Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Forced Instrument Initialization

In some cases it might be inappropriate for IC-CAP to provide Fast Measurement, but it does so nonetheless. This section lists the cases where this can happen and explains how to temporarily override Fast Measurement and ensure complete instrument initialization.

IC-CAP may not detect certain instances of calibration that have been invalidated by changed Input specification. Input specifications can be changed explicitly (with the mouse and keyboard), or implicitly by a macro (such as, a macro that alters the values of IC-CAP variables used within expressions in the Input editors). In such cases, when Fast Measurement has been requested, IC-CAP may proceed with the measurement without warning about the changes in the Input specification.

IC-CAP always detects and downloads changes in Instrument Options settings. Changes here result in warnings about invalid calibration when appropriate. When an Input or Output is added to, or removed from a Setup, it might be appropriate for IC-CAP to fully re-initialize the instruments used by that Setup, even if Fast Measurement is requested. However, IC-CAP will not do so, unless you use a method such as the one described in the next section.

Requesting Complete Initialization on the Next Measurement

Here is an easy way to ensure that IC-CAP undertakes complete instrument initialization at the beginning of the next measurement. From the Hardware Manager menu, execute the function Disable Supplies. This function ensures that all instruments listed in the active list will cease sourcing bias and other signals to the DUT.

You must request complete re-initialization with this method any time a setup has been modified in any way except when changing sweep end points. You should also use this method when you have altered an instrument's settings though any of the following:

    • The instrument's front panel
    • IC-CAP's GPIB Analyzer
    • Arbitrary instrument I/O in Programs or Transforms
    • Additional software programs
