Julia Rubin is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Canada Research Chair (CRC, Tier II) in Trustworthy Software. She leads the UBC Research Excellence Cluster on Trustworthy ML.
Julia received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT. She also spent almost 10 years in industry, working for IBM Research, where she was a research staff member and a research group manager.
Julia's research interests are in quality, security, and reliability of software and AI systems. Together with her research group, she develops automated solutions for analyzing, auditing, and improving software and AI systems. Her work in these areas was recognized by numerous academic and industrial awards, including Distinguished/Best Paper Awards at major conferences, CS-Canada Outstanding Early Career Computer Science Researcher Award, IBM CAS Project of the Year Award, Killam Faculty Research Fellowship, and Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship.
Julia serves on program committees of several flagship conferences in software engineering, including ICSE, FSE, and ASE. She also co-chaired several program committees, including ASE 2022 and ICSE NIER 2025, served as an Associate Editor for the Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, was part of the IEEE TCSE Executive Committee, and chaired several award selection committees, such as the IEEE Rising Star and New Directions Awards.