Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Modifying Models
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Saving Model Files

Before modifying a new model, you can save the model file to different name.

To save model data from the IC-CAP/Main window:

  1   Select a model icon in the IC-CAP/Main window, then select Save As.

  2   Select the open models you want to save.

  3   In the File Name field, enter a unique filename and click OK. The new model name appears in the directory list.

If a file was saved previously by that name, an information dialog box opens.

     To replace the existing model by that name, choose Yes.
     To avoid replacing the existing model by that name, choose No and enter a new file name to save the model to different name.
You can use the same name as the supplied file, as long as you save the model to a different directory. For details on changing directory paths, refer to Changing Directories.
