Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >BSIM3v3 Characterization Print version of this Book (PDF file) |
Test structures for Deep Submicron CMOS ProcessesA very important prerequisite for a proper model parameter extraction is the selection of appropriate test structures. The following sections describe the necessary test structures for the determination of CV and DC model parameters. A very detailed description of ideal test structures can be found in the JESSI AC-41 reports [2]. Transistors for DC measurementsThe minimum set of devices for a proper extraction of DC model parameters is marked with in the following figure. This means one transistor with large and wide channel (and therefore showing no short/narrow effects), one transistor with a narrow channel, one transistor with a short channel, and one device with both short and narrow channel. Please note that with this minimum set of devices some parameters cannot be determined correctly (see the chapter "Extraction of parameters") and they are set to default values during the extraction. For an extraction of all model parameters and a better fit of the simulated devices over the whole range of designed gate length and gate width, use more devices with different gate lengths and gate widths as shown in the following figure with signs. You can use additional devices, for example, for evaluating the extraction results for certain channel lengths and widths used in your process. They are marked .
a) Requirements for DevicesLarge
In general
Drain/Source – Bulk Diodes for DC Measurements
Test Structures for CV MeasurementsThe following table provides example test structures for measuring capacitance-voltage properties. Each test structure includes a description as well as a schematic for setting up the measurements. You can modify these examples by changing the low and high connection of the CV meter.
Test Structures for S-parameter Measurementsa) Test StructuresPerforming S-parameter measurements with MOS devices on a wafer requires properly designed test structures that meet certain requirements:
A principle layout of such a test structure is shown in the following figure [9].
The MOS transistor is designed as a finger structure with four common gates, three source areas and two drain areas. In summary, this compact layout results in a very wide gate width, which can drive a high current Ids. The probes are connected in a Ground-Signal-Ground scheme according to the recommendations in [4]. As it is shown above, the calibration plane of the network analyzer is at the end of the probe head. This means, the transmission lines that connect the DUT with the probe head must be modeled and their effect must be de-embedded from the measured data of the DUT. This can be done by measuring an OPEN and a SHORT test device without a DUT and using these measurements to de-embed the parasitic influence of the pads. The following two figures show the design of these OPEN and SHORT test structures. Both of these test structures will be used for a simple and effective de-embedding procedure (OPEN_SHORT) as will be shown later. Additional test devices, like a THROUGH device can be used to verify the de-embedding strategy. In general, the complexity of the de-embedding procedure depends on the frequency range of the measurements and the design of the test structures. However, a proper de-embedding is the absolute pre-requisite for an accurate AC modeling of the MOS transistor.
b) De-embedding proceduresThe DUT Deembedding > Calculation contains five different setups, two for general purposes and three with different de-embedding methods, to be selected depending on the availability of test structures and the frequency range of measurements. They are:
1. OPEN:This the simplest way of de-embedding and is often used for frequency ranges up to 10 GHz. It is assumed that the parasitics can be modeled using the following equivalent circuit:
The OPEN device is measured and the S-parameters of the DUT are calculated as shown next: Stotal -> Ytotal, Sopen -> YopenYdut -> Sdut
The typical behavior of this test structure is shown in the following 2 figures.
2.OPEN_SHORT:This is a very fast and effective way of de-embedding from measurements of an OPEN and a SHORT device. It is useful for frequencies above roughly 3.5 GHz if the accuracy of the OPEN method is not satisfying. This method is described in detail in the IC-CAP demo_features. (See the file: $ICCAP_ROOT/examples/demo_features/4extraction/ deemb_short_open.mdl) It is assumed that the parasitics can be modeled using the following equivalent circuit:
The transistor is located between nodes: Gate = 222, Drain = 111, Source, Bulk = 333 Regarding the two test structures OPEN and SHORT and their equivalent circuits, it is assumed that there are ONLY parallel parasitics followed by serial parasitics. If this pre-requisite is valid, the measured data of the SHORT device and the measured data from the DUT have to be de-embedded from the outer parallel parasitic elements first (after a conversion of S to Y parameters): The subsequent step is to de-embed the measured data of the DUT from the serial parasitic elements and convert them back to S-parameters: The typical behavior of the OPEN_SHORT structure is shown in the two figures below:
3.USER_DEFINED:This setup can be used to implement user-specific de-embedding procedures with other test structures than OPEN and SHORT or to achieve a higher quality in de-embedding. Please see the transform deembed_all to locate the entry point for your specific de-embedding procedure. The ultimate tool for de-embedding with IC-CAP is the De-embedding Tool-kit where a large number of ready-to-go solutions together with the theoretical background can be found. Please contact Dr. Franz Sischka from Agilent EEsof ( for more details. c) Verification proceduresThe BSIM3v3 Modeling Package provides a method to verify the de-embedding. It uses a THROUGH dummy test device. After a correct de-embedding of the parasitic components, the S-parameters of the THROUGH should show the behavior of an ideal, matched transmission line with Z0=50 Ohm and a TD that represents the electrical length of the through line in the THROUGH dummy device. The S11 and S22 curve should be concentrated in the center of the Smith chart, while S21 and S12 should both begin at (1+j*0) and turn clockwise on the unity circle. If these pre assumptions are not given, the following items should be checked:
Physical Length Verification of the Through Test StructureChecking the physical length of the Through line involves a measurement of the phase angle between the input and output signal of the through. Since it is assumed that the through line is designed to give a Z0 of 50 Ohms (as is used for RF measurements using a network analyzer), the output and input signal amplitude are the same. The S-parameter measurement gives a phase difference between input and output signals. Using the Smith diagram, you can calculate the physical length of the through line between the pads using the phase difference of the signals. This phase difference is calculated from: = length of the line (distance between pads) Since , the electrical length of the line is The formulas above are valid only for air as dielectricum, since the velocity of the wave depends on the relative dielectric and permeable constants of the material. Building standard test structures on silicon wafers using silicon dioxide as dielectric, changes the propagation velocity of the waves from light speed (c) to: The constants for silicon and silicon dioxide are:
Typically, the test structures are built on a silicon wafer on top of the silicon dioxide isolator. This leads us to a propagation velocity of: Using this result, the physical length of the line would be: ExampleA measurement gives a phase difference between input and output of a through line as 10° at a frequency of 5 GHz. The test structure uses silicon dioxide as the isolator material. We would like to know the electrical length of our through test structure. Using the above formula leads to: Therefore, the physical length of the measured line is 0.84E-3 m or 840 µm. |