Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >MOS Model 9 Characterization
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MOS Model 9 Model

MOS Model 9 uses two IC-CAP models: mm9 and mm9_tempx. Both of these models are stored in the file mm9.mdl. When saving in the Main window, ensure both model definitions are kept.

    • mm9 is the main model definition file and contains the templates for measurements and extraction.
    • mm9_tempx is the template file for data that will be measured at non-nominal temperature. The most important aspect of this file is that the MM9 parameter values are set to the values in the model MM9.

The primary method of model evaluation relies on the function MM9, which appears in the Function Group MM9. This function requires the inputs VD, VG, VS, and VB, which are arrays that give the drain, gate, source, and bulk voltages, respectively. It also requires the parameter Output, which controls the current returned by the function and is defined by one of the following options:

    • D to return drain current
    • S to return source current
    • B to return bulk (avalanche) current

The calculations performed by this function are also influenced by two variables (MODLEVEL and EQNTYPE). These quantities and their influence are shown in Table 72.

The following figure illustrates the overall structure of the model.

Figure 157 Overall Structure of MOS Model 9
