

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "util.h"
00002 #include "vpr_types.h"
00003 #include "globals.h"
00004 #include "OptionTokens.h"
00005 #include "ReadOptions.h"
00006 #include "read_xml_arch_file.h"
00007 #include "SetupVPR.h"
00010 void
00011 CheckSetup(INP enum e_operation Operation,
00012            INP struct s_placer_opts PlacerOpts,
00013            INP struct s_annealing_sched AnnealSched,
00014            INP struct s_router_opts RouterOpts,
00015            INP struct s_det_routing_arch RoutingArch,
00016            INP t_segment_inf * Segments,
00017            INP t_timing_inf Timing,
00018            INP t_chan_width_dist Chans)
00019 {
00020     int i;
00021     int Tmp;
00023     if((NONLINEAR_CONG == PlacerOpts.place_cost_type) &&
00024        (!PlacerOpts.doPlacement || !RouterOpts.doRouting) &&
00025        (PLACE_ALWAYS == PlacerOpts.place_freq))
00026         {
00027             printf(ERRTAG "Replacing using the nonlinear congestion option "
00028                    "for each channel width makes sense only for full "
00029                    "place and route.\n");
00030             exit(1);
00031         }
00033     if((NONLINEAR_CONG == PlacerOpts.place_cost_type) &&
00034        (BOUNDING_BOX_PLACE != PlacerOpts.place_algorithm))
00035         {
00037             /* Note that this may work together, but I have not tested it */
00038             printf(ERRTAG
00039                    "Cannot use non-linear placement only supported with "
00040                    "bounding box placement\n");
00041             exit(1);
00042         }
00044     if((GLOBAL == RouterOpts.route_type) &&
00045        (TIMING_DRIVEN == RouterOpts.router_algorithm))
00046         {
00048             printf(ERRTAG "The global router does not support timing-drvien "
00049                    "routing.\n");
00050             exit(1);
00051         }
00053     if((GLOBAL == RouterOpts.route_type) &&
00054        (BOUNDING_BOX_PLACE != PlacerOpts.place_algorithm))
00055         {
00057             /* Works, but very weird.  Can't optimize timing well, since you're
00058              * not doing proper architecture delay modelling. */
00059             printf(WARNTAG
00060                    "Using global routing with timing-driven placement. "
00061                    "This is allowed, but strange, and circuit speed will suffer.\n");
00062         }
00064     if((FALSE == Timing.timing_analysis_enabled) &&
00065        ((PlacerOpts.place_algorithm == NET_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE) ||
00066         (PlacerOpts.place_algorithm == PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE)))
00067         {
00069             /* May work, not tested */
00070             printf(ERRTAG
00071                    "Timing analysis must be enabled for timing-driven placement\n");
00072             exit(1);
00073         }
00075     if(!PlacerOpts.doPlacement && (USER == PlacerOpts.pad_loc_type))
00076         {
00077             printf(ERRTAG "A pad location file requires that placement is enabled.\n");
00078             exit(1);
00079         }
00081     if(RouterOpts.doRouting)
00082         {
00083             if((TIMING_DRIVEN == RouterOpts.router_algorithm) &&
00084                (FALSE == Timing.timing_analysis_enabled))
00085                 {
00086                     printf(ERRTAG
00087                            "Cannot perform timing-driven routing when timing "
00088                            "analysis is disabled.\n");
00089                     exit(1);
00090                 }
00092             if((FALSE == Timing.timing_analysis_enabled) &&
00093                (DEMAND_ONLY != RouterOpts.base_cost_type))
00094                 {
00095                     printf(ERRTAG
00096                            "base_cost_type must be demand_only when timing "
00097                            "analysis is disabled.\n");
00098                     exit(1);
00099                 }
00100         }
00102     if((TIMING_ANALYSIS_ONLY == Operation) &&
00103        (FALSE == Timing.timing_analysis_enabled))
00104         {
00105             printf(ERRTAG
00106                    "-timing_analyze_only_with_net_delay option requires "
00107                    "that timing analysis not be disabled.\n");
00108             exit(1);
00109         }
00111     if((NONLINEAR_CONG == PlacerOpts.place_cost_type) &&
00112        ((PlacerOpts.num_regions > nx) || (PlacerOpts.num_regions > ny)))
00113         {
00114             printf(ERRTAG "Cannot use more regions than clbs in "
00115                    "placement cost function.\n");
00116             exit(1);
00117         }
00119     if(DETAILED == RouterOpts.route_type)
00120         {
00121             if((Chans.chan_x_dist.type != UNIFORM) ||
00122                (Chans.chan_y_dist.type != UNIFORM) ||
00123                (Chans.chan_x_dist.peak != Chans.chan_y_dist.peak) ||
00124                (Chans.chan_x_dist.peak != Chans.chan_width_io))
00125                 {
00126                     printf(ERRTAG "Detailed routing currently only supported "
00127                            "on FPGAs with all channels of equal width.\n");
00128                     exit(1);
00129                 }
00130         }
00132     for(i = 0; i < RoutingArch.num_segment; ++i)
00133         {
00134             Tmp = Segments[i].opin_switch;
00135             if(FALSE == switch_inf[Tmp].buffered)
00136                 {
00137                     printf(ERRTAG "opin_switch (#%d) of segment type #%d "
00138                            "is not buffered.\n", Tmp, i);
00139                     exit(1);
00140                 }
00141         }
00143     if(UNI_DIRECTIONAL == RoutingArch.directionality)
00144         {
00145             if((RouterOpts.fixed_channel_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) &&
00146                (RouterOpts.fixed_channel_width % 2 > 0))
00147                 {
00148                     printf(ERRTAG
00149                            "Routing channel width must be even for unidirectional\n");
00150                     exit(1);
00151                 }
00152             if((PlacerOpts.place_chan_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) &&
00153                (PlacerOpts.place_chan_width % 2 > 0))
00154                 {
00155                     printf(ERRTAG
00156                            "Place channel width must be even for unidirectional\n");
00157                     exit(1);
00158                 }
00159         }
00160 }