Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Modifying Models
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Copying Parts of a Model

You can create a set of models, or parts of a model, that are similar to each other by using the Copy command. You can copy any part of the model that you can select. For example:

    • To copy the circuit definition, parameter set, or variable table, open the Circuit, Model Parameters, or Model Variables tab.
    • To copy an entire DUT, select the DUT.
    • To copy an entire setup, select the Setup.
    • To copy an input, output, transform, or other table in a setup, select the table (by clicking on the outside ruling) or tab.

After copying, you can place the copied parts into the new model and modify the copied parts.

To copy parts of an existing model:

  1   Open the model and select the parts you want to copy.

  2   Select Edit > Copy [part type] or click Copy on the toolbar.

To place the copied parts in the new model:

  1   Place the cursor in the folder where you want to put the copied parts.

  2   Select Edit > Paste [part type] or click Paste on the toolbar.


To copy an entire DUT or Setup in a model, right-click on the DUT or Setup you want to copy to view the pop-up menu, then select Edit > Copy. To paste a Setup into another DUT, right-click on the DUT, then select Edit > Paste. To paste a copied DUT into another model use the directions in the procedure above.
