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Performing a Calibration

Most instruments have internal or hardware calibration capability. For example, CV meters and network analyzers have an internal calibration menu to perform appropriate calibration for each test condition. Refer to Chapter 1, "Supported Instruments," in the Reference manual for specific information regarding instrument calibration.


Calibration data for CV meters remains in memory until IC-CAP terminates. At start up, you must calibrate a CV meter for the first measurement.

An HP 54120 series digital oscilloscope requires manual calibration on its front panel. Manual calibration means that an operator must be present to measure calibration standards. Refer to the description of this instrument family in this chapter for more information on calibration.

Software calibration is also supported by IC-CAP for several instruments. For example, a simple offset error reduction is possible with the HP 4271. More elaborate 12-term calibration is provided for all network analyzers.

One-port calibration is not supported for network analyzers because the 2-port conversion function used in extraction functions needs all four S-parameters. You can work around this by measuring uncalibrated data and then performing 1-port calibration in PEL.

To perform a calibration of the applicable instruments being used in the Setup:

  1   In the Model window, select the DUTs-Setups folder.

  2   Select the setup and Measure/Simulate.

  3   Click Calibrate.
