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Plot Optimizer Window

File Menu

Enables you to open an existing plot optimizer file.
Save As...
Enables you to save the current plot optimizer configuration to a file of your choosing.
Clear Plot Optimizer
Disables all traces and regions in the plots, disables all open plots, and clears the Parameters table.
Reset Option Table
Resets all options in the Options table to the default values.
Closes the Plot Optimizer window.

Plots Menu

Enable All
Enables all open Plot windows in a model file.
Disable All
Disables all open Plot windows in a model file.


Simulate All
Simulates all enabled traces.


Run Optimization
Performs an optimization of the enabled traces.
Tune Fast...
Opens a tuner window which enables you to adjust the parameter values. You can see the effects in a plot as you vary parameter values using the tuner. Recalculates constantly as a slider is moved. While the tuner window is open, you can change the Min and Max values.
Tune Slow...
Opens a tuner window which enables you to adjust the parameter values. Recalculates only when a slider is released. You can see the effects in a plot as you vary parameter values using the tuner. While the tuner window is open, you can change the Min and Max values. It's best to use Tune Slow when the time per calculation is slow (about one second or more).


Store Parameters
Stores values in the Parameters table for later recall.
Recall Parameters
Recalls the values stored in the Parameters table.
Undo Optim
After running an optimization, restores the parameters to their previous state.
AutoSet Min and Max
Automatically sets the parameter values.
Reset Min and Max
Restores the parameter values to their default values.


The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
