Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Modifying Models
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Specifying Model Parameters

The Model Parameters folder displays the current parameter values. These parameters are common to all DUTs for that model and are used in a simulation. When a new model is read, these values are set to the defaults defined in the circuit. The values change after extractions and optimization are performed.

To view the model parameters, select the Model Parameters folder.

The Parameters table contains the same parameters as those specified in the MODEL definition of the Circuit. However, by editing the table, the parameter values can be set independently and can be specified as a real number or an equation. In addition, you can set limits by entering minimum and maximum values for each parameter. Parameter values that are outside their limits are clamped to their minimum or maximum values.


The value fields can be set either to an actual number or to functions of other data available in IC-CAP. For example, if you enter RS as the value for the RD parameter, this parameter is always equal to the RS parameter.

To edit the model parameters:

  1   In the Model window, select Model Parameters.

  2   Edit the parameter value fields and select an action from the following:
     To temporarily store the current set of parameter values, click Memory Store All.
     To recall stored parameter values, click Memory Recall All.
     To reset the default values specified in the circuit definition, click Reset All.


You can copy a current set of parameter values from an existing model. Open the model you want to copy. Select the Model Parameters folder. Select Edit > Copy Parameter Set. In the new model, select Edit > Paste Parameter Set.
