Re: Marking of assignment 2

Ed Casas ( Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:06:38 -0800

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:06:38 -0800
From: Ed Casas <>
Subject: Re: Marking of assignment 2

On Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 10:04:40PM -0800, ddowler wrote: > If the actual solution of the problem is too easy to forge, then why > don't we email our .com files and the TA can test them for himself? If > you tell us what the name of the .com file should be (i.e. > where asgx is the assignment number, and yyyy are the last 4 digits of > our student number), then the TA can put them all in the valarrow > directory, and test the whole class in a few minutes. Is this > unreasonable? Actually, yes. In previous versions of the course I have asked students to hand in floppies with the source and executable versions of their code and then had the TA run and test each solution. These schemes have proven to be less efficient (in terms of TA time) than marking paper printouts. I was shocked at the number of people who misunderstood the submission procedure or who thought the TA would ``figure it out'' (unreadable files, files in the wrong format (DOS vs UNIX), viruses, people who insisted on using Borland Turbo Assembler syntax instead of the free assembler, people submitting the wrong files (source instead of executable or vice versa...). It turned out that high-tech methods of submitting and marking assignments involved too much overhead to be worthwhile for a course like this (an on-site course with a relatively small number of students). I've also had students electronically submit source code via a "trap door" set-uid unix program (the details are on previous year's web pages if you're interested in the details). This introduces another whole set of problems related to authentication, security, and system availability. And it doesn't help with the above problems. The whole experience convinced me that we still have a long way to go before electronic "documents" become as easy to use as paper ones. By the way, how do you know the last four digits of the student numbers would be unique? > Also, why did we have to use the exact 4 functions that you > suggested? I used a slightly different algorithm that worked > fine. One of the purposes of the assignment was for you to practice writing and using functions. Of course, using another set of functions would work. But it would take too long and would be too subjective a decision for the TA to evaluate whether you had used "enough" functions and made the "right" choice of functions. In "real life" your client/customer/manager will give you a specification or a statement of work and you will be expected to come up with a solution that meets those requirements. These requirements will often constrain the solution (e.g. ask you to use a specific compiler, library, chipset, ...). So think of these assignments as practice for the real world. > Lastly, I think it should be noted that the workload for this > course has been, by far, the largest of the third year courses, > so I don't think a little more leniency would be unreasonable. Programming courses and lab courses do require more time. The reason is that these courses require that you build working hardware and write working programs. By their nature these tasks are "all or nothing" in the sense that it's immediately obvious when your solution is "wrong." This is in contrast to courses that only require problem solutions on paper. In these courses you can "get by" with a fuzzy understanding of the material and answers that are "partly" right. Don't worry! You *will* be rewarded for all the time you've spent on the labs and assignments. 70% of your final mark is determined by your mid-term and final exam marks. Your "reward" will be that you will do well in the exams. I also hope that this course, more than most others, will help you develop useful and practical problem-solving skills. > If the comments are going to be marked so in-depth, then > shouldnt we get an in-depth description (i.e. mark breakdown) > of what is expected? I do give you an in-depth description of what is expected. But, for reasons explained earlier, I don't tell you exactly how an assignment will be marked. > I don't think it would bias our efforts, since nobody worries > about the comments until a solution is reached anyway (I think > I speak for everyone when I say that). Yikes! Maybe we should talk about good software development practices. Only the most trivial programs can be developed over a short enough time and by so few people that the documentation can be put aside "until a solution is reached". By the way, thank you (and Jonathan) for the feedback about the course. It may not show in my responses, but I do appreciate it. -- Ed Casas +1 604 822-2592