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Table and Text Editors

A table editor is used to display and edit groups of information.

The keyboard focus field is identified by a highlighted border and a blinking input cursor. Normally the input cursor looks like an I-beam. To change the location of the keyboard focus or reposition the input cursor within a field, click in the field.

The number of visible rows in a list or table is specified by system variables. Changing a window size does not affect a list or table size. Refer to the section on System Variables for details on changing variables.

The following table lists keystrokes that you can use while editing fields in a table or text editor. Some keystrokes may not be available on all keyboards. Table 4 lists the mouse operations used to select and copy text. All selections described are primary selections unless noted otherwise.

Table 3 Table and Text Editor Keystrokes 
Right Arrow
Move forward one character
Left Arrow
Move back one character
Down Arrow
Move to next line or field
Up Arrow
Move to previous line or field
Move to beginning of line
Move to end of line
Delete previous character
Shift Backspace
Delete previous word
Delete selected text
Shift Delete Char
Delete next word
Move to next field
Begin a new line

Using the Pop-up Menu as a Shortcut

A pop-up menu, available in table and text editors, enables access to many common commands with a minimum of mouse movement.

Table 4 IC-CAP Editor Select and Copy Mouse Operations
Click left button
Move insertion and destination cursors
Double click left button
Select word
Triple click left button
Select line
Quad click left button
Select entire editor
Drag left button
Select to end of drag
Shift click left button
Extend selection
Shift drag left button
Extend selection to end of drag
Click middle button
Copy selection to new location
Drag middle button
Select (secondary) to end of drag and copy to destination cursor

Operations for copying and pasting text to and from terminal windows are platform-dependent. For details, refer to your workstation's documentation.
