
vpr/SRC/route/check_route.c File Reference

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "vpr_types.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "mst.h"
#include "route_export.h"
#include "check_route.h"
#include "rr_graph.h"
#include "check_rr_graph.h"
#include "read_xml_arch_file.h"
Include dependency graph for check_route.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


static void check_node_and_range (int inode, enum e_route_type route_type)
static void check_source (int inode, int inet)
static void check_sink (int inode, int inet, boolean *pin_done)
static void check_switch (struct s_trace *tptr, int num_switch)
static boolean check_adjacent (int from_node, int to_node)
static int pin_and_chan_adjacent (int pin_node, int chan_node)
static int chanx_chany_adjacent (int chanx_node, int chany_node)
static void reset_flags (int inet, boolean *connected_to_route)
static void recompute_occupancy_from_scratch (t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally)
static void check_locally_used_clb_opins (t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally, enum e_route_type route_type)
void check_route (enum e_route_type route_type, int num_switch, t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally)

Function Documentation

static int chanx_chany_adjacent ( int  chanx_node,
int  chany_node 
) [static]

Returns 1 if the specified CHANX and CHANY nodes are adjacent, 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 568 of file check_route.c.


    int chanx_y, chanx_xlow, chanx_xhigh;
    int chany_x, chany_ylow, chany_yhigh;

    chanx_y = rr_node[chanx_node].ylow;
    chanx_xlow = rr_node[chanx_node].xlow;
    chanx_xhigh = rr_node[chanx_node].xhigh;

    chany_x = rr_node[chany_node].xlow;
    chany_ylow = rr_node[chany_node].ylow;
    chany_yhigh = rr_node[chany_node].yhigh;

    if(chany_ylow > chanx_y + 1 || chany_yhigh < chanx_y)
        return (0);

    if(chanx_xlow > chany_x + 1 || chanx_xhigh < chany_x)
        return (0);

    return (1);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static boolean check_adjacent ( int  from_node,
int  to_node 
) [static]

This routine checks if the rr_node to_node is reachable from from_node. It returns TRUE if is reachable and FALSE if it is not. Check_node has already been used to verify that both nodes are valid rr_nodes, so only adjacency is checked here.

Definition at line 374 of file check_route.c.

    int from_xlow, from_ylow, to_xlow, to_ylow, from_ptc, to_ptc, iclass;
    int num_adj, to_xhigh, to_yhigh, from_xhigh, from_yhigh, iconn;
    boolean reached;
    t_rr_type from_type, to_type;
    t_type_ptr from_grid_type, to_grid_type;

    reached = FALSE;

    for(iconn = 0; iconn < rr_node[from_node].num_edges; iconn++)
            if(rr_node[from_node].edges[iconn] == to_node)
                    reached = TRUE;

        return (FALSE);

/* Now we know the rr graph says these two nodes are adjacent.  Double  *
 * check that this makes sense, to verify the rr graph.                 */

    num_adj = 0;

    from_type = rr_node[from_node].type;
    from_xlow = rr_node[from_node].xlow;
    from_ylow = rr_node[from_node].ylow;
    from_xhigh = rr_node[from_node].xhigh;
    from_yhigh = rr_node[from_node].yhigh;
    from_ptc = rr_node[from_node].ptc_num;
    to_type = rr_node[to_node].type;
    to_xlow = rr_node[to_node].xlow;
    to_ylow = rr_node[to_node].ylow;
    to_xhigh = rr_node[to_node].xhigh;
    to_yhigh = rr_node[to_node].yhigh;
    to_ptc = rr_node[to_node].ptc_num;

    switch (from_type)

        case SOURCE:
            assert(to_type == OPIN);
            if(from_xlow == to_xlow && from_ylow == to_ylow
               && from_xhigh == to_xhigh && from_yhigh == to_yhigh)

                    from_grid_type = grid[from_xlow][from_ylow].type;
                    to_grid_type = grid[to_xlow][to_ylow].type;
                    assert(from_grid_type == to_grid_type);

                    iclass = to_grid_type->pin_class[to_ptc];
                    if(iclass == from_ptc)

        case SINK:
            /* SINKS are adjacent to not connected */

        case OPIN:
            assert(to_type == CHANX || to_type == CHANY);
            num_adj += pin_and_chan_adjacent(from_node, to_node);


        case IPIN:
            assert(to_type == SINK);
            if(from_xlow == to_xlow && from_ylow == to_ylow
               && from_xhigh == to_xhigh && from_yhigh == to_yhigh)

                    from_grid_type = grid[from_xlow][from_ylow].type;
                    to_grid_type = grid[to_xlow][to_ylow].type;
                    assert(from_grid_type == to_grid_type);

                    iclass = from_grid_type->pin_class[from_ptc];
                    if(iclass == to_ptc)

        case CHANX:
            if(to_type == IPIN)
                    num_adj += pin_and_chan_adjacent(to_node, from_node);
            else if(to_type == CHANX)
                    from_xhigh = rr_node[from_node].xhigh;
                    to_xhigh = rr_node[to_node].xhigh;
                    if(from_ylow == to_ylow)
                            /* UDSD Modification by WMF Begin */
                            /*For Fs > 3, can connect to overlapping wire segment */
                            if(to_xhigh == from_xlow - 1
                               || from_xhigh == to_xlow - 1)
                            /* Overlapping */
                                    int i;

                                    for(i = from_xlow; i <= from_xhigh; i++)
                                            if(i >= to_xlow && i <= to_xhigh)
                            /* UDSD Modification by WMF End */
            else if(to_type == CHANY)
                    num_adj += chanx_chany_adjacent(from_node, to_node);

        case CHANY:
            if(to_type == IPIN)
                    num_adj += pin_and_chan_adjacent(to_node, from_node);
            else if(to_type == CHANY)
                    from_yhigh = rr_node[from_node].yhigh;
                    to_yhigh = rr_node[to_node].yhigh;
                    if(from_xlow == to_xlow)
                            /* UDSD Modification by WMF Begin */
                            if(to_yhigh == from_ylow - 1
                               || from_yhigh == to_ylow - 1)
                            /* Overlapping */
                                    int j;

                                    for(j = from_ylow; j <= from_yhigh; j++)
                                            if(j >= to_ylow && j <= to_yhigh)
                            /* UDSD Modification by WMF End */
            else if(to_type == CHANX)
                    num_adj += chanx_chany_adjacent(to_node, from_node);



    if(num_adj == 1)
        return (TRUE);
    else if(num_adj == 0)
        return (FALSE);

    printf("Error in check_adjacent: num_adj = %d. Expected 0 or 1.\n",

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_locally_used_clb_opins ( t_ivec **  clb_opins_used_locally,
enum e_route_type  route_type 
) [static]

Checks that enough OPINs on CLBs have been set aside (used up) to make a legal routing if subblocks connect to OPINs directly.

Definition at line 729 of file check_route.c.

    int iclass, iblk, num_local_opins, inode, ipin;
    t_rr_type rr_type;

    for(iblk = 0; iblk < num_blocks; iblk++)
            for(iclass = 0; iclass < block[iblk].type->num_class; iclass++)
                    num_local_opins =
                    /* Always 0 for pads and for SINK classes */

                    for(ipin = 0; ipin < num_local_opins; ipin++)
                            inode =
                            check_node_and_range(inode, route_type);    /* Node makes sense? */

                            /* Now check that node is an OPIN of the right type. */

                            rr_type = rr_node[inode].type;
                            if(rr_type != OPIN)
                                        ("Error in check_locally_used_opins:  Block #%d (%s)\n"
                                         "\tclass %d locally used OPIN is of the wrong rr_type --\n"
                                         "\tit is rr_node #%d of type %d.\n",
                                         iblk, block[iblk].name, iclass,
                                         inode, rr_type);

                            ipin = rr_node[inode].ptc_num;
                            if(block[iblk].type->pin_class[ipin] != iclass)
                                        ("Error in check_locally_used_opins:  Block #%d (%s):\n"
                                         "\tExpected class %d locally used OPIN, got class %d."
                                         "\trr_node #: %d.\n", iblk,
                                         block[iblk].name, iclass,

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_node_and_range ( int  inode,
enum e_route_type  route_type 
) [static]

Checks that inode is within the legal range, then calls check_node to check that everything else about the node is OK.

Definition at line 785 of file check_route.c.

    if(inode < 0 || inode >= num_rr_nodes)
                ("Error in check_node_and_range:  rr_node #%d is out of legal "
                 "\trange (0 to %d).\n", inode, num_rr_nodes - 1);
    check_node(inode, route_type);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void check_route ( enum e_route_type  route_type,
int  num_switch,
t_ivec **  clb_opins_used_locally 

This routine checks that a routing: (1) Describes a properly connected path for each net, (2) this path connects all the pins spanned by that net, and (3) that no routing resources are oversubscribed (the occupancy of everything is recomputed from scratch).

Definition at line 45 of file check_route.c.


    int inet, ipin, max_pins, inode, prev_node;
    boolean valid, connects;
    boolean *connected_to_route;        /* [0 .. num_rr_nodes-1] */
    struct s_trace *tptr;
    boolean *pin_done;

    printf("\nChecking to ensure routing is legal ...\n");

/* Recompute the occupancy from scratch and check for overuse of routing *
 * resources.  This was already checked in order to determine that this  *
 * is a successful routing, but I want to double check it here.          */

    valid = feasible_routing();
    if(valid == FALSE)
                ("Error in check_route -- routing resources are overused.\n");

    check_locally_used_clb_opins(clb_opins_used_locally, route_type);

    connected_to_route = (boolean *) my_calloc(num_rr_nodes, sizeof(boolean));

    max_pins = 0;
    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)
        max_pins = max(max_pins, (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1));

    pin_done = (boolean *) my_malloc(max_pins * sizeof(boolean));

/* Now check that all nets are indeed connected. */

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)

                if(clb_net[inet].is_global || clb_net[inet].num_sinks == 0)     /* Skip global nets. */

            for(ipin = 0; ipin < (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1); ipin++)
                pin_done[ipin] = FALSE;

/* Check the SOURCE of the net. */

            tptr = trace_head[inet];
            if(tptr == NULL)
                    printf("Error in check_route:  net %d has no routing.\n",

            inode = tptr->index;
            check_node_and_range(inode, route_type);
            check_switch(tptr, num_switch);
            connected_to_route[inode] = TRUE;   /* Mark as in path. */

            check_source(inode, inet);
            pin_done[0] = TRUE;

            prev_node = inode;
            tptr = tptr->next;

/* Check the rest of the net */

            while(tptr != NULL)
                    inode = tptr->index;
                    check_node_and_range(inode, route_type);
                    check_switch(tptr, num_switch);

                    if(rr_node[prev_node].type == SINK)
                            if(connected_to_route[inode] == FALSE)
                                        ("Error in check_route.  Node %d does not link "
                                         "into the existing routing for net %d.\n",
                                         inode, inet);

                            connects = check_adjacent(prev_node, inode);
                                        ("Error in check_route while checking net %d.\n",
                                        ("Non-adjacent segments in traceback.\n");

                               && rr_node[inode].type != SINK)

                                    /* Note:  Can get multiple connections to the same logically-equivalent     *
                                     * SINK in some logic blocks.                                               */

                                        ("Error in check_route:  net %d routing is not a tree.\n",

                            connected_to_route[inode] = TRUE;   /* Mark as in path. */

                            if(rr_node[inode].type == SINK)
                                check_sink(inode, inet, pin_done);

                        }       /* End of prev_node type != SINK */
                    prev_node = inode;
                    tptr = tptr->next;
                }               /* End while */

            if(rr_node[prev_node].type != SINK)
                    printf("Error in check_route.  Net %d does not end\n",
                    printf("with a SINK.\n");

            for(ipin = 0; ipin < (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1); ipin++)
                    if(pin_done[ipin] == FALSE)
                                ("Error in check_route.  Net %d does not \n",
                            printf("connect to pin %d.\n", ipin);

            reset_flags(inet, connected_to_route);

        }                       /* End for each net */

    printf("Completed routing consistency check successfully.\n\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_sink ( int  inode,
int  inet,
boolean pin_done 
) [static]

Checks that this SINK node is one of the terminals of inet, and marks the appropriate pin as being reached.

Definition at line 202 of file check_route.c.


    int i, j, ipin, ifound, ptc_num, bnum, iclass, node_block_pin, iblk;
    t_type_ptr type;

    assert(rr_node[inode].type == SINK);
    i = rr_node[inode].xlow;
    j = rr_node[inode].ylow;
    type = grid[i][j].type;
    ptc_num = rr_node[inode].ptc_num;   /* For sinks, ptc_num is the class */
    ifound = 0;

    for(iblk = 0; iblk < type->capacity; iblk++)
            bnum = grid[i][j].blocks[iblk];     /* Hardcoded to one block */
            for(ipin = 1; ipin < (clb_net[inet].num_sinks + 1); ipin++)
                {               /* All net SINKs */
                    if(clb_net[inet].node_block[ipin] == bnum)
                            node_block_pin = clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[ipin];
                            iclass = type->pin_class[node_block_pin];
                            if(iclass == ptc_num)
/* Could connect to same pin class on the same clb more than once.  Only   *
 * update pin_done for a pin that hasn't been reached yet.                 */

                                    if(pin_done[ipin] == FALSE)
                                            pin_done[ipin] = TRUE;

    if(ifound > 1 && type == IO_TYPE)
            printf("Error in check_sink:  found %d terminals of net %d of pad"
                   "\n %d at location (%d, %d).\n", ifound, inet, ptc_num, i,

    if(ifound < 1)
                ("Error in check_sink:  node %d does not connect to any terminal "
                 "\n of net %d.\n", inode, inet);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_source ( int  inode,
int  inet 
) [static]

Checks that the node passed in is a valid source for this net.

Definition at line 261 of file check_route.c.

    t_rr_type rr_type;
    t_type_ptr type;
    int i, j, ptc_num, bnum, node_block_pin, iclass;

    rr_type = rr_node[inode].type;
    if(rr_type != SOURCE)
                ("Error in check_source:  net %d begins with a node of type %d.\n",
                 inet, rr_type);

    i = rr_node[inode].xlow;
    j = rr_node[inode].ylow;
    ptc_num = rr_node[inode].ptc_num;   /* for sinks and sources, ptc_num is class */
    bnum = clb_net[inet].node_block[0]; /* First node_block for net is the source */
    type = grid[i][j].type;

    if(block[bnum].x != i || block[bnum].y != j)
                ("Error in check_source:  net SOURCE is in wrong location (%d,%d)."
                 "\n", i, j);

    node_block_pin = clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[0];
    iclass = type->pin_class[node_block_pin];

    if(ptc_num != iclass)
                ("Error in check_source:  net SOURCE is of wrong class (%d).\n",

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void check_switch ( struct s_trace tptr,
int  num_switch 
) [static]

Checks that the switch leading from this traceback element to the next one is a legal switch type.

Definition at line 308 of file check_route.c.

    int inode;
    short switch_type;

    inode = tptr->index;
    switch_type = tptr->iswitch;

    if(rr_node[inode].type != SINK)
            if(switch_type < 0 || switch_type >= num_switch)
                        ("Error in check_switch: rr_node %d left via switch type %d.\n",
                         inode, switch_type);
                    printf("Switch type is out of range.\n");

        {                       /* Is a SINK */

/* Without feedthroughs, there should be no switch.  If feedthroughs are    *
 * allowed, change to treat a SINK like any other node (as above).          */

            if(switch_type != OPEN)
                        ("Error in check_switch:  rr_node %d is a SINK, but attempts \n"
                         "to use a switch of type %d.\n", inode, switch_type);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int pin_and_chan_adjacent ( int  pin_node,
int  chan_node 
) [static]

Checks if pin_node is adjacent to chan_node. It returns 1 if the two nodes are adjacent and 0 if they are not (any other value means there's a bug in this routine).

Definition at line 597 of file check_route.c.


    int num_adj, pin_xlow, pin_ylow, pin_xhigh, pin_yhigh, chan_xlow,
        chan_ylow, chan_xhigh, chan_yhigh;
    int pin_ptc, i;
    t_rr_type chan_type;
    t_type_ptr pin_grid_type;

    num_adj = 0;
    pin_xlow = rr_node[pin_node].xlow;
    pin_ylow = rr_node[pin_node].ylow;
    pin_xhigh = rr_node[pin_node].xhigh;
    pin_yhigh = rr_node[pin_node].yhigh;
    pin_grid_type = grid[pin_xlow][pin_ylow].type;
    pin_ptc = rr_node[pin_node].ptc_num;
    chan_type = rr_node[chan_node].type;
    chan_xlow = rr_node[chan_node].xlow;
    chan_ylow = rr_node[chan_node].ylow;
    chan_xhigh = rr_node[chan_node].xhigh;
    chan_yhigh = rr_node[chan_node].yhigh;

    if(chan_type == CHANX)
            if(chan_ylow == pin_yhigh)
                {               /* CHANX above CLB */
                       pinloc[pin_grid_type->height - 1][TOP][pin_ptc] == 1
                       && pin_xlow <= chan_xhigh && pin_xhigh >= chan_xlow)
            else if(chan_ylow == pin_ylow - 1)
                {               /* CHANX below CLB */
                    if(pin_grid_type->pinloc[0][BOTTOM][pin_ptc] == 1
                       && pin_xlow <= chan_xhigh && pin_xhigh >= chan_xlow)
    else if(chan_type == CHANY)
            for(i = 0; i < pin_grid_type->height; i++)
                    if(chan_xlow == pin_xhigh)
                        {       /* CHANY to right of CLB */
                            if(pin_grid_type->pinloc[i][RIGHT][pin_ptc] == 1
                               && pin_ylow <= chan_yhigh
                               && pin_yhigh >= chan_ylow)
                    else if(chan_xlow == pin_xlow - 1)
                        {       /* CHANY to left of CLB */
                            if(pin_grid_type->pinloc[i][LEFT][pin_ptc] == 1
                               && pin_ylow <= chan_yhigh
                               && pin_yhigh >= chan_ylow)
    return (num_adj);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void recompute_occupancy_from_scratch ( t_ivec **  clb_opins_used_locally) [static]

This routine updates the occ field in the rr_node structure according to the resource usage of the current routing. It does a brute force recompute from scratch that is useful for sanity checking.

Definition at line 664 of file check_route.c.


    int inode, inet, iblk, iclass, ipin, num_local_opins;
    struct s_trace *tptr;

/* First set the occupancy of everything to zero. */

    for(inode = 0; inode < num_rr_nodes; inode++)
        rr_node[inode].occ = 0;

/* Now go through each net and count the tracks and pins used everywhere */

    for(inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++)

            if(clb_net[inet].is_global) /* Skip global nets. */

            tptr = trace_head[inet];
            if(tptr == NULL)

                    inode = tptr->index;

                    if(rr_node[inode].type == SINK)
                            tptr = tptr->next;  /* Skip next segment. */
                            if(tptr == NULL)

                    tptr = tptr->next;

/* Now update the occupancy of each of the "locally used" OPINs on each CLB *
 * (CLB outputs used up by being directly wired to subblocks used only      *
 * locally).                                                                */

    for(iblk = 0; iblk < num_blocks; iblk++)
            for(iclass = 0; iclass < block[iblk].type->num_class; iclass++)
                    num_local_opins =
                    /* Will always be 0 for pads or SINK classes. */
                    for(ipin = 0; ipin < num_local_opins; ipin++)
                            inode =

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void reset_flags ( int  inet,
boolean connected_to_route 
) [static]

This routine resets the flags of all the channel segments contained in the traceback of net inet to 0. This allows us to check the next net for connectivity (and the default state of the flags should always be zero after they have been used).

Definition at line 351 of file check_route.c.


    struct s_trace *tptr;
    int inode;

    tptr = trace_head[inet];

    while(tptr != NULL)
            inode = tptr->index;
            connected_to_route[inode] = FALSE;  /* Not in routed path now. */
            tptr = tptr->next;

Here is the caller graph for this function: