src/mc/mcUtil.c File Reference

#include "mcInt.h"
#include "mdd.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "fsm.h"
#include "img.h"
#include "sat.h"
#include "baig.h"
#include <errno.h>
Include dependency graph for mcUtil.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


static void PrintNodes (array_t *mddIdArray, Ntk_Network_t *network)
static array_t * SortMddIds (array_t *mddIdArray, Ntk_Network_t *network)
static void PrintDeck (array_t *mddValues, array_t *mddIdArray, Ntk_Network_t *network)
static int cmp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static boolean AtomicFormulaCheckSemantics (Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, Ntk_Network_t *network, boolean inputsAllowed)
static void NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes (Ntk_Network_t *network, Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, st_table *nodesTable)
static void NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes (Ntk_Network_t *network, Ctlsp_Formula_t *formula, st_table *nodesTable)
static boolean MintermCheckWellFormed (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
static boolean SetCheckSupport (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
static mdd_t * Mc_ComputeRangeOfPseudoInputs (Ntk_Network_t *network)
static array_t * Mc_BuildBackwardRingsWithInvariants (mdd_t *S, mdd_t *T, mdd_t *invariants, Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm)
int Mc_FsmComputeStatesReachingToSet (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *targetStates, array_t *careStatesArray, mdd_t *specialStates, array_t *onionRings, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosity, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel)
int Mc_FsmComputeStatesReachableFromSet (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *initialStates, array_t *careStatesArray, mdd_t *specialStates, array_t *onionRings, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosity, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel)
boolean Mc_FormulaStaticSemanticCheckOnNetwork (Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, Ntk_Network_t *network, boolean inputsAllowed)
array_t * Mc_BuildPathToCore (mdd_t *aState, array_t *onionRings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, Mc_PathLengthType PathLengthType)
array_t * Mc_BuildForwardRings (mdd_t *S, Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, array_t *onionRings)
array_t * Mc_BuildForwardRingsWithInvariants (mdd_t *S, mdd_t *T, mdd_t *invariants, Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm)
array_t * Mc_BuildPathFromCore (mdd_t *aStates, array_t *onionRings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, Mc_PathLengthType PathLengthType)
array_t * Mc_BuildPathToCoreFAFW (mdd_t *aStates, array_t *onionRings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, Mc_PathLengthType PathLengthType)
array_t * Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFWGeneral (mdd_t *T, array_t *rings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, Mc_PathLengthType PathLengthType)
array_t * MC_BuildCounterExampleFAFWGeneral (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *I, mdd_t *T, mdd_t *H, array_t *L)
array_t * Mc_BuildFAFWLayer (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *T, mdd_t *H)
array_t * Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW (mdd_t *Ts, array_t *rings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, Mc_PathLengthType PathLengthType)
array_t * Mc_BuildShortestPathFAFW (mdd_t *win, mdd_t *S, mdd_t *T, array_t *rings, mdd_manager *mgr, Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, int prevFlag)
array_t * Mc_CompletePath (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState, mdd_t *invariantStates, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, array_t *careSetArray, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosity, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel, Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis dirn)
mdd_t * Mc_ComputeAMinterm (mdd_t *aSet, array_t *Support, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
mdd_t * Mc_ComputeACloseMinterm (mdd_t *aSet, mdd_t *target, array_t *Support, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
char * Mc_MintermToStringAiger (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork)
char * Mc_MintermToStringAigerInput (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork)
char * Mc_MintermToString (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork)
int Mc_PrintPath (array_t *aPath, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, boolean printInput)
int Mc_PrintPathAiger (array_t *aPath, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, boolean printInput)
static Mvf_Function_t * NodeBuildPseudoInputMvf (Ntk_Node_t *node, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
mdd_t * Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState)
mdd_t * Mc_ComputeAState (mdd_t *states, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
mdd_t * Mc_ComputeACloseState (mdd_t *states, mdd_t *target, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
void Mc_MintermPrint (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *support, Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork)
void Mc_NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes (Ntk_Network_t *network, Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, st_table *nodesTable)
void Mc_NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes (Ntk_Network_t *network, Ctlsp_Formula_t *formula, st_table *nodesTable)
Fsm_Fsm_t * Mc_ConstructReducedFsm (Ntk_Network_t *network, array_t *ctlFormulaArray)
Mc_GSHScheduleType Mc_StringConvertToScheduleType (char *string)
int Mc_StringConvertToLockstepMode (char *string)
Mc_EarlyTermination_t * Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc (Mc_EarlyTerminationType mode, mdd_t *states)
void Mc_EarlyTerminationFree (Mc_EarlyTermination_t *earlyTermination)
boolean Mc_EarlyTerminationIsSkip (Mc_EarlyTermination_t *earlyTermination)
array_t * McCompletePathFwd (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState, mdd_t *invariantStates, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, array_t *careSetArray, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosity, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel)
array_t * McCompletePathBwd (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState, mdd_t *invariantStates, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, array_t *careSetArray, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosity, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel)
int McCommandInitState (Hrc_Manager_t **hmgr, int argc, char **argv)
char * McStatePrintAsFormula (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
int McComputeOnionRingsWithClosestCore (mdd_t *aState, array_t *arrayOfOnionRings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
array_t * McRemoveIndexedOnionRings (int index, array_t *arrayOfOnionRings)
array_t * McConvertMintermToValueArray (mdd_t *aMinterm, array_t *aSupport, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
void McPrintTransitionAiger (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState, mdd_t *uInput, mdd_t *vInput, array_t *stateSupport, array_t *inputSupport, boolean printInputs, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, int seqNumber)
void McPrintTransition (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *bState, mdd_t *uInput, mdd_t *vInput, array_t *stateSupport, array_t *inputSupport, boolean printInputs, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, int seqNumber)
void McStatePassesFormula (mdd_t *aState, Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, McDbgLevel debugLevel, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
void McStateFailsFormula (mdd_t *aState, Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, McDbgLevel debugLevel, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
void McStatePassesOrFailsFormula (mdd_t *aState, Ctlp_Formula_t *formula, int pass, McDbgLevel debugLevel, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
McPath_t * McPathNormalize (McPath_t *aPath)
array_t * McCreateMergedPath (array_t *aPath, array_t *bPath)
array_t * McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW (array_t *mddArray)
mdd_t * McMddArrayAnd (array_t *mddArray)
mdd_t * McMddArrayOr (array_t *mddArray)
array_t * McCreateJoinedPath (array_t *aPath, array_t *bPath)
boolean McStateSatisfiesFormula (Ctlp_Formula_t *aFormula, mdd_t *aState)
boolean McStateTestMembership (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *setOfStates)
mdd_t * McGetSuccessorInTarget (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *targetStates, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
mdd_t * McGetSuccessorInTargetAmongFairStates (mdd_t *aState, mdd_t *targetStates, array_t *arrayOfOnionRings, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
array_t * McPathReadStemArray (McPath_t *aPath)
array_t * McPathReadCycleArray (McPath_t *aPath)
void McPathSetStemArray (McPath_t *aPath, array_t *stemArray)
void McPathSetCycleArray (McPath_t *aPath, array_t *cycleArray)
McPath_t * McPathAlloc (void)
void McNormalizeBddPointer (array_t *bddArray)
void McPathFree (McPath_t *aPath)
McOptions_t * McOptionsAlloc (void)
void McOptionsFree (McOptions_t *options)
McDbgLevel McOptionsReadDbgLevel (McOptions_t *options)
FILE * McOptionsReadGuideFile (McOptions_t *options)
FILE * McOptionsReadSystemFile (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadTimeOutPeriod (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_VerbosityLevel McOptionsReadVerbosityLevel (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_LeMethod_t McOptionsReadLeMethod (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_DcLevel McOptionsReadDcLevel (McOptions_t *options)
FILE * McOptionsReadCtlFile (McOptions_t *options)
FILE * McOptionsReadDebugFile (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadSimValue (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadUseMore (McOptions_t *options)
boolean McOptionsReadVacuityDetect (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadBeerMethod (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadReduceFsm (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadPrintInputs (McOptions_t *options)
boolean McOptionsReadUseFormulaTree (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_GSHScheduleType McOptionsReadSchedule (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadLockstep (McOptions_t *options)
Fsm_RchType_t McOptionsReadInvarApproxFlag (McOptions_t *options)
boolean McOptionsReadInvarOnionRingsFlag (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis McOptionsReadFwdBwd (McOptions_t *options)
Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis McOptionsReadTraversalDirection (McOptions_t *options)
Fsm_ArdcOptions_t * McOptionsReadArdcOptions (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadCoverageHoskote (McOptions_t *options)
int McOptionsReadCoverageImproved (McOptions_t *options)
void McOptionsSetFwdBwd (McOptions_t *options, Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis fwdBwd)
void McOptionsSetGuideFile (McOptions_t *options, FILE *guideFile)
void McOptionsSetVariablesForSystem (McOptions_t *options, FILE *systemFile)
void McOptionsSetTraversalDirection (McOptions_t *options, Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis fwdBwd)
void McOptionsSetUseMore (McOptions_t *options, boolean useMore)
void McOptionsSetReduceFsm (McOptions_t *options, boolean reduceFsm)
void McOptionsSetVacuityDetect (McOptions_t *options, boolean vd)
void McOptionsSetBeerMethod (McOptions_t *options, boolean beer)
void McOptionsSetFAFWFlag (McOptions_t *options, boolean FAFWFlag)
void McOptionsSetPrintInputs (McOptions_t *options, boolean printInputs)
void McOptionsSetUseFormulaTree (McOptions_t *options, boolean useFormulaTree)
void McOptionsSetSchedule (McOptions_t *options, Mc_GSHScheduleType schedule)
void McOptionsSetLockstep (McOptions_t *options, int lockstep)
void McOptionsSetSimValue (McOptions_t *options, boolean simValue)
void McOptionsSetDbgLevel (McOptions_t *options, McDbgLevel dbgLevel)
void McOptionsSetVerbosityLevel (McOptions_t *options, Mc_VerbosityLevel verbosityLevel)
void McOptionsSetLeMethod (McOptions_t *options, Mc_LeMethod_t leMethod)
void McOptionsSetDcLevel (McOptions_t *options, Mc_DcLevel dcLevel)
void McOptionsSetArdcOptions (McOptions_t *options, Fsm_ArdcOptions_t *ardcOptions)
void McOptionsSetInvarOnionRingsFlag (McOptions_t *options, int shellFlag)
void McOptionsSetCtlFile (McOptions_t *options, FILE *file)
void McOptionsSetDebugFile (McOptions_t *options, FILE *file)
void McOptionsSetTimeOutPeriod (McOptions_t *options, int timeOutPeriod)
void McOptionsSetInvarApproxFlag (McOptions_t *options, Fsm_RchType_t approxFlag)
void McOptionsSetCoverageHoskote (McOptions_t *options, boolean doCoverageHoskote)
void McOptionsSetCoverageImproved (McOptions_t *options, boolean doCoverageImproved)
boolean McQueryContinue (char *query)
void McPrintSupport (mdd_t *aMdd, mdd_manager *mddMgr, Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork)
int McPrintSimPath (FILE *outputFile, array_t *aPath, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
Fsm_Fsm_t * McConstructReducedFsm (Ntk_Network_t *network, array_t *ctlFormulaArray)
Mc_EarlyTermination_t * McObtainUpdatedEarlyTerminationCondition (Mc_EarlyTermination_t *earlyTermination, mdd_t *careStates, Ctlp_FormulaType formulaType)
boolean McCheckEarlyTerminationForUnderapprox (Mc_EarlyTermination_t *earlyTermination, mdd_t *underApprox, array_t *careStatesArray)
boolean McCheckEarlyTerminationForOverapprox (Mc_EarlyTermination_t *earlyTermination, mdd_t *overApprox, array_t *careStatesArray)
array_t * Mc_ReadHints (FILE *guideFP)
st_table * Mc_ReadSystemVariablesFAFW (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, FILE *systemFP)
st_table * Mc_SetAllInputToSystem (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm)
array_t * Mc_EvaluateHints (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, Ctlp_FormulaArray_t *invarArray)
array_t * Mc_ComputeGuideArray (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, FILE *guideFP)
Mc_GuidedSearch_t Mc_ReadGuidedSearchType (void)
void Mc_CheckPathToCore (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, array_t *pathToCore)
void Mc_CheckPathFromCore (Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm, array_t *pathFromCore)
void Mc_PrintStates (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *states)
void Mc_PrintNumStates (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, mdd_t *states)
void Mc_PrintRings (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, array_t *onionRings)
void Mc_PrintNumRings (Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm, array_t *onionRings)
mdd_t * McComputeACloseMinterm (mdd_t *aSet, mdd_t *target, array_t *Support, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
mdd_t * McComputeACloseState (mdd_t *states, mdd_t *target, Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm)
Mc_GSHScheduleType McStringConvertToScheduleType (char *string)
int McStringConvertToLockstepMode (char *string)


static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: mcUtil.c,v 1.113 2009/04/11 18:26:10 fabio Exp $"

Function Documentation

static boolean AtomicFormulaCheckSemantics ( Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
Ntk_Network_t *  network,
boolean  inputsAllowed 
) [static]


Synopsis [Perform simple static semantic checks on formula.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Mc_FormulaStaticSemanticCheckOnNetwork]

Definition at line 5836 of file mcUtil.c.


  char *nodeNameString = Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula );
  char *nodeValueString = Ctlp_FormulaReadValueName( formula );
  Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName( network, nodeNameString );

  Var_Variable_t *nodeVar;
  int nodeValue;

  if ( !node ) {
    error_append("Could not find node corresponding to the name\n\t- ");
    error_append( nodeNameString );
    error_append("\n(Wire for this name may have been removed by synthesis)");
    return FALSE;

  nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );
  if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ){

    nodeValue = Var_VariableReadIndexFromSymbolicValue( nodeVar, nodeValueString );
    if ( nodeValue == -1 ) {
      error_append("Value specified in RHS is not in domain of variable\n");
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula ) );
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadValueName( formula ) );
      return FALSE;
  else {
    int check;

    check = Cmd_StringCheckIsInteger(nodeValueString, &nodeValue);
    if( check==0 ) {
      error_append("Value in the RHS is illegal\n");
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula ) );
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadValueName( formula ) );
      return FALSE;
    if( check==1 ) {
      error_append("Value in the RHS is out of range of int\n");
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula ) );
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadValueName( formula ) );
      return FALSE;
    if ( !(Var_VariableTestIsValueInRange( nodeVar, nodeValue ) ) ) {
      error_append("Value specified in RHS is not in domain of variable\n");
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula ) );
      error_append( Ctlp_FormulaReadValueName( formula ) );
      return FALSE;

    boolean coverSupport;
    lsGen tmpGen;
    Ntk_Node_t *tmpNode;
    st_table *supportNodes    = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
    array_t *thisNodeArray = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0);

    array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, thisNodeArray, node );
    Ntk_NetworkForEachNode(network, tmpGen, tmpNode) {
      if (Ntk_NodeTestIsConstant(tmpNode) || Ntk_NodeTestIsLatch(tmpNode)) {
        st_insert(supportNodes, (char *) tmpNode, NIL(char));

    coverSupport = Ntk_NetworkTestLeavesCoverSupportOfRoots(network,

    if ( coverSupport == FALSE ) {
      char *tmpString =
        util_strcat3( "\nNode ", nodeNameString,
                      " is not driven only by latches and constants.\n");
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int cmp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]


Synopsis [Compare two strings in the from of char **]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5820 of file mcUtil.c.

  return(strcmp(*(char **)s1, *(char **)s2));

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static array_t * Mc_BuildBackwardRingsWithInvariants ( mdd_t *  S,
mdd_t *  T,
mdd_t *  invariants,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm 
) [static]


Synopsis [Build a onion ring from target under invariants.]

Description [Build a onion ring from target under invariants. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 505 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *oneMdd, *nextStates, *fairStates;
  array_t *toCareSetArray, *backwardRings;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);

  oneMdd = mdd_one(mddMgr);
  backwardRings = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, oneMdd);
  fairStates = Fsm_FsmReadFairnessStates(fsm);
  if(fairStates == 0)   fairStates = oneMdd;
  nextStates = McEvaluateEUFormulaWithGivenTR(fsm, invariants, T,
                                   NIL(mdd_t), fairStates, toCareSetArray,
                                   backwardRings, McVerbosityNone_c,
                                   McDcLevelNone_c, NIL(boolean));


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* MC_BuildCounterExampleFAFWGeneral ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  I,
mdd_t *  T,
mdd_t *  H,
array_t *  L 


Synopsis [Build a counterexample path with general algorithm.]

Description [Build a counterexample path with general algorithm This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Img_ImageInfoConjoinWithWinningStrategy(modelFsm, Img_Forward_c, layer);

Fsm_ImageInfoRecoverFromWinningStrategy(modelFsm, Img_Forward_c); Fsm_ImageInfoConjoinWithWinningStrategy(modelFsm, Img_Forward_c, Li);

Img_ImageInfoRecoverFromWinningStrategy(modelFsm, Img_Forward_c);

Img_ImageInfoRecoverFromWinningStrategy(modelFsm, Img_Forward_c);

Definition at line 802 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *oneMdd, *zeroMdd;
  mdd_t *T_I, *P, *Li, *Q_Li, *Q_T, *nLi;
  mdd_t *ring, *ring_Q, *Q;
  mdd_t *layer, *Lm, *nLayer;
  mdd_t *extCube;
  mdd_t *invariantStates, *nInvariantStates;
  int m, q, free, i;
  array_t *path, *R;
  array_t *careStatesArray;
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);
  mdd_manager *mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);

  oneMdd = mdd_one(mgr);
  zeroMdd = mdd_zero(mgr);
  path = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);

  T_I = mdd_and(T, I, 1, 1);
  if(!mdd_equal(T_I, zeroMdd)) {
    P = Mc_ComputeACloseState(T_I, T, modelFsm);
    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, path, P);

  extCube = Fsm_FsmReadExtQuantifyInputCube(modelFsm);
  invariantStates = mdd_zero(mgr);
  layer = NULL;
  Lm = NULL;
  for(m=0; m<array_n(L); m++) {
    layer = array_fetch(mdd_t *, L, m);
    nLayer = bdd_smooth_with_cube(layer, extCube);
    nInvariantStates = mdd_or(invariantStates, nLayer, 1, 1);
    invariantStates = nInvariantStates;
    Lm = mdd_and(I, layer, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(Lm, zeroMdd)) {

  R = Mc_BuildBackwardRingsWithInvariants(Lm, T, invariantStates, modelFsm);

  imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfoFAFW(modelFsm, 0, 1);
  Img_ForwardImageInfoConjoinWithWinningStrategy(imageInfo, layer);
  i = m;
  Q = mdd_and(I, Lm, 1, 1);
  ring_Q = NULL;
  for(q=0; q<array_n(R); q++) {
    ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, R, q);
    ring_Q = mdd_and(ring, Q, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(ring_Q, zeroMdd)) {
  P = Mc_ComputeACloseState(ring_Q, T, modelFsm);

  free = 0;
  careStatesArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, careStatesArray, oneMdd);
  while(1) {
    Q = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(
                               imageInfo, P, P, careStatesArray);
    Q_T = mdd_and(Q, P, 1, 0);
    Q = Q_T;

    if(i>0) {
      Li = array_fetch(mdd_t *, L, i-1);
      nLi = bdd_smooth_with_cube(Li, extCube);
      Q_Li = mdd_and(Q, nLi, 1, 1);
      if(!mdd_equal(Q_Li, zeroMdd)) {
        Q = Q_Li;
        free = 1;
        imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfoFAFW(modelFsm, 0, 1);
        Img_ForwardImageInfoConjoinWithWinningStrategy(imageInfo, layer);

    ring_Q = NULL;
    for(q=0; q<array_n(R); q++) {
      ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, R, q);
      ring_Q = mdd_and(ring, Q, 1, 1);
      if(!mdd_equal(ring_Q, zeroMdd)) {

    if(q >= array_n(R)) {
      imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfoFAFW(modelFsm, 0, 1);

    Q = Mc_ComputeACloseState(ring_Q, T, modelFsm);

    if(free == 0) {
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, path, (mdd_t *)((long)P+1));
    else if(free ==1) {
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, path, P);
      free = 0;

    Q_T = mdd_and(Q, T, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(Q_T, zeroMdd)) {
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, path, (mdd_t *)((long)Q+1));

    P = Q;


  imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfoFAFW(modelFsm, 0, 1);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildFAFWLayer ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  T,
mdd_t *  H 


Synopsis [Build a fate and free will layer.]

Description [Build a fate and free will layer. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 972 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_manager *mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);
  mdd_t *zeroMdd, *oneMdd;
  mdd_t *S, *nH, *EX_S, *extCube, *S_new;
  array_t *L;
  array_t *careStatesArray;

  zeroMdd = mdd_zero(mgr);
  oneMdd = mdd_one(mgr);
  L = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);

  extCube = Fsm_FsmReadExtQuantifyInputCube(modelFsm);
  careStatesArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, careStatesArray, oneMdd);
  while(!mdd_equal(H, zeroMdd)) {
      Fsm_FsmSetUseUnquantifiedFlag(modelFsm, 1);
      S = Mc_FsmEvaluateAUFormula(modelFsm, H, T,
                                   NIL(mdd_t), oneMdd, careStatesArray,
                                   MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, NIL(array_t),
                                   Mc_None_c, 0, McVerbosityNone_c,
                                   McDcLevelNone_c, NIL(boolean));
      Fsm_FsmSetUseUnquantifiedFlag(modelFsm, 0);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, L, S);

      S_new = bdd_smooth_with_cube(S, extCube);
      nH = mdd_and(H, S_new, 1, 0);

      if(mdd_equal(H, nH)) {
      H = nH;
      EX_S = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(
                                imageInfo, S_new, S_new, careStatesArray);
      T = mdd_and(EX_S, H, 1, 1);


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildForwardRings ( mdd_t *  S,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
array_t *  onionRings 


Synopsis [Build a onion ring from initial state.]

Description [Build a onion ring from initial state. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 422 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *nextStates;
  mdd_t *states, *nStates, *oneMdd;
  array_t *toCareSetArray, *forwardRings;
  int i;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);

  states = mdd_zero(mddMgr);
  oneMdd = mdd_one(mddMgr);
  for(i=0; i<array_n(onionRings); i++) {
    mdd_t *ring = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
    nStates = mdd_or(ring, states, 1, 1);
    states = nStates;
  forwardRings = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, oneMdd);
  nextStates = Mc_FsmEvaluateESFormula(fsm, states, S,
                                       NIL(mdd_t), oneMdd, toCareSetArray,
                                       MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, NIL(array_t),
                                       Mc_None_c, forwardRings,
                                       McVerbosityNone_c, McDcLevelNone_c,


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildForwardRingsWithInvariants ( mdd_t *  S,
mdd_t *  T,
mdd_t *  invariants,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm 


Synopsis [Build a onion ring to target under invariants.]

Description [Build a onion ring to target under invariants. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 468 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *oneMdd, *nextStates, *fairStates;
  array_t *toCareSetArray, *forwardRings;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);

  oneMdd = mdd_one(mddMgr);
  forwardRings = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, oneMdd);
  fairStates = Fsm_FsmReadFairnessStates(fsm);
  if(fairStates == 0)   fairStates = oneMdd;
  nextStates = McEvaluateESFormulaWithGivenTRWithTarget(fsm, invariants, S, T,
                                   NIL(mdd_t), fairStates, toCareSetArray,
                                   forwardRings, McVerbosityNone_c,
                                   McDcLevelNone_c, NIL(boolean));


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildPathFromCore ( mdd_t *  aStates,
array_t *  onionRings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
Mc_PathLengthType  PathLengthType 


Synopsis [Build Path from Core to aState.]

Description [Build Path starting at a Core state (a state in the first onion ring) to aState. For paths of length at least one, set PathLengthType to McGreaterZero_c; otherwise, use McGreaterOrEqualZero_c. The function returns a sequence of states from the core of onionRings to a aState.

In the case of BFS search, the onion rings are built forward, so that any state in ring i+1 has at least one predecessor in ring i-1. In non-BFS search that may not be true, but we will have that every state in ring i+1 has a predecessor in ring i or less. The fsm is checked to see if the search was BFS. If not, every ring from the beginning is searched to find the shortest path. This is a greedy heuristic and the shortest path is not guaranteed to be found. McBuildPathToCore takes a different approach.

It is the users responsibility to free the array returned as well as its members.]

SideEffects []


Definition at line 558 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i, j;
  int startingPoint;
  mdd_t *currentState, *aState;
  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);
  array_t *pathToCore;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);
  array_t *toCareSetArray;
  array_t *pathFromCore;
  mdd_t *currentStatePreds, *currentStatePredsInInnerRing;
  mdd_t *innerRing = NIL(mdd_t), *witnessPredState;
  boolean shortestDist =
        (Fsm_FsmReadReachabilityOnionRingsMode(modelFsm) == Fsm_Rch_Bfs_c);

  if(Fsm_FsmReadUniQuantifyInputCube(modelFsm)) {
    pathFromCore = Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW(
                            aStates, onionRings,
                            modelFsm, PathLengthType);
  aState = Mc_ComputeAState(aStates, modelFsm);

  pathToCore = array_alloc( mdd_t * , 0 );
  toCareSetArray = NIL(array_t);

  if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 1;
  else if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterOrEqualZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 0;
  else {
    fail("Called Mc_BuildPathFromCore with ill formed PathLengthType\n");

  /* check that the state occurs in an onion ring. */
  for ( i = startingPoint ; i < array_n( onionRings ); i++ ) {
    mdd_t *ring = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
    if ( McStateTestMembership( aState, ring ) )
  if ( i == array_n( onionRings ) ) {
    return NIL(array_t);

  /* insert the state in the path to the core */
  currentState = aState;
  array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathToCore, currentState );

  /* initialize */
  toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, mdd_one(mddMgr));

  /* loop until a path is found to the core */
  while( i-- > 0 ) {
    if (shortestDist) {
      /* a predecessor is guaranteed to be in the previous ring */
      toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
      innerRing = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
      array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, mdd_dup(innerRing));
      currentStatePreds = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(
                                imageInfo, currentState,
                                currentState, toCareSetArray);
    } else {
      /* compute the predecessors */
      currentStatePreds = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(
                                imageInfo, currentState,
                                currentState, toCareSetArray );
      /* search for a predecessor in the earliest onion ring */
      for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
        innerRing = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, j );
        if (!mdd_lequal(currentStatePreds, innerRing, 1, 0)) {
          i = j;
    /* compute the set of predecessors in the chosen ring. */
    currentStatePredsInInnerRing = mdd_and(currentStatePreds, innerRing, 1, 1);
    mdd_free( currentStatePreds );
    /* find a state in the predecessor */
    witnessPredState = Mc_ComputeACloseState(currentStatePredsInInnerRing,
                                             currentState, modelFsm);
    mdd_free( currentStatePredsInInnerRing );
    /* insert predecessor in the path */
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathToCore, witnessPredState );
    currentState = witnessPredState;


  /* flip the path to a path from the core */
    int i;
    pathFromCore = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );

    for( i=0; i < array_n( pathToCore ); i++ ) {
      mdd_t *tmpMdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathToCore,
                                  (array_n(pathToCore) - (i+1)));
      array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathFromCore, tmpMdd );
    array_free( pathToCore );
    return pathFromCore;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW ( mdd_t *  Ts,
array_t *  rings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
Mc_PathLengthType  PathLengthType 


Synopsis [Build a path from target to initial state.]

Description [Build a path from target to initial state. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []


array_insert_last(mdd_t *, R, T);

T = mdd_dup(T);


Definition at line 1035 of file mcUtil.c.

  int startingPoint, prevFlag;
  int i, p, dist, forced;
  bdd_t *T, *S, *H, *nH, *Hp, *S1, *Swin;
  bdd_t *ring, *oneMdd, *zeroMdd;
  array_t *C, *newC, *AUrings, *segment;
  array_t *R, *ESrings;
  array_t *careStatesArray;
  array_t *pathFromCore;
  bdd_t *T_wedge_ring, *S1_wedge_ring, *Hp_wedge_S1;
  bdd_t *T_wedge_S, *C_T_wedge_S, *ESresult, *EX_T;
  bdd_t *EX_T_wedge_ring, *Hp_wedge_EX_T, *lastR;
  bdd_t *C_T_wedge_ring, *new_, *extCube;
  bdd_t *bundle, *single, *preSingle;
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo;
  mdd_manager *mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);

  if(Fsm_FsmReadFAFWFlag(modelFsm) == 2) {
      pathFromCore = Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFWGeneral(
                            Ts, rings,
                            modelFsm, PathLengthType);

  T = mdd_dup(Ts);
  imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);
  if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 1;
  else if( PathLengthType == McGreaterOrEqualZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 0;
  else {
    fail("Called Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW with ill formed PathLengthType\n");

  oneMdd = mdd_one(mgr);
  zeroMdd = mdd_zero(mgr);
  S = mdd_dup(array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, startingPoint));
  prevFlag = 0; 
  H = mdd_zero(mgr);
  for(i=startingPoint; i<array_n(rings); i++) {
    ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, i);
    new_ = mdd_and(ring, H, 1, 0);
    nH = mdd_or(new_, H, 1, 1);
    H = nH;
    array_insert(mdd_t *, rings, i, new_);

  C = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  T_wedge_S = mdd_and(T, S, 1, 1);
  if(!mdd_equal(T_wedge_S, zeroMdd)) {
    if(startingPoint == 1) {
      T = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, 0);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, C, bdd_dup(T));
    C_T_wedge_S = bdd_closest_cube(T_wedge_S, S, &dist);
    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, C, C_T_wedge_S);


  T_wedge_ring = NULL;
  for(p=startingPoint; p<array_n(rings); p++) {
    ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, p);
    T_wedge_ring = mdd_and(T, ring, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(T_wedge_ring, zeroMdd)) {

  C_T_wedge_ring = bdd_closest_cube(T_wedge_ring, S, &dist);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, C, C_T_wedge_ring);
  T = C_T_wedge_ring;

  extCube = Fsm_FsmReadExtQuantifyInputCube(modelFsm);
  careStatesArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, careStatesArray, oneMdd);
  while(1) {
    if(prevFlag == 0) { /* free segement */
      prevFlag = 1; /* force segment */

      for(i=array_n(rings)-1; i>p; i--) {
        ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, i);
        nH = mdd_and(H, ring, 1, 0);
        H = nH;

      AUrings = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
      Fsm_FsmSetUseUnquantifiedFlag(modelFsm, 1);
      Swin = Mc_FsmEvaluateAUFormula(modelFsm, H, T,
                                   NIL(mdd_t), oneMdd, careStatesArray,
                                   MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, NIL(array_t),
                                   Mc_None_c, AUrings, McVerbosityNone_c,
                                   McDcLevelNone_c, NIL(boolean));
      Fsm_FsmSetUseUnquantifiedFlag(modelFsm, 0);

      S1 = bdd_smooth_with_cube(Swin, extCube);
      if(mdd_equal(S1, T)) {

      for(i=p-1; i>=startingPoint; i--) {
        ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, i);
        S1_wedge_ring = mdd_and(S1, ring, 1, 1);
        if(mdd_equal(S1_wedge_ring, zeroMdd)) {
      p = i+1;
      Hp = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, p);

      ESrings = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
      Hp_wedge_S1 = mdd_and(Hp, S1, 1, 1);

      ESresult = McEvaluateESFormulaWithGivenTRFAFW( modelFsm, S1, Hp_wedge_S1,
                                       NIL(mdd_t), oneMdd, careStatesArray,
                                       MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, ESrings,
                                       McVerbosityNone_c, McDcLevelNone_c,
                                       NIL(boolean), Swin);
      R = ESrings;
      if(array_n(R) <= 1) {
    else { /* force segment */
      Swin = 0;
      prevFlag = 0; /* free segment */
      EX_T = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(
                                imageInfo, T, T, careStatesArray);

      for(i=p-1; i>=startingPoint; i--) {
        ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, i);
        EX_T_wedge_ring = mdd_and(EX_T, ring, 1, 1);
        if(mdd_equal(EX_T_wedge_ring, zeroMdd)) {
      p = i+1;

      Hp = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, p);
      R = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
      Hp_wedge_EX_T = mdd_and(Hp, EX_T, 1, 1);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, R, Hp_wedge_EX_T);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, R, mdd_dup(T));

    lastR = array_fetch(mdd_t *, R, 0);
    segment = Mc_BuildShortestPathFAFW(Swin, lastR, T, R, mgr, modelFsm, prevFlag);
    if(Swin)    {
      Swin = 0;

    newC = array_join(C, segment);
    C = newC;

    T = array_fetch(mdd_t *, segment, array_n(segment)-1);
    if((long)T %2) T = (mdd_t *)((long)T - 1);

    T_wedge_S = mdd_and(T, S, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(T_wedge_S, zeroMdd)) {

    startingPoint = 0;
    S = mdd_dup(array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, startingPoint));



    int i;
    pathFromCore = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );

    if(startingPoint == 1) {
      T = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, 0);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, pathFromCore, bdd_dup(T));

    preSingle = NULL;
    for( i=0; i < array_n( C ); i++ ) {
      bundle = array_fetch(mdd_t *, C, (array_n(C) - (i+1)));
      forced = 0;
      if((long)bundle%2) {
        bundle = (mdd_t *)((long)bundle -1);
        single = Mc_ComputeAState(bundle, modelFsm);
        single = Mc_ComputeACloseState(bundle, preSingle, modelFsm);
      array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathFromCore,
              (mdd_t *)((long)(single) + forced) );
      preSingle = single;
    return pathFromCore;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFWGeneral ( mdd_t *  T,
array_t *  rings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
Mc_PathLengthType  PathLengthType 


Synopsis [Build a path from target to initial state with general algorithm.]

Description [Build a path from target to initial state with general algorithm. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 737 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_manager *mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);
  mdd_t *S, *H, *nH, *ring;
  int i;
  array_t *L;
  array_t *pathFromCore;
  array_t *npathFromCore;

  H = mdd_zero(mgr);
  for(i=0; i<array_n(rings); i++) {
    ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, i);
    nH = mdd_or(ring, H, 1, 1);
    H = nH;

  nH = mdd_and(H, T, 1, 1);
  T = nH;

  L = Mc_BuildFAFWLayer(modelFsm, mdd_dup(T), mdd_dup(H));

  if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c ) {
    S = mdd_dup(array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, 1));
  else if( PathLengthType == McGreaterOrEqualZero_c ) {
    S = mdd_dup(array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, 0));
  else {
    fail("Called Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW with ill formed PathLengthType\n");
  pathFromCore =
      MC_BuildCounterExampleFAFWGeneral(modelFsm, mdd_dup(S), mdd_dup(T), H, L);

  if(PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c ) {
    S = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, 0);
    npathFromCore = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, npathFromCore, mdd_dup(S));
    for(i=0; i<array_n(pathFromCore); i++) {
      S = array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathFromCore, i);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, npathFromCore, S);
    pathFromCore = npathFromCore;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildPathToCore ( mdd_t *  aState,
array_t *  onionRings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
Mc_PathLengthType  PathLengthType 


Synopsis [Build Path to Core starting at aState.]

Description [Build Path to Core (the first onion ring) starting at aState.

For the onion rings should be built in such a way that for every state v in ring i+1 there is a state v' in ring i such that there is an edge from v to v'. This function will also works for non-BFS rings, where we just require that for every state v in a ring i > 0, there is a state in a ring 0 <= j < i that is a successor of v.

For paths of length at least one, set PathLengthType to McGreaterZero_c. Otherwise, use McGreaterOrEqualZero_c. The function returns a sequence of states to a state in the core of onionRings, starting at aState. It is the users responsibility to free the array returned as well as its members.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 305 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;  /* index into the onionRings */
  int startingPoint;
  mdd_t *currentState;
  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 0, 1);
  array_t *pathToCore;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr         = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(modelFsm);
  array_t *toCareSetArray;

  if(Fsm_FsmReadUniQuantifyInputCube(modelFsm)) {
                            aState, onionRings, modelFsm, PathLengthType));

  pathToCore         = array_alloc( mdd_t * , 0 );
  toCareSetArray     = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, mdd_one(mddMgr));

  if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c )
    startingPoint = 1;
  else if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterOrEqualZero_c )
    startingPoint = 0;
    fail("Called Mc_BuildPathToCore with ill formed PathLengthType\n");

  /* RB: How do you guarantee that aState is in one of the onion rings [1,n]?*/

  /*Find the lowest ring that holds aState*/
  for ( i = startingPoint ; i < array_n( onionRings ); i++ ) {
    mdd_t *ring = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
    if ( McStateTestMembership( aState, ring ) )
  if ( i == array_n( onionRings ) )
    return NIL(array_t);

  currentState = mdd_dup( aState );
  array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathToCore, currentState );

  /* until we get to ring 0, keep finding successors for currentState */
  while( i > 0 ) {
    mdd_t *currentStateSuccs;
    mdd_t *innerRing;
    mdd_t *currentStateSuccsInInnerRing;
    mdd_t *witnessSuccState;


    currentStateSuccs =
      Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, currentState,
                                              currentState, toCareSetArray);
    currentStateSuccsInInnerRing = mdd_zero(mddMgr);

    /* find the highest ring that contains a successor, starting with i */
    while(mdd_is_tautology(currentStateSuccsInInnerRing, 0)){
      assert(i >= 0);
      if(i < 0) return NIL(array_t);

      innerRing = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
      currentStateSuccsInInnerRing = mdd_and(currentStateSuccs, innerRing,
                                             1, 1 );


    witnessSuccState = Mc_ComputeACloseState(currentStateSuccsInInnerRing,
                                             modelFsm );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathToCore, witnessSuccState );
    currentState = witnessSuccState;

    mdd_free( currentStateSuccs );
    mdd_free( currentStateSuccsInInnerRing );

    /* next, see if we cannot move a few more rings down.  We have to do this,
     * since a nontrivial path is not guaranteed to exist from a node in ring i
     * to a node in a lower ring.  In fact a state in ring i may also be in
     * ring 0. */
      boolean contained = TRUE;
      while(contained && i > 0){
        innerRing = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
        contained = mdd_lequal(witnessSuccState, innerRing, 1, 1);
      /* i is highest ring not containing witnessSuccState, or i = 0 */

      /* i is lowest ring containing witnessSuccState */


  return pathToCore;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildPathToCoreFAFW ( mdd_t *  aStates,
array_t *  onionRings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
Mc_PathLengthType  PathLengthType 


Synopsis [Build a path from initial state to target.]

Description [Build a path from initial state to target. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 683 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i, startingPoint;
  array_t *pathFromCore, *pathToCore;
  array_t *reachableOnionRings;
  mdd_t *currentStates;

  if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 1;
  else if ( PathLengthType == McGreaterOrEqualZero_c ) {
    startingPoint = 0;
  else {
    fail("Called Mc_BuildPathToCore with ill formed PathLengthType\n");

  for ( i = startingPoint ; i < array_n( onionRings ); i++ ) {
    mdd_t *ring = array_fetch( mdd_t *, onionRings, i );
    if ( McStateTestMembership( aStates, ring ) )
  if(i==0) {
    pathToCore = array_alloc( mdd_t * , 0 );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, pathToCore, mdd_dup(aStates) );
    return pathToCore;

  reachableOnionRings = Mc_BuildForwardRings(aStates, modelFsm, onionRings);
  currentStates = array_fetch(mdd_t *, onionRings, 0);
  pathFromCore = Mc_BuildPathFromCoreFAFW(
                                reachableOnionRings, modelFsm, PathLengthType);


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_BuildShortestPathFAFW ( mdd_t *  win,
mdd_t *  S,
mdd_t *  T,
array_t *  rings,
mdd_manager *  mgr,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
int  prevFlag 


Synopsis [Build a shortest path from T to S.]

Description [Make a shortest path from T to S which only passes through states in rings. There is always a path from T to S. Returns a sequence of states starting from T, leading to S. It is the users responsibility to free the returned array as well as its members. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

free segment

fated segment

Definition at line 1299 of file mcUtil.c.

  int q, dist;
  mdd_t *zeroMdd, *oneMdd;
  mdd_t *inputCube;
  mdd_t *ring, *ring_wedge_T, *Cn, *Cs;
  mdd_t *K, *realK, *range;
  mdd_t *preimage_of_Cn;
  array_t *C, *stateVars, *inputVars;
  array_t *toCareSetArray;
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo;

  imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(fsm, 1, 0);
  stateVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars(fsm);
  inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars(fsm);
  inputCube = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_cube(mgr, inputVars);
  zeroMdd = mdd_zero(mgr);
  oneMdd = mdd_one(mgr);
  ring_wedge_T = NULL;
  for (q = 0; q < array_n(rings); q++){
    ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, q);
    ring_wedge_T = mdd_and(T, ring, 1, 1);
    if(!mdd_equal(ring_wedge_T, zeroMdd))
    ring_wedge_T = 0;
  if(ring_wedge_T) {
  else {
    fprintf(stdout, "We cannot find T\n");

  C = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  Cn = (T);
  toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, oneMdd);
  range = mdd_range_mdd(mgr, stateVars);
  while(q > 0) {
    preimage_of_Cn = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(
                                imageInfo, Cn, Cn, toCareSetArray);

    K = NULL;
    for (q = 0; q < array_n(rings); q++){
      ring = array_fetch(mdd_t *, rings, q);
      K = mdd_and(preimage_of_Cn, ring, 1, 1);
      if(!mdd_equal(K, zeroMdd))
      K = 0;

    realK = mdd_and(K, range, 1, 1);
    Cs = bdd_closest_cube(realK, Cn, &dist);

    Cn = bdd_smooth_with_cube(Cs, inputCube);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, C, Cn);
      array_insert_last(mdd_t *, C, (mdd_t *)((long)Cn+1));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_CheckPathFromCore ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
array_t *  pathFromCore 


Synopsis [Debug function to check if there exists a proper input value]

Description [Check the existence of path by extracting input condition.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5372 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *inputVars;
  int i;
  mdd_t *fromState, *toState, *inputSet;
  mdd_manager   *mgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager(Fsm_FsmReadNetwork(fsm));

  inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( fsm );
  for(i=array_n(pathFromCore); i>0; i--) {
    fromState = (i==array_n(pathFromCore)) ? 0 : array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathFromCore, i);
    toState = array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathFromCore, i-1);
    if((long)fromState % 2)     fromState = (mdd_t *)((long)fromState - 1);
    if((long)toState % 2)       toState = (mdd_t *)((long)toState - 1);
    inputSet = ( i == array_n(pathFromCore)) ? 0 :
      Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms( fsm, fromState, toState );

      Mc_ComputeAMinterm( inputSet, inputVars, mgr );
    else if(i != array_n(pathFromCore))
      fprintf(vis_stderr, "Illegal path from %d to %d\n", i, i+1);

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Mc_CheckPathToCore ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
array_t *  pathToCore 


Synopsis [Debug function to check if there exists a proper input value]

Description [Check the existence of path by extracting input condition.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5338 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *inputVars;
  int i;
  mdd_t *fromState, *toState, *inputSet;
  mdd_manager   *mgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager(Fsm_FsmReadNetwork(fsm));

  inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( fsm );
  for(i=-1; i<array_n(pathToCore)-1; i++) {
    fromState = (i==-1) ? 0 : array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathToCore, i);
    toState = array_fetch(mdd_t *, pathToCore, i+1);
    if((long)fromState % 2)     fromState = (mdd_t *)((long)fromState - 1);
    if((long)toState % 2)       toState = (mdd_t *)((long)toState - 1);
    inputSet = ( i == -1) ? 0 :
                 Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms( fsm, fromState, toState );

      Mc_ComputeAMinterm( inputSet, inputVars, mgr );
    else if(i != -1)
      fprintf(vis_stderr, "Illegal path from %d to %d\n", i, i+1);


Here is the call graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_CompletePath ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState,
mdd_t *  invariantStates,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
array_t *  careSetArray,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosity,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel,
Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis  dirn 


Synopsis [Make a path from aState to bState.]

Description [Make a path from aState to bState which only passes through invariantStates; it is assumed that aState and bState lie in invariantStates. Returns a sequence of states starting from aState, leading to bState. If aState == bState, a non trivial path is returned (ie a cycle). If no path exists, return NIL. It is the users responsibility to free the returned array as well as its members.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1397 of file mcUtil.c.


  if ( dirn == McFwd_c )  {
    return McCompletePathFwd(aState, bState, invariantStates, modelFsm,
                             careSetArray, verbosity, dcLevel );
  else {
    return McCompletePathBwd(aState, bState, invariantStates, modelFsm,
                             careSetArray, verbosity, dcLevel );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Mc_ComputeACloseMinterm ( mdd_t *  aSet,
mdd_t *  target,
array_t *  Support,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Pick a minterm from the given set close to target. Support is an array of mddids representing the total support; that is, all the variables on which aSet may depend.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1517 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (bdd_get_package_name() == CUDD && target != NIL(mdd_t)) {
    mdd_t *range;             /* range of Support             */
    mdd_t *legalSet;          /* aSet without the don't cares */
    mdd_t *closeCube;
    int dist;
    array_t *bddSupport;      /* Support in terms of bdd vars */
    mdd_t *minterm;           /* a random minterm             */

    /* Check that support of set is contained in Support. */
    assert(SetCheckSupport(aSet, Support, mddMgr));
    assert(!mdd_is_tautology(aSet, 0));
    range      = mdd_range_mdd(mddMgr, Support);
    legalSet   = bdd_and(aSet, range, 1, 1);
    closeCube = mdd_closest_cube(legalSet, target, &dist);
    bddSupport = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddMgr, Support);
    minterm    = bdd_pick_one_minterm(closeCube, bddSupport);

    assert(MintermCheckWellFormed(minterm, Support, mddMgr));
    assert(mdd_count_onset(mddMgr, minterm, Support) == 1);


    return minterm;
  } else {
    return Mc_ComputeAMinterm(aSet, Support, mddMgr);
  }/* if CUDD */

} /* McComputeACloseMinterm */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Mc_ComputeACloseState ( mdd_t *  states,
mdd_t *  target,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Select a state from the given set close to target.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2161 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm ) );
  mdd_t *result = Mc_ComputeACloseMinterm( states, target, PSVars, mddMgr );

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Mc_ComputeAMinterm ( mdd_t *  aSet,
array_t *  Support,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Pick an arbitrary minterm from the given set.]

Description [Pick an arbitrary minterm from the given set. Support is an array of mddids representing the total support; that is, all the variables on which aSet may depend.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1430 of file mcUtil.c.

  /* check that support of set is contained in Support */
  assert( SetCheckSupport( aSet, Support, mddMgr ));
  assert(!mdd_is_tautology(aSet, 0));

  if(bdd_get_package_name() == CUDD){
    mdd_t *range;             /* range of Support             */
    mdd_t *legalSet;          /* aSet without the don't cares */
    array_t *bddSupport;      /* Support in terms of bdd vars */
    mdd_t *minterm;           /* a random minterm             */

    range      = mdd_range_mdd(mddMgr, Support);
    legalSet   = bdd_intersects(aSet, range);
    bddSupport = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddMgr, Support);
    minterm    = bdd_pick_one_minterm(legalSet, bddSupport);

    assert(MintermCheckWellFormed(minterm, Support, mddMgr));
    assert(mdd_count_onset(mddMgr, minterm, Support) == 1);


    return minterm;
    int i, j;
    mdd_t *aSetDup;
    mdd_t *resultMdd;
    array_t *resultMddArray = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );

    aSetDup = mdd_dup( aSet );
    for( i = 0 ; i < array_n( Support ); i++ ) {

      int aSupportVar = array_fetch( int, Support, i );

      for( j = 0 ;;) {
        mdd_t *faceMdd, *tmpMdd;
        array_t *tmpArray = array_alloc( int, 0 );
        array_insert_last( int, tmpArray, j );

        /* this call will crash if have run through range of mvar */
        faceMdd = mdd_literal( mddMgr, aSupportVar, tmpArray );
        array_free( tmpArray );
        tmpMdd = mdd_and( faceMdd, aSetDup, 1, 1 );

        if ( !mdd_is_tautology( tmpMdd, 0 ) ) {
          array_insert_last( mdd_t *, resultMddArray, faceMdd );
          mdd_free( aSetDup );
          aSetDup = tmpMdd;
        mdd_free( faceMdd );
        mdd_free( tmpMdd );
    mdd_free( aSetDup );

    resultMdd = mdd_one( mddMgr );
    for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( resultMddArray ); i++ ) {
      mdd_t *faceMdd = array_fetch( mdd_t *, resultMddArray, i );
      mdd_t *tmpMdd = mdd_and( faceMdd, resultMdd, 1, 1 );
      mdd_free( resultMdd ); mdd_free( faceMdd );
      resultMdd = tmpMdd;
    array_free( resultMddArray );

    return resultMdd;
  }/* IF CUDD */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Mc_ComputeAState ( mdd_t *  states,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Select an arbitrary state from the given set]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2141 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm ) );
  mdd_t *result = Mc_ComputeAMinterm( states, PSVars, mddMgr );

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_ComputeGuideArray ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
FILE *  guideFP 


Synopsis [Return an array of hints]

Description [Read the guide file and compute the BDDs of the hints and store in an array. Adds the 1 hint to the end of the array.

Closes the guideFP.

Returns NIL if something goes wrong.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5280 of file mcUtil.c.

  Ctlp_FormulaArray_t *hintFormulae;
  array_t             * hintSets;

  hintFormulae = Mc_ReadHints(guideFP);

  if( hintFormulae == NIL(Ctlp_FormulaArray_t))
    return NIL(array_t);

  hintSets = Mc_EvaluateHints(fsm, hintFormulae);


  return hintSets;
}/* Mc_ComputeGuideArray */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static mdd_t * Mc_ComputeRangeOfPseudoInputs ( Ntk_Network_t *  network) [static]


Synopsis [Return the range of pseudo inputs if they are defined by subsets of range.]

Description [The result can be used to extract correct input conditions.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1991 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( network );
  Mvf_Function_t *nodeMvf;
  mdd_t *tmpMdd, *zeroMdd;
  mdd_t *restrictMdd, *sumMdd;
  int restrictFlag;
  lsGen gen;
  Ntk_Node_t *node;
  int i;

  zeroMdd = mdd_zero(mddMgr);
  restrictMdd = mdd_one(mddMgr);
  restrictFlag = 0;
  Ntk_NetworkForEachPseudoInput(network, gen, node) {
    nodeMvf = NodeBuildPseudoInputMvf(node, mddMgr);
    for(i=0; i<nodeMvf->num; i++) {
      tmpMdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, nodeMvf, i);
      if(mdd_equal(tmpMdd, zeroMdd)) {
        restrictFlag = 1;
    if(restrictFlag) {
      sumMdd = mdd_zero(mddMgr);
      for(i=0; i<nodeMvf->num; i++) {
        tmpMdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, nodeMvf, i);
        if(!mdd_equal(tmpMdd, zeroMdd)) {
          tmpMdd = mdd_or( sumMdd, tmpMdd, 1, 1 );
          sumMdd = tmpMdd;
      tmpMdd = mdd_and( sumMdd, restrictMdd, 1, 1 );
      restrictMdd = tmpMdd;


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Fsm_Fsm_t* Mc_ConstructReducedFsm ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
array_t *  ctlFormulaArray 


Synopsis [Form an FSM reduced with respect to the specified formula]

Description [Form an FSM reduced with respect to the CTL formula array. All latches and inputs which affect the given formula AND the fairness conditions of the system are included in this reduced fsm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2238 of file mcUtil.c.

  return(McConstructReducedFsm(network, ctlFormulaArray));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_EarlyTermination_t* Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc ( Mc_EarlyTerminationType  mode,
mdd_t *  states 


Synopsis [Allocate an earlytermination struct and initialize with arguments]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2292 of file mcUtil.c.

  Mc_EarlyTermination_t *result = ALLOC(Mc_EarlyTermination_t, 1);

  result->mode   = mode;
  if (states != NIL(mdd_t)) {
    result->states = mdd_dup(states);
  } else {
    result->states = NIL(mdd_t);

  return result;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_EarlyTerminationFree ( Mc_EarlyTermination_t *  earlyTermination)


Synopsis [Free an earlytermination struct (you are allowed to pass MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, or NULL, and it will have no effect. ]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2316 of file mcUtil.c.

  if(earlyTermination == NIL(Mc_EarlyTermination_t) ||
     earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION)

  if(earlyTermination->states != NIL(mdd_t))



Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Mc_EarlyTerminationIsSkip ( Mc_EarlyTermination_t *  earlyTermination)


Synopsis [Return TRUE iff the early termination condition specifies that the computation can be entirely skipped.]

SideEffects [none]

Definition at line 2338 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (earlyTermination == NIL(Mc_EarlyTermination_t) ||
     earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION)
    return FALSE;

  return (earlyTermination->mode == McCare_c &&
          earlyTermination->states == NIL(mdd_t));


Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_EvaluateHints ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
Ctlp_FormulaArray_t *  invarArray 


Synopsis [Return an array of states corresponding to the hints]

Description [Flushes the states associated with the hints,and reevaluates them in the current fsm. Quantifies out variables in the hint that are not in present state or primary input set of the current FSM.

Returns NIL if something goes wrong (the hint does not fit the fsm).]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5175 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *invarStatesArray = NIL(array_t);/* array of sets of states: hints*/
  int i, j;                                       /* to iterate over formulae  */
  Ctlp_Formula_t *formula= NIL(Ctlp_Formula_t);/* idem                      */
  mdd_t *invarFormulaStates = NIL(mdd_t);/* states in which formula is true */
  mdd_t *one = NIL(mdd_t);
  array_t *psVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars(fsm);
  array_t *inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars(fsm);
  array_t *psInputVars = array_join(psVars, inputVars);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);

  invarStatesArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);

  one = mdd_one(Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm));

  arrayForEachItem(Ctlp_Formula_t *, invarArray, i, formula){
    /* semantic checks */
      (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
                     "** mc error: Error evaluating hint:\n%s\n",

      return NIL(array_t);
    }/* if semantic error */



    /* compute the set of states represented by the invariant. */
    invarFormulaStates =
      Mc_FsmEvaluateFormula(fsm, formula, one,
                            NIL(Fsm_Fairness_t), NIL(array_t),
                            NIL(Fsm_HintsArray_t), Mc_None_c,
                            McVerbosityNone_c, McDcLevelNone_c, 0,

    if (!mdd_check_support(mddMgr, invarFormulaStates, psInputVars)) {
      mdd_t *temp;
      int mddId;
      array_t *supportArray = mdd_get_support(mddMgr, invarFormulaStates);
      array_t *leftOverVars = array_alloc(int, 0);
      /* store the PS and the Input Vars of this FSM */
      st_table *supportTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);

      arrayForEachItem(int, psInputVars, j, mddId) {
        (void) st_insert(supportTable, (char *) (long) mddId, NIL(char));

      /* isolate the vars outside this FSM */
      arrayForEachItem(int, supportArray, j, mddId) {
        if (st_is_member(supportTable, (char *)(long)mddId) == 0) {
          array_insert_last(int, leftOverVars, mddId);

      /* Quantify them out */
      if (array_n(leftOverVars) > 0) {
        fprintf(vis_stdout, "GS warning ** Quantifying out variables not relevant to the reduced FSM in hint %d. \n", i+1);
        arrayForEachItem(int, leftOverVars, j, mddId) {
          fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s\n", (mdd_get_var_by_id(mddMgr, mddId)).name);
        temp = mdd_smooth(mddMgr,  invarFormulaStates, leftOverVars);
        invarFormulaStates = temp;

    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, invarStatesArray, invarFormulaStates);
  }/* for each formula */

  return invarStatesArray;
}/* Mc_EvaluateHints */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Mc_FormulaStaticSemanticCheckOnNetwork ( Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
Ntk_Network_t *  network,
boolean  inputsAllowed 


Synopsis [Perform static semantic check of ctl formula on network.]

Description [Perform static semantic check of ctl formula on network. Specifically, given an atomic formula of the form LHS=RHS, check that the LHS is the name of a latch/wire in the network, and that RHS is of appropriate type (enum/integer) and is lies in the range of the latch/wire values. If LHS is a wire, and inputsAllowed is false, check to see that the algebraic support of the wire consists of only latches and constants.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 249 of file mcUtil.c.

  boolean lCheck;
  boolean rCheck;
  Ctlp_Formula_t *leftChild;
  Ctlp_Formula_t *rightChild;

  if(formula == NIL(Ctlp_Formula_t)){
    return TRUE;

  if(Ctlp_FormulaReadType(formula) == Ctlp_ID_c){
    return AtomicFormulaCheckSemantics(formula, network, inputsAllowed);

  leftChild = Ctlp_FormulaReadLeftChild(formula);
  rightChild = Ctlp_FormulaReadRightChild(formula);

  lCheck = Mc_FormulaStaticSemanticCheckOnNetwork(leftChild, network,
    return FALSE;

  rCheck = Mc_FormulaStaticSemanticCheckOnNetwork(rightChild, network,
  if (!rCheck)
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState 


Synopsis [Return all inputs which cause a transition from aState to bState.]

Description [Return all inputs which cause a transition from aState to bState. It is assumed that aState,bState are truly minterms over the PS variables.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2049 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  int psMddId;
  int inputMddId;
  mdd_gen *mddGen;
  Ntk_Node_t *latch, *node, *dataNode;
  array_t *aMinterm, *bMinterm;
  mdd_t *resultMdd;
  array_t *resultMvfs;
  array_t *inputArray = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( fsm );
  array_t *psArray = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( fsm );
  Ntk_Network_t *network = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( fsm );
  st_table *leaves = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
  array_t *roots = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0 );
  array_t *latches = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0 );
  array_t *support = array_alloc( int, 0 );
  mdd_t *rangeOfPseudoInputs, *tmpMdd;

  arrayForEachItem(int , psArray, i, psMddId ) {
    latch = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, psMddId );
    dataNode = Ntk_LatchReadDataInput( latch );
    array_insert_last( int, support, psMddId );
    array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, roots, dataNode );
    array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, latches, latch );

  /* Convert the  minterm to an array of assignments to support vars. */
  foreach_mdd_minterm(aState, mddGen, aMinterm, support) {
    /* NOT REACHED */

  foreach_mdd_minterm(bState, mddGen, bMinterm, support) {
     /* NOT REACHED */
  array_free( support );

  arrayForEachItem(int , inputArray, i, inputMddId ) {
    node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, inputMddId );
    st_insert(leaves, (char *) node, (char *) NTM_UNUSED );

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( roots ); i++ ) {
    int value = array_fetch( int, aMinterm, i );
    latch = array_fetch( Ntk_Node_t *, latches, i );
    st_insert( leaves, (char *) latch, (char *) (long) value );

  resultMvfs = Ntm_NetworkBuildMvfs( network, roots, leaves, NIL(mdd_t) );

  array_free( roots );
  array_free( latches );
  st_free_table( leaves );

  rangeOfPseudoInputs = Mc_ComputeRangeOfPseudoInputs(network);

  resultMdd = rangeOfPseudoInputs;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( resultMvfs ) ; i++ ) {
    Mvf_Function_t *mvf = array_fetch( Mvf_Function_t *, resultMvfs, i );
    int value = array_fetch( int, bMinterm, i );
    mdd_t *activeMdd = Mvf_FunctionReadComponent( mvf, value );
    tmpMdd = mdd_and( activeMdd, resultMdd, 1, 1 );
    if(mdd_is_tautology(tmpMdd, 0)) {
        fprintf(stdout, "current error\n");
    mdd_free( resultMdd );
    resultMdd = tmpMdd;
    Mvf_FunctionFree( mvf );
  array_free( resultMvfs);
  array_free( aMinterm );
  array_free( bMinterm );

  return resultMdd;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Mc_FsmComputeStatesReachableFromSet ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  initialStates,
array_t *  careStatesArray,
mdd_t *  specialStates,
array_t *  onionRings,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosity,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel 


Synopsis [Return Boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on whether states in specialStates are reachable from initialStates.]

Description [Return Boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on whether states in specialStates are reachable from initialStates.If true, onionRings is set to results of fixed point computation going forward from initialStates to specialStates. Otherwise onionRings is freed.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 167 of file mcUtil.c.

  boolean reachable=FALSE;
  mdd_t *fromUpperBound;
  mdd_t *toCareSet;
  array_t *toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  mdd_t *image;
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 0, 1);

  mdd_t *reachableStates = mdd_dup( initialStates );
  mdd_t *fromLowerBound = mdd_dup( initialStates );

  /* Iterate until fromLowerBound is empty. */
  while (mdd_is_tautology(fromLowerBound, 0) == 0){
    /* fromLowerBound is the "onion shell" of states just reached. */
    array_insert_last(mdd_t*, onionRings,
    if (!mdd_lequal(  fromLowerBound, specialStates, 1, 0 ) ) {
      mdd_free( fromLowerBound );
      mdd_free( reachableStates );
      return TRUE;

    /* fromUpperBound is the set of all states reached thus far. */
    fromUpperBound = mdd_dup( reachableStates );

    /* toCareSet is the set of all states not reached so far. */
    toCareSet = mdd_not(reachableStates);
    array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, toCareSet);

     * Image of some set between lower and upper, where we care
     * about the image only on unreached states.
    image = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo,
                fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound, toCareSetArray);

    /* New set of reachable states is old set plus new image. */
    mdd_free( reachableStates );
    reachableStates = mdd_or(fromUpperBound, image, 1, 1);

     * New lower bound is the states just reached (note not on
     * fromUpperBound).
    fromLowerBound = mdd_and(reachableStates, fromUpperBound, 1, 0);
  mdd_array_free( onionRings );
  mdd_free( reachableStates );

  return reachable;


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Mc_FsmComputeStatesReachingToSet ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  targetStates,
array_t *  careStatesArray,
mdd_t *  specialStates,
array_t *  onionRings,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosity,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel 

AutomaticEnd Function********************************************************************

Synopsis [Return Boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on whether states in specialStates can reach states in targetStates.]

Description [Return Boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on whether states in specialStates can reach states in targetStates. If true, onionRings is set to results of fixed point computation going back from targetStates to specialStates.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 87 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *fromUpperBound;
  mdd_t *toCareSet;
  array_t *toCareSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  mdd_t *image;
  Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);

  mdd_t *reachingStates = mdd_dup( targetStates );
  mdd_t *fromLowerBound = mdd_dup( targetStates );

  /* Iterate until fromLowerBound is empty. */
  while (mdd_is_tautology(fromLowerBound, 0) == 0){
    /* fromLowerBound is the "onion shell" of states just examined. */
    array_insert_last(mdd_t*, onionRings,
    if ( !mdd_lequal(  fromLowerBound, specialStates, 1, 0 ) ) {
      mdd_free( fromLowerBound );
      mdd_free( reachingStates );
      return TRUE;

    /* fromUpperBound is the set of all states reaching targets thus far. */
    fromUpperBound = mdd_dup( reachingStates );

    /* toCareSet is the set of all states not reached so far. */
    toCareSet = mdd_not(reachingStates);
    array_insert(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0, toCareSet);

     * Pre-Image of some set between lower and upper, where we care
     * about the image only on unreaching states.
    image = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo,
                fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound, toCareSetArray);

    /* New set of reaching states is old set plus new image. */
    mdd_free( reachingStates );
    reachingStates = mdd_or(fromUpperBound, image, 1, 1);

     * New lower bound is the states just reached (note not on
     * fromUpperBound).
    fromLowerBound = mdd_and(reachingStates, fromUpperBound, 1, 0);

  mdd_array_free( onionRings );
  mdd_free( reachingStates );

  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_MintermPrint ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  support,
Ntk_Network_t *  aNetwork 


Synopsis [Print a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2182 of file mcUtil.c.

  char *tmpString = Mc_MintermToString( aMinterm, support, aNetwork );
  fprintf( vis_stdout, "%s", tmpString );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Mc_MintermToString ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
Ntk_Network_t *  aNetwork 


Synopsis [Return a string for a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1710 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  char *tmp1String;
  char *tmp2String;
  char bodyString[McMaxStringLength_c];
  char *mintermString = NIL(char);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( aNetwork );
  array_t *valueArray;
  array_t *stringArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );

  aMinterm = GET_NORMAL_PT(aMinterm);
  valueArray = McConvertMintermToValueArray(aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr);
  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {

    int mddId = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
    int value = array_fetch( int, valueArray, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( aNetwork, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    Var_Variable_t *nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );

    if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ) {
      char *symbolicValue = Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(nodeVar,
                                                                   value );
      sprintf( bodyString, "%s:%s", nodeName, symbolicValue );
    else {
      sprintf( bodyString, "%s:%d", nodeName, value );
    tmp1String = util_strsav( bodyString );
    array_insert_last( char *, stringArray, tmp1String );

  array_sort( stringArray, cmp);

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stringArray ); i++ ) {
    tmp1String = array_fetch( char *, stringArray, i );
    if( i == 0 )  {
      mintermString = util_strcat3(tmp1String, "", "" );
    else {
      tmp2String = util_strcat3(mintermString, "\n", tmp1String );
      mintermString = tmp2String;
  array_free( stringArray );

  tmp1String = util_strcat3(mintermString, "\n", "");
  mintermString = tmp1String;

  return mintermString;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Mc_MintermToStringAiger ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
Ntk_Network_t *  aNetwork 


Synopsis [Return a string for a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1567 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  char *tmp1String;
  char *tmp2String;
  char bodyString[McMaxStringLength_c];
  char *mintermString = NIL(char);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( aNetwork );
  array_t *valueArray;
  array_t *stringArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );

  aMinterm = GET_NORMAL_PT(aMinterm);
  valueArray = McConvertMintermToValueArray(aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr);
  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {

    int mddId = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
    int value = array_fetch( int, valueArray, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( aNetwork, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    if(!((nodeName[0] == '$') && (nodeName[1] == '_')))
      Var_Variable_t *nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );

      if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ) {
        char *symbolicValue = Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(nodeVar,
                                                                   value );
        sprintf( bodyString, "%s", symbolicValue );
      else {
        sprintf( bodyString, "%d", value );
      tmp1String = util_strsav( bodyString );
      array_insert_last( char *, stringArray, tmp1String );

  array_sort( stringArray, cmp);

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stringArray ); i++ ) {
    tmp1String = array_fetch( char *, stringArray, i );
    if( i == 0 )  {
      mintermString = util_strcat3(tmp1String, "", "" );
    else {
      tmp2String = util_strcat3(mintermString, "", tmp1String );
      mintermString = tmp2String;
  array_free( stringArray );

  tmp1String = util_strcat3(mintermString, " ", "");
  mintermString = tmp1String;

  return mintermString;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Mc_MintermToStringAigerInput ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
Ntk_Network_t *  aNetwork 


Synopsis [Return a string for a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1639 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  char *tmp1String;
  char *tmp2String;
  char bodyString[McMaxStringLength_c];
  char *mintermString = NIL(char);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( aNetwork );
  array_t *valueArray;
  array_t *stringArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );

  aMinterm = GET_NORMAL_PT(aMinterm);
  valueArray = McConvertMintermToValueArray(aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr);
  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {

    int mddId = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
    int value = array_fetch( int, valueArray, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( aNetwork, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    if((nodeName[0] == '$') && (nodeName[1] == '_'))
      Var_Variable_t *nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );

      if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ) {
        char *symbolicValue = Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(nodeVar,
                                                                   value );
        sprintf( bodyString, "%s", symbolicValue );
      else {
        sprintf( bodyString, "%d", value );
      tmp1String = util_strsav( bodyString );
      array_insert_last( char *, stringArray, tmp1String );

  array_sort( stringArray, cmp);

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stringArray ); i++ ) {
    tmp1String = array_fetch( char *, stringArray, i );
    if( i == 0 )  {
      mintermString = util_strcat3(tmp1String, "", "" );
    else {
      tmp2String = util_strcat3(mintermString, "", tmp1String );
      mintermString = tmp2String;
  array_free( stringArray );

  tmp1String = util_strcat3(mintermString, " ", "");
  mintermString = tmp1String;

  return mintermString;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
st_table *  nodesTable 


Synopsis [Add nodes for wires referred to in formula to nodesTable.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2200 of file mcUtil.c.

  NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes( network, formula, nodesTable );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
Ctlsp_Formula_t *  formula,
st_table *  nodesTable 


Synopsis [Add nodes for wires referred to in formula to nodesTable.]

Description [Add nodes for wires referred to in formula to nodesTable.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2218 of file mcUtil.c.

  NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes(network, formula, nodesTable);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_PrintNumRings ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
array_t *  onionRings 


Synopsis [Print the number of states of each ring]

Description [Print the number of states of each ring]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5546 of file mcUtil.c.

  int j;
  mdd_t *innerRing;

  if(array_n(onionRings) > 0) {
    for(j=0; j<array_n(onionRings); j++) {
      innerRing = array_fetch(mdd_t *, onionRings, j);
      fprintf(vis_stdout, "%d'th ring : ", j);
        Mc_PrintNumStates(modelFsm, innerRing);
        fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Mc_PrintNumStates ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  states 


Synopsis [Print the number of states]

Description [Print the number of states.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5472 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );
  mdd_t *zeroMdd;
  double size;

  *  sometimes, this function will be constrained by number of minterm
  *     in the given set of states.
  *     num_minterm = mdd_num_of_mintern(states);
  *     if(num_minterm > MAX_MINTERM)   {
  *       fprintf( stdout, "Too many minterms in given states\n" );
  *       return;
  *     }
  if((long)states % 2) {
    states = (mdd_t *)((long)states - 1);
  zeroMdd = mdd_zero( mddMgr );
  states = mdd_dup(states);
  if(mdd_equal(states, zeroMdd)) {
    fprintf(stdout, "ZERO mdd\n");
  size = mdd_count_onset(mddMgr, states, PSVars);
  fprintf(stdout, "num states : %.0f\n", size);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Mc_PrintPath ( array_t *  aPath,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
boolean  printInput 


Synopsis [Utility function - prints states on path, inputs for transitions]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1778 of file mcUtil.c.

  int check, forced, i;
  int numForced;
  mdd_t *inputSet=NIL(mdd_t);
  mdd_t *uInput = NIL(mdd_t);
  mdd_t *vInput = NIL(mdd_t);

  array_t *psVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  array_t *inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr =  Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );

  forced = 0;
  check = 1;
  numForced = 0;

  for( i = -1 ; i < (array_n( aPath )-1); i++ ) {

    mdd_t *aState = ( i == -1 ) ? NIL(mdd_t) : array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, i );
    mdd_t *bState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, (i+1) );

    if((long)aState%2) {
      aState = (mdd_t *)((long)aState -1);
    else        forced = 0;

    if((long)bState%2) {
      bState = (mdd_t *)((long)bState -1);

    if ( printInput == TRUE && i != -1) {
      inputSet = Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms( modelFsm, aState, bState );
      vInput = Mc_ComputeACloseMinterm( inputSet, uInput, inputVars, mddMgr );
    if(forced)  {
      fprintf(vis_stdout, "---- Forced %d\n", forced);
      numForced ++;
    McPrintTransition( aState, bState, uInput, vInput, psVars, inputVars,
                       printInput, modelFsm, (i+1) );

    if ( uInput != NIL(mdd_t) ) {
    uInput = vInput;

    if ( inputSet != NIL(mdd_t) ) {

  if ( vInput != NIL(mdd_t) ) {

  if(Fsm_FsmReadFAFWFlag(modelFsm) > 0) {
        "# MC: the number of non-trivial forced segments %d\n",

  return 1;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Mc_PrintPathAiger ( array_t *  aPath,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
boolean  printInput 


Synopsis [Utility function - prints states on path, inputs for transitions]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 1856 of file mcUtil.c.

  int check, forced, i;
  int numForced;
  mdd_t *inputSet=NIL(mdd_t);
  mdd_t *uInput = NIL(mdd_t);
  mdd_t *vInput = NIL(mdd_t);

  array_t *psVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  array_t *inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( modelFsm );

  forced = 0;
  check = 1;
  numForced = 0;

  Ntk_Network_t *network = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );

  FILE *psO = Cmd_FileOpen("inputOrder.txt", "w", NIL(char *), 0);
  for(i=0; i<array_n(psVars); i++)
    int mddId = array_fetch( int, psVars, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    if((nodeName[0] == '$') && (nodeName[1] == '_'))
      fprintf(psO, "%s\n", &nodeName[2]);

  for( i = -1 ; i < (array_n( aPath )-1); i++ ) {

    mdd_t *aState = ( i == -1 ) ? NIL(mdd_t) : array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, i );
    mdd_t *bState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, (i+1) );

    if((long)aState%2) {
      aState = (mdd_t *)((long)aState -1);
    else        forced = 0;

    if((long)bState%2) {
      bState = (mdd_t *)((long)bState -1);

    if(forced)  {
      fprintf(vis_stdout, "---- Forced %d\n", forced);
      numForced ++;

    /* The following fix is only for Sat-competition 2007 and will need to be fixed for future */

    if(i == (array_n(aPath)-2))
      McPrintTransitionAiger( aState, bState, uInput, vInput, psVars, inputVars,
                       printInput, modelFsm, 1 );
      McPrintTransitionAiger( aState, bState, uInput, vInput, psVars, inputVars,
                       printInput, modelFsm, 0 );

    if ( uInput != NIL(mdd_t) ) {
    uInput = vInput;

    if ( inputSet != NIL(mdd_t) ) {

  if ( vInput != NIL(mdd_t) ) {

  if(Fsm_FsmReadFAFWFlag(modelFsm) > 0) {
        "# MC: the number of non-trivial forced segments %d\n",

  return 1;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Mc_PrintRings ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
array_t *  onionRings 


Synopsis [Print the states of each ring]

Description [Print the states of each ring]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5517 of file mcUtil.c.

  int j;
  mdd_t *innerRing;

  if(array_n(onionRings) > 0) {
    for(j=0; j<array_n(onionRings); j++) {
      innerRing = array_fetch(mdd_t *, onionRings, j);
      fprintf(vis_stdout, "%d'th ring : ", j);
        Mc_PrintStates(modelFsm, innerRing);
        fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Mc_PrintStates ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
mdd_t *  states 


Synopsis [Print states in terms of state variables]

Description [Print states in terms of state variables]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5405 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );
  mdd_t *zeroMdd, *new_states;
  char  *tmpString;
  double   size;

  *  sometimes, this function will be constrained by number of minterm
  *     in the given set of states.
  *     num_minterm = mdd_num_of_mintern(states);
  *     if(num_minterm > MAX_MINTERM)   {
  *       fprintf( stdout, "Too many minterms in given states\n" );
  *       return;
  *     }
  if((long)states % 2) {
    states = (mdd_t *)((long)states - 1);
  zeroMdd = mdd_zero( mddMgr );
  states = mdd_dup(states);
  if(mdd_equal(states, zeroMdd)) {
    fprintf(stdout, "ZERO mdd\n");
  size = mdd_count_onset(mddMgr, states, PSVars);
  if(size > 40.0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Too many minterms in given states %.0f\n", size);
  fprintf( stdout, "    " );
  while(1) {
    mdd_t *result = Mc_ComputeAMinterm( states, PSVars, mddMgr );

    new_states = mdd_and( states, result, 1, 0 );
    mdd_free( states );
    states = new_states;

    tmpString = Mc_MintermToString( result, PSVars, aNetwork );
    fprintf( stdout, "%s ", tmpString );
    mdd_free( result );

    if(mdd_equal(states, zeroMdd)) {
  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_GuidedSearch_t Mc_ReadGuidedSearchType ( void  )


Synopsis [Read and parse the hints_type set flag]

Description [Read and parse the hints_type set flag. If it is not set return the default: local. Return Mc_None_c if there is an error.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5313 of file mcUtil.c.

  char *string =  Cmd_FlagReadByName("guided_search_hint_type");

  if(string == NIL(char))  /* default */
    return Mc_Local_c;
  if(!strcmp(string, "global"))
    return Mc_Global_c;
  if(!strcmp(string, "local"))
    return Mc_Local_c;
    return Mc_None_c;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Mc_ReadHints ( FILE *  guideFP)


Synopsis [Return an array of formulae representing the hints]

Description [Read the guide file and store the hint formulae in an array. Adds the 1 hint to the end of the array.

Returns NIL if something goes wrong: parse error in the file or temporal operators in the hints]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4989 of file mcUtil.c.

  Ctlp_FormulaArray_t *invarArray;   /* formulae representing hints */
  int i;                      /* to iterate over formulae        */
  Ctlp_Formula_t *formula;    /* idem                            */

  if (guideFP == NIL(FILE)){
            "** mc error: can't read hint file.\n");
    return NIL(array_t);

  invarArray = Ctlp_FileParseFormulaArray( guideFP );

  if (invarArray == NIL(array_t)){
            "** mc error: parse error in hints file.\n");
    return NIL(array_t);

  if (array_n(invarArray) == 0){
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "** mc error: File contained no hints.\n");
    return NIL(array_t);

  array_insert_last(Ctlp_Formula_t *, invarArray,
                    Ctlp_FormulaCreate(Ctlp_TRUE_c, NIL(void), NIL(void)));

  /* some checks */
  arrayForEachItem(Ctlp_Formula_t *, invarArray, i, formula){
      (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
                     "** mc error: Hints contain temporal operators\n");

      return NIL(array_t);
    } /* quantifier free */

  }/* checks */

  return invarArray;
}/* Mc_ReadHints */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

st_table* Mc_ReadSystemVariablesFAFW ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm,
FILE *  systemFP 


Synopsis [Return an array of variables controlled by system ]

Description [Read the system variables file and store the variables controlled by system in an array.

Returns NIL if something goes wrong: parse error in the file or variables that are not contained in model.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5049 of file mcUtil.c.

  st_table *variablesTable;
  array_t *bddIdArray;
  char line[1024], nodeName[1024], *next;
  int mddId, bddId;
  int i, j, len, index;
  int errorFlag;
  Ntk_Node_t *node;
  Ntk_Network_t *network;
  mdd_manager *mgr;

  errorFlag = 0;
  if (systemFP == NIL(FILE)){
            "** mc error: can't read system file.\n");
    return NIL(st_table);

  network = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork(fsm);
  mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);
  variablesTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
  while(fgets(line, 1024, systemFP)) {
    len = strlen(line);
    for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if(line[i] == ' ')        continue;
      if(line[i] == '\t')       continue;
    next = &(line[i]);
    if(next[0] == '\n') continue;
    if(next[0] == '#')  continue;
    len = strlen(next);
    index = 0;
    nodeName[0] = '\0';
    for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if(next[i] == ' ') break;
      if(next[i] == '\t') break;
      if(next[i] == '\n') break;
      nodeName[index] = next[i];
    nodeName[index] = '\0';
    node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, nodeName);
    if(node == NIL(Ntk_Node_t)) {
      fprintf(vis_stderr, "Error : Can't find node '%s'\n", nodeName);
      errorFlag = 1;
    mddId = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(node);
    bddIdArray = mdd_id_to_bdd_id_array(mgr, mddId);
    for(j=0; j<array_n(bddIdArray); j++) {
      bddId = array_fetch(int, bddIdArray, j);
      st_insert(variablesTable, (char *)(long)bddId, (char *)(long)bddId);

  if(variablesTable->num_entries == 0)  {
    variablesTable = 0;
  if(errorFlag) {
    variablesTable = 0;
    return((st_table *)-1);
  return variablesTable;
}/* Mc_ReadSystemVariablesFAFW */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

st_table* Mc_SetAllInputToSystem ( Fsm_Fsm_t *  fsm)


Synopsis []

Description []

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5134 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_manager *mgr;
  array_t *inputVars, *bddIdArray;
  int i, j;
  int mddId, bddId;
  st_table *idTable;

  idTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
  mgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager(fsm);
  /* inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadPrimaryInputVars(fsm); */
  inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars(fsm);

  if(inputVars) {
    for(i=0; i<array_n(inputVars); i++) {
      mddId = array_fetch(int, inputVars, i);
      bddIdArray = mdd_id_to_bdd_id_array(mgr, mddId);
      for(j=0; j<array_n(bddIdArray); j++) {
        bddId = array_fetch(int, bddIdArray, j);
        st_insert(idTable, (char *)(long)bddId, (char *)(long)bddId);


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Mc_StringConvertToLockstepMode ( char *  string)


Synopsis [Converts a string to a lockstep mode.]

Description [Converts a string to a lockstep mode. If string does not refer to one of the allowed lockstep modes, it returns MC_LOCKSTEP_UNASSIGNED. The allowed values are: MC_LOCKSTEP_OFF, MC_LOCKSTEP_EARLY_TERMINATION, MC_LOCKSTEP_ALL_SCCS, and a positive integer n (lockstep enumerates up to n fair SCCs).]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2278 of file mcUtil.c.

  return McStringConvertToLockstepMode(string);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_GSHScheduleType Mc_StringConvertToScheduleType ( char *  string)


Synopsis [Converts a string to a schedule type.]

Description [Converts a string to a schedule type. If string does not refer to one of the allowed schedule types, then returns McGSH_Unassigned_c.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2258 of file mcUtil.c.

  return McStringConvertToScheduleType(string);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McCheckEarlyTerminationForOverapprox ( Mc_EarlyTermination_t *  earlyTermination,
mdd_t *  overApprox,
array_t *  careStatesArray 


Synopsis [Check if an overapproximation of the evaluation guarantees that the early termination conditions hold.]

Description [Check if an overapproximation of the evaluation guarantees that the early termination conditions hold, modulo a care set modeled by an implicitly conjoined array of bdds.

If we are looking for ALL of ETstates, then we are done if we have overapprox is not a superset of ETstates, because the exact set will not hold all of ETstates.

If we are looking for SOME of ETstates, or we are given a set of CARE states, we are done if overapprox is disjoint from ETstates, because that means that the exact set is also disjoint from ETstates.

If earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, the result of the function is false.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4954 of file mcUtil.c.

  if(earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION)
    return FALSE;

  /* For an overapproximation and McAll_c (McSome_c), you check
     whether some state (all states) are already missing */
  return(((earlyTermination->mode == McAll_c) &&
                                          overApprox, 1, 1, careStatesArray)))
         ((earlyTermination->mode != McAll_c) &&
                                          overApprox, 1, 0,

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McCheckEarlyTerminationForUnderapprox ( Mc_EarlyTermination_t *  earlyTermination,
mdd_t *  underApprox,
array_t *  careStatesArray 


Synopsis [Check if an underapproximation of the evaluation guarantees that the early termination conditions hold.]

Description [Check if an underapproximation of the evaluation guarantees that the early termination conditions hold , modulo a care set modeled by an implicitly conjoined array of bdds.

If we are looking for ALL of ETstates, or we are are given a set of CARE states, then we are done if ETstates underapprox, because that implies ETstates exactset.

If we are looking for SOME of ETstates, we are done if underapprox and ETstates overlap, because that means that the exact set and ETstates also overlap.

If earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION, the result of the function is false.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4907 of file mcUtil.c.

  if(earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION)
    return FALSE;

  /* for an underapproximation and McAll_c (McSome_c), you just check
     whether all states (some states) are already reached */
  return(((earlyTermination->mode != McSome_c) &&
          (mdd_lequal_mod_care_set_array(earlyTermination->states, underApprox,
                                         1, 1, careStatesArray)))
           (earlyTermination->mode == McSome_c) &&
                                           earlyTermination->states, 1,
                                           0, careStatesArray))));

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McCommandInitState ( Hrc_Manager_t **  hmgr,
int  argc,
char **  argv 


Synopsis [Write resettability condition as a CTL formula]

CommandName [_init_state_formula]

CommandSynopsis [write resettability condition as a CTL formula]

CommandArguments [ \[-h\] \[<init_file>\] ]

CommandDescription [Write resettability condition as a CTL formula. Writes to init_file is specified, else stdout.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2606 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *modelInitialStates;
  mdd_t *anInitialState;
  Fsm_Fsm_t *modelFsm;
  char *formulaTxt;
  array_t *stateVars;
  FILE *ctlFile;

  if ( argc == 1 ) {
    ctlFile = vis_stdout;
  else {
    if ( !strcmp( "-h", argv[1] ) || ( argc > 2 ) ) {
      fprintf( vis_stdout, "Usage: _init_state_formula [-h] init_file\n\tinit_file - file to write init state formula to (default is stdout)\n");
      return 1;
    ctlFile = Cmd_FileOpen( argv[1], "w", NIL(char *), 0 );

  modelFsm = Fsm_HrcManagerReadCurrentFsm(*hmgr);
  if (modelFsm == NIL(Fsm_Fsm_t)) {
    if ( argc != 1 ) {
      fclose( ctlFile );
    return 1;
  stateVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );

  modelInitialStates = Fsm_FsmComputeInitialStates( modelFsm );
  if ( modelInitialStates == NIL(mdd_t) ) {
    (void) fprintf( vis_stdout, "** mc error: - cant build init states (mutual latch dependancy?)\n%s\n",
                    error_string() );
    if ( argc != 1 ) {
      fclose( ctlFile );
    return 1;
  anInitialState = Mc_ComputeAState( modelInitialStates, modelFsm );

  formulaTxt = McStatePrintAsFormula( anInitialState, stateVars, modelFsm );

  fprintf( ctlFile, "AG EF %s;\n", formulaTxt );

  if ( argc != 1 ) {

  return 0;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McCompletePathBwd ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState,
mdd_t *  invariantStates,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
array_t *  careSetArray,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosity,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel 


Synopsis [Make a path from aState to bState using bwd reachability.]

Description [Make a path from aState to bState which only passes through invariantStates; it is assumed that aState and bState lie in invariantStates. Returns a sequence of states starting from aState, leading to bState. If aState == bState, a non trivial path is returned (ie a cycle). If no path exists, return NIL. It is the users responsibility to free the returned array as well as its members. This function starts from bState and does backward reachability till it hits aState or a fixed point.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2487 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *tmp1Mdd;
  array_t *result;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );
  mdd_t *zeroMdd = mdd_zero( mddMgr );
  array_t *onionRings = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );
  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 1, 0);
  mdd_t *c0, *c1;

  assert( mdd_lequal( aState, invariantStates, 1, 1 ) );
  assert( mdd_lequal( bState, invariantStates, 1, 1 ) );

  if ( mdd_equal( aState, bState ) ) {

     * Alter the starting point to force routine to produce cycle if exists
     * Question: would it be quicker to do simultaneous backward/forward
     * analysis?

    c0 = mdd_dup( bState );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c0 );

    tmp1Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, bState,
                                                         bState, careSetArray);
    c1 = mdd_and( tmp1Mdd, invariantStates, 1, 1 );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );
  else {
    c0 = zeroMdd;
    c1 = mdd_dup( bState );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );

  while (!mdd_equal_mod_care_set_array(c0, c1, careSetArray)) {

    mdd_t *tmp2Mdd;

    if ( McStateTestMembership( aState, c1 ) ) {

     *  performance gain from using dc's in this fp computation.
     *  use only when dclevel >= max
    if ( dcLevel >= McDcLevelRchFrontier_c ) {
      mdd_t *annulusMdd = mdd_and(  c0, c1, 0, 1 );
      mdd_t *discMdd = mdd_dup( c1 );
      mdd_t *dcMdd = bdd_between( annulusMdd, discMdd );

      tmp2Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo,
                        annulusMdd, discMdd, careSetArray);

      if ( verbosity > McVerbosityNone_c ) {
                "--Bwd completion: |low| = %d\t|upper| = %d\t|between|=%d\n",
                mdd_size(annulusMdd), mdd_size(discMdd), mdd_size(dcMdd));

      mdd_free( annulusMdd );
      mdd_free( discMdd );
      mdd_free( dcMdd );
    else {
      tmp2Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputePreImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, c1, c1,

    tmp1Mdd = mdd_and( tmp2Mdd, invariantStates, 1, 1);

    c0 = c1;
    c1 = mdd_or( c1, tmp1Mdd, 1, 1 );
    mdd_free( tmp1Mdd );

    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );

  if ( McStateTestMembership( aState, c1 ) )  {
    result = Mc_BuildPathToCore(aState, onionRings, modelFsm, McGreaterZero_c);
  else {
    result = NIL(array_t);

  mdd_free( zeroMdd );
  mdd_array_free( onionRings);

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McCompletePathFwd ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState,
mdd_t *  invariantStates,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
array_t *  careSetArray,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosity,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel 


Synopsis [Make a path from aState to bState using fwd reachability.]

Description [Make a path from aState to bState which only passes through invariantStates; it is assumed that aState and bState lie in invariantStates. Returns a sequence of states starting from aState, leading to bState. If aState == bState, a non trivial path is returned (ie a cycle). If no path exists, return NIL. It is the users responsibility to free the returned array as well as its members. This function starts from aState and does forward reachability till it hits bState or a fixed point.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2369 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *tmp1Mdd;
  array_t *result;
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );
  mdd_t *zeroMdd = mdd_zero( mddMgr );
  array_t *onionRings = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );
  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 0, 1);
  mdd_t *c0, *c1;

  assert( mdd_lequal( aState, invariantStates, 1, 1 ) );
  assert( mdd_lequal( bState, invariantStates, 1, 1 ) );

  if ( mdd_equal( aState, bState ) ) {

     * Alter the starting point to force routine to produce cycle if exists
     * Question: would it be quicker to do simultaneous backward/forward
     * analysis?

    c0 = mdd_dup( aState );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c0 );

    tmp1Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo,
                aState, aState, careSetArray);
    c1 = mdd_and( tmp1Mdd, invariantStates, 1, 1 );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );
  else {
    c0 = zeroMdd;
    c1 = mdd_dup( aState );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );

  while (!mdd_equal_mod_care_set_array(c0, c1, careSetArray)) {

    mdd_t *tmp2Mdd;

    if ( McStateTestMembership( bState, c1 ) ) {

     *  performance gain from using dc's in this fp computation.
     *  use only when dclevel >= max
    if ( dcLevel >= McDcLevelRchFrontier_c ) {
      mdd_t *annulusMdd = mdd_and(  c0, c1, 0, 1 );
      mdd_t *discMdd = mdd_dup( c1 );
      mdd_t *dcMdd = bdd_between( annulusMdd, discMdd );

      tmp2Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo,
                        annulusMdd, discMdd, careSetArray);

      if ( verbosity > McVerbosityNone_c ) {
                "--Fwd completion: |low| = %d\t|upper| = %d\t|between|=%d\n",
                mdd_size(annulusMdd), mdd_size(discMdd), mdd_size(dcMdd));

      mdd_free( annulusMdd );
      mdd_free( discMdd );
      mdd_free( dcMdd );
    else {
      tmp2Mdd = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, c1, c1,

    tmp1Mdd = mdd_and( tmp2Mdd, invariantStates, 1, 1);

    c0 = c1;
    c1 = mdd_or( c1, tmp1Mdd, 1, 1 );
    mdd_free( tmp1Mdd );

    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, onionRings, c1 );

  if ( McStateTestMembership( bState, c1 ) )  {
    result = Mc_BuildPathFromCore(bState, onionRings, modelFsm,
                                  McGreaterZero_c );
  else {
    result = NIL(array_t);

  mdd_free( zeroMdd );
  mdd_array_free( onionRings);

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* McComputeACloseMinterm ( mdd_t *  aSet,
mdd_t *  target,
array_t *  Support,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Pick a minterm from the given set close to target. Support is an array of mddids representing the total support; that is, all the variables on which aSet may depend.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5576 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (bdd_get_package_name() == CUDD) {
    mdd_t *range;             /* range of Support             */
    mdd_t *legalSet;          /* aSet without the don't cares */
    mdd_t *closeCube;
    int dist;
    array_t *bddSupport;      /* Support in terms of bdd vars */
    mdd_t *minterm;           /* a random minterm             */

    /* Check that support of set is contained in Support. */
    assert(SetCheckSupport(aSet, Support, mddMgr));
    assert(!mdd_is_tautology(aSet, 0));
    range      = mdd_range_mdd(mddMgr, Support);
    legalSet   = bdd_and(aSet, range, 1, 1);
    closeCube = mdd_closest_cube(legalSet, target, &dist);
    bddSupport = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddMgr, Support);
    minterm    = bdd_pick_one_minterm(closeCube, bddSupport);

    assert(MintermCheckWellFormed(minterm, Support, mddMgr));
    assert(mdd_count_onset(mddMgr, minterm, Support) == 1);


    return minterm;
  } else {
    return Mc_ComputeAMinterm(aSet, Support, mddMgr);
  }/* if CUDD */

} /* McComputeACloseMinterm */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* McComputeACloseState ( mdd_t *  states,
mdd_t *  target,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Select a state from the given set]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5623 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars(modelFsm);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager(
  mdd_t *result;

  if (mdd_is_tautology(target, 0)) {
    result = Mc_ComputeAMinterm(states, PSVars, mddMgr);
  } else {
    result = McComputeACloseMinterm(states, target, PSVars, mddMgr);

  return result;

} /* McComputeACloseState */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McComputeOnionRingsWithClosestCore ( mdd_t *  aState,
array_t *  arrayOfOnionRings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Search the given array of "Onion Rings" for the Onion Rings with the clore closest to specified state.]

Description [Search the given array of "Onion Rings" for the Onion Rings with the core closest to specified state. By "Onion Rings" we refer to an array of sets of states (so arrayOfOnionRings is an array of arrays of states). The first member of a set of onion rings is referred to as the "core". The "Onion Rings" array has the property that the first set is all states that can reach the core (this may be mod a care set like the reached states). The succesive sets are those which can reach the core in successively fewer iterations.

We find the i with the smallest index j for which arrayOfOnionRings[i][j] contains aState.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2754 of file mcUtil.c.

  int index;
  int distance = 0;

  while( TRUE ) {
    for( index = 0 ; index < array_n( arrayOfOnionRings ) ; index++ ) {
      array_t *iOnionRings = array_fetch( array_t *, arrayOfOnionRings, index );

      /* will crash if run out of rings -> if not in there */
      mdd_t *stateSet = array_fetch( mdd_t *, iOnionRings, distance );

      if ( McStateTestMembership( aState, stateSet ) )
        return index;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Fsm_Fsm_t* McConstructReducedFsm ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
array_t *  ctlFormulaArray 


Synopsis [Form an FSM reduced with respect to the specified formula]

Description [Form an FSM reduced with respect to the CTL formula array. All latches and inputs which affect the given formula AND the fairness conditions of the system are included in this reduced fsm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4609 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  Ntk_Node_t *node;
  array_t *nodeArray;
  st_table *formulaNodes;
  Ctlp_Formula_t *fairnessCondition;
  Ctlp_Formula_t *ctlFormula;
  array_t *formulaCombNodes;
  Fsm_Fsm_t *netFsm =  Fsm_NetworkReadFsm( network );
  Fsm_Fsm_t *reducedFsm;
  Fsm_Fairness_t *netFairness = Fsm_FsmReadFairnessConstraint( netFsm );
  array_t *reducedFsmFairness = array_alloc( Ctlp_Formula_t *, 0 );

  if (netFairness) {
    if ( !Fsm_FairnessTestIsBuchi( netFairness ) ) {
      (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, "** mc error: non Buchi fairness constraints not supported\n");
      (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, "** mc error: ignoring fairness constraints\n");
    else {
      int j;
      int numBuchi = Fsm_FairnessReadNumConjunctsOfDisjunct( netFairness, 0 );
      for( j = 0 ; j < numBuchi; j++ ) {
        Ctlp_Formula_t *tmpFormula = Fsm_FairnessReadFinallyInfFormula( netFairness, 0, j );
        Ctlp_Formula_t *reducedFsmCondition = Ctlp_FormulaDup( tmpFormula );
        array_insert_last( Ctlp_Formula_t *, reducedFsmFairness, reducedFsmCondition );

  formulaNodes = st_init_table( st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash );
  arrayForEachItem( Ctlp_Formula_t *, ctlFormulaArray, i, ctlFormula ) {
    NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes( network, ctlFormula, formulaNodes );

  arrayForEachItem( Ctlp_Formula_t *, reducedFsmFairness, i, fairnessCondition ) {
    NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes( network, fairnessCondition, formulaNodes );

    st_generator *stGen;
    nodeArray = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0 );
    st_foreach_item( formulaNodes, stGen, &node, NIL(char *) ) {
      array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, nodeArray, node );
  st_free_table( formulaNodes );

  formulaCombNodes  = Ntk_NodeComputeCombinationalSupport( network, nodeArray, FALSE );
  array_free( nodeArray );
  if(array_n(formulaCombNodes) == 0) {

    /* Free the fairness constraint array (if any) */
    for (i=0; i<array_n(reducedFsmFairness); i++){
      Ctlp_Formula_t *formula = array_fetch(Ctlp_Formula_t*,
                                            reducedFsmFairness, i);
    /* Free the formulaCombNodes */
    /* We should return a NIL fsm */
    return NIL(Fsm_Fsm_t);
    graph_t *dupPart;
    graph_t *origPart = Part_NetworkReadPartition( network );
    array_t *reducedFsmLatches = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0 );
    array_t *reducedFsmInputs = array_alloc( Ntk_Node_t *, 0 );
    int i;
    arrayForEachItem( Ntk_Node_t *, formulaCombNodes, i, node ) {
      if ( Ntk_NodeTestIsInput( node ) == TRUE ) {
        array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, reducedFsmInputs, node );
      else {
        assert( Ntk_NodeTestIsLatch( node ) == TRUE );
        array_insert_last( Ntk_Node_t *, reducedFsmLatches, node );
    if ((array_n(reducedFsmInputs) ==
         Ntk_NetworkReadNumInputs(network)) &&
        (array_n(reducedFsmLatches) ==
      /* We did not observe any reduction. Return a NIL fsm. */
      /* After freeing appropriate stuff */

      /* Free the fairness constraint array (if any) */
      for (i=0; i<array_n(reducedFsmFairness); i++){
        Ctlp_Formula_t *formula = array_fetch(Ctlp_Formula_t*,
                                              reducedFsmFairness, i);
      return NIL(Fsm_Fsm_t);
    dupPart = Part_PartitionDuplicate( origPart );
    array_free( formulaCombNodes );
    reducedFsm = Fsm_FsmCreateReducedFsm( network, dupPart, reducedFsmLatches,
                                          reducedFsmInputs, reducedFsmFairness );
    array_free( reducedFsmLatches );
    array_free( reducedFsmInputs );
    array_free( reducedFsmFairness );

  return reducedFsm;


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McConvertMintermToValueArray ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Convert a minterm to an array of integers]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2823 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *resultValueArray;

  /* this will be performed only in v0s-g executables */
  assert( MintermCheckWellFormed( aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr ));

  resultValueArray = array_alloc( int, 0 );
    int i;
    for( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {
      int aSupportVar = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
      int j;
      for( j = 0 ; TRUE ; j++) {

        mdd_t *faceMdd, *tmpMdd;
        array_t *tmpArray = array_alloc( int, 0 );

        array_insert_last( int, tmpArray, j );
        faceMdd = mdd_literal( mddMgr, aSupportVar, tmpArray );
        array_free( tmpArray );

        tmpMdd = mdd_and( faceMdd, aMinterm, 1, 1 );
        mdd_free( faceMdd );
        if ( !mdd_is_tautology( tmpMdd, 0 ) ) {
          mdd_free( tmpMdd );
          array_insert_last( int, resultValueArray, j );
        mdd_free( tmpMdd );

  return resultValueArray;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McCreateJoinedPath ( array_t *  aPath,
array_t *  bPath 


Synopsis [Utility function - joins two paths.]

Description [Utility function - joins two paths. Note that the joins is done by adding the elements of the second array starting from the first element onwards.]

SeeAlso [McCreateMergedPath]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3360 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  mdd_t *tmpState;
  array_t *aPathDup = McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW( aPath );
  array_t *bPathDup = McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW( bPath );

  for( i = 0 ; i < array_n( bPathDup ) ; i++ ) {
    tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, bPathDup, i );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, aPathDup, tmpState );
  array_free( bPathDup );

  return aPathDup;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McCreateMergedPath ( array_t *  aPath,
array_t *  bPath 


Synopsis [Utility function - merges two paths.]

Description [Utility function - merges two paths. Note that the merge is done by adding the elements of the second array starting from the second element onwards. This is because we often have to merge paths where the end point of the first is the starting point of the second.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3223 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i, pos, forced;
  mdd_t *tmpState, *endOfAPath;
  array_t *aPathDup = McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW( aPath );
  array_t *bPathDup = McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW( bPath );

  for( i = 1 ; i < array_n( bPathDup ) ; i++ ) {
    tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, bPathDup, i );
    array_insert_last( mdd_t *, aPathDup, tmpState );
  pos = array_n(aPathDup) - array_n(bPathDup);
  endOfAPath = array_fetch(mdd_t *, aPathDup, pos);

  tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, bPathDup, 0 );
  forced = 0;
  if((long)tmpState % 2) {
    forced = 1;
    tmpState = (mdd_t *)((long)tmpState - 1);
  if(forced && mdd_equal(tmpState, endOfAPath)) {
    array_insert(mdd_t *, aPathDup, pos, (mdd_t *)((long)endOfAPath + forced) );

  mdd_free( tmpState );
  array_free( bPathDup );

  return aPathDup;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* McGetSuccessorInTarget ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  targetStates,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Obtain a successor of aState which is in targetStates]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3428 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *tmpMdd, *succsInTarget, *result;
  array_t *careSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 0, 1);

  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, careSetArray, targetStates);
  tmpMdd = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, aState,
                                                   aState, careSetArray);
  succsInTarget = mdd_and(tmpMdd, targetStates, 1, 1);
#if 1
  result = Mc_ComputeAState(succsInTarget, modelFsm);
  result = Mc_ComputeACloseState(succsInTarget, aState, modelFsm);

  mdd_free( tmpMdd );
  mdd_free( succsInTarget );

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

mdd_t* McGetSuccessorInTargetAmongFairStates ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  targetStates,
array_t *  arrayOfOnionRings,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Obtain a successor of aState which is in targetStates]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3462 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *tmpMdd, *succsInTarget, *result;
  mdd_t *fairStates, *newFairStates, *onionRing;
  mdd_t *targetStatesInFairStates;
  array_t *onionRings;
  int i, j;
  array_t *careSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);

  Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo = Fsm_FsmReadOrCreateImageInfo(modelFsm, 0, 1);

  fairStates = 0;
  for(i=0; i<array_n(arrayOfOnionRings); i++) {
    onionRings = array_fetch(array_t *, arrayOfOnionRings, i);
    for(j=0; j<array_n(onionRings); j++) {
      onionRing = array_fetch(mdd_t *,onionRings, j);

      if(fairStates) {
        newFairStates = mdd_or(fairStates, onionRing, 1, 1);
        fairStates = newFairStates;
      else {
        fairStates = mdd_dup(onionRing);
  targetStatesInFairStates = mdd_and(fairStates, targetStates, 1, 1);

  array_insert_last(mdd_t *, careSetArray, targetStatesInFairStates);
  tmpMdd = Img_ImageInfoComputeImageWithDomainVars(imageInfo, aState,
                                                   aState, careSetArray);
  succsInTarget = mdd_and(tmpMdd, targetStatesInFairStates, 1, 1);
  result = Mc_ComputeACloseState(succsInTarget, aState, modelFsm);

  mdd_free( tmpMdd );
  mdd_free( succsInTarget );

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* McMddArrayAnd ( array_t *  mddArray)


Synopsis [Utility function - compute the intersection of the elements.]

Description [Utility function - compute the intersection of the elements.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3299 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *result, *mdd1, *mdd2 = NIL(mdd_t);
  int i;

  result = NIL(mdd_t);
  arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, mddArray, i, mdd1) {
    if (result == NIL(mdd_t))
      result = mdd_dup(mdd1);
    else {
      mdd2 = result;
      result = mdd_and(result, mdd1, 1, 1);

  return (result);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McMddArrayDuplicateFAFW ( array_t *  mddArray)


Synopsis [Utility function - duplicate bdd array.]

Description [To represent the forced segment, the mdd_t is complemented. Therefore one cannot use mdd_array_duplicate. This is function for FateAndFreeWill counterexample generation.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3267 of file mcUtil.c.

  int   i, forced;
  mdd_t *newTempMdd;
  int      length = array_n(mddArray);
  array_t *result = array_alloc(mdd_t *, length);

  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    mdd_t *tempMdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, mddArray, i);
    forced = 0;
    if((long)tempMdd % 2) {
      forced = 1;
      tempMdd = (mdd_t *)((long)tempMdd - 1);

    newTempMdd = mdd_dup(tempMdd);
    array_insert(mdd_t *, result, i, (mdd_t *)((long)newTempMdd + forced));

  return (result);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* McMddArrayOr ( array_t *  mddArray)


Synopsis [Utility function - compute the union of the elements.]

Description [Utility function - compute the union of the elements.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3328 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *result, *mdd1, *mdd2 = NIL(mdd_t);
  int i;

  result = NIL(mdd_t);
  arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, mddArray, i, mdd1) {
    if (result == NIL(mdd_t))
      result = mdd_dup(mdd1);
    else {
      mdd2 = result;
      result = mdd_or(result, mdd1, 1, 1);

  return (result);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McNormalizeBddPointer ( array_t *  bddArray)


Synopsis [Free a Path Struct]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3595 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  bdd_t *p;

  for(i=0; i<array_n(bddArray); i++) {
    p = array_fetch(bdd_t *, bddArray, i);
    if((long)p%2) p = (mdd_t *)( (long)p -1 );
    array_insert(bdd_t *, bddArray, i, p);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_EarlyTermination_t* McObtainUpdatedEarlyTerminationCondition ( Mc_EarlyTermination_t *  earlyTermination,
mdd_t *  careStates,
Ctlp_FormulaType  formulaType 


Synopsis [Update the early termination condition.]

Description [Update the early termination condition.

MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION is equivalent to mode=CARE and states=mdd_one. careStates=NIL is equivalent to either careStates=mdd_zero (for disjunction) or careStates=mdd_one (in the other cases). With these provisions, the propagation algorithm can be summarized thus.

For negation, ALL becomes SOME and vice versa, while CARE is passed unchanged.

For conjunction, disjunction, and implication: if the current node has a termination condition of type ALL or SOME, this is refined and propagated. Otherwise, the returned early termination condition is of type CARE. The care states are the conjunction of earlyTermination->states and either careStates (for conjunction and implication) or the complement of careStates (for disjunction).

In some cases, one can immediately determine that the goal cannot be reached, or has already been reached. In these cases, the termination condition has mode=CARE and states=mdd_zero.

The other types of formulae produce no early termination condition for their children. That is, they declare that all states are care states.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4756 of file mcUtil.c.

  Mc_EarlyTermination_t *result;

  switch (formulaType) {
  case Ctlp_NOT_c:
    if (earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION)
    result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(earlyTermination->mode,
    switch (result->mode) {
    case McAll_c:
      result->mode = McSome_c;
    case McSome_c:
      result->mode = McAll_c;
    case McCare_c:
  case Ctlp_AND_c:
    if (careStates == NIL(mdd_t)) {
      if (earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION) {
        result = MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION;
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McAll_c) {
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McAll_c, earlyTermination->states);
      } else {
        /* Here mode is CARE or SOME: inherit care states from parent. */
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, earlyTermination->states);
    } else {
      /* There are care states from sibling. */
      if (earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION) {
        /* No early termination from parent: just use sibling's care states. */
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, careStates);
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McAll_c) {
        /* If some goal states are not in care set, we know we cannot achieve
         * the goal; otherwise, we just propagate the parent's condition.
        if (mdd_lequal(earlyTermination->states, careStates, 1, 1)) {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McAll_c, earlyTermination->states);
        } else {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, NIL(mdd_t)); /* failure */
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McSome_c) {
        /* If no goal states are in the care set, we have failed; otherwise
         * we refine the goal set to those states also in the care set.
        if (mdd_lequal(earlyTermination->states, careStates, 1, 0)) {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, NIL(mdd_t)); /* failure */
        } else {
          mdd_t *andMdd = mdd_and(earlyTermination->states, careStates, 1, 1);
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McSome_c, andMdd);
      } else { /* if (earlyTermination->mode == McCare_c) */
        /* Intersect care states from parent and sibling. */
        mdd_t *andMdd = mdd_and(earlyTermination->states, careStates, 1, 1);
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, andMdd);
  case Ctlp_THEN_c:
  case Ctlp_OR_c:
    if (careStates == NIL(mdd_t)) {
      if (earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION) {
        result = MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION;
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McSome_c) {
        if (formulaType == Ctlp_OR_c) {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McSome_c,
        } else {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McAll_c,
      } else {
        /* Here mode is CARE or ALL: inherit care states from parent. */
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, earlyTermination->states);
    } else {
      /* There are care states from sibling.
       * Since f->g is !f+g, we treat the THEN and OR cases together by
       * complementing the care set in the latter case. */
      mdd_t *mask = (formulaType == Ctlp_OR_c) ?
        bdd_not(careStates) : bdd_dup(careStates);
      if (earlyTermination == MC_NO_EARLY_TERMINATION) {
        /* No early termination from parent: just use sibling's care states. */
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, mask);
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McAll_c) {
        /* Remove the goal states already attained from the goal set. */
        mdd_t *andMdd = mdd_and(earlyTermination->states, mask, 1, 1);
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McAll_c, andMdd);
      } else if (earlyTermination->mode == McSome_c) {
        /* If some goal states were already attained, declare success;
         * otherwise just propagate the parent's condition.
        if (mdd_lequal(earlyTermination->states, mask, 1, 1)) {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McSome_c,
        } else {
          result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, NIL(mdd_t)); /* success */
      } else { /* if (earlyTermination->mode == McCare_c) */
        /* Intersect care states from parent and sibling. */
        mdd_t *andMdd = mdd_and(earlyTermination->states, mask, 1, 1);
        result = Mc_EarlyTerminationAlloc(McCare_c, andMdd);
  return result;

} /* McObtainUpdatedEarlyTerminationCondition */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

McOptions_t* McOptionsAlloc ( void  )


Synopsis [Allocate an McOptions_t struct.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3632 of file mcUtil.c.

  McOptions_t *result = ALLOC(McOptions_t, 1);

  memset(result, 0, sizeof(McOptions_t));

  result->useMore = FALSE;
  result->reduceFsm = FALSE;
  result->printInputs = FALSE;
  result->useFormulaTree = FALSE;
  result->simFormat = FALSE;
  result->ctlFile = NIL(FILE);
  result->guideFile = NIL(FILE);
  result->debugFile = NIL(FILE);
  result->fwdBwd = McFwd_c;
  result->dcLevel = McDcLevelNone_c;
  result->dbgLevel = McDbgLevelMin_c;
  result->schedule = McGSH_EL_c;
  result->lockstep = MC_LOCKSTEP_OFF;
  result->verbosityLevel = McVerbosityNone_c;
  result->timeOutPeriod = 0;
  result->ardcOptions = NIL(Fsm_ArdcOptions_t);
  result->invarApproxFlag = Fsm_Rch_Default_c;
  result->invarOnionRingsFlag = FALSE;
  result->traversalDirection = McBwd_c;
  result->doCoverageHoskote = FALSE;
  result->doCoverageImproved = FALSE;
  result->incre = TRUE;

  return result;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsFree ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Free an McOptions_t struct.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3673 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (options->debugFile != NIL(FILE)){
  if (options->ardcOptions != NIL(Fsm_ArdcOptions_t)){

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Fsm_ArdcOptions_t* McOptionsReadArdcOptions ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read ARDC options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4004 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->ardcOptions;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadBeerMethod ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Returns the value of the option for the Beer method.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3863 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->beer ;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadCoverageHoskote ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read whether to do coverage computation using Hoskote's algorithm]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4019 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->doCoverageHoskote;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadCoverageImproved ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read whether to do coverage computation using the improved algorithm]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4033 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->doCoverageImproved;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FILE* McOptionsReadCtlFile ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return ctl file set at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3793 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->ctlFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

McDbgLevel McOptionsReadDbgLevel ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return Dbg level set at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3694 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->dbgLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_DcLevel McOptionsReadDcLevel ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return Dbg level of options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3779 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->dcLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FILE* McOptionsReadDebugFile ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return debug file set at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3807 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->debugFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis McOptionsReadFwdBwd ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read whether to use forward or backward analysis]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3976 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->fwdBwd;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FILE* McOptionsReadGuideFile ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return filepointer for guide file (NULL if guided search is disabled)]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3709 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->guideFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Fsm_RchType_t McOptionsReadInvarApproxFlag ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read reachability analysis type for check_invariant]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3948 of file mcUtil.c.

  return (options->invarApproxFlag);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McOptionsReadInvarOnionRingsFlag ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read onion rings flag for check_invariant]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3962 of file mcUtil.c.

  return (options->invarOnionRingsFlag);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_LeMethod_t McOptionsReadLeMethod ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return the language emptiness checking method of options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3765 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->leMethod;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadLockstep ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read lockstep option.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3934 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->lockstep;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadPrintInputs ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read print inputs in debug trace.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3892 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->printInputs;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadReduceFsm ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read use CTL formula specific reduction.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3878 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->reduceFsm;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_GSHScheduleType McOptionsReadSchedule ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read schedule for GSH.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3920 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->schedule;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadSimValue ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read sim flag at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3821 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->simFormat;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FILE* McOptionsReadSystemFile ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return filepointer for system variables file for FAFW ]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3723 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->systemFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadTimeOutPeriod ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return time out period set at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3737 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->timeOutPeriod;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis McOptionsReadTraversalDirection ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read whether to use forward or backward traversal.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3990 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->traversalDirection;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McOptionsReadUseFormulaTree ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read use of CTL formula tree.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3906 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->useFormulaTree;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McOptionsReadUseMore ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Read use more as pipe at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3835 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->useMore;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McOptionsReadVacuityDetect ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Returns the value of Vacuity Detection option.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3849 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->vd ;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_VerbosityLevel McOptionsReadVerbosityLevel ( McOptions_t *  options)


Synopsis [Return Verbosity level of options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3751 of file mcUtil.c.

  return options->verbosityLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetArdcOptions ( McOptions_t *  options,
Fsm_ArdcOptions_t *  ardcOptions 


Synopsis [Set ARDC options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4315 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->ardcOptions = ardcOptions;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetBeerMethod ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  beer 


Synopsis [Set Beer Method for vacuity detection flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4151 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->beer = beer;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetCoverageHoskote ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  doCoverageHoskote 


Synopsis [Set do Coverage-Hoskote flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4408 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->doCoverageHoskote = doCoverageHoskote;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetCoverageImproved ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  doCoverageImproved 


Synopsis [Set do Coverage-Improved flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4423 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->doCoverageImproved = doCoverageImproved;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetCtlFile ( McOptions_t *  options,
FILE *  file 


Synopsis [Set CTL File at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4346 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->ctlFile = file;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetDbgLevel ( McOptions_t *  options,
McDbgLevel  dbgLevel 


Synopsis [Set Dbg level at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4255 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->dbgLevel = dbgLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetDcLevel ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_DcLevel  dcLevel 


Synopsis [Set Dc level at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4300 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->dcLevel = dcLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetDebugFile ( McOptions_t *  options,
FILE *  file 


Synopsis [Set Debug File at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4361 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->debugFile = file;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetFAFWFlag ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  FAFWFlag 


Synopsis [Set flag for fate and free will algorithm]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4166 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->FAFWFlag = FAFWFlag;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetFwdBwd ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis  fwdBwd 


Synopsis [Set use forward or backward analysis]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4047 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->fwdBwd = fwdBwd;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetGuideFile ( McOptions_t *  options,
FILE *  guideFile 


Synopsis [Set guided search file (set to NULL if no guided search)]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4062 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->guideFile = guideFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetInvarApproxFlag ( McOptions_t *  options,
Fsm_RchType_t  approxFlag 


Synopsis [Set reachability analysis type]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4391 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->invarApproxFlag = approxFlag;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetInvarOnionRingsFlag ( McOptions_t *  options,
int  shellFlag 


Synopsis [Set a flag to store onion rings during invariant checking.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4330 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (shellFlag) options->invarOnionRingsFlag = TRUE;
  else options->invarOnionRingsFlag = FALSE;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetLeMethod ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_LeMethod_t  leMethod 


Synopsis [Set language emptiness checking method at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4285 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->leMethod = leMethod;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetLockstep ( McOptions_t *  options,
int  lockstep 


Synopsis [Set lockstep option]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4225 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->lockstep = lockstep;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetPrintInputs ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  printInputs 


Synopsis [Set print inputs flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4180 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->printInputs = printInputs;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetReduceFsm ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  reduceFsm 


Synopsis [Set reduce fsm flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4121 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->reduceFsm = reduceFsm;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetSchedule ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_GSHScheduleType  schedule 


Synopsis [Set GSH schedule]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4210 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->schedule = schedule;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetSimValue ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  simValue 


Synopsis [Set sim flag at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4240 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->simFormat = simValue;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetTimeOutPeriod ( McOptions_t *  options,
int  timeOutPeriod 


Synopsis [Set ime out periopd at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4376 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->timeOutPeriod = timeOutPeriod;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetTraversalDirection ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_FwdBwdAnalysis  fwdBwd 


Synopsis [Set use forward or backward traversal]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4091 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->traversalDirection = fwdBwd;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetUseFormulaTree ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  useFormulaTree 


Synopsis [Set use formula tree flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4195 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->useFormulaTree = useFormulaTree;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetUseMore ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  useMore 


Synopsis [Set use more pipe flag at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4106 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->useMore = useMore;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetVacuityDetect ( McOptions_t *  options,
boolean  vd 


Synopsis [Set Vacuity Detect flag]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4136 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->vd = vd;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetVariablesForSystem ( McOptions_t *  options,
FILE *  systemFile 


Synopsis [Set varibles for system file for FAFW]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4077 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->systemFile = systemFile;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McOptionsSetVerbosityLevel ( McOptions_t *  options,
Mc_VerbosityLevel  verbosityLevel 


Synopsis [Set Verbosity at options.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4270 of file mcUtil.c.

  options->verbosityLevel = verbosityLevel;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

McPath_t* McPathAlloc ( void  )


Synopsis [Allocate a Path Struct]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3577 of file mcUtil.c.

  McPath_t *tmpPath = ( McPath_t * ) malloc( sizeof( McPath_t ) );

  tmpPath->stemArray = NIL(array_t);
  tmpPath->cycleArray = NIL(array_t);

  return tmpPath;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McPathFree ( McPath_t *  aPath)

Definition at line 3608 of file mcUtil.c.

  if ( aPath->stemArray ) {
    mdd_array_free( aPath->stemArray );

  if ( aPath->cycleArray ) {
    mdd_array_free( aPath->cycleArray );

  FREE( aPath );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

McPath_t* McPathNormalize ( McPath_t *  aPath)


Synopsis [Utility function - convert McPath_t to normal form.]

Description [Utility function - convert McPath_t to normal form. A normal McPath_t is one where the stem leads to a state, which then returns it self in the cycle.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3145 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i, j;
  int forced;

  array_t *stemArray = McPathReadStemArray( aPath );
  array_t *cycleArray = McPathReadCycleArray( aPath );

  McPath_t *result = McPathAlloc();
  array_t *newStem = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );
  array_t *newCycle = array_alloc( mdd_t *, 0 );

  mdd_t *lastState = GET_NORMAL_PT(array_fetch_last(mdd_t *, cycleArray));

  McPathSetStemArray( result, newStem );
  McPathSetCycleArray( result, newCycle );

  for( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stemArray ) ; i++ ) {
    mdd_t *tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, stemArray, i );
    forced = 0;
    if((long)tmpState % 2) {
       forced = 1;
       tmpState = (mdd_t *)((long)tmpState - 1);
    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, newStem,
            (mdd_t *)((long)(mdd_dup(tmpState)) + forced) );

    if ( mdd_equal( lastState, tmpState ) ) {

  for( j = i; j < array_n( stemArray ); j++ ) {
    mdd_t *tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, stemArray, j );
    forced = 0;
    if((long)tmpState % 2) {
       forced = 1;
       tmpState = (mdd_t *)((long)tmpState - 1);

    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, newCycle,
            (mdd_t *)((long)(mdd_dup(tmpState)) + forced) );


  /* first state of cycle array == last state of stem array => start from j=1 */
  for( j = 1; j < array_n( cycleArray ); j++ ) {
    mdd_t *tmpState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, cycleArray, j );
    forced = 0;
    if((long)tmpState % 2) {
       forced = 1;
       tmpState = (mdd_t *)((long)tmpState - 1);
    array_insert_last(mdd_t *, newCycle,
            (mdd_t *)((long)(mdd_dup(tmpState)) + forced) );


  return result;


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McPathReadCycleArray ( McPath_t *  aPath)


Synopsis [Obtain cycle of fair path]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3533 of file mcUtil.c.

  return aPath->cycleArray;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McPathReadStemArray ( McPath_t *  aPath)


Synopsis [Obtain stem of fair path]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3519 of file mcUtil.c.

  return aPath->stemArray;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McPathSetCycleArray ( McPath_t *  aPath,
array_t *  cycleArray 


Synopsis [Set cycle of fair path]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3562 of file mcUtil.c.

  aPath->cycleArray = cycleArray;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McPathSetStemArray ( McPath_t *  aPath,
array_t *  stemArray 


Synopsis [Set stem of fair path]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3547 of file mcUtil.c.

  aPath->stemArray = stemArray;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McPrintSimPath ( FILE *  outputFile,
array_t *  aPath,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Print path as sim trace]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4518 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;

  array_t *inputVars = Fsm_FsmReadInputVars( modelFsm );
  array_t *psVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );

  Ntk_Network_t *network = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );
  mdd_manager *mddMgr =  Fsm_FsmReadMddManager( modelFsm );

  array_t *inputSortedVars = SortMddIds( inputVars, network );
  array_t *psSortedVars = SortMddIds( psVars, network );

  fprintf(outputFile, "# UC Berkeley, VIS Release 1.3\n");
  fprintf(outputFile, "# Network: %s\n", Ntk_NetworkReadName( network ) );
  fprintf(outputFile, "# Simulation vectors have been generated to show language non-empty\n\n");

  fprintf( outputFile, ".inputs " );
  PrintNodes( inputSortedVars, network );
  fprintf( outputFile, "\n" );

  fprintf( outputFile, ".latches " );
  PrintNodes( psSortedVars, network );
  fprintf( outputFile, "\n" );

  fprintf( outputFile, ".outputs\n" );

  for( i = -1 ; i < (array_n( aPath ) - 1); i++ ) {

    if ( i == -1 ) {
      mdd_t *initState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, (i+1) );
      array_t *initValues = McConvertMintermToValueArray( initState, psSortedVars, mddMgr );

      fprintf( outputFile, ".initial ");
      PrintDeck( initValues, psSortedVars, network );
      array_free( initValues );

      fprintf( outputFile, "\n" );
      fprintf( outputFile, ".start_vectors\n");
    else {
      array_t *psValues;
      array_t *nsValues;
      array_t *inputValues;

      mdd_t *psState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, i );
      mdd_t *nsState = array_fetch( mdd_t *, aPath, (i+1) );
      mdd_t *inputSet = Mc_FsmComputeDrivingInputMinterms( modelFsm, psState, nsState );
      mdd_t *input = Mc_ComputeAMinterm( inputSet, inputVars, mddMgr );

      inputValues = McConvertMintermToValueArray( input, inputSortedVars, mddMgr );
      PrintDeck( inputValues, inputSortedVars, network );
      array_free( inputValues );
      fprintf( outputFile, " ;");

      psValues = McConvertMintermToValueArray( psState, psSortedVars, mddMgr );
      PrintDeck( psValues, psSortedVars, network );
      array_free( psValues );
      fprintf( outputFile, " ;");

      nsValues = McConvertMintermToValueArray( nsState, psSortedVars, mddMgr );
      PrintDeck( nsValues, psSortedVars, network );
      array_free( nsValues );
      fprintf( outputFile, " ;\n");

      mdd_free( inputSet );
      mdd_free( input );
  array_free( psSortedVars );
  array_free( inputSortedVars );

  return 1;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McPrintSupport ( mdd_t *  aMdd,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr,
Ntk_Network_t *  aNetwork 


Synopsis [Print Support of Function]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4466 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  char *tmp1String, *tmp2String;
  char *mintermString = NIL(char);
  char bodyString[McMaxStringLength_c];
  array_t *aSupport = mdd_get_support( mddMgr, aMdd );
  array_t *stringArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {

    int mddId = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( aNetwork, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    sprintf( bodyString, "%s", nodeName );
    tmp1String = util_strsav( bodyString );
    array_insert_last( char *, stringArray, tmp1String );

  array_sort( stringArray, cmp);

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stringArray ); i++ ) {
    tmp1String = array_fetch( char *, stringArray, i );
    if( i == 0 )  {
      mintermString = util_strcat3(tmp1String, "", "" );
    else {
      tmp2String = util_strcat3(mintermString, "\n", tmp1String );
      mintermString = tmp2String;
  fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s\n", mintermString );

Here is the call graph for this function:

void McPrintTransition ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState,
mdd_t *  uInput,
mdd_t *  vInput,
array_t *  stateSupport,
array_t *  inputSupport,
boolean  printInputs,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
int  seqNumber 


Synopsis [Print a transition to vis_stdout.]

Description [Print a transition to vis_stdout. The transition is supposed to be from aState to bState on input vInput. If uInput is not NIL, instead of printing vInput, we only print the places where it differs from uInput. If there is no difference anywhere, we print "-Unchanged-". Similarly, we print only the incremental difference from aState to bState; if there is none, we print "-Unchanged-". If aState is NIL we simply print bState and return.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2963 of file mcUtil.c.

  Ntk_Network_t *modelNetwork = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );
  char *aString = aState ? Mc_MintermToString( aState, stateSupport, modelNetwork ) : NIL(char);
  char *bString = Mc_MintermToString( bState, stateSupport, modelNetwork );

  char *tmp1String = aString;
  char *tmp2String = bString;
  char *ptr1;
  char *ptr2;
  st_table   *node2MvfAigTable;

  node2MvfAigTable =
        (st_table *)Ntk_NetworkReadApplInfo(modelNetwork, MVFAIG_NETWORK_APPL_KEY);

  if ( aState == NIL(mdd_t) ) {
    fprintf( vis_stdout, "--State %d:\n%s\n", seqNumber, bString );

  fprintf(vis_stdout, "--Goes to state %d:\n", seqNumber );

    boolean unchanged=TRUE;
    while ( (tmp1String != NIL(char)) && ((ptr1 = strchr( tmp1String, '\n' ) ) != NIL(char) ) ) {
      ptr2 = strchr( tmp2String, '\n' );
      *ptr1 = 0;
      *ptr2 = 0;
      if ( (strcmp( tmp1String, tmp2String ) ) ) {
        fprintf( vis_stdout, "%s\n", tmp2String );
        unchanged = FALSE;
      tmp1String = & (ptr1[1]);
      tmp2String = & (ptr2[1]);
    if (unchanged == TRUE) {
      fprintf( vis_stdout, "<Unchanged>\n");

  if ( printInputs == TRUE ) {
    /* first test that there are inputs */
    if ( array_n( inputSupport ) > 0 ) {
      fprintf(vis_stdout, "--On input:\n");
      if ( uInput == NIL(mdd_t) ) {
        char *vString = Mc_MintermToString( vInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
        fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s", vString );
      else {
        boolean unchanged=TRUE;
        char *uString = Mc_MintermToString( uInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
        char *vString = Mc_MintermToString( vInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
        tmp1String = uString;
        tmp2String = vString;
        while ( (tmp1String != NIL(char)) && ((ptr1 = strchr( tmp1String, '\n' ) ) != NIL(char) ) ) {
          ptr2 = strchr( tmp2String, '\n' );
          *ptr1 = 0;
          *ptr2 = 0;
          if ( (strcmp( tmp1String, tmp2String ) ) ) {
            fprintf( vis_stdout, "%s\n", tmp2String );
            unchanged = FALSE;
          tmp1String = & (ptr1[1]);
          tmp2String = & (ptr2[1]);
        if (unchanged == TRUE) {
          fprintf( vis_stdout, "<Unchanged>\n");

  FREE( aString );
  FREE( bString );
  fprintf (vis_stdout, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McPrintTransitionAiger ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  bState,
mdd_t *  uInput,
mdd_t *  vInput,
array_t *  stateSupport,
array_t *  inputSupport,
boolean  printInputs,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm,
int  seqNumber 


Synopsis [Print a transition to vis_stdout.]

Description [Print a transition to vis_stdout. The transition is supposed to be from aState to bState on input vInput. If uInput is not NIL, instead of printing vInput, we only print the places where it differs from uInput. If there is no difference anywhere, we print "-Unchanged-". Similarly, we print only the incremental difference from aState to bState; if there is none, we print "-Unchanged-". If aState is NIL we simply print bState and return.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2882 of file mcUtil.c.

  Ntk_Network_t *modelNetwork = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );
  char *aString = aState ? Mc_MintermToStringAiger( aState, stateSupport, modelNetwork ) : NIL(char);
  char *bString = Mc_MintermToStringAiger( bState, stateSupport, modelNetwork );
  char *inpString = aState ? Mc_MintermToStringAigerInput( aState, stateSupport, modelNetwork ) : NIL(char);

  st_table   *node2MvfAigTable;

  node2MvfAigTable =
        (st_table *)Ntk_NetworkReadApplInfo(modelNetwork, MVFAIG_NETWORK_APPL_KEY);

  if ( aState == NIL(mdd_t) ) {

  fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s", aString);
  fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s", inpString);

   /* first test that there are inputs */
  /* if ( array_n( inputSupport ) > 0 ) {
    if ( uInput == NIL(mdd_t) ) {
      char *vString = Mc_MintermToStringAiger( vInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
    else {
      boolean unchanged=TRUE;
      char *uString = Mc_MintermToStringAiger( uInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
      char *vString = Mc_MintermToStringAiger( vInput, inputSupport, modelNetwork );
  } */

  if(seqNumber == 1)
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "1 ");
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "0 ");

  fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s", bString);

  FREE( aString );
  FREE( bString );
  fprintf (vis_stdout, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McQueryContinue ( char *  query)


Synopsis [Query user to continue.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 4439 of file mcUtil.c.

  char result[2];

  fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s", query);
  if (fgets(result, 2, stdin) == NULL) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
  else if(!strcmp(result,"0"))
    return FALSE;
  else {
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "-- Must enter 0/1\n");
    return McQueryContinue(query);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* McRemoveIndexedOnionRings ( int  index,
array_t *  arrayOfOnionRings 


Synopsis [Remove array indexed by index from array of arrays.]

Description [Remove array indexed by index from array of arrays. Does NOT free the input arrayOfOnionRings.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2790 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  array_t *dupArrayOfOnionRings = array_alloc( array_t *, 0 );
  array_t *OnionRings;

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( arrayOfOnionRings ) ; i++ ) {
    if ( i == index ) {
    OnionRings = array_fetch( array_t *, arrayOfOnionRings, i );
    array_insert_last( array_t *, dupArrayOfOnionRings, OnionRings );

  return dupArrayOfOnionRings;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McStateFailsFormula ( mdd_t *  aState,
Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
McDbgLevel  debugLevel,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Print message saying given state fails formula.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3081 of file mcUtil.c.

  McStatePassesOrFailsFormula( aState, formula, 0,  debugLevel, modelFsm );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McStatePassesFormula ( mdd_t *  aState,
Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
McDbgLevel  debugLevel,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Print message saying given state passes formula.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3063 of file mcUtil.c.

  McStatePassesOrFailsFormula( aState, formula, 1, debugLevel,  modelFsm );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void McStatePassesOrFailsFormula ( mdd_t *  aState,
Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
int  pass,
McDbgLevel  debugLevel,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Utility function - prints state passes or fails formula]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3099 of file mcUtil.c.

  array_t *PSVars = Fsm_FsmReadPresentStateVars( modelFsm );
  char *formulaText = Ctlp_FormulaConvertToString( formula );
  Ntk_Network_t *modelNetwork = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );

  /* Nodes created in converting formulae like AU may not have text
   * attached to them. */
  if (formulaText == NIL(char))

  fprintf( vis_stdout, "--State\n");
  Mc_MintermPrint( aState, PSVars, modelNetwork );
  if ( pass )
    fprintf( vis_stdout, "passes ");
    fprintf( vis_stdout, "fails ");

  if( debugLevel > McDbgLevelMin_c)
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "%s.\n\n", formulaText);
    fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n\n");


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* McStatePrintAsFormula ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
Fsm_Fsm_t *  modelFsm 


Synopsis [Return a CTL formula for a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 2673 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  char *tmp1String;
  char *tmp2String;
  char *tmp3String;
  char bodyString[McMaxStringLength_c];
  char *mintermString = NIL(char);
  mdd_manager *mddMgr = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager( Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm ) );
  Ntk_Network_t *aNetwork = Fsm_FsmReadNetwork( modelFsm );
  array_t *valueArray = McConvertMintermToValueArray( aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr );
  array_t *stringArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( aSupport ); i++ ) {

    int mddId = array_fetch( int, aSupport, i );
    int value = array_fetch( int, valueArray, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( aNetwork, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    Var_Variable_t *nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );

    if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ) {
      char *symbolicValue = Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex( nodeVar, value );
      sprintf( bodyString, "%s=%s", nodeName, symbolicValue );
    else {
      sprintf( bodyString, "%s=%d", nodeName, value );
    tmp1String = util_strsav( bodyString );
    array_insert_last( char *, stringArray, tmp1String );

  array_sort( stringArray, cmp);

  for ( i = 0 ; i < array_n( stringArray ); i++ ) {
    tmp1String = array_fetch( char *, stringArray, i );
    if( i == 0 )  {
      mintermString = util_strcat3("(", tmp1String, ")" );
    else {
      tmp2String = util_strcat3( mintermString, " * (", tmp1String );
      tmp3String = util_strcat3( tmp2String, ")", "" );
      mintermString = tmp3String;
  array_free( stringArray );

  tmp1String = util_strcat3( "( ", mintermString, " )" );
  mintermString = tmp1String;

  return mintermString;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McStateSatisfiesFormula ( Ctlp_Formula_t *  aFormula,
mdd_t *  aState 


Synopsis [ Check to see if aState lies in set of states satisfying aFormula ]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3387 of file mcUtil.c.

  mdd_t *passStates = Ctlp_FormulaObtainLatestApprox( aFormula );

  if ( mdd_lequal( aState, passStates, 1, 1 ) ) {
    mdd_free( passStates );
    return TRUE;
  else {
    mdd_free( passStates );
    return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean McStateTestMembership ( mdd_t *  aState,
mdd_t *  setOfStates 


Synopsis [ Tests aState is a member of setOfStates ]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 3413 of file mcUtil.c.

  return mdd_lequal( aState, setOfStates, 1, 1 );

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int McStringConvertToLockstepMode ( char *  string)


Synopsis [Converts a string to a lockstep mode.]

Description [Converts a string to a lockstep mode. If string does not refer to one of the allowed lockstep modes, it returns MC_LOCKSTEP_UNASSIGNED. The allowed values are: MC_LOCKSTEP_OFF, MC_LOCKSTEP_EARLY_TERMINATION, MC_LOCKSTEP_ALL_SCCS, and a positive integer n (lockstep enumerates up to n fair SCCs).]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5692 of file mcUtil.c.

  int n;

  if (strcmp("off", string) == 0) {
    return MC_LOCKSTEP_OFF;
  } else if (strcmp("on", string) == 0) {
  } else if (strcmp("all", string) == 0) {
  } else if (Cmd_StringCheckIsInteger(string, &n) == 2) {
    return n;
  } else {

} /* McStringConvertToLockstepMode */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mc_GSHScheduleType McStringConvertToScheduleType ( char *  string)


Synopsis [Converts a string to a schedule type.]

Description [Converts a string to a schedule type. If string does not refer to one of the allowed schedule types, then returns McGSH_Unassigned_c.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5656 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (strcmp("off", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_old_c;
  } else if (strcmp("EL", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_EL_c;
  } else if (strcmp("EL1", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_EL1_c;
  } else if (strcmp("EL2", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_EL2_c;
  } else if (strcmp("random", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_Random_c;
  } else if (strcmp("budget", string) == 0) {
    return McGSH_Budget_c;
  } else {
    return McGSH_Unassigned_c;

} /* McStringConvertToScheduleType */

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static boolean MintermCheckWellFormed ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 
) [static]


Synopsis [Test that given mdd is a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5997 of file mcUtil.c.


  /* first check its support */
  if (!SetCheckSupport(aMinterm, aSupport, mddMgr)) {
    return FALSE;

  /* now check its a minterm */
    float cardinality = mdd_count_onset( mddMgr, aMinterm, aSupport );
    if ( cardinality != 1 ) {
      fprintf( vis_stderr, "-- onset is not one\n");
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static Mvf_Function_t* NodeBuildPseudoInputMvf ( Ntk_Node_t *  node,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 
) [static]


Synopsis [Builds MVF for a node that is a pseudo input.]

Description [Builds MVF for a node that is a pseudo input. This node has a single output and no inputs. Its table has several row entries. We build an MVF whose components correspond exactly to possible table outputs.]

SideEffects []

Comment [Although pseudo inputs, constants, and internal nodes all have tables, a single procedure cannot be used to build their MVF. A pseudo input MVF is built in terms of its mddId, whereas a constant or internal is not. A constant or pseudo input doesn't have any inputs, whereas an internal does.]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableBuildMvfForNonDetConstant]

Definition at line 1967 of file mcUtil.c.

  Mvf_Function_t *mvf;
  int             columnIndex = Ntk_NodeReadOutputIndex(node);
  Tbl_Table_t    *table       = Ntk_NodeReadTable(node);
  int             mddId       = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(node);

  assert(mddId != NTK_UNASSIGNED_MDD_ID);
  mvf = Tbl_TableBuildNonDetConstantMvf(table, columnIndex, mddId, mddMgr);
  return mvf;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
Ctlp_Formula_t *  formula,
st_table *  nodesTable 
) [static]


Synopsis [Add nodes for wires referred to in formula to nodesTable.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5935 of file mcUtil.c.

  if ( formula == NIL(Ctlp_Formula_t) ) {

  if ( Ctlp_FormulaReadType( formula ) == Ctlp_ID_c ) {
    char *nodeNameString = Ctlp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName( network, nodeNameString );
    if( node )
      st_insert( nodesTable, ( char *) node, NIL(char) );

  NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes( network, Ctlp_FormulaReadRightChild( formula ), nodesTable );
  NodeTableAddCtlFormulaNodes( network, Ctlp_FormulaReadLeftChild( formula ), nodesTable );


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes ( Ntk_Network_t *  network,
Ctlsp_Formula_t *  formula,
st_table *  nodesTable 
) [static]


Synopsis [Add nodes for wires referred to in formula to nodesTable.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5966 of file mcUtil.c.

  if ( formula == NIL(Ctlsp_Formula_t) ) {

  if ( Ctlsp_FormulaReadType( formula ) == Ctlsp_ID_c ) {
    char *nodeNameString = Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName( formula );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName( network, nodeNameString );
    if( node )
      st_insert( nodesTable, ( char *) node, NIL(char) );

  NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes( network, Ctlsp_FormulaReadRightChild( formula ), nodesTable );
  NodeTableAddLtlFormulaNodes( network, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild( formula ), nodesTable );


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void PrintDeck ( array_t *  mddValues,
array_t *  mddIdArray,
Ntk_Network_t *  network 
) [static]


Synopsis [Print an array of nodes]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5790 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  int mddId;

  arrayForEachItem(int, mddIdArray, i, mddId) {
    int value = array_fetch( int, mddValues, i );
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, mddId );
    Var_Variable_t *nodeVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable( node );
    if ( Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic( nodeVar ) ) {
      char *symbolicValue = Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex( nodeVar, value );
      fprintf( vis_stdout, "%s ", symbolicValue );
    else {
      fprintf( vis_stdout, "%d ", value );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void PrintNodes ( array_t *  mddIdArray,
Ntk_Network_t *  network 
) [static]



Synopsis [Print an array of nodes]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5725 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  int mddId;

  arrayForEachItem(int , mddIdArray, i, mddId) {
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, mddId );
    char *nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    fprintf(vis_stdout, " %s ", nodeName );

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static boolean SetCheckSupport ( mdd_t *  aMinterm,
array_t *  aSupport,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 
) [static]


Synopsis [Test that given mdd is a minterm.]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 6028 of file mcUtil.c.

  if (!mdd_check_support(mddMgr, aMinterm, aSupport)) {
      "** mc error: support of minterm is not contained in claimed support\n");
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static array_t * SortMddIds ( array_t *  mddIdArray,
Ntk_Network_t *  network 
) [static]


Synopsis [Print an array of nodes]

SideEffects []

Definition at line 5749 of file mcUtil.c.

  int i;
  int mddId;
  char *nodeName;
  st_table *nameToIndex = st_init_table( strcmp, st_strhash );
  array_t *nodeNameArray = array_alloc( char *, 0 );
  array_t *result = array_alloc( int, 0 );

  arrayForEachItem(int, mddIdArray, i, mddId) {
    Ntk_Node_t *node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId( network, mddId );
    nodeName = Ntk_NodeReadName( node );
    st_insert( nameToIndex, nodeName, (char *) (long) i );
    array_insert_last(  char *, nodeNameArray, nodeName );
  array_sort( nodeNameArray, cmp);

  arrayForEachItem(char *, nodeNameArray, i, nodeName ) {
    int index;
    st_lookup_int( nameToIndex, nodeName, & index );
    mddId = array_fetch( int, mddIdArray, index );
    array_insert_last( int, result, mddId );
  st_free_table( nameToIndex );
  array_free( nodeNameArray );

  return result;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

char rcsid [] UNUSED = "$Id: mcUtil.c,v 1.113 2009/04/11 18:26:10 fabio Exp $" [static]


FileName [mcUtil.c]

PackageName [mc]

Synopsis [Utilities for Fair CTL model checker and debugger]

Author [Adnan Aziz, Tom Shiple, In-Ho Moon]

Copyright [Copyright (c) 1994-1996 The Regents of the Univ. of California. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.



Definition at line 41 of file mcUtil.c.