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Measured, Simulated, and Common Data

Data sets can contain data associated with measurement and simulation. Since inputs can be freely associated with either, input data is common. The program always assumes that sweep limits for measurement and simulation in a setup should be identical in order to make meaningful comparisons. Therefore, an input cannot maintain different stimuli for measurement and simulation. On the other hand, outputs can have an associated type. You must specify these types:

M = Measured Data
S = Simulated Data
B = Both Measured and Simulated Data

Since there may be output quantities that are not measurable but can be simulated, outputs permit this selection to be made.

The types of data sets that receive special handling by transforms are:

    • When the input data sets contain both measured and simulated data, the data set created by the transform contains both types of data. The computation is performed once for the measured data and once for the simulated data. For example, in the beta transform in the npn model, a plot can refer to the simulated data as beta.s or refer to both measured and simulated data as beta.
    • When the input data sets contain only measured data, the data set created by the transform contains only measured data.
    • When the input data sets contain only simulated data, the data set created by the transform contains only simulated data.

Less common types of data sets that receive special handling by transforms are:

    • When one, but not all of the data sets, has both types of data, then the transform generates both types. For the beta transform, if ib has only measured data, then beta proceeds as if ib contains simulated data identical to its measured data.
    • When a mixture of purely measured data and purely simulated data is combined in a transform, the result is common data.
    • If a data set with common data is combined with any mixture of data sets that are common, measured only, simulated only, then common data results.

When editing transforms, specify measured or simulated data within the inputs to the transform. For detailed information, refer to "Data Types" in the Reference manual.
