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Last Update: Sep 2016
Amin Suzani

  • Machine Learning

  • Image and Video Analysis

  • Cloud Architecture Design
Look at my LinkedIn for more info about my interests and work experience.

University of British Columbia, Canada, September 2012 - August 2014.
M.A.Sc. in Eelectrical and Computer Engineering, GPA: A.

  • M.A.Sc. Thesis: Automatic vertebrae localization, identification, and segmentation using deep learning and statistical models.

Sharif University of Technology, Iran, September 2008 - June 2012.
B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, GPA: 17.76/20.

  • B.Sc. Thesis: Segmentation of Masses in Mammograms.

Hasheminejad NODET High School, Iran, September 2004 - June 2008.
Affliated with the National Organization for the Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET)
Diploma in Physics and Mathematics Discipline,
GPA: 19.74/20.

Publications and Patents

• Mahdi Ramezani, Amin Suzani, Matthew Baumann, Neda Parnian, Bahram Sameti, and Shahram Tafazoli. Method And Apparatus For Locating A Wear Part In An Image Of An Operating Implement, USA and Canada Patent , 2015.

Amin Suzani, Alexander Seitel, Yuan Liu, Sidney Fels, Robert N. Rohling, and Purang Abolmaesumi. Fast Automatic Vertebrae Detection and Localization in Pathological CT Scans - A Deep Learning Approach, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) , 2015.    [   Paper    Poster    Teaser Video  ]

Amin Suzani, Abtin Rasoulian, Alexander Seitel, Sidney Fels, Robert N. Rohling, and Purang Abolmaesumi. Deep Learning for Automatic Localization, Identification, and Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in Volumetric MR Images, SPIE Medical Imaging , 2015.    [   Paper    Presentation  ]

Amin Suzani, Abtin Rasoulian, Robert N. Rohling, Sidney Fels, and Purang Abolmaesumi. Semi-automatic Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in Volumetric MR Images Using a Statistical Shape+Pose Model , SPIE Medical Imaging , 2014.    [   Paper    Presentation  ]

Work Experience

Software Engineer, Amazon Web Services, August 2015 - Present.

Algorithm Design Engineer, Motion Metrics International Corporation, September 2014 - August 2015.

Automatic Vertebra Localization, identification, and segmentation of Medical Images, Robotics and Controls Lab, University of British Columbia, supervisor: Prof. Abolmaesumi, September 2012 - August 2014.

Segmentation of Masses in Mammograms, Sharif University of Technology, supervisor: Prof. Manzuri, August 2011 - June 2012.

Optimization of cache reliability, Sharif University of Technology, supervisor: Prof. Asadi, Spring 2011.

Awards and Honors

Ranked 2nd among hardware engineering students of Sharif university based on overall GPA.

Talented Student Award Admission to graduate studies in Sharif university without entrance exam.

• Membership of The National Organization of exceptional talents since fall 2008.

• Ranked among top 0.1 percent in the Nationwide University Entrance Exam (245th among over 500,000 participants), summer 2008

• Accepted in the first phase of mathematics, informatics, physics and astronomy Olympiads and ranked for the first 800 students among the country in each field, (September 2004, September 2005 and September 2006).

• Selected for studying in school of National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET) through an exam with less than one percent acceptance rate, Summer 2004.


• Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design, Prof. Agharebparast, University of British Columbia, Summer 2014.

• Teaching Assistant for Digital Systems and Microcomputers, Prof. Lemieux, University of British Columbia, Spring 2014.

• Teaching Assistant for Signals and Systems, Prof. Abugharbieh, University of British Columbia, Spring 2014.

• Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Microcomputers, Prof. Davies & Prof. Calvino-Fraga, University of British Columbia, Fall 2013.

• Certification of Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) , an international comprehensive instructor development program designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of educators, University of British Columbia, Fall 2012.

• Teaching Assistant for Theory of Languages and Automata, Prof. Movaghar, Sharif University of Technology, Fall 2011.

• Teaching Assistant for Computer Architecture, Prof. Asadi, Sharif University of Technology, Spring 2011.

• Teaching Assistant for Theory of Languages and Automata, Prof. izadi, Sharif University of Technology, Spring 2011.

• Teaching Assistant for Discrete Structures, Prof. Safari, Sharif University of Technology, Spring 2011.

• Teaching Assistant for Computer Structure and Languages, Prof. Asadi, Sharif University of Technology, Fall 2010.

• Teaching Assistant for Discrete Structures, Prof. Movaghar, Sharif University of Technology, Fall 2010.

• Teaching Assistant for Discrete Structures, Prof. izadi, Sharif University of Technology, Spring 2010.

• Teaching Assistant for Discrete Structures, Prof. izadi, Sharif University of Technology, Fall 2009.


Automatic Vertebra Localization in Medical Images

  • Uses deep learning and statistical models.
  • Implemented in Python and MATLAB.
  • Spring 2014.

Semi-automatic Vertebra Segmentation in MR Images

  • Uses probabilistic anatomical models.
  • Implemented in MATLAB.
  • Fall 2013.

GPU-accelerated Model Registration

  • Accelerated the task of registering a probabilistic model to a 3D image.
  • achieved 27x speed-up by distributing the task on GPU.
  • Uses CUDA platform, implemented in C++.
  • Spring 2013.

Rapid Sudoku Solver

  • Efficiently solves Sudoku by taking advantage of six processing units of CELL processor.
  • Implemented in C++.
  • Spring 2011.

Safa E-Mall

  • A web-based shopping mall with a hierarchical administration policy.
  • Implemented in PHP using Symfony framework.
  • Fall 2010.


  • A standard calculator with input parsing ability.
  • Implemented in MIPS assembly.
  • Fall 2009.

Smart Studio

  • An Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • Includes editor, compiler, debugger, and graphical user interface.
  • Implemented in C#, using Common Language Runtime (CLR).
  • Spring 2009.

Volunteer Activities

Vice president of Graduate Student Association in department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, May 2013 - Apr 2014.

Graduate Mentorship volunteer in Let's Talk Science program in UBC, Hastings elementary school, Vancouver, Sep 2013 - Dec 2013.

President of Students Council in computer engineering department, Sharif university of technology, Sep 2011 - June 2012.

Head coach of The soccer team of computer engineering department, Sharif university of technology, Jan 2012 - June 2012.

Math teacher at Koodakekar community, a community against child labor in Tehran, May 2011 - Apr 2012.

Red Crescent Society, First Aid and CPR certified.