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Model Window

File Menu

Enables you to open parts of a model file previously saved with the Save As command in the Model window (see Opening Parts of a Model File).
Save As
Enables you to save parts of a model file (see Opening Parts of a Model File).
Printer Setup
Opens the Print Setup dialog box (see Chapter 10, "Printing and Plotting").
Import Data
  Active Setup
Enables you to import an ASCII-based MDM data file, of a pre-determined format, to the selected setup.
  All Setups in Active DUT
Enables you to import an ASCII-based MDM data file, of a pre-determined format, to all setups in the selected DUT.
   All DUTs in Model
Enables you to import an ASCII-based MDM data file, of a pre-determined format, to all setups in all DUTs of the current model.
Export Data
   Active Setup
Enables you to export an ASCII-based MDM (.mdm) or Dataset (.ds) data file, of a pre-determined format representing the selected setup.
   All Setups in Active DUT
Enables you to export an ASCII-based MDM (.mdm) or Dataset (.ds) data file, of a pre-determined format representing all setups in the active DUT.
   All DUTs in Model
Enables you to export an ASCII-based MDM (.mdm) or Dataset (.ds) data file, of a pre-determined format representing all DUTs in the model.
   Extracted Deck
Enables you to export the circuit block in a SPICE deck format.
   Write Model MDIF
Writes the Parameters table to a file in MDIF format, which can be read by ADS or Series IV.
Closes the Model window, but the model file remains in memory. To re-open a model, double-click the icon in the Main window.

Related Topics:


Edit Menu

Undoes the last Cut, Copy, or Paste action.
Applies to text in the model parts DUTs, Circuit, and Macros.
Cuts selected text.
Copies selected text.
Pastes copied or cut text to other textual model parts.
Enables you to find text.
Enables you to find and replace text.
   Goto Line
Enables you to highlight selected line number.
Cut Setup
Enables you to cut a variety of model parts for pasting within other parts of that same model or to another model.
Copy Setup
Enables you to copy a variety of model parts for pasting within other parts of that same model or to another model.
Enables you to paste a variety of model parts you cut or copied. You can paste within the model that you cut or copied from or to another model.
Delete Setup (No Undo)
Enables you to delete a variety of model parts.

Measure Menu

Active Setup
Performs a measurement for the active setup.
Active DUT
Performs a measurement for all setups in the active DUT

Extract Menu

Active Setup
Performs all extraction transforms for the active setup.
Active DUT
Performs all extraction transforms for all setups in the active DUT.

Simulate Menu

Active Setup
Simulates the active setup.
Active DUT
Simulates all setups in the active DUT.

Optimize Menu

Active Setup
Performs all optimization transforms for the active setup
Active DUT
Performs all optimization transforms for all setups in the active DUT

Data Menu

   Display All
      In Active Setup
Displays all currently defined plots for the active setup.
      In Active DUT
Displays all currently defined plots for the active DUT.
      in Model
Displays all currently defined plots for the current model.
   Close All
      In Active Setup
Closes all displayed plots for the active setup.
      In Active DUT
Closes all displayed plots for the active DUT.
      in Model
Closes all displayed plots for the current model.
Clear Data
Clears all measured data In Active Setup, In Active DUT, or In Model.
Clears all simulated data In Active Setup, In Active DUT, or In Model.
Clears both measured and simulated data In Active Setup, In Active DUT, or In Model.

Tools Menu

Simulation Debugger
Displays the Simulation Debugger Window.
Stop Simulator
Stops any currently running piped simulator. The command is most useful when using the ADS simulator with the Root model to ensure correct simulations can be made after changing directories to test other models, and to allow model regeneration.
Organize Model
Displays a window that enables you to add, delete, reorder, and rename DUTs, Macros, and Variables in the model. Selecting the Organize DUT button on the window displays a window that enables you to add, delete, reorder, and rename Setups and Variables. Selecting the Organize Setup button on that window displays a window that enables you to add, delete, reorder, and rename Inputs, Outputs, Transforms, Plots, and Variables.
Refresh Last Dataset...
Re-exports the current data to the last exported dataset (.ds).
Plot Optimizer
Displays the Plot Optimizer window.
Plot Options
Displays the Plot Options dialog box, which enables you to define trace options, plot options, and text annotation.
Hardware Setup
Displays the Hardware Setup Window.

Macros Menu

Enables you to execute any macro available in the model regardless of the visible folder.

Windows Menu

The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
