Re: Marking of assignment 2

ddowler ( Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:04:40 -0800

Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:04:40 -0800
From: ddowler <>
Subject: Re: Marking of assignment 2

Dr. Casas: If the actual solution of the problem is too easy to forge, then why don't we email our .com files and the TA can test them for himself? If you tell us what the name of the .com file should be (i.e. where asgx is the assignment number, and yyyy are the last 4 digits of our student number), then the TA can put them all in the valarrow directory, and test the whole class in a few minutes. Is this unreasonable? Also, why did we have to use the exact 4 functions that you suggested? I used a slightly different algorithm that worked fine. Lastly, I think it should be noted that the workload for this course has been, by far, the largest of the third year courses, so I don't think a little more leniency would be unreasonable. If the comments are going to be marked so in-depth, then shouldnt we get an in-depth description (i.e. mark breakdown) of what is expected? I don't think it would bias our efforts, since nobody worries about the comments until a solution is reached anyway (I think I speak for everyone when I say that). Thanks, Dustin Dowler EECE 379