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Capacitance-Voltage Meters

Capacitance-voltage meters supported by IC-CAP are:

    • HP 4194 Impedance Analyzer
    • HP 4271 1 MHz Digital Capacitance Meter
    • HP 4275 Multi-Frequency LCR Meter
    • HP 4280 1 MHz Capacitance Meter
    • HP/Agilent 4284 Precision LCR Meter
    • HP/Agilent 4285 Precision LCR Meter
    • Agilent E4980A Precision LCR Meter
    • Agilent 4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer
    • Agilent E4991A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer

For all capacitance-voltage meters, issue the Calibrate command before starting a measurement, otherwise calibration is carried out automatically at the start of the measurement.

This option directly controls the instrument firmware, and overrides similar delay/hold options set in other instruments' drivers running on the same test system.

Defining the Reset State

Using the prepare_CV_meter.mdl example model file, you can easily define the reset state for the following instruments:

    • HP/Agilent 4284
    • HP/Agilent 4285
    • Agilent E4980

The IC-CAP drivers reset instruments to known states prior to configuring them for the current measurement. For the 4284, 4285 and E4980, it sends the *RST command, which resets the instruments to a known factory state. However, this default state (1V, 1KHz signal) may cause damage to certain devices between the time the $RST is requested and the time the requested signal level is set.

To avoid this problem, you can set the variable LCR_RST_MEM or LCR_RST_MEM_<unit> (e.g., LCR_RST_MEM_CM). The 4284, 4285, and E4980A instruments will use the value of this variable to set the instrument state. For example, if set to 1, the driver will recall instrument state 1 instead of *RST.

Using the prepare_CV_meter.mdl example model file, you can programatically set any state to be the *RST state with a zero signal level. It will also set the variable for you such that when a measurement is performed, this programatically set state is recalled instead of sending *RST.

To prepare a memory location, open and Auto Execute model_files/misc/prepare_CV_meter.mdl, then enter the 3 values below and click OK.

  1   Name the unit associated with your instrument.

  2   Identify the memory location (0-9 recommended, but you can use any number from 0-19 that your instrument supports.)

  3   Indicate if you want the unit number to apply to any 4284, 4284, or E4980A, or only to those with the specified unit name. This selection essentially chooses between setting LCR_RST_MEM or LCR_RST_MEM_<unit>.

HP 4194 Impedance Analyzer

The HP 4194 offers 2 measurement types: impedance analysis and gain-phase measurement. These occupy different test connectors on the test set. IC-CAP supports the impedance analysis type, offering capacitance-voltage and conductance-versus-voltage measurements.

The frequency range is 100 Hz to 40 MHz; to extend this to 100 MHz use the impedance probe kit. An internal DC bias unit can deliver biases between -40V and +40V. An internal oscillator can deliver between 10 mV and 1V rms.

The HP 4194 driver is an example of a driver created using the Open Measurement Interface. The driver source code can be found in the files user_meas.hxx and user_meas.cxx in the directory $ICCAP_ROOT/src. For information, refer to Chapter 2, "Drivers."

IC-CAP assigns the following name to the unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit


The short calibration of the HP 4194 driver is disabled by default because the CV measurement rarely needs this compensation. However, the SHORT_CAL4194 system variable may be defined and set to Yes to enable the short calibration.


After a CV measurement is finished, you may notice that a DC bias light on the HP 4194 stays on. This indicates that a bias voltage is still being applied to the test setup. However, the IC-CAP driver sets the DC sweep mode's bias voltage for the measurement so the DC bias is set to 0 V when the sweep starts and stops.

There are 2 ways you can verify the bias voltage is set to zero. One way is to measure the test setup with a DMM. Another way is to enable IC-CAP's Screen Debug (Tools > Options > Screen Debug) and see that the following commands are being sent to the CV meter:


The following table describes the HP 4194 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 11 HP 4194 Options 
Use User Sweep
Yes = use user sweep. No = use the instrument's internal sweep.
Default = No
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep.
Default = 0

Delay Time
Time delay, in seconds, the instrument waits before taking a measurement at each step of an internal or user sweep. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 0

Meas Freq
Oscillator frequency range 100 Hz to 40 MHz. The 41941A/B impedance probe kit extends this to 100 MHz. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported. Default = 1 MHz
Integ Time
Instrument integration time: S (short), M (medium), or L (long).
Default = S

Osc Level
Test signal level. Allowable voltage levels and resolutions are:
Minimum = 10 mV; Maximum = 1V. Default = 10mV

Number of averages. Maximum = 256. Default = 1
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

HP 4271 1 MHz Digital Capacitance Meter

IC-CAP supports only external bias sources when performing measurements using the HP 4271. Both hardware and software calibrations are available. The instrument makes measurements in user sweep only. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to 1 MHz before making a measurement with the HP 4271, otherwise an error is reported.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

The following table describes the HP 4271 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 12 HP 4271 Options
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep.
Default = 0

Delay Time
Time, in seconds, the instrument waits before taking a measurement at each step of an internal or user sweep. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 0

Init Command
This is a command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

HP 4275 Multi-Frequency LCR Meter

The HP 4275 includes an optional internal DC bias source. IC-CAP checks for this internal bias source when you issue the Rebuild command in the Hardware Setup window. For the internal DC bias to be recognized, the DC BIAS selector switch must be set to Internal. Only hardware calibration is available and the instrument makes measurements in user sweep only.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

The test signal level on the HP 4275 can only be set manually with the OSC LEVEL dial and MULTIPLIER switches. This signal level must be set by the user to a reasonable value such as 10 mV to obtain accurate results, since a high signal level can modulate the DC operating point. The MULTIPLIER is set to 1 when the instrument is powered up; a different setting must be selected manually.

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.

The following table describes the HP 4275 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 13 HP 4275 Options 
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep. Range is 0 to 650 seconds in 10 msec steps. Default = 0
Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before taking a measurement at each step of an internal or user sweep. Range is 3 msec to 650 sec. Resolution is in 1 msec steps for the 3 to 65 msec range; 10 msec for the 65.01 to 99.99 msec range; and, 100 msec for the 100 msec to 650 sec range. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 3 msec

Meas Freq
Measurement Frequencies. When the instrument is not equipped with option 004, it accepts frequency measurements at 10K, 20K, 40K, 100K, 200K, 400K, 1M, 2M, 4M, and 10M. When equipped with option 004, it accepts measurements at 10K, 30K, 50K, 100K, 300K, 500K, 1M, 3M, 5M, and 10M. Enter valid frequencies only. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported. Because the unit of CV_FREQ is Hz, divide it by 1K for this field. Default = 1 MHz
High Res
Enables or disables high resolution mode. Yes = enabled; No = disabled. Default = No
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

HP 4280 1 MHz Capacitance Meter

The HP 4280 measures the capacitance-voltage characteristics of semiconductor devices. The test signal of the instrument is a 1 MHz sine wave. The HP 4280 also contains a built-in DC bias source with an output capability of 0 to ±100V and a maximum setting resolution of 1 mV. Capacitance-voltage measurements can be taken using this internal voltage source or an external bias unit. The HP 4280 includes an internal calibration capability. Measurements can be made in either internal or user sweep. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set to 1 MHz before making a measurement with the HP 4280, otherwise an error is reported.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, this bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.

The following table describes the HP 4280 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 14 HP 4280 Options 
Use User Sweep
Yes = use user sweep. No = use the instrument's internal sweep. Default = No
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting internal or user sweep. Range is 0 to 650 seconds in 10 msec steps.
Default = 3 msec

Delay Time
Time delay before each measurement is taken when using internal sweep. Range is 3 msec to 650 seconds. Resolution is in 1 msec steps for the 3 to 65 msec range, 10 msec for the 65.01 to 99.99 msec range, and 100 msec for the 100 msec to 650 second range. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 3 msec

Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0
Meas Speed
Measuring speed: S (slow), M (medium), or F (fast). Default = S
Sig Level (10, 30)
Signal level: 10 or 30 mV rms. Default = 10
High Res
Enables or disables high resolution mode. Yes = enabled. No = disabled. Default = No
Conn Mode
Connection mode. When using the HP 4280 internal bias source, set to 10. When using an external bias source, connect the source to the EXT-SLOW connector on the HP 4280 rear panel and set the connection mode to 12. Default = 10
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

HP/Agilent 4284 Precision LCR Meter

The HP/Agilent 4284 is a general purpose LCR meter with a frequency range of 20 Hz to 1 MHz. The instrument includes an internal calibration. Options 001 and 006 are supported by IC-CAP. Option 001 includes a built-in internal bias source. Standard cable lengths are 0 and 1 meter; option 006 supports 2 and 4 meter lengths as well. Measurements can be made in user sweep mode only.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.


Prior to configuring the HP/Agilent 4284 for the current measurement, the IC-CAP driver resets the 4284 to a known state by sending the *RST command. The default reset state (1V, 1KHz signal) may cause damage to certain devices between the time the $RST is requested and the time the requested signal level is set. To avoid this problem, you can define the reset state. See Defining the Reset State.

The following table describes the HP/Agilent 4284 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 15 HP/Agilent 4284 Options 
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep. Range is 0 to 650 seconds in 10 msec steps. Default = 0
Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before each sweep point is measured. The range is 0 to 60 seconds. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 0

Meas Freq
Measuring frequency. Only a set of frequencies are available. The range is 20 Hz to 1 MHz. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported.
Default = 1 MHz

Integ Time
Instrument integration time: S (short), M (medium), or L (long).
Default = M

Osc Level
Test signal level in volts or amps.
Allowable voltage levels and resolutions are:

Minimum = 5 mV
Maximum = 20V with opt 001, 2V otherwise
Between 5 mV and 200 mV: resolution = 1 mV
Between 200 mV and 2V: resolution = 10 mV
Between 2V and 20V: resolution = 100 mV (Opt. 001 only)
Allowable current levels and resolutions are:
Minimum level = 50 A rms
Maximum level = 200 mA rms with opt 001, 20 mA otherwise
Between 50 A and 2 mA: resolution = 10 A
Between 2 mA and 20 mA: resolution = 100 A
Between 20 mA and 200 mA: resolution = 1 mA (Opt. 001 only)

The Instrument Options folder accepts test signal levels outside these ranges. However, if a measurement is attempted, an error message is issued and the measurement is not performed.
Default = 10m

Osc Mode [V,I]
Specify V (voltage) or I (current). Automatic Level Control (ALC) is not supported. Default = V

The averaging rate of the instrument. Default = 1
Cable Length
Cable length, in meters: 0, 1, 2, or 4. Default = 1M
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

HP/Agilent 4285 Precision LCR Meter

The HP/Agilent 4285 is a general purpose LCR meter with a frequency range of 75 kHz to 30 MHz. The instrument includes an internal calibration. Option 001, which adds a built-in internal bias source, is supported by IC-CAP. Measurements can be made in user sweep only.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.


Prior to configuring the HP/Agilent 4285 for the current measurement, the IC-CAP driver resets the 4285 to a known state by sending the *RST command. The default reset state (1V, 1KHz signal) may cause damage to certain devices between the time the $RST is requested and the time the requested signal level is set. To avoid this problem, you can define the reset state. See Defining the Reset State.

The following table describes the HP/Agilent 4285 options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 16 HP/Agilent 4285 Options 
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep. Default = 0
Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before each sweep point is measured. Range is 0 to 60 seconds in 1 msec steps. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 0

Meas Freq
Measuring frequency. Range is 75 kHz to 30 MHz with 100 Hz resolution. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported. Default = 1 MHz
Integ Time
Instrument integration time: S (short), M (medium), or L (long).
Default = M

Osc Level
Test signal level in volts or amps.
The allowable voltage levels and resolutions are:

Minimum level = 5 mV rms
Maximum level = 2V rms
Between 5 mV and 200 mV: resolution = 1 mV
Between 200 mV and 2V: resolution = 10 mV

The allowable current levels and resolutions are:
Minimum level = 200 A rms
Maximum level = 20 mA rms
Between 200 A and 2 mA: resolution = 20 A
Between 2 mA and 20 mA: resolution = 200 A

The Instrument Options folder accepts test signal levels outside these ranges. However, if a measurement is attempted, an error message is issued and the measurement is not performed.
Default = 10m
Osc Mode [V,I]
Specify V (voltage) or I (current). Automatic Level Control (ALC) is not supported. Default = V

The averaging rate of the instrument. Default = 1
Cable Length
Cable length, in meters: 0, 1, or 2. Default = 1
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

Agilent E4980A Precision LCR Meter

The Agilent E4980A is a general-purpose LCR meter. The Agilent E4980A is used for evaluating LCR components, materials, and semiconductor devices over a wide range of frequencies (20 Hz to 20 MHz) and test signal levels (0.1 mVrms to 2 Vrms, 50 A to 20 mArms). With Option 001, the E4980A's test signal level range spans 0.1 mV to 20 Vrms, and 50 A to 200 mArms. Also, the E4980A with Option 001 enables up to ±40 Vrms DC bias measurements (without Option 001, up to ±2 Vrms), DCR measurements, and DC source measurements using the internal voltage source.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.


Prior to configuring the Agilent E4980A for the current measurement, the IC-CAP driver resets the E4980 to a known state by sending the *RST command. The default reset state (1V, 1KHz signal) may cause damage to certain devices between the time the $RST is requested and the time the requested signal level is set. To avoid this problem, you can define the reset state. See Defining the Reset State.

The following table describes the Agilent E4980A options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 17 Agilent E4980A Options 
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep. Range is 0 to 650 seconds in 10 msec steps.
Default = 0

Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before each sweep point is measured. The range is 0 to 60 seconds. When biasing the device with an external DC source (e.g., an Agilent 4142B or 4156C), the DC source's delay/hold options override this option.
Default = 0

Meas Freq
Measuring frequency. Only a set of frequencies are available. The range is 20 Hz to 1 MHz. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported.
Default = 1 MHz

Integ Time
Instrument integration time: S (short), M (medium), or L (long).
Default = M

Osc Level
Test signal level in volts or amps.
Allowable voltage levels and resolutions are:

Minimum = 0 mVrms
Maximum = 20 Vrms with opt 001, 2Vrms otherwise
Between 0 mVrms and 200 mVrms: resolution = 100 Vrms
Between 200 mVrms and 500 mVrms:
     resolution = 200 Vrms

Between 500mVrms and 1Vrms: resolution = 500  Vrms
Between 1 Vrms and 2 Vrms: resolution = 1 mVrms
Between 2 Vrms and 5 Vrms: resolution = 2 mVrms
     (Opt. 001 only)

Between 5 Vrms and 10 Vrms: resolution = 5 mVrms
     (Opt. 001 only)

Between 10 Vrms and 20 Vrms: resolution = 10 mVrms
     (Opt. 001 only)

†   When the test frequency is more than 1 MHz, the
     maximum oscillator voltage level that can be set is
     15 Vrms.

Allowable current levels and resolutions are:
Minimum level = 0 Arms
Maximum level = 100 mArms with opt 001, 20 mA

Between 0 Arms and 2 mArms: resolution = 1 Arms
Between 2 mArms and 5 mArms: resolution = 2 Arms
Between 5 mArms and 10 mArms: resolution = 5  Arms
Between 10 Arms and 20 mArms: resolution = 10 Arms

Between 20 mArms and 50 mArms: resolution = 20 Arms
     (Opt. 001 only)

Between 50 mArms and 100 mArms:
     resolution = 50  Arms (Opt. 001 only)

The Instrument Options folder accepts test signal levels outside these ranges. However, if a measurement is attempted, an error message is issued and the measurement is not performed.
Default = 10m

Osc Mode [V,I]
Specify V (voltage) or I (current). Automatic Level Control (ALC) is not supported. Default = V

The averaging rate of the instrument. Default = 1
Cable Length
Cable length, in meters: 0, 1, 2, or 4. Default = 1M
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = none

Agilent 4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer

The Agilent 4294A is a precision impedance analyzer designed to measure impedance (inductance, capacitance, and resistance) at frequencies between 40 Hz and 110 MHz. The instrument includes an internal calibration.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.

Frequency cannot be swept using IC-CAP.

The following table describes the Agilent 4294A options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 18 Agilent 4294A Options 
Use User Sweep
Yes = use user sweep. No = use the instrument's internal sweep. Default = No.
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep. Default = 0.
Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before each sweep point is measured. Range is 0 to 30 seconds. Resolution is 1 msec. Default = 0.
Meas Freq
Measuring frequency. Only a set of frequencies are available. Range is 40 Hz to 110 MHz. Resolution is 1 mHz at 40 Hz and 1 kHz at 110 MHz. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported. Default = 1 MHz.
Measurement bandwidth. 1 FAST (fastest measurement), 2, 3, 4, 5 PRECISE (highest accuracy measurement).
Default = 1.

Osc Level
Test signal level. Allowable voltage levels and resolutions are: minimum = 5 mV, maximum = 1 V. Default = 500 mV. Resolution = 1 mV.
Averages [1-256]
Point Averages, minimum 1, maximum = 256. Default = 1
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example) use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0.
Meas Range
Selects DC bias range. Three ranges: 1 mA, 10 mA, and
100 mA. Default = 1 mA.

Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = no entry.

Agilent E4991A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer

The Agilent E4991A is an RF impedance/material analyzer designed to measure impedance (inductance, capacitance, and resistance) at frequencies between 1 MHz and 3 GHz. Measurements can be made in internal sweep mode only.

IC-CAP assigns the following name to this unit:

CM    Capacitance Meter Unit

When using the internal DC bias, the bias unit is also included in the CM unit. Therefore, the unit name of this CM unit should also be entered in the Unit fields of both the voltage bias Input and the capacitance Output specifications of the Setup.

Frequency cannot be swept using IC-CAP.

The following table describes the Agilent E4991A options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 19 Agilent E4991A Options 
Use User Sweep
Yes = use user sweep, No = use the instrument's internal sweep, default = No.
Hold Time
Time the instrument waits before starting an internal or user sweep, default = 0.
Delay Time
Time the instrument waits before each sweep point is measured. Range is 0 to 20 seconds, default = 0.
Meas Freq
Measuring frequency. Only a set of frequencies are available. Range is 1 MHz to 3 GHz with 1 kHz resolution. If the CV_FREQ system variable is defined, it must be set equal to this frequency, otherwise an error is reported, default = 1 MHz.
Osc Level
Test signal level in volts. Allowable voltage levels and resolutions are: minimum = 5 mV; maximum = 502 mV, default = 100 mV, resolution = 1 mV. The Instrument Options dialog accepts test signal levels outside these ranges. However, if a measurement is attempted, an error message is issued and the measurement is not performed.
Averages [1-100]
Point Averages, minimum = 1, maximum = 256, default = 1.
Delay for Timeouts
For long-running measurements (that use a high number of averages, for example), use this option to avoid measurement timeouts. Default=0.
Bias Current Limit
Bias current limit, minimum 2 mA, maximum 50 mA, resolution 10 A, default 2 mA.
Cal Reference Plane
Used to select the calibration reference plane, either Coaxial (C) or Fixture (F).
Init Command
Command field to set the instrument to a mode not supported by the option table. This command is sent at the end of instrument initialization for each measurement. Normal C escape characters such as \n (new line) are available. Default = no entry.
