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Multiplot Window

File Menu

Opens the Print dialog box which enables you to print to the specified printer, a file, or copy to the Windows clipboard.
Save Image...
Enables you to save the current plot configuration to a file of your choosing.
Printer Setup...
Opens the Print Setup dialog box (see Chapter 10, "Printing and Plotting").
Closes the Plot window.

Options Menu

Refreshes the plot.
Update Annotation
Updates the plots annotation.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies a plot image to the Windows clipboard.
Turns the autoscale mode on or off. When turned on, the graph automatically rescales as data changes. The status appears in the graph's title.
   Show Relative Error
Toggles the MAX and RMS relative errors in the footer area on or off.
   Show Absolute Error
Toggles the MAX and RMS absolute errors in the footer area on or off.
   Select Whole Plot
All the points in the measured/simulated datasets will be used to calculate the error.
   Select Error Region
Identifies the selected region as the error region. A green box that delimits the error calculation replaces the white box.
Plot Options
Displays the Plot Options dialog box, which enables you to define trace options, plot options, and text annotation.
Session Settings
   Area Tools
Toggles the graph's area tools on or off.
Toggles the graph's legend on or off.
   Text Annotation
Toggles the graph's text annotation on or off.
Toggles the graph's title on or off.
Toggles the header on or off.
Toggles the footer on or off.
   Exchange Black-White
Reverses the black and white settings for the graph's grid, text, and background.
Toggles color on or off for the traces and markers. When Color is off, the traces and markers are the same color as the graph's grid and text.
   Reset to Saved Options
Resets the current session settings back to the saved Plot Options.
   Save Current Settings
Saves the current session's settings as the saved Plot Options.

Optimizer Menu

Open Optimizer...
Opens the Plot Optimizer window.
Enable/Disable Plot
Enables or disables the Plot window. Enabling the plot window synchronizes it with the Plot Optimizer window.
Global Region
Deletes all existing global trace regions on the plot and defines a new global trace region.
Adds a global trace region without deleting existing global trace regions.
   Delete All
Deletes all global trace regions.
Autoconfigure and Enable
Automatically enables and configures the inputs in a Plot window.
Disable All Traces
Disables all inputs in a Plot window.
   Set as Both Target and

Configures the selected trace with its measured data set as Target and its simulated data set as Simulated.
   Set as Target vs.
Configures the selected trace as Target.
   Set as Simulated vs.
Configures the selected trace as Simulated.
Disables the selected trace.
   Trace Optimizer Region
Deletes all existing trace optimizer regions for the selected trace and defines a new trace optimizer region.
Adds a trace optimizer region for the selected trace without deleting existing trace optimizer regions.
      Delete All
Deletes all trace optimizer regions for the selected trace.

Plots Menu

Select Plot
Displays a list of available plots. The plot you choose becomes the selected plot.
Unselect All
Unselects the currently selected plot.
Zoom Plot
Displays a list of available plots. The plot you choose is displayed in zoom format.
Full Page Plot
Displays a list of available plots. The plot you choose is displayed in full page format.
Undo Zoom
Resets the Multiplot window to the default format.
Selected Plot Menu
    Reset to Saved Options
Resets the Plot Options to the last saved options.
    Plot Options
Displays the Plot Options dialog box, which enables you to define trace options, plot options, and text annotation.

        Open Optimizer
Opens the Plot Optimizer window.
        Enable/Disable Plot
Enables or disables the Plot window. Enabling the plot window synchronizes it with the Plot Optimizer window.
        Global Region
Deletes all existing global trace regions on the plot and defines a new global trace region.
Adds a global trace region without deleting existing global trace regions.
           Delete All
Deletes all global trace regions.
        Autoconfigure and Enable
Automatically enables and configures the inputs in a Plot window.
        Disable All Traces
Disables all inputs in a Plot window.
           Set as Both Target and

Configures the selected trace with its measured data set as Target and its simulated data set as Simulated.
           Set as Target vs.
Configures the selected trace as Target.
           Set as Simulated vs.
Configures the selected trace as Simulated.
Disables the selected trace.
          Trace Optimizer Region
Deletes all existing trace optimizer regions for the selected trace and defines a new trace optimizer region.
Adds a trace optimizer region for the selected trace without deleting existing trace optimizer regions.
             Delete All
Deletes all trace optimizer regions for the selected trace.

Refreshes the plot.
Zooms in to the selected area of a plot.
        Set scale
Sets the Manual rescale dialog box to the plot's current scaling values.
Turns the autoscale mode on or off. When turned on, the graph automatically rescales as data changes. The status appears in the graph's title.
        Manual rescale
Displays the Manual rescale dialog box which enables you to fully describe all three axes of XY plots in terms of minimum value, maximum value, number of major divisions, and number of minor divisions.
Updates the plots annotation.
        Draw Diag Line
Draws a diagonal line connecting two clicked points and its slope, with both X and Y axis intercepts. If you do not click two points first, erases the diagonal line.
        Copy to Variables
Copies the X and Y values of a rescale rectangle to system variables. Four variables (X_LOW, X_HIGH, Y_LOW, and Y_HIGH) are reserved for this purpose.
        Area Tools
Toggles the graph's area tools on or off.
Toggles the graph's legend on or off.
        Text Annotation
Toggles the graph's text annotation on or off.
Toggles the graph's title on or off.
Toggles the header on or off.
Toggles the footer on or off.
        Show Relative Error
Toggles the MAX and RMS relative errors in the footer area on or off.
        Show Absolute Error
Toggles the MAX and RMS absolute errors in the footer area on or off.
        Select Whole Plot
All the points in the measured/simulated datasets will be used to calculate the error.
        Select Error Region
Identifies the selected region as the error region. A green box that delimits the error calculation replaces the white box.

Windows Menu

The Windows menu provides a quick method of bringing a different window to the foreground. All currently open windows, including those that are minimized, are listed on the menu. Individual models are listed on the Model window submenu. Choose the desired window and it is displayed in front of all other IC-CAP windows.
