Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >MOS Model 9 Characterization
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MOS Model 9 Characterization

MOS Model 9, developed by Philips, is a compact model for circuit simulation, suitable for both digital and analog applications. It provides the following features:

    • Non-uniform doping effect on VTH
    • Mobility reduction due to vertical field
    • Vbs influence on mobility reduction
    • Velocity saturation
    • Channel length modulation
    • Subthreshold conduction
    • DIBL/Static-feedback
    • Substrate current
    • Parameter scaling with respect to W, L, and temperature
    • Based on single-equation I-V and Q-V formulations
    • Continuous gm, gm/Id and gds behavior in the weak to strong inversion and linear to saturation transition regions

This implementation is intended only for enhancement mode MOSFETs. Although MOS Model 9 also has applications for depletion mode devices, this implementation does not support this option. It is intended to work in the absence of a circuit simulator with MOS Model 9 being available to IC-CAP. Thus, the MOS Model 9 equations are implemented with C routines that are linked directly to the IC-CAP executable.

The suitability and accuracy for DC, AC and statistical applications have been demonstrated by Philips in several publications (see References [1], [2], and [3] at the end of this chapter).
