Manuals >User's Guide >Creating Graphic User Interfaces
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Problem: Widget Properties dialog the Editing box will not accept text, even though an insertion point marker is visible.

Solution: There is usually more than one box so you must click on one to select it for text entry.

Problem: Option not found in the Options list. For most GUI Items there are not enough options to fill the option box. When there are enough options to overflow the box a scroll bar appears at the right hand side. Use this to access the options at the end of the list.

Problem: The following Dialog Box appears:

Go back to the Properties dialog and click on OK or Apply under the Editing area.

Problem: The following Dialog Box appears:

This means that a variable xxxx has been set to be tracked but has not been decalred in a table.

Solution: Add xxxx to, for example, the Model Variables table. Another possibility is that the variable name was misspelled.

Problem: After executing a macro the `watch' symbol remains in the Model window, preventing any further commands from being accepted. This is probably because the macro launched a GUI (maybe hidden under another window) that is waiting for input or waiting to be closed.


    • Enter some input or close the GUI.
    • Another possibility is that a macro is running in an infinite loop. To kill it, click on the "Stop" sign in the status window.
