Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Saving Instrument Options

You can save the instrument options in a file. The Save As command saves any active options tables. If no active instrument of the same type is available, IC-CAP keeps the options table information in memory. All inactive options tables are cleared when an active instrument is added to the Instrument Setup or when a measurement or calibration is made. The instrument options file is assigned the default suffix, .iot (Instrument Option Tables).



TABLE "HP4141.7.17"


element 0 "Use User Sweep" "No"

element 0 "Hold Time" " 0.000 "

element 0 "Delay Time" " 0.000 "

element 0 "Integ Time" "S"

element 0 "Init Command" ""



To save the instrument options to a file:

  1   In the Model window, select the DUTs-Setups folder.

  2   Select the setup and Instrument Options.

  3   Select File > Save As and choose (.iot) Instrument Options.

  4   Type a file name in the File Name field and choose OK.
