Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >UCB MOS Level 2 and 3 Characterization
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The UCB MOSFET model is fully compatible with the UCB model developed for use with the UCB SPICE simulator. The model is actually a combination of three models, each being specified by an appropriate value of the LEVEL parameter. After specifying the model, enter the correct set of parameters for that model. Some of these parameters are shared between different models, while others affect only a specific model.

Extraction for the LEVEL 1 model (Shichman-Hodges) is not supplied with this release of IC-CAP. The LEVEL 2 model [1] is an advanced version of LEVEL 1, and can use either electrical or process type parameters. The LEVEL 3 [1] model is semi-empirical because it uses parameters that are defined by curve fitting rather than by device physics.
