Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >UCB MOS Level 2 and 3 Characterization
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UCB MOS Level 2 and 3 Characterization

This chapter describes the UC Berkeley MOSFET transistor model supported in SPICE. Descriptions of model setup, instrument connections, and model parameters are included as well as test instrument information. Information is included for making DC and capacitance measurements and their corresponding extractions.


The HSPICE LEVEL 6 MOSFET model is an enhanced version of the MOSFET LEVEL 2 model; refer to the section HSPICE LEVEL 6 MOSFET Model for parameter measurement and extraction information.

The IC-CAP MOSFET modeling module provides setups that can be used for general measurement and model extraction for MOS devices. Four example files are provided for the MOSFET model; the files can also be used as a template for creating custom model configurations.

nmos2.mdl extracts parameters for the LEVEL 2 N-channel model

pmos2.mdl extracts parameters for the LEVEL 2 P-channel model

nmos3.mdl extracts parameters for the LEVEL 3 N-channel model

pmos3.mdl extracts parameters for the LEVEL 3 P-channel model

The IC-CAP system offers the flexibility to modify any measurement or simulation specification.

The model extractions provided are also intended for general MOS IC processes. If you have another method of extracting specific model parameters, you can do so with the Program function or by writing a function in C and linking it to the function list. For Program function details or for writing user-defined C-language routines, refer to Chapter 9, "Using Transforms and Functions," in the IC-CAP User's Guide.
