Manuals >User's Guide >Simulating
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Simulation Types

IC-CAP recognizes eight basic simulation types. This section describes the input and output specifications required for a valid setup for each simulation type. Each of the eight types can be categorized as either a standard simulation or a special simulation.


Special simulation types are not directly available in the SPICE simulators.
IC-CAP builds the additional circuitry required in the simulator input files to perform the simulation.

Standard simulation types are available in the SPICE simulators. The standard simulation types are:

    • DC
    • AC
    • Transient
    • Noise

The special simulation types are:

    • Capacitance Voltage (CV)
    • 2-Port (S,H,Y,Z,K,A parameter)
    • Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
    • Harmonic Balance

If you attempt a simulation with input and output specifications that do not match any of the eight simulation types, the simulation is not attempted and the following error message appears:

 ERROR: Unable to simulate.
Check the Input and Output specifications. 

The simulators interfaced with IC-CAP may only support a subset of these simulation types and IC-CAP may not support all of the analysis types available in a particular simulator. For example, non-electrical analyses for Saber is not supported, and Harmonic Balance is supported only on the ADS simulators.

For information on the types of simulation that each simulator supports, refer to these chapters in the Reference manual:

    • Chapter 3, "SPICE Simulators"
    • Chapter 4, "SPECTRE Simulator"
    • Chapter 5, "Saber Simulator"
    • Chapter 6, "MNS Simulator"
    • Chapter 7, "ADS Simulator"
