Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Modifying Models
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Adding a Model to the Work Area

You can add a model to the work area in one of two ways:

    • Open an empty template
    • Open an existing model

To open an empty template:

  1   In the IC-CAP/Main window, click Create Model on the toolbar.

An icon representing a new untitled model appears in the IC-CAP/Main window.

  2   To open the Model window, double-click the model icon.

To open an existing model:

  1   In the IC-CAP/Main window:
     Click Open to open a model in the current directory
     Click Examples to open a model provided with the program

  2   In the dialog box, double-click model_files to see the list of model directories, or double-click demo_features to see the list of demonstration directories.

  3   Double-click on a directory name, then click on a model name in the Files list to select a model file.

  4   Choose OK to accept the selection and close the dialog box.

An icon of the model file displays in the IC-CAP/Main window and the Model window opens. If the model displays as an icon only, double-click the icon to open the Model window.
