Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >Curtice GaAs MESFET Characterization
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Curtice GaAs MESFET Model

The Curtice GaAs MESFET model is contained in the IC-CAP example files CGaas1.mdl and CGaas2.mdl. These files consist of two levels of models that are based on a model developed at RCA and implemented in many SPICE versions. In level 1 (quadratic) model (CGaas1.mdl), drain current is proportional to the square of the gate to source voltage multiplied by the hyperbolic tangent of the drain to source voltage [1]. Level 2 (Cubic) model (CGaas2.mdl), relates the drain current to the third-order polynomial of the gate and drain voltages times the hyperbolic tangent of the drain voltage [2].

The IC-CAP implementation of the model also includes voltage-dependent capacitances, gate-to-source and gate-to-drain junction diodes, and the series resistances and inductances at the gate, source, and drain.
