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Using Data from Another Setup

Data Set Size

When creating a transform that references an input, output, or transform from a different setup, make sure all involved data sets are the same size. If they are not the same size, the transform may not work. Generally, the size of a data set is equal to the size of the setup the data set is in. The size of the setup is the product of the number of points shown in all of the input tables in the setup. For example, in a setup with a primary sweep of 20 points and a secondary sweep of 3 points, the size is 60. All of the inputs, outputs, and most of the transforms in this setup have 60 points. Usually, transforms that use functions that compute scalar numbers contain fewer points and transforms that use extraction functions contain no points.

Data Set Name

When defining the path to a data set from another setup, you can use absolute addressing or a form of relative addressing. For example, in a transform in the rgummel setup of the npn model, address the Input vb from the fgummel setup as fgummel/vb or /npn/dc/fgummel/vb. In the relative addressing scheme, when the model, DUT, or setup are not specified, the data set names are assumed to be the same as the setup in which the name is entered. When fgummel/vb is used, the model defaults to npn and the DUT defaults to dc.
