), 1);
    y = max(min(y, ny), 1);

    xmin = x;
    ymin = y;
    xmax = x;
    ymax = y;
    xmin_edge = 1;
    ymin_edge = 1;
    xmax_edge = 1;
    ymax_edge = 1;

    for(ipin = 1; ipin < n_pins; ipin++)
            bnum = clb_net[inet].node_block[ipin];
            x = block[bnum].x;
            y = block[bnum].y + block[clb_net[inet].node_block[ipin]].type->pin_height[clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[ipin]];

            /* Code below counts IO blocks as being within the 1..nx, 1..ny clb array. *
             * This is because channels do not go out of the 0..nx, 0..ny range, and   *
             * I always take all channels impinging on the bounding box to be within   *
             * that bounding box.  Hence, this "movement" of IO blocks does not affect *
             * the which channels are included within the bounding box, and it         *
             * simplifies the code a lot.                                              */

            x = max(min(x, nx), 1);
            y = max(min(y, ny), 1);

            if(x == xmin)
            if(x == xmax)
                {               /* Recall that xmin could equal xmax -- don't use else */
            else if(x < xmin)
                    xmin = x;
                    xmin_edge = 1;
            else if(x > xmax)
                    xmax = x;
                    xmax_edge = 1;

            if(y == ymin)
            if(y == ymax)
            else if(y < ymin)
                    ymin = y;
                    ymin_edge = 1;
            else if(y > ymax)
                    ymax = y;
                    ymax_edge = 1;

    /* Copy the coordinates and number on edges information into the proper   *
     * structures.                                                            */

    coords->xmin = xmin;
    coords->xmax = xmax;
    coords->ymin = ymin;
    coords->ymax = ymax;

    num_on_edges->xmin = xmin_edge;
    num_on_edges->xmax = xmax_edge;
    num_on_edges->ymin = ymin_edge;
    num_on_edges->ymax = ymax_edge;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float get_net_cost ( int  inet,
struct s_bb bbptr 
) [static]

Finds the cost due to one net by looking at its coordinate bounding box.

Definition at line 3096 of file place.c.


    float ncost, crossing;

    /* Get the expected "crossing count" of a net, based on its number *
     * of pins.  Extrapolate for very large nets.                      */

    if((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) > 50)
            crossing = 2.7933 + 0.02616 * ((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) - 50);
            /*    crossing = 3.0;    Old value  */
            crossing = cross_count[(clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) - 1];

    /* Could insert a check for xmin == xmax.  In that case, assume  *
     * connection will be made with no bends and hence no x-cost.    *
     * Same thing for y-cost.                                        */

    /* Cost = wire length along channel * cross_count / average      *
     * channel capacity.   Do this for x, then y direction and add.  */

    ncost = (bbptr->xmax - bbptr->xmin + 1) * crossing *
        chanx_place_cost_fac[bbptr->ymax][bbptr->ymin - 1];

    ncost += (bbptr->ymax - bbptr->ymin + 1) * crossing *
        chany_place_cost_fac[bbptr->xmax][bbptr->xmin - 1];

    return (ncost);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static double get_net_wirelength_estimate ( int  inet,
struct s_bb bbptr 
) [static]

WMF: Finds the estimate of wirelength due to one net by looking at its coordinate bounding box.

Definition at line 3053 of file place.c.


    double ncost, crossing;

    /* Get the expected "crossing count" of a net, based on its number *
     * of pins.  Extrapolate for very large nets.                      */

    if(((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) > 50) && ((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) < 85))
            crossing = 2.7933 + 0.02616 * ((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) - 50);
    else if((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) >= 85)
            crossing =
                2.7933 + 0.011 * (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) -
                0.0000018 * (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) * (clb_net[inet].num_sinks +
            crossing = cross_count[(clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) - 1];

    /* Could insert a check for xmin == xmax.  In that case, assume  *
     * connection will be made with no bends and hence no x-cost.    *
     * Same thing for y-cost.                                        */

    /* Cost = wire length along channel * cross_count / average      *
     * channel capacity.   Do this for x, then y direction and add.  */

    ncost = (bbptr->xmax - bbptr->xmin + 1) * crossing;

    ncost += (bbptr->ymax - bbptr->ymin + 1) * crossing;

    return (ncost);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void get_non_updateable_bb ( int  inet,
struct s_bb bb_coord_new 
) [static]

Finds the bounding box of a net and stores its coordinates in the bb_coord_new data structure. This routine should only be called for small nets, since it does not determine enough information for the bounding box to be updated incrementally later. Currently assumes channels on both sides of the CLBs forming the edges of the bounding box can be used. Essentially, I am assuming the pins always lie on the outside of the bounding box.

Definition at line 3140 of file place.c.


    int k, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin, x, y;

    x = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].x;
        y = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].y + block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].type->pin_height[clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[0]];

    xmin = x;
    ymin = y;
    xmax = x;
    ymax = y;

    for(k = 1; k < (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1); k++)
            x = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[k]].x;
            y = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[k]].y + block[clb_net[inet].node_block[k]].type->pin_height[clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[k]];

            if(x < xmin)
                    xmin = x;
            else if(x > xmax)
                    xmax = x;

            if(y < ymin)
                    ymin = y;
            else if(y > ymax)
                    ymax = y;

    /* Now I've found the coordinates of the bounding box.  There are no *
     * channels beyond nx and ny, so I want to clip to that.  As well,   *
     * since I'll always include the channel immediately below and the   *
     * channel immediately to the left of the bounding box, I want to    *
     * clip to 1 in both directions as well (since minimum channel index *
     * is 0).  See route.c for a channel diagram.                        */

    bb_coord_new->xmin = max(min(xmin, nx), 1);
    bb_coord_new->ymin = max(min(ymin, ny), 1);
    bb_coord_new->xmax = max(min(xmax, nx), 1);
    bb_coord_new->ymax = max(min(ymax, ny), 1);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static double get_std_dev ( int  n,
double  sum_x_squared,
double  av_x 
) [static]

Returns the standard deviation of data set x. There are n sample points, sum_x_squared is the summation over n of x^2 and av_x is the average x. All operations are done in double precision, since round off error can be a problem in the initial temp. std_dev calculation for big circuits.

Definition at line 1020 of file place.c.


    double std_dev;

    if(n <= 1)
        std_dev = 0.;
        std_dev = (sum_x_squared - n * av_x * av_x) / (double)(n - 1);

    if(std_dev > 0.)            /* Very small variances sometimes round negative */
        std_dev = sqrt(std_dev);
        std_dev = 0.;

    return (std_dev);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void initial_placement ( enum e_pad_loc_type  pad_loc_type,
char *  pad_loc_file 
) [static]

Randomly places the blocks to create an initial placement.

Definition at line 3436 of file place.c.


    struct s_pos
        int x;
        int y;
        int z;
    **pos;                      /* [0..num_types-1][0..type_tsize - 1] */
    int i, j, k, iblk, choice, type_index, x, y, z;
    int *count, *index;         /* [0..num_types-1] */

    pos = (struct s_pos **)my_malloc(num_types * sizeof(struct s_pos *));
    count = (int *)my_calloc(num_types, sizeof(int));
    index = (int *)my_calloc(num_types, sizeof(int));

    /* Initialize all occupancy to zero. */

    for(i = 0; i <= nx + 1; i++)
            for(j = 0; j <= ny + 1; j++)
                    grid[i][j].usage = 0;
                    for(k = 0; k < grid[i][j].type->capacity; k++)
                            grid[i][j].blocks[k] = EMPTY;
                            if(grid[i][j].offset == 0)

    for(i = 0; i < num_types; i++)
            pos[i] =
                (struct s_pos *)my_malloc(count[i] * sizeof(struct s_pos));

    for(i = 0; i <= nx + 1; i++)
            for(j = 0; j <= ny + 1; j++)
                    for(k = 0; k < grid[i][j].type->capacity; k++)
                            if(grid[i][j].offset == 0)
                                    type_index = grid[i][j].type->index;
                                    pos[type_index][index[type_index]].x = i;
                                    pos[type_index][index[type_index]].y = j;
                                    pos[type_index][index[type_index]].z = k;

    for(iblk = 0; iblk < num_blocks; iblk++)
            /* Don't do IOs if the user specifies IOs */
            if(!(block[iblk].type == IO_TYPE && pad_loc_type == USER))
                    type_index = block[iblk].type->index;
                    assert(count[type_index] > 0);
                    choice = my_irand(count[type_index] - 1);
                    x = pos[type_index][choice].x;
                    y = pos[type_index][choice].y;
                    z = pos[type_index][choice].z;
                    grid[x][y].blocks[z] = iblk;

                    /* Ensure randomizer doesn't pick this block again */
                    pos[type_index][choice] = pos[type_index][count[type_index] - 1];   /* overwrite used block position */

    if(pad_loc_type == USER)

    /* All the blocks are placed now.  Make the block array agree with the    *
     * clb array.                                                             */

    for(i = 0; i <= (nx + 1); i++)
            for(j = 0; j <= (ny + 1); j++)
                    for(k = 0; k < grid[i][j].type->capacity; k++)
                            assert(grid[i][j].blocks != NULL);
                            iblk = grid[i][j].blocks[k];

                            if(iblk != EMPTY)
                                    block[iblk].x = i;
                                    block[iblk].y = j;
                                    block[iblk].z = k;

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("At end of initial_placement.\n");
    for(i = 0; i < num_types; i++)
    free(pos);                  /* Free the mapping list */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void load_place_regions ( int  num_regions) [static]

Loads the capacity values in each direction for each of the placement regions. The chip is divided into a num_regions x num_regions array.

Definition at line 2832 of file place.c.


    int i, j, low_block, high_block, rnum;
    float low_lim, high_lim, capacity, fac, block_capacity;
    float len_fac, height_fac;

    /* First load up horizontal channel capacities.  */

    for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
            capacity = 0.;
            low_lim = (float)j / (float)num_regions *ny + 1.;
            high_lim = (float)(j + 1) / (float)num_regions *ny;

            low_block = floor(low_lim);
            low_block = max(1, low_block);      /* Watch for weird roundoff effects. */
            high_block = ceil(high_lim);
            high_block = min(high_block, ny);

            block_capacity = (chan_width_x[low_block - 1] +
                              chan_width_x[low_block]) / 2.;
            if(low_block == 1)
                block_capacity += chan_width_x[0] / 2.;

            fac = 1. - (low_lim - low_block);
            capacity += fac * block_capacity;

            for(rnum = low_block + 1; rnum < high_block; rnum++)
                    block_capacity =
                        (chan_width_x[rnum - 1] + chan_width_x[rnum]) / 2.;
                    capacity += block_capacity;

            block_capacity = (chan_width_x[high_block - 1] +
                              chan_width_x[high_block]) / 2.;
            if(high_block == ny)
                block_capacity += chan_width_x[ny] / 2.;

            fac = 1. - (high_block - high_lim);
            capacity += fac * block_capacity;

            for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
                    place_region_x[i][j].capacity = capacity;
                    place_region_x[i][j].inv_capacity = 1. / capacity;
                    place_region_x[i][j].occupancy = 0.;
                    place_region_x[i][j].cost = 0.;

    /* Now load vertical channel capacities.  */

    for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
            capacity = 0.;
            low_lim = (float)i / (float)num_regions *nx + 1.;
            high_lim = (float)(i + 1) / (float)num_regions *nx;

            low_block = floor(low_lim);
            low_block = max(1, low_block);      /* Watch for weird roundoff effects. */
            high_block = ceil(high_lim);
            high_block = min(high_block, nx);

            block_capacity = (chan_width_y[low_block - 1] +
                              chan_width_y[low_block]) / 2.;
            if(low_block == 1)
                block_capacity += chan_width_y[0] / 2.;

            fac = 1. - (low_lim - low_block);
            capacity += fac * block_capacity;

            for(rnum = low_block + 1; rnum < high_block; rnum++)
                    block_capacity =
                        (chan_width_y[rnum - 1] + chan_width_y[rnum]) / 2.;
                    capacity += block_capacity;

            block_capacity = (chan_width_y[high_block - 1] +
                              chan_width_y[high_block]) / 2.;
            if(high_block == nx)
                block_capacity += chan_width_y[nx] / 2.;

            fac = 1. - (high_block - high_lim);
            capacity += fac * block_capacity;

            for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
                    place_region_y[i][j].capacity = capacity;
                    place_region_y[i][j].inv_capacity = 1. / capacity;
                    place_region_y[i][j].occupancy = 0.;
                    place_region_y[i][j].cost = 0.;

    /* Finally set up the arrays indicating the limits of each of the *
     * placement subregions.                                          */

    len_fac = (float)nx / (float)num_regions;
    height_fac = (float)ny / (float)num_regions;

    place_region_bounds_x[0] = 0.5;
    place_region_bounds_y[0] = 0.5;

    for(i = 1; i <= num_regions; i++)
            place_region_bounds_x[i] = place_region_bounds_x[i - 1] + len_fac;
            place_region_bounds_y[i] =
                place_region_bounds_y[i - 1] + height_fac;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float nonlinear_cong_cost ( int  num_regions) [static]

This routine computes the cost of a placement when the NONLINEAR_CONG option is selected. It assumes that the occupancies of all the placement subregions have been properly updated, and simply computes the cost due to these occupancies by summing over all subregions. This will be inefficient for moves that don't affect many subregions (i.e. small moves late in placement), esp. when there are a lot of subregions. May recode later to update only affected subregions.

Definition at line 2438 of file place.c.


    float cost, tmp;
    int i, j;

    cost = 0.;

    for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)

                    /* Many different cost metrics possible.  1st try:  */

                    if(place_region_x[i][j].occupancy <
                            cost += place_region_x[i][j].occupancy *
                        {       /* Overused region -- penalize. */

                            tmp = place_region_x[i][j].occupancy *
                            cost += tmp * tmp;

                    if(place_region_y[i][j].occupancy <
                            cost += place_region_y[i][j].occupancy *
                        {       /* Overused region -- penalize. */

                            tmp = place_region_y[i][j].occupancy *
                            cost += tmp * tmp;


    return (cost);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float recompute_bb_cost ( int  place_cost_type,
int  num_regions 
) [static]

Recomputes the cost to eliminate roundoff that may have accrued. This routine does as little work as possible to compute this new cost.

Definition at line 1894 of file place.c.


    int i, j, inet;
    float cost;

    cost = 0;

    /* Initialize occupancies to zero if regions are being used. */

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
                    for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
                            place_region_x[i][j].occupancy = 0.;
                            place_region_y[i][j].occupancy = 0.;

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
        {                       /* for each net ... */

            if(clb_net[inet].is_global == FALSE)
                {               /* Do only if not global. */

                    /* Bounding boxes don't have to be recomputed; they're correct. */

                    if(place_cost_type != NONLINEAR_CONG)
                            cost += net_cost[inet];
                        {       /* Must be nonlinear_cong case. */
                            update_region_occ(inet, &bb_coords[inet], 1,

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            cost = nonlinear_cong_cost(num_regions);

    return (cost);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void restore_region_occ ( float **  old_region_occ_x,
float **  old_region_occ_y,
int  num_regions 
) [static]

Restores the old occupancies of the placement subregions when the current move is not accepted. Used only for NONLINEAR_CONG.

Definition at line 1549 of file place.c.


    int i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
                    place_region_x[i][j].occupancy = old_region_occ_x[i][j];
                    place_region_y[i][j].occupancy = old_region_occ_y[i][j];

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void save_region_occ ( float **  old_region_occ_x,
float **  old_region_occ_y,
int  num_regions 
) [static]

Saves the old occupancies of the placement subregions in case the current move is not accepted. Used only for NONLINEAR_CONG.

Definition at line 1528 of file place.c.

    int i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < num_regions; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < num_regions; j++)
                    old_region_occ_x[i][j] = place_region_x[i][j].occupancy;
                    old_region_occ_y[i][j] = place_region_y[i][j].occupancy;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static float starting_t ( float *  cost_ptr,
float *  bb_cost_ptr,
float *  timing_cost_ptr,
int  place_cost_type,
float **  old_region_occ_x,
float **  old_region_occ_y,
int  num_regions,
boolean  fixed_pins,
struct s_annealing_sched  annealing_sched,
int  max_moves,
float  rlim,
enum e_place_algorithm  place_algorithm,
float  timing_tradeoff,
float  inverse_prev_bb_cost,
float  inverse_prev_timing_cost,
float *  delay_cost_ptr 
) [static]

Finds the starting temperature (hot condition).

Definition at line 1146 of file place.c.

    int i, num_accepted, move_lim;
    double std_dev, av, sum_of_squares; /* Double important to avoid round off */
    int *x_lookup;

    x_lookup = (int *)my_malloc(nx * sizeof(int));

    if(annealing_sched.type == USER_SCHED)
        return (annealing_sched.init_t);

    move_lim = min(max_moves, num_blocks);

    num_accepted = 0;
    av = 0.;
    sum_of_squares = 0.;

    /* Try one move per block.  Set t high so essentially all accepted. */

    for(i = 0; i < move_lim; i++)
            if(try_swap(1.e30, cost_ptr, bb_cost_ptr, timing_cost_ptr, rlim,
                        old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y, num_regions,
                        fixed_pins, place_algorithm, timing_tradeoff,
                        inverse_prev_bb_cost, inverse_prev_timing_cost,
                        delay_cost_ptr, x_lookup) == 1)
                    av += *cost_ptr;
                    sum_of_squares += *cost_ptr * (*cost_ptr);

    if(num_accepted != 0)
        av /= num_accepted;
        av = 0.;

    std_dev = get_std_dev(num_accepted, sum_of_squares, av);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if(num_accepted != move_lim)
                ("Warning:  Starting t: %d of %d configurations accepted.\n",
                 num_accepted, move_lim);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("std_dev: %g, average cost: %g, starting temp: %g\n",
           std_dev, av, 20. * std_dev);


    /* Set the initial temperature to 20 times the standard of deviation */
    /* so that the initial temperature adjusts according to the circuit */
    return (20. * std_dev);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void try_place ( struct s_placer_opts  placer_opts,
struct s_annealing_sched  annealing_sched,
t_chan_width_dist  chan_width_dist,
struct s_router_opts  router_opts,
struct s_det_routing_arch  det_routing_arch,
t_segment_inf segment_inf,
t_timing_inf  timing_inf,
t_mst_edge ***  mst 

Does almost all the work of placing a circuit. Width_fac gives the width of the widest channel. Place_cost_exp says what exponent the width should be taken to when calculating costs. This allows a greater bias for anisotropic architectures. Place_cost_type determines which cost function is used. num_regions is used only the place_cost_type is NONLINEAR_CONG.

Definition at line 291 of file place.c.

    int tot_iter, inner_iter, success_sum;
    int move_lim, moves_since_cost_recompute, width_fac;
    float t, success_rat, rlim, d_max, est_crit;
    float cost, timing_cost, bb_cost, new_bb_cost, new_timing_cost;
    float delay_cost, new_delay_cost, place_delay_value;
    float inverse_prev_bb_cost, inverse_prev_timing_cost;
    float oldt;
    double av_cost, av_bb_cost, av_timing_cost, av_delay_cost,
        sum_of_squares, std_dev;
    float **old_region_occ_x, **old_region_occ_y;
    char msg[BUFSIZE];
    boolean fixed_pins;         /* Can pads move or not? */
    int num_connections;
    int inet, ipin, outer_crit_iter_count, inner_crit_iter_count,
    float **net_slack, **net_delay;
    float crit_exponent;
    float first_rlim, final_rlim, inverse_delta_rlim;
    float **remember_net_delay_original_ptr;    /*used to free net_delay if it is re-assigned */

    int *x_lookup;              /* Used to quickly determine valid swap columns */

    /* Allocated here because it goes into timing critical code where each memory allocation is expensive */
    x_lookup = my_malloc(nx * sizeof(int));
        net_delay = net_slack = NULL;

    remember_net_delay_original_ptr = NULL;     /*prevents compiler warning */

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
            /*do this before the initial placement to avoid messing up the initial placement */
                                            &net_delay, &net_slack);

            remember_net_delay_original_ptr = net_delay;

            /*#define PRINT_LOWER_BOUND */
            /*print the crit_path, assuming delay between blocks that are*
             *block_dist apart*/

            if(placer_opts.block_dist <= nx)
                place_delay_value =
            else if(placer_opts.block_dist <= ny)
                place_delay_value =
                place_delay_value = delta_clb_to_clb[nx][ny];

            printf("\nLower bound assuming delay of %g\n", place_delay_value);

            load_constant_net_delay(net_delay, place_delay_value);
            d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);

#endif /* CREATE_ECHO_FILES */

            /*also print sink delays assuming 0 delay between blocks, 
             * this tells us how much logic delay is on each path */

            load_constant_net_delay(net_delay, 0);
            d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);

#endif /* CREATE_ECHO_FILES */


    width_fac = placer_opts.place_chan_width;
    if(placer_opts.pad_loc_type == FREE)
        fixed_pins = FALSE;
        fixed_pins = TRUE;

    init_chan(width_fac, chan_width_dist);

                                     &old_region_occ_x, &old_region_occ_y,

    initial_placement(placer_opts.pad_loc_type, placer_opts.pad_loc_file);

    /* Storing the number of pins on each type of block makes the swap routine *
     * slightly more efficient.                                                */

    /* Gets initial cost and loads bounding boxes. */

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
            bb_cost = comp_bb_cost(NORMAL, placer_opts.place_cost_type,

            crit_exponent = placer_opts.td_place_exp_first;     /*this will be modified when rlim starts to change */


            num_connections = count_connections();
                ("\nThere are %d point to point connections in this circuit\n\n",

            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
                        for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)
                            timing_place_crit[inet][ipin] = 0;  /*dummy crit values */

                    comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);   /*first pass gets delay_cost, which is used 
                                                                 * in criticality computations in the next call
                                                                 * to comp_td_costs. */
                    place_delay_value = delay_cost / num_connections;   /*used for computing criticalities */
                    load_constant_net_delay(net_delay, place_delay_value, clb_net, num_nets);

                place_delay_value = 0;

            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                    net_delay = point_to_point_delay_cost;      /*this keeps net_delay up to date with      *
                                                                 * *the same values that the placer is using  *
                                                                 * *point_to_point_delay_cost is computed each*
                                                                 * *time that comp_td_costs is called, and is *
                                                                 * *also updated after any swap is accepted   */

            d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
            load_criticalities(placer_opts, net_slack, d_max, crit_exponent);
            outer_crit_iter_count = 1;

            /*now we can properly compute costs  */
            comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);   /*also puts proper values into point_to_point_delay_cost */

            inverse_prev_timing_cost = 1 / timing_cost;
            inverse_prev_bb_cost = 1 / bb_cost;
            cost = 1;           /*our new cost function uses normalized values of           */
            /*bb_cost and timing_cost, the value of cost will be reset  */
            /*to 1 at each temperature when *_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE is true */
        {                       /*BOUNDING_BOX_PLACE */
            cost = bb_cost = comp_bb_cost(NORMAL, placer_opts.place_cost_type,
            timing_cost = 0;
            delay_cost = 0;
            place_delay_value = 0;
            outer_crit_iter_count = 0;
            num_connections = 0;
            d_max = 0;
            crit_exponent = 0;

            inverse_prev_timing_cost = 0;       /*inverses not used */
            inverse_prev_bb_cost = 0;

    move_lim = (int)(annealing_sched.inner_num * pow(num_blocks, 1.3333));

    if(placer_opts.inner_loop_recompute_divider != 0)
        inner_recompute_limit = (int)(0.5 + (float)move_lim /
    else                        /*don't do an inner recompute */
        inner_recompute_limit = move_lim + 1;

    /* Sometimes I want to run the router with a random placement.  Avoid *
     * using 0 moves to stop division by 0 and 0 length vector problems,  *
     * by setting move_lim to 1 (which is still too small to do any       *
     * significant optimization).                                         */

    if(move_lim <= 0)
        move_lim = 1;

    rlim = (float)max(nx, ny);

    first_rlim = rlim;          /*used in timing-driven placement for exponent computation */
    final_rlim = 1;
    inverse_delta_rlim = 1 / (first_rlim - final_rlim);

    t = starting_t(&cost, &bb_cost, &timing_cost,
                   old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y,
                   placer_opts.num_regions, fixed_pins, annealing_sched,
                   move_lim, rlim, placer_opts.place_algorithm,
                   placer_opts.timing_tradeoff, inverse_prev_bb_cost,
                   inverse_prev_timing_cost, &delay_cost);
    tot_iter = 0;
    moves_since_cost_recompute = 0;
        ("Initial Placement Cost: %g bb_cost: %g td_cost: %g delay_cost: %g\n\n",
         cost, bb_cost, timing_cost, delay_cost);

#ifndef SPEC
        ("%11s  %10s %11s  %11s  %11s %11s  %11s %9s %8s  %7s  %7s  %10s  %7s\n",
         "T", "Cost", "Av. BB Cost", "Av. TD Cost", "Av Tot Del",
         "P to P Del", "d_max", "Ac Rate", "Std Dev", "R limit", "Exp",
         "Tot. Moves", "Alpha");
        ("%11s  %10s %11s  %11s  %11s %11s  %11s %9s %8s  %7s  %7s  %10s  %7s\n",
         "--------", "----------", "-----------", "-----------",
         "---------", "----------", "-----", "-------", "-------",
         "-------", "-------", "----------", "-----");

            "Initial Placement.  Cost: %g  BB Cost: %g  TD Cost %g  Delay Cost: %g "
            "\t d_max %g Channel Factor: %d", cost, bb_cost, timing_cost,
            delay_cost, d_max, width_fac);
    update_screen(MAJOR, msg, PLACEMENT, FALSE);

    while(exit_crit(t, cost, annealing_sched) == 0)

            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
               placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                    cost = 1;

            av_cost = 0.;
            av_bb_cost = 0.;
            av_delay_cost = 0.;
            av_timing_cost = 0.;
            sum_of_squares = 0.;
            success_sum = 0;

            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
               placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)

                    if(outer_crit_iter_count >=
                       || placer_opts.inner_loop_recompute_divider != 0)
#ifdef VERBOSE
                            printf("Outer Loop Recompute Criticalities\n");
                            place_delay_value = delay_cost / num_connections;

                            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm ==
                                                        place_delay_value, clb_net, num_nets);
                            /*note, for path_based, the net delay is not updated since it is current,
                             *because it accesses point_to_point_delay array */

                            d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
                            load_criticalities(placer_opts, net_slack, d_max,
                            /*recompute costs from scratch, based on new criticalities */
                            comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);
                            outer_crit_iter_count = 0;

                    /*at each temperature change we update these values to be used     */
                    /*for normalizing the tradeoff between timing and wirelength (bb)  */
                    inverse_prev_bb_cost = 1 / bb_cost;
                    inverse_prev_timing_cost = 1 / timing_cost;

            inner_crit_iter_count = 1;

            for(inner_iter = 0; inner_iter < move_lim; inner_iter++)
                    if(try_swap(t, &cost, &bb_cost, &timing_cost,
                                rlim, placer_opts.place_cost_type,
                                old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y,
                                placer_opts.num_regions, fixed_pins,
                                inverse_prev_timing_cost, &delay_cost,
                                x_lookup) == 1)
                            av_cost += cost;
                            av_bb_cost += bb_cost;
                            av_timing_cost += timing_cost;
                            av_delay_cost += delay_cost;
                            sum_of_squares += cost * cost;

                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE
                       || placer_opts.place_algorithm ==

                            if(inner_crit_iter_count >= inner_recompute_limit
                               && inner_iter != move_lim - 1)
                                {       /*on last iteration don't recompute */

                                    inner_crit_iter_count = 0;
#ifdef VERBOSE
                                        ("Inner Loop Recompute Criticalities\n");
                                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm ==
                                            place_delay_value =
                                                delay_cost / num_connections;
                                                                    place_delay_value, clb_net, num_nets);

                                    d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
                                    load_criticalities(placer_opts, net_slack,
                                                       d_max, crit_exponent);
                                    comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);
#ifdef VERBOSE
                        ("t = %g  cost = %g   bb_cost = %g timing_cost = %g move = %d dmax = %g\n",
                         t, cost, bb_cost, timing_cost, inner_iter, d_max);
                       (bb_cost -
                        comp_bb_cost(CHECK, placer_opts.place_cost_type,
                                     placer_opts.num_regions)) >
                       bb_cost * ERROR_TOL)

            /* Lines below prevent too much round-off error from accumulating *
             * in the cost over many iterations.  This round-off can lead to  *
             * error checks failing because the cost is different from what   *
             * you get when you recompute from scratch.                       */

            moves_since_cost_recompute += move_lim;
            if(moves_since_cost_recompute > MAX_MOVES_BEFORE_RECOMPUTE)
                    new_bb_cost =
                    if(fabs(new_bb_cost - bb_cost) > bb_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                                ("Error in try_place:  new_bb_cost = %g, old bb_cost = %g.\n",
                                 new_bb_cost, bb_cost);
                    bb_cost = new_bb_cost;

                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE
                       || placer_opts.place_algorithm ==
                            comp_td_costs(&new_timing_cost, &new_delay_cost);
                            if(fabs(new_timing_cost - timing_cost) >
                               timing_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                                        ("Error in try_place:  new_timing_cost = %g, old timing_cost = %g.\n",
                                         new_timing_cost, timing_cost);
                            if(fabs(new_delay_cost - delay_cost) >
                               delay_cost * ERROR_TOL)
                                        ("Error in try_place:  new_delay_cost = %g, old delay_cost = %g.\n",
                                         new_delay_cost, delay_cost);
                            timing_cost = new_timing_cost;

                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == BOUNDING_BOX_PLACE)
                            cost = new_bb_cost;
                    moves_since_cost_recompute = 0;

            tot_iter += move_lim;
            success_rat = ((float)success_sum) / move_lim;
            if(success_sum == 0)
                    av_cost = cost;
                    av_bb_cost = bb_cost;
                    av_timing_cost = timing_cost;
                    av_delay_cost = delay_cost;
                    av_cost /= success_sum;
                    av_bb_cost /= success_sum;
                    av_timing_cost /= success_sum;
                    av_delay_cost /= success_sum;
            std_dev = get_std_dev(success_sum, sum_of_squares, av_cost);

#ifndef SPEC
                ("%11.5g  %10.6g %11.6g  %11.6g  %11.6g %11.6g %11.4g %9.4g %8.3g  %7.4g  %7.4g  %10d  ",
                 t, av_cost, av_bb_cost, av_timing_cost, av_delay_cost,
                 place_delay_value, d_max, success_rat, std_dev, rlim,
                 crit_exponent, tot_iter);

            oldt = t;           /* for finding and printing alpha. */
            update_t(&t, std_dev, rlim, success_rat, annealing_sched);

#ifndef SPEC
            printf("%7.4g\n", t / oldt);

                    "Cost: %g  BB Cost %g  TD Cost %g  Temperature: %g  d_max: %g",
                    cost, bb_cost, timing_cost, t, d_max);
            update_screen(MINOR, msg, PLACEMENT, FALSE);
            update_rlim(&rlim, success_rat);

            if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
               placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                    crit_exponent =
                        (1 -
                         (rlim -
                          final_rlim) * inverse_delta_rlim) *
                        (placer_opts.td_place_exp_last -
                         placer_opts.td_place_exp_first) +
#ifdef VERBOSE

    t = 0;                      /* freeze out */
    av_cost = 0.;
    av_bb_cost = 0.;
    av_timing_cost = 0.;
    sum_of_squares = 0.;
    av_delay_cost = 0.;
    success_sum = 0;

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
            /*at each temperature change we update these values to be used     */
            /*for normalizing the tradeoff between timing and wirelength (bb)  */
            if(outer_crit_iter_count >= placer_opts.recompute_crit_iter ||
               placer_opts.inner_loop_recompute_divider != 0)

#ifdef VERBOSE
                    printf("Outer Loop Recompute Criticalities\n");
                    place_delay_value = delay_cost / num_connections;

                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                        load_constant_net_delay(net_delay, place_delay_value, clb_net, num_nets);

                    d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
                    load_criticalities(placer_opts, net_slack, d_max,
                    /*recompute criticaliies */
                    comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);
                    outer_crit_iter_count = 0;

            inverse_prev_bb_cost = 1 / (bb_cost);
            inverse_prev_timing_cost = 1 / (timing_cost);

    inner_crit_iter_count = 1;

    for(inner_iter = 0; inner_iter < move_lim; inner_iter++)
            if(try_swap(t, &cost, &bb_cost, &timing_cost,
                        rlim, placer_opts.place_cost_type,
                        old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y,
                        placer_opts.num_regions, fixed_pins,
                        placer_opts.timing_tradeoff, inverse_prev_bb_cost,
                        inverse_prev_timing_cost, &delay_cost, x_lookup) == 1)
                    av_cost += cost;
                    av_bb_cost += bb_cost;
                    av_delay_cost += delay_cost;
                    av_timing_cost += timing_cost;
                    sum_of_squares += cost * cost;

                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE
                       || placer_opts.place_algorithm ==

                            if(inner_crit_iter_count >= inner_recompute_limit
                               && inner_iter != move_lim - 1)

                                    inner_crit_iter_count = 0;
#ifdef VERBOSE
                                        ("Inner Loop Recompute Criticalities\n");
                                    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm ==
                                            place_delay_value =
                                                delay_cost / num_connections;
                                                                    place_delay_value, clb_net, num_nets);

                                    d_max = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
                                    load_criticalities(placer_opts, net_slack,
                                                       d_max, crit_exponent);
                                    comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);
#ifdef VERBOSE
            printf("t = %g  cost = %g   move = %d\n", t, cost, tot_iter);
    tot_iter += move_lim;
    success_rat = ((float)success_sum) / move_lim;
    if(success_sum == 0)
            av_cost = cost;
            av_bb_cost = bb_cost;
            av_delay_cost = delay_cost;
            av_timing_cost = timing_cost;
            av_cost /= success_sum;
            av_bb_cost /= success_sum;
            av_delay_cost /= success_sum;
            av_timing_cost /= success_sum;

    std_dev = get_std_dev(success_sum, sum_of_squares, av_cost);

#ifndef SPEC
        ("%11.5g  %10.6g %11.6g  %11.6g  %11.6g %11.6g %11.4g %9.4g %8.3g  %7.4g  %7.4g  %10d  \n\n",
         t, av_cost, av_bb_cost, av_timing_cost, av_delay_cost,
         place_delay_value, d_max, success_rat, std_dev, rlim,
         crit_exponent, tot_iter);


#ifdef VERBOSE

    check_place(bb_cost, timing_cost, placer_opts.place_cost_type,
                placer_opts.num_regions, placer_opts.place_algorithm,

    if(placer_opts.enable_timing_computations &&
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == BOUNDING_BOX_PLACE)
            /*need this done since the timing data has not been kept up to date*
             *in bounding_box mode */
            for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
                for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)
                    timing_place_crit[inet][ipin] = 0;  /*dummy crit values */
            comp_td_costs(&timing_cost, &delay_cost);   /*computes point_to_point_delay_cost */

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
            net_delay = point_to_point_delay_cost;      /*this makes net_delay up to date with    *
                                                         *the same values that the placer is using*/
            est_crit = load_net_slack(net_slack, 0);
/*              print_sink_delays("placement_sink_delays.echo"); */
            print_net_slack("placement_net_slacks.echo", net_slack);
#endif /* CREATE_ECHO_FILES */
            printf("Placement Estimated Crit Path Delay: %g\n\n", est_crit);

            "Placement. Cost: %g  bb_cost: %g td_cost: %g Channel Factor: %d d_max: %g",
            cost, bb_cost, timing_cost, width_fac, d_max);
        ("Placement. Cost: %g  bb_cost: %g  td_cost: %g  delay_cost: %g.\n",
         cost, bb_cost, timing_cost, delay_cost);
    update_screen(MAJOR, msg, PLACEMENT, FALSE);

#ifdef SPEC
    printf("Total moves attempted: %d.0\n", tot_iter);

    if(placer_opts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       placer_opts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||

            net_delay = remember_net_delay_original_ptr;

                                   placer_opts.num_regions, old_region_occ_x,
                                   old_region_occ_y, placer_opts);
            free_lookups_and_criticalities(&net_delay, &net_slack);

    /* placement is done - find mst of all nets.
     * creating mst for each net; this gives me an ordering of sinks 
     * by which I will direct search (A*) for. */
            for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
    *mst = (t_mst_edge **) my_malloc(sizeof(t_mst_edge *) * num_nets);
    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
            (*mst)[inet] = get_mst_of_net(inet);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int try_swap ( float  t,
float *  cost,
float *  bb_cost,
float *  timing_cost,
float  rlim,
int  place_cost_type,
float **  old_region_occ_x,
float **  old_region_occ_y,
int  num_regions,
boolean  fixed_pins,
enum e_place_algorithm  place_algorithm,
float  timing_tradeoff,
float  inverse_prev_bb_cost,
float  inverse_prev_timing_cost,
float *  delay_cost,
int *  x_lookup 
) [static]

Picks some block and moves it to another spot. If this spot is occupied, switch the blocks. Assess the change in cost function and accept or reject the move. If rejected, return 0. If accepted return 1. Pass back the new value of the cost function. rlim is the range limiter.

Definition at line 1230 of file place.c.


    int b_from, x_to, y_to, z_to, x_from, y_from, z_from, b_to;
    int i, k, inet, keep_switch, num_of_pins, max_pins_per_clb;
    int num_nets_affected, bb_index;
    float delta_c, bb_delta_c, timing_delta_c, delay_delta_c, newcost;
    static struct s_bb *bb_coord_new = NULL;
    static struct s_bb *bb_edge_new = NULL;
    static int *nets_to_update = NULL, *net_block_moved = NULL;

    max_pins_per_clb = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < num_types; i++)
            max_pins_per_clb =
                max(max_pins_per_clb, type_descriptors[i].num_pins);

    /* Allocate the local bb_coordinate storage, etc. only once. */

    if(bb_coord_new == NULL)
            bb_coord_new = (struct s_bb *)my_malloc(2 * max_pins_per_clb *
                                                    sizeof(struct s_bb));
            bb_edge_new = (struct s_bb *)my_malloc(2 * max_pins_per_clb *
                                                   sizeof(struct s_bb));
            nets_to_update =
                (int *)my_malloc(2 * max_pins_per_clb * sizeof(int));
            net_block_moved =
                (int *)my_malloc(2 * max_pins_per_clb * sizeof(int));

    delay_delta_c = 0.0;
    b_from = my_irand(num_blocks - 1);

    /* If the pins are fixed we never move them from their initial    *
     * random locations.  The code below could be made more efficient *
     * by using the fact that pins appear first in the block list,    *
     * but this shouldn't cause any significant slowdown and won't be *
     * broken if I ever change the parser so that the pins aren't     *
     * necessarily at the start of the block list.                    */

    if(fixed_pins == TRUE)
            while(block[b_from].type == IO_TYPE)
                    b_from = my_irand(num_blocks - 1);

    x_from = block[b_from].x;
    y_from = block[b_from].y;
    z_from = block[b_from].z;

       (x_from, y_from, block[b_from].type, rlim, x_lookup, &x_to, &y_to))
        return FALSE;

    /* Make the switch in order to make computing the new bounding *
     * box simpler.  If the cost increase is too high, switch them *
     * back.  (block data structures switched, clbs not switched   *
     * until success of move is determined.)                       */

    z_to = 0;
    if(grid[x_to][y_to].type->capacity > 1)
            z_to = my_irand(grid[x_to][y_to].type->capacity - 1);
    if(grid[x_to][y_to].blocks[z_to] == EMPTY)
        {                       /* Moving to an empty location */
            b_to = EMPTY;
            block[b_from].x = x_to;
            block[b_from].y = y_to;
            block[b_from].z = z_to;
        {                       /* Swapping two blocks */
            b_to = grid[x_to][y_to].blocks[z_to];
            block[b_to].x = x_from;
            block[b_to].y = y_from;
            block[b_to].z = z_from;

            block[b_from].x = x_to;
            block[b_from].y = y_to;
            block[b_from].z = z_to;

    /* Now update the cost function.  May have to do major optimizations *
     * here later.                                                       */

    /* I'm using negative values of temp_net_cost as a flag, so DO NOT   *
     * use cost functions that can go negative.                          */

    delta_c = 0;                /* Change in cost due to this swap. */
    bb_delta_c = 0;
    timing_delta_c = 0;

    num_of_pins = block[b_from].type->num_pins;

    num_nets_affected = find_affected_nets(nets_to_update, net_block_moved,
                                           b_from, b_to, num_of_pins);

    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            save_region_occ(old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y, num_regions);

    bb_index = 0;               /* Index of new bounding box. */

    for(k = 0; k < num_nets_affected; k++)
            inet = nets_to_update[k];

            /* If we swapped two blocks connected to the same net, its bounding box *
             * doesn't change.                                                      */

            if(net_block_moved[k] == FROM_AND_TO)

            if(clb_net[inet].num_sinks < SMALL_NET)
                    get_non_updateable_bb(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index]);
                        /* TODO: Problem with making net update incremental, turn off for now */
                        get_non_updateable_bb(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index]);
#if 0
                        /* TODO: Problem with making net update incremental, turn off for now */
                    if(net_block_moved[k] == FROM)
                        update_bb(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index],
                                  &bb_edge_new[bb_index], x_from, y_from,
                                  x_to, y_to);
                        update_bb(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index],
                                  &bb_edge_new[bb_index], x_to, y_to, x_from,

            if(place_cost_type != NONLINEAR_CONG)
                    temp_net_cost[inet] =
                        get_net_cost(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index]);
                    bb_delta_c += temp_net_cost[inet] - net_cost[inet];
                    /* Rip up, then replace with new bb. */
                    update_region_occ(inet, &bb_coords[inet], -1,
                    update_region_occ(inet, &bb_coord_new[bb_index], 1,


    if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
            newcost = nonlinear_cong_cost(num_regions);
            bb_delta_c = newcost - *bb_cost;

    if(place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
       place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
            /*in this case we redefine delta_c as a combination of timing and bb.  *
             *additionally, we normalize all values, therefore delta_c is in       *
             *relation to 1*/

            comp_delta_td_cost(b_from, b_to, num_of_pins, &timing_delta_c,

            delta_c =
                (1 - timing_tradeoff) * bb_delta_c * inverse_prev_bb_cost +
                timing_tradeoff * timing_delta_c * inverse_prev_timing_cost;
            delta_c = bb_delta_c;

    keep_switch = assess_swap(delta_c, t);

    /* 1 -> move accepted, 0 -> rejected. */

            *cost = *cost + delta_c;
            *bb_cost = *bb_cost + bb_delta_c;

            if(place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE ||
               place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)
                    /*update the point_to_point_timing_cost and point_to_point_delay_cost 
                     * values from the temporary values */
                    *timing_cost = *timing_cost + timing_delta_c;
                    *delay_cost = *delay_cost + delay_delta_c;

                    update_td_cost(b_from, b_to, num_of_pins);

            /* update net cost functions and reset flags. */

            bb_index = 0;

            for(k = 0; k < num_nets_affected; k++)
                    inet = nets_to_update[k];

                    /* If we swapped two blocks connected to the same net, its bounding box *
                     * doesn't change.                                                      */

                    if(net_block_moved[k] == FROM_AND_TO)
                            temp_net_cost[inet] = -1;

                    bb_coords[inet] = bb_coord_new[bb_index];
                    if(clb_net[inet].num_sinks >= SMALL_NET)
                        bb_num_on_edges[inet] = bb_edge_new[bb_index];


                    net_cost[inet] = temp_net_cost[inet];
                    temp_net_cost[inet] = -1;

            /* Update clb data structures since we kept the move. */
            /* Swap physical location */
            grid[x_to][y_to].blocks[z_to] = b_from;
            grid[x_from][y_from].blocks[z_from] = b_to;

            if(EMPTY == b_to)
                {               /* Moved to an empty location */

        {                       /* Move was rejected.  */

            /* Reset the net cost function flags first. */
            for(k = 0; k < num_nets_affected; k++)
                    inet = nets_to_update[k];
                    temp_net_cost[inet] = -1;

            /* Restore the block data structures to their state before the move. */
            block[b_from].x = x_from;
            block[b_from].y = y_from;
            block[b_from].z = z_from;
            if(b_to != EMPTY)
                    block[b_to].x = x_to;
                    block[b_to].y = y_to;
                    block[b_to].z = z_to;

            /* Restore the region occupancies to their state before the move. */
            if(place_cost_type == NONLINEAR_CONG)
                    restore_region_occ(old_region_occ_x, old_region_occ_y,

    return (keep_switch);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void update_bb ( int  inet,
struct s_bb bb_coord_new,
struct s_bb bb_edge_new,
int  xold,
int  yold,
int  xnew,
int  ynew 
) [static]

Updates the bounding box of a net by storing its coordinates in the bb_coord_new data structure and the number of blocks on each edge in the bb_edge_new data structure. This routine should only be called for large nets, since it has some overhead relative to just doing a brute force bounding box calculation. The bounding box coordinate and edge information for inet must be valid before this routine is called. Currently assumes channels on both sides of the CLBs forming the edges of the bounding box can be used. Essentially, I am assuming the pins always lie on the outside of the bounding box.

Definition at line 3203 of file place.c.


    /* IO blocks are considered to be one cell in for simplicity. */

    xnew = max(min(xnew, nx), 1);
    ynew = max(min(ynew, ny), 1);
    xold = max(min(xold, nx), 1);
    yold = max(min(yold, ny), 1);

    /* Check if I can update the bounding box incrementally. */

    if(xnew < xold)
        {                       /* Move to left. */

            /* Update the xmax fields for coordinates and number of edges first. */

            if(xold == bb_coords[inet].xmax)
                {               /* Old position at xmax. */
                    if(bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax == 1)
                            get_bb_from_scratch(inet, bb_coord_new,
                            bb_edge_new->xmax =
                                bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax - 1;
                            bb_coord_new->xmax = bb_coords[inet].xmax;

                {               /* Move to left, old postion was not at xmax. */
                    bb_coord_new->xmax = bb_coords[inet].xmax;
                    bb_edge_new->xmax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax;

            /* Now do the xmin fields for coordinates and number of edges. */

            if(xnew < bb_coords[inet].xmin)
                {               /* Moved past xmin */
                    bb_coord_new->xmin = xnew;
                    bb_edge_new->xmin = 1;

            else if(xnew == bb_coords[inet].xmin)
                {               /* Moved to xmin */
                    bb_coord_new->xmin = xnew;
                    bb_edge_new->xmin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin + 1;

                {               /* Xmin unchanged. */
                    bb_coord_new->xmin = bb_coords[inet].xmin;
                    bb_edge_new->xmin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin;

    /* End of move to left case. */
    else if(xnew > xold)
        {                       /* Move to right. */

            /* Update the xmin fields for coordinates and number of edges first. */

            if(xold == bb_coords[inet].xmin)
                {               /* Old position at xmin. */
                    if(bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin == 1)
                            get_bb_from_scratch(inet, bb_coord_new,
                            bb_edge_new->xmin =
                                bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin - 1;
                            bb_coord_new->xmin = bb_coords[inet].xmin;

                {               /* Move to right, old position was not at xmin. */
                    bb_coord_new->xmin = bb_coords[inet].xmin;
                    bb_edge_new->xmin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin;

            /* Now do the xmax fields for coordinates and number of edges. */

            if(xnew > bb_coords[inet].xmax)
                {               /* Moved past xmax. */
                    bb_coord_new->xmax = xnew;
                    bb_edge_new->xmax = 1;

            else if(xnew == bb_coords[inet].xmax)
                {               /* Moved to xmax */
                    bb_coord_new->xmax = xnew;
                    bb_edge_new->xmax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax + 1;

                {               /* Xmax unchanged. */
                    bb_coord_new->xmax = bb_coords[inet].xmax;
                    bb_edge_new->xmax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax;
    /* End of move to right case. */
        {                       /* xnew == xold -- no x motion. */
            bb_coord_new->xmin = bb_coords[inet].xmin;
            bb_coord_new->xmax = bb_coords[inet].xmax;
            bb_edge_new->xmin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmin;
            bb_edge_new->xmax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].xmax;

    /* Now account for the y-direction motion. */

    if(ynew < yold)
        {                       /* Move down. */

            /* Update the ymax fields for coordinates and number of edges first. */

            if(yold == bb_coords[inet].ymax)
                {               /* Old position at ymax. */
                    if(bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax == 1)
                            get_bb_from_scratch(inet, bb_coord_new,
                            bb_edge_new->ymax =
                                bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax - 1;
                            bb_coord_new->ymax = bb_coords[inet].ymax;

                {               /* Move down, old postion was not at ymax. */
                    bb_coord_new->ymax = bb_coords[inet].ymax;
                    bb_edge_new->ymax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax;

            /* Now do the ymin fields for coordinates and number of edges. */

            if(ynew < bb_coords[inet].ymin)
                {               /* Moved past ymin */
                    bb_coord_new->ymin = ynew;
                    bb_edge_new->ymin = 1;

            else if(ynew == bb_coords[inet].ymin)
                {               /* Moved to ymin */
                    bb_coord_new->ymin = ynew;
                    bb_edge_new->ymin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin + 1;

                {               /* ymin unchanged. */
                    bb_coord_new->ymin = bb_coords[inet].ymin;
                    bb_edge_new->ymin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin;
    /* End of move down case. */
    else if(ynew > yold)
        {                       /* Moved up. */

            /* Update the ymin fields for coordinates and number of edges first. */

            if(yold == bb_coords[inet].ymin)
                {               /* Old position at ymin. */
                    if(bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin == 1)
                            get_bb_from_scratch(inet, bb_coord_new,
                            bb_edge_new->ymin =
                                bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin - 1;
                            bb_coord_new->ymin = bb_coords[inet].ymin;

                {               /* Moved up, old position was not at ymin. */
                    bb_coord_new->ymin = bb_coords[inet].ymin;
                    bb_edge_new->ymin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin;

            /* Now do the ymax fields for coordinates and number of edges. */

            if(ynew > bb_coords[inet].ymax)
                {               /* Moved past ymax. */
                    bb_coord_new->ymax = ynew;
                    bb_edge_new->ymax = 1;

            else if(ynew == bb_coords[inet].ymax)
                {               /* Moved to ymax */
                    bb_coord_new->ymax = ynew;
                    bb_edge_new->ymax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax + 1;

                {               /* ymax unchanged. */
                    bb_coord_new->ymax = bb_coords[inet].ymax;
                    bb_edge_new->ymax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax;
    /* End of move up case. */
        {                       /* ynew == yold -- no y motion. */
            bb_coord_new->ymin = bb_coords[inet].ymin;
            bb_coord_new->ymax = bb_coords[inet].ymax;
            bb_edge_new->ymin = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymin;
            bb_edge_new->ymax = bb_num_on_edges[inet].ymax;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void update_region_occ ( int  inet,
struct s_bb coords,
int  add_or_sub,
int  num_regions 
) [static]

Called only when the place_cost_type is NONLINEAR_CONG. If add_or_sub is 1, this uses the new net bounding box to increase the occupancy of some regions. If add_or_sub = - 1, it decreases the occupancy by that due to this bounding box.

Definition at line 2494 of file place.c.


    float net_xmin, net_xmax, net_ymin, net_ymax, crossing;
    float inv_region_len, inv_region_height;
    float inv_bb_len, inv_bb_height;
    float overlap_xlow, overlap_xhigh, overlap_ylow, overlap_yhigh;
    float y_overlap, x_overlap, x_occupancy, y_occupancy;
    int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, i, j;

    if(clb_net[inet].num_sinks >= 50)
            crossing = 2.7933 + 0.02616 * ((clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1) - 50);
            crossing = cross_count[clb_net[inet].num_sinks];

    net_xmin = coords->xmin - 0.5;
    net_xmax = coords->xmax + 0.5;
    net_ymin = coords->ymin - 0.5;
    net_ymax = coords->ymax + 0.5;

    /* I could precompute the two values below.  Should consider this. */

    inv_region_len = (float)num_regions / (float)nx;
    inv_region_height = (float)num_regions / (float)ny;

    /* Get integer coordinates defining the rectangular area in which the *
     * subregions have to be updated.  Formula is as follows:  subtract   *
     * 0.5 from net_xmin, etc. to get numbers from 0 to nx or ny;         *
     * divide by nx or ny to scale between 0 and 1; multiply by           *
     * num_regions to scale between 0 and num_regions; and truncate to    *
     * get the final answer.                                              */

    imin = (int)(net_xmin - 0.5) * inv_region_len;
    imax = (int)(net_xmax - 0.5) * inv_region_len;
    imax = min(imax, num_regions - 1);  /* Watch for weird roundoff */

    jmin = (int)(net_ymin - 0.5) * inv_region_height;
    jmax = (int)(net_ymax - 0.5) * inv_region_height;
    jmax = min(jmax, num_regions - 1);  /* Watch for weird roundoff */

    inv_bb_len = 1. / (net_xmax - net_xmin);
    inv_bb_height = 1. / (net_ymax - net_ymin);

    /* See RISA paper (ICCAD '94, pp. 690 - 695) for a description of why *
     * I use exactly this cost function.                                  */

    for(i = imin; i <= imax; i++)
            for(j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++)
                    overlap_xlow = max(place_region_bounds_x[i], net_xmin);
                    overlap_xhigh =
                        min(place_region_bounds_x[i + 1], net_xmax);
                    overlap_ylow = max(place_region_bounds_y[j], net_ymin);
                    overlap_yhigh =
                        min(place_region_bounds_y[j + 1], net_ymax);

                    x_overlap = overlap_xhigh - overlap_xlow;
                    y_overlap = overlap_yhigh - overlap_ylow;

#ifdef DEBUG

                    if(x_overlap < -0.001)
                                ("Error in update_region_occ:  x_overlap < 0"
                                 "\n inet = %d, overlap = %g\n", inet,

                    if(y_overlap < -0.001)
                                ("Error in update_region_occ:  y_overlap < 0"
                                 "\n inet = %d, overlap = %g\n", inet,

                    x_occupancy =
                        crossing * y_overlap * x_overlap * inv_bb_height *
                    y_occupancy =
                        crossing * x_overlap * y_overlap * inv_bb_len *

                    place_region_x[i][j].occupancy +=
                        add_or_sub * x_occupancy;
                    place_region_y[i][j].occupancy +=
                        add_or_sub * y_occupancy;


Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void update_rlim ( float *  rlim,
float  success_rat 
) [static]

Update the range limited to keep acceptance prob. near 0.44. Use a floating point rlim to allow gradual transitions at low temps.

Definition at line 1045 of file place.c.

    float upper_lim;

    *rlim = (*rlim) * (1. - 0.44 + success_rat);
    upper_lim = max(nx, ny);
    *rlim = min(*rlim, upper_lim);
    *rlim = max(*rlim, 1.);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void update_t ( float *  t,
float  std_dev,
float  rlim,
float  success_rat,
struct s_annealing_sched  annealing_sched 
) [static]

Update the temperature according to the annealing schedule selected.

Definition at line 1059 of file place.c.


    /*  float fac; */

    if(annealing_sched.type == USER_SCHED)
            *t = annealing_sched.alpha_t * (*t);

    /* Old standard deviation based stuff is below.  This bogs down horribly 
     * for big circuits (alu4 and especially bigkey_mod). */
    /* #define LAMBDA .7  */
    /* ------------------------------------ */
#if 0
    else if(std_dev == 0.)
            *t = 0.;
            fac = exp(-LAMBDA * (*t) / std_dev);
            fac = max(0.5, fac);
            *t = (*t) * fac;
    /* ------------------------------------- */

    {                           /* AUTO_SCHED */
        if(success_rat > 0.96)
                *t = (*t) * 0.5;
        else if(success_rat > 0.8)
                *t = (*t) * 0.9;
        else if(success_rat > 0.15 || rlim > 1.)
                *t = (*t) * 0.95;
                *t = (*t) * 0.8;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void update_td_cost ( int  b_from,
int  b_to,
int  num_of_pins 
) [static]

update the point_to_point_timing_cost values from the temporary values for all connections that have changed

Definition at line 2011 of file place.c.

    int blkpin, net_pin, inet, ipin;

    for(blkpin = 0; blkpin < num_of_pins; blkpin++)

            inet = block[b_from].nets[blkpin];

            if(inet == OPEN)


            net_pin = net_pin_index[b_from][blkpin];

            if(net_pin != 0)

                    /*the following "if" prevents the value from being updated twice */
                    if(clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_to
                       && clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_from)

                            point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][net_pin] =

                            point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                {               /*this net is being driven by a moved block, recompute */
                    /*all point to point connections on this net. */
                    for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)

                            point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] = -1;

                            point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] =
                            temp_point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] = -1;

    if(b_to != EMPTY)
            for(blkpin = 0; blkpin < num_of_pins; blkpin++)

                    inet = block[b_to].nets[blkpin];

                    if(inet == OPEN)


                    net_pin = net_pin_index[b_to][blkpin];

                    if(net_pin != 0)

                            /*the following "if" prevents the value from being updated 2x */
                            if(clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_to
                               && clb_net[inet].node_block[0] != b_from)

                                    point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][net_pin] =
                                        [net_pin] = -1;

                                        [net_pin] = -1;
                        {       /*this net is being driven by a moved block, recompute */
                            /*all point to point connections on this net. */
                            for(ipin = 1; ipin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; ipin++)

                                    point_to_point_delay_cost[inet][ipin] =
                                        = -1;

                                    point_to_point_timing_cost[inet][ipin] =
                                        [ipin] = -1;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

struct s_bb* bb_coords = NULL [static]

[0..num_nets-1]. Store the bounding box coordinates and the number of blocks on each of a net's bounding box (to allow efficient updates), respectively.

Definition at line 74 of file place.c.

struct s_bb * bb_num_on_edges = NULL

Definition at line 74 of file place.c.

float** chanx_place_cost_fac [static]

The arrays below are used to precompute the inverse of the average number of tracks per channel between [subhigh] and [sublow]. Access them as chan?_place_cost_fac[subhigh][sublow]. They are used to speed up the computation of the cost function that takes the length of the net bounding box in each dimension, divided by the average number of tracks in that direction; for other cost functions they will never be used.

Definition at line 94 of file place.c.

Definition at line 94 of file place.c.

const float cross_count[50] [static]
Initial value:
    1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0828, 1.1536, 1.2206, 1.2823, 1.3385, 1.3991, 1.4493,
    1.4974, 1.5455, 1.5937, 1.6418, 1.6899, 1.7304, 1.7709, 1.8114, 1.8519,
    1.9288, 1.9652, 2.0015, 2.0379, 2.0743, 2.1061, 2.1379, 2.1698, 2.2016,
    2.2646, 2.2958, 2.3271, 2.3583, 2.3895, 2.4187, 2.4479, 2.4772, 2.5064,
    2.5610, 2.5864, 2.6117, 2.6371, 2.6625, 2.6887, 2.7148, 2.7410, 2.7671,

Expected crossing counts for nets with different #'s of pins. From ICCAD 94 pp. 690 - 695 (with linear interpolation applied by me).

Definition at line 100 of file place.c.

float* net_cost = NULL [static]

Cost of a net, and a temporary cost of a net used during move assessment.

Definition at line 44 of file place.c.

int** net_pin_index = NULL [static]

[0..num_blocks-1][0..pins_per_clb-1]. Indicates which pin on the net this block corresponds to, this is only required during timing-driven placement. It is used to allow us to update individual connections on each net

Definition at line 67 of file place.c.

float* place_region_bounds_x [static]

Used only with nonlinear congestion. [0..num_regions].

Definition at line 84 of file place.c.

Definition at line 84 of file place.c.

struct s_place_region** place_region_x [static]

Stores the maximum and expected occupancies, plus the cost, of each region in the placement. Used only by the NONLINEAR_CONG cost function. [0..num_region-1][0..num_region-1]. Place_region_x and y give the situation for the x and y directed channels, respectively.

Definition at line 81 of file place.c.

Definition at line 81 of file place.c.

float** point_to_point_delay_cost = NULL [static]

[0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1]. What is the value of the delay for each connection in the circuit

Definition at line 58 of file place.c.

float** point_to_point_timing_cost = NULL [static]

[0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1]. What is the value of the timing driven portion of the cost function. These arrays will be set to (criticality * delay) for each point to point connection.

Definition at line 51 of file place.c.

float * temp_net_cost = NULL


Definition at line 44 of file place.c.

float** temp_point_to_point_delay_cost = NULL [static]

[0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1]. What is the value of the delay for each connection in the circuit

Definition at line 59 of file place.c.

float** temp_point_to_point_timing_cost = NULL [static]

[0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1]. What is the value of the timing driven portion of the cost function. These arrays will be set to (criticality * delay) for each point to point connection.

Definition at line 52 of file place.c.