Manuals >User's Guide >Simulating
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Linking a Simulator to IC-CAP

The interface for linking a simulator to IC-CAP depends on the type of simulator being used.

A non-piped simulation receives the input deck information from a file, performs the simulation, and sends the binary output data and resulting text output to other files. The simulator process is restarted for every simulation. The non-piped simulations are identical, regardless of simulator type.

The definition of a piped simulation differs for SPICE simulators, Saber simulators, the MNS simulator, and the ADS simulator. For descriptions of these differences, refer to one of these simulator-specific sections in the Reference manual:

    • "Piped and Non-Piped SPICE Simulations"
    • "Piped and Non-Piped SPECTRE Simulations"
    • "Piped and Non-Piped Saber Simulations"
    • "Piped MNS Simulations" and "Non-Piped MNS Simulations"
    • "Piped ADS Simulations" and "Non-Piped ADS Simulations"

The following simulator links have been tested to work for IC-CAP 2002 PC:

    • Remote to spectre on UNIX
    • Local to HSPICE on PC
    • Local to hpeesofsim on PC
    • Local to SPICE2 on PC
    • Local to SPICE3 on PC
    • Local to HPSPICE on PC

The following simulator links may work for IC-CAP 2002 PC, but were not thoroughly tested:

    • Remote to MNS on UNIX
    • Remote to HSPICE on UNIX
    • Remote to HSPICE on another PC
    • Remote to hpeesofsim in CANNOT_PIPE mode on another PC
    • Remote to hpeesofsim in CANNOT_PIPE mode on UNIX
