
Education Background

    Ph.D. (2014.01) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (BME Program)

    University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada

    GPA : A     Supervisor: Prof. Z. Jane Wang

    Click on here for details of my research


    B.S. Degree (2009.06) in Electronic Science & Technology

    University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China

    Rank of GPA: 3 /112       Overall GPA:  3.92/4.3   91.07/100

    Click on here for details of my courses


Technical Skills

    Programming Languages:             C/nesC, R, SQL, Java, Assembly, VHDL, Verilog HDL
    Operating Systems:                      Windows, Linux, TinyOS
    Processors:                                  8086, 8051, MSP430
    Other softwares:                          Matlab, Altium Designer, MAX+puls II

Honor and Award

    2013    Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

    2012    Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award, UBC
    2011    Engineer-in-Scrubs Fellowship Award in BME program, UBC
    2009    Entrance Award of ECE Dept. in UBC
    2009    Outstanding Bachelor Thesis in USTC

    2009    Outstanding Graduate in Anhui Province

    2008    National Scholarship

    2007    National Scholarship

    2007    Champion of 2007 RoboGame held in USTC (captain)

    2006    Outstanding Student Scholarship of USTC

    2005    Outstanding Freshman Scholarship of USTC

    2004    National Second Prize of Mathematics Olympic Competition in China

    2004    Provincial First Prize of Chemistry Olympic Competition in Hubei Province

    2004    National Third Prize of English Application Knowledge Contest in China

    2002    National Third Prize of Physics Application Knowledge Contest in China


    2009.9-present          Research Assistant in Lab of Signal Processing in UBC

    2009.9-present          Volunteer Editor for IEEE Signal Processing Society e-News

    2008.5-2009.6          Research Assistant in Lab of Biomedical Signal and Information Processing

    2007.5-2009.6          Committeeman in Student Union of USTC

    2006.9-2009.6          Monitor of the Class 0523 including 112 students

    2005.9-2006.9          Vice-Monitor of a class including 126 students


Last Updated: Oct. 04, 2013