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PhD Candidate

B.ESc. (SUT), M.A.Sc. (UBC)

Tel: 604.822.2552
E-mail: weidongx@ece.ubc.ca
Office Location: Room 3085,Kaiser Building
Curriculum Vitae: View PDF


Weidong Xiao is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He is graduating in Feburary, 2006. His interest is promoting renewable energy, specifically applications using solar power.

Research Interests

Weidong's research focus is in the application of photovoltaic power. His current concentration is to improve the design and operation of photovoltaic power systems. Some more specific problems associated with solar power generation are:

  • Power electronics
  • Control
  • Protection and regulation
  • Maximum power point tracking

Current Project

Under the supervision of Dr.William G. Dunford, Weidong is currently developing new innovative methods for maximum power point tracking



Last reviewed 1-May-2006

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UBC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2356 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

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