Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Performing a Measurement

After you have entered the instrument configuration and have done the necessary calibrations, you are ready to perform measurements.

To perform measurements for the active setup only:

  1   In the Model window, select DUTs-Setups.

  2   Select the DUT and the setup.

  3   Select Measure/Simulate.

  4   Click Measure Setup.

The system status line in the IC-CAP/Status window displays:

Measure in progress...

When the measurement is done, the status line displays:

IC-CAP Ready

The IC-CAP measurement is complete.

To perform measurements for all setups in the active DUT:

  1   In the Model window, select DUTs-Setups

  2   Select the DUT.

  3   Choose Measure DUT.

The system status line in the IC-CAP/Status window displays:

Measure in progress...

When the measurement is done, the status line displays:

IC-CAP Ready

The IC-CAP measurement is complete.

To clear measured data for a selected setup:

  1   In the Model window, select DUTs-Setups.

  2   Select the DUT and the setup.

  3   Select Measure/Simulate.

  4   Click Clear and choose the type of data to clear.
