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PhD Candidate

B.ESc. (SUT), M.A.Sc. (UBC)

Tel: 604.822.2552
E-mail: weidongx@ece.ubc.ca
Office Location: Room 3085,Kaiser Building
Curriculum Vitae: View PDF


Journals (Accepted and published)

[1]     W.Xiao, W.G. Dunford, P. R. Palmer, and A. Capel, "Application of Centered Differentiation and Steepest Descent to Maximum Power Point Tracking ", accepted for publication in IEEE transaction on Industrial Electronics in Febuary,  2007.

          [2]        W. Xiao, N. Ozog, W.G. Dunford, "Topology study of photovoltaic interface for maximum power point tracking", accepted for publication in IEEE transaction on Industrial             Electronics in December,  2006.           

[3]    W.Xiao, W.G. Dunford, P. R. Palmer, and A. Capel, "Regulation of photovoltaic voltage", accepted for publication in IEEE transaction on Industrial Electronics in November,  2006.

[4].    W. Xiao, M.G. J. Lind, W.G. Dunford, and A. Capel, “Real-time identification of optimal operating points in photovoltaic power systems”,IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 4, AUGUST 2006.   

[5]               M.G. J. Lind, W. Xiao, W.G. Dunford, “Modeling of a Constant Voltage Transformer”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems, Vol.53, pp. 409–418, Feb. 2006.

Conferences (Published)

[1]               W. Xiao and W.G. Dunford, “A modified adaptive hill climbing MPPT method for photovoltaic power systems”, IEEE PESC’04, June 20-25, 2004, Aachen, Germany

[2]               W. Xiao, W.G. Dunford, and A. Capel, “A Novel Modeling Method for Photovoltaic Cells”, IEEE PESC 2004, June 20-25, 2004, Aachen, Germany

[3]           W. Xiao and W.G. Dunford, “Evaluating Maximum Power Point Tracking Performance by Using Artificial Lights”, IEEE IECON 2004, November 2-6, 2004, Busan, Korea

[4]               W. Xiao and W.G. Dunford, "Fuzzy Logic Auto-Tuning Applied on DC-DC Converter", IEEE IECON 2004, November 2-6, 2004, Busan, Korea

[5]               A. Capel, M. Salamero, W.Xiao,  W.G. Dunford, A novel approach to operation solar arrays at their MPP without tracking process, SAAEI-EPF’04, Toulouse, France.



Last reviewed 1-May-2006

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