Manuals >User's Guide >File and Data Management
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Opening Parts of a Model File

The File > Open command in the Model window enables you to open a file (previously saved using File > Save As in the Model window) that contains some portion of a model.

To open a file containing a portion of a model:

  1   If you want to replace some portion of the current model file with a portion of another file, select the item you want to replace.

  2   Choose File > Open in the Model window.

  3   Select the appropriate file type and click Browse to view the files of that type in the directory you specify.


The path for IC-CAP model files cannot contain any folder names that use a space. For example, C:\Model Files\IC-CAP 2004. If a model file is saved in a folder name with spaces, you will not be able to load the model file. You will have to move the model file to a folder name that does not use a space.

  4   Select a file and click OK.

  5   For Model Parameters and DUT Parameters, select Replace Parameter Set or Read Values Only and click OK.
     Replace Parameter Set replaces all Value, Min, and Max values with the ones in the selected file. If the selected file does not include Min and Max ranges (e.g., when reading pre-IC-CAP 2004 parameter set files), the existing Min and Max ranges are deleted.
     Read Values Only replaces parameter Values while maintaining existing Min and Max ranges if possible. If the new Value is outside the existing range, Min or Max is extended to include the new Value and a warning is displayed in the Status window.

  6   For all other Model folders, select the Replace option to use the specified file as a replacement and click OK. To add the specified file, make sure the option is turned off and click OK.
