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Changing Directories

When you load an example model, the directory path for the model icon in the IC-CAP/Main window points to the installation directory. You can redirect the path to your working directory before saving the model data.

To change directory paths:

  1   Select File > Change Directories.

  2   Edit the selected path by typing a new name in the Selection field or by browsing the Directories list to the new directory.


The path for IC-CAP model files cannot contain any folder names that use a space. For example, C:\Model Files\IC-CAP 2004. If a model file is saved in a folder name with spaces, you will not be able to open the model file. You will have to move the model file to a folder name that does not use a space.

On the PC, hidden and system folders do not appear in the Directory dialog box. If you can't see a directory, just change its attributes so it's not a hidden or a system file.

  3   Choose OK to set the selected path.
