src/tbl/tblUtil.c File Reference

#include "tblInt.h"
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Data Structures

struct  varOrdStruct


typedef struct varOrdStruct Var_Ord_t


static int TableEntryComputeHashVal (Tbl_Table_t *table, Tbl_Entry_t *entry)
static array_t * TableCreatIntArray (int size)
static char * TableObtainSignature (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outputColumn)
static int varCompare (const void *x, const void *y)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_TableAlloc (void)
void Tbl_TableFree (Tbl_Table_t *table)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_TableSoftDup (Tbl_Table_t *table)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_TableHardDup (Tbl_Table_t *table)
boolean Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry (Tbl_Table_t *table, Tbl_Entry_t *entry, int index)
Tbl_Entry_t * Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry (Tbl_Table_t *table, int index)
int Tbl_TableAddRow (Tbl_Table_t *table)
int Tbl_TableAddColumn (Tbl_Table_t *table, Var_Variable_t *var, int flag)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_TableRowDelete (Tbl_Table_t *originalTable, int rowNumToDelete, array_t *freeArray)
Var_Variable_t * Tbl_TableReadIndexVar (Tbl_Table_t *table, int index, int flag)
Tbl_Entry_t * Tbl_TableReadEntry (Tbl_Table_t *table, int rowNum, int colNum, int flag)
boolean Tbl_TableSetEntry (Tbl_Table_t *table, Tbl_Entry_t *newEntry, int i, int j, int flag)
boolean Tbl_TableSetEntryDc (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int flag)
void Tbl_TableAddEntryRange (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int val1, int val2, int flag)
void Tbl_TableComplementEntry (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int flag)
void Tbl_TableSetEquality (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int flag, Var_Variable_t *var)
boolean Tbl_TableEntryIsDc (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int flag)
boolean Tbl_TableTestIsConstant (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outputColumnId)
boolean Tbl_TableTestIsNonDeterministicConstant (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outputColumnId)
int Tbl_TableTestIsDeterministic (Tbl_Table_t *table)
boolean Tbl_TableTestIsOutputSpaceComplete (Tbl_Table_t *table, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
array_t * Tbl_TableComputeMvfAndInputDependenciesOfOutput (Tbl_Table_t *table, mdd_manager *mddMgr, int outIndex, int *value)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_TableCreateTrueSupportTableForOutput (Tbl_Table_t *table, Mvf_Function_t *outMvf, mdd_manager *mddMgr, int offset, int outIndex, array_t *varMap)
boolean Tbl_TableSwapRows (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j)
boolean Tbl_TableSwapColumns (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, int j, int flag)
void Tbl_TableCanonicalize (Tbl_Table_t *table)
boolean Tbl_TableRowDominatesRow (Tbl_Table_t *table, int rowa, int rowb, array_t *rowValArray)
boolean Tbl_TableColDominatesCol (Tbl_Table_t *table, int cola, int colb, int flag, Tbl_Row_t *colValArray)
boolean Tbl_TablesAreIdentical (Tbl_Table_t *tablea, Tbl_Table_t *tableb, int a, int b)
mdd_t * Tbl_TableRowToMdd (Tbl_Table_t *table, mdd_manager *manager, int i, array_t *svArray)
Mvf_Function_t * Tbl_TableBuildNonDetConstantMvf (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outIndex, int mddId, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
Mvf_Function_t * Tbl_TableBuildMvfFromFanins (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outIndex, array_t *faninArray, mdd_manager *mddMgr)
int Tbl_TableReadConstValue (Tbl_Table_t *table, int outputColumnId)
Tbl_Table_t * Tbl_MddToTable (mdd_t *mdd, mdd_manager *manager, st_table *idtoVar, array_t *inputids)
boolean Tbl_TableSubstituteVar (Tbl_Table_t *table, Var_Variable_t *oldVar, Var_Variable_t *newVar)
void Tbl_TableSetVar (Tbl_Table_t *table, int i, Var_Variable_t *sv, int flag)
array_t * Tbl_TableSplit (Tbl_Table_t *table)
int Tbl_TableReadNumInputs (Tbl_Table_t *table)
int Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs (Tbl_Table_t *table)
int Tbl_TableReadNumVars (Tbl_Table_t *table, int flag)
int Tbl_TableReadNumRows (Tbl_Table_t *table)
int Tbl_TableReadVarIndex (Tbl_Table_t *table, Var_Variable_t *var, int flag)
void Tbl_TablePrintStats (Tbl_Table_t *table, FILE *fp)
void Tbl_TableWriteBlifMvToFileSpecial (Tbl_Table_t *table, int flag, FILE *fp)
void Tbl_TableWriteBlifMvToFile (Tbl_Table_t *table, int flag, FILE *fp)
void Tbl_TableWriteSmvToFile (Tbl_Table_t *table, int flag, FILE *fp)
void Tbl_TableWriteBlifToFile (Tbl_Table_t *table, FILE *fp)
array_t * Tbl_TableReadDefaults (Tbl_Table_t *table)
array_t * Tbl_TableReadInputVars (Tbl_Table_t *table)
array_t * Tbl_TableReadOutputVars (Tbl_Table_t *table)
boolean Tbl_RowInputIntersect (Tbl_Table_t *table, int a, int b)
boolean Tbl_RowOutputIntersect (Tbl_Table_t *table, int a, int b)
void TblTableSetRow (Tbl_Table_t *table, Tbl_Row_t *row, int i)
array_t * TblRowReadOutputs (Tbl_Row_t *row)
array_t * TblRowReadInputs (Tbl_Row_t *row)
Tbl_Row_t * TblTableReadRow (Tbl_Table_t *table, int rowNum)
Tbl_Row_t * TblRowAlloc (void)
Tbl_Row_t * TblRowDup (Tbl_Row_t *row)
void TblRowSetEntry (Tbl_Row_t *row, Tbl_Entry_t *entry, int i, int flag)
void TblRowFree (Tbl_Row_t *row)
Tbl_Entry_t * TblRowReadEntry (Tbl_Row_t *row, int i, int flag)


static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: tblUtil.c,v 1.19 2009/04/11 02:01:29 fabio Exp $"

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct varOrdStruct Var_Ord_t

Function Documentation

static array_t * TableCreatIntArray ( int  size) [static]


Synopsis [Create a array of size entries, each intialized to -1]

Description [Given an integer size, this function returns an array of size that has all entries intialized to -1]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3248 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *result;
  int i;
  result = array_alloc(int,0);
  for (i=0; i < size; i++) {
  return result;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int TableEntryComputeHashVal ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Tbl_Entry_t *  entry 
) [static]



Synopsis [To compute a hash value for a table entry]

Description [Given a Tbl_Table_t *table, and a Tbl_Entry_t *entry, this function computes the hash value for the corresponding entry]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3208 of file tblUtil.c.

  int numRows, numCols;
  lsGen gen;
  int value;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  int total;

  numRows = Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table);
  numCols = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) + Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) + numRows+1;
  total = 0;

  if(entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
    Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
      total = total + (int) pow(numCols,value);
  else if(entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
    value = Var_VariableReadNumValues(Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry));
    total = total + (int) pow(numCols,value);
  return total;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static char * TableObtainSignature ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outputColumn 
) [static]


Synopsis [Get table signature as a string]

Description [optional]

SideEffects [required]

SeeAlso [optional]

Definition at line 3275 of file tblUtil.c.

  char *                signature;
  char *                sig;            /* Signature under construction */

  int                   row;            /* locations in the table */
  int                   column;

  Tbl_Entry_t *         entry;          /* Entry at row, column */

  int                   value;          /* Value of an entry */
  lsGen                 gen;            /* For Tbl_EntryForEachValue */
  Tbl_Range_t *         range;

  int                   varIndex;       /* Index of the column of this variable */

   * TODO: This is unsafe!

  signature = ALLOC( char, 10000 );
  sig = signature;

  for ( row = Tbl_TableReadNumRows( table ) ; --row >=0 ; ) {

     * Print each of the inputs in this row

    Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry( table, row, entry, column ) {

      switch ( Tbl_EntryReadType( entry ) ) {

         * An equality entry ("this column is equal to that column")

      case Tbl_EntryEqual_c:

         * Find the column index, first assuming it's an input

        varIndex = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);

        sprintf( sig, "=%d", varIndex );
        sig += strlen( sig );

         * A normal range entry - print a comma-separated list of values

      case Tbl_EntryNormal_c:
        Tbl_EntryForEachValue( entry, value, gen, range ) {
          sprintf(sig, "%d,", value );
          sig += strlen( sig );

         * Unassigned -- append a "?"

      case Tbl_EntryUnassigned_c:
        sig[0] = '?';
         * None of the Above -- we're in trouble


       * Separate entries with spaces
      sig[0] = ' ';


     * Print the output column's entry

    entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry( table, row, outputColumn, 1 );

    switch ( Tbl_EntryReadType( entry ) ) {

       * An equality entry ("this column is equal to that column")

    case Tbl_EntryEqual_c:

       * Find the column index, first assuming it's an input

      varIndex = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);

      sprintf( sig, "=%d", varIndex );
      sig += strlen( sig );
       * A normal range entry - print a comma-separated list of values
    case Tbl_EntryNormal_c:
      Tbl_EntryForEachValue( entry, value, gen, range ) {
        sprintf(sig, "%d,", value );
        sig += strlen( sig );
       * Unassigned -- append a "?"
    case Tbl_EntryUnassigned_c:
      sig[0] = '?';
       * None of the Above -- we're in trouble

     * Separate rows with newlines

    sig[0] = '\n';


   * Terminate the signature string

  sig[0] = '\0';

  return signature;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_MddToTable ( mdd_t *  mdd,
mdd_manager *  manager,
st_table *  idtoVar,
array_t *  inputids 


Synopsis [ Returns a table for an mdd ]

Description [ ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]


Definition at line 2112 of file tblUtil.c.

  /* use foreach cube */
  printf("Not implemented as yet, contact gms@ic\n");
  return NIL(Tbl_Table_t);
boolean Tbl_RowInputIntersect ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  a,
int  b 


Synopsis [Checks to see if the input parts of two rows intersect]

Description [Given two rows, this function checks to see if their input parts intersect, returns a 0 if they don't, and 1 if they do]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableIsDet]

Definition at line 2883 of file tblUtil.c.

  int colNum, check;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entrya, *entryb;
  Tbl_Row_t *rowb;
  check = FALSE;
  rowb = TblTableReadRow(table,b);
  Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,a, entrya, colNum){
    entryb = TblRowReadEntry(rowb,colNum,0);
    check = Tbl_EntryTestIntersectEntry(entrya,entryb);

    if (check == FALSE) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;    

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_RowOutputIntersect ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  a,
int  b 


Synopsis [Checks to see if the output parts of two rows intersect]

Description [Given two rows, this function checks to see if their output parts intersect, returns a 0 if they don't, and 1 if they do]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableIsDet]

Definition at line 2920 of file tblUtil.c.

  int colNum, check;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entrya, *entryb;
  Tbl_Row_t *rowb;
  check = FALSE;
  rowb = TblTableReadRow(table,b);
  Tbl_RowForEachOutputEntry(table,a, entrya, colNum){
    entryb = TblRowReadEntry(rowb,colNum,1);
    check = Tbl_EntryTestIntersectEntry(entrya,entryb);

    if (check == FALSE) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;    


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableAddColumn ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Var_Variable_t *  var,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Add an empty column with the given Var ]

Description [ Given a table this function adds an empty column at the end of all columns, associates this column with a Var_Variable_t (Var). It returns the number of (input or output) columns in the table. If the operation fails, the program is exited. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the same var is not already present; the table package is not concerned with the semantics of the table.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 358 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i, index;
  Tbl_Row_t *row;
  array_t *carray;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You may be modifying more than one table by adding this column\n");
  index = 0;
  for (i=0; i< array_n(TblTableReadData(table)); i++) {
    row = array_fetch(Tbl_Row_t*,TblTableReadData(table),i);
    if (flag==0) {
      carray = row->inputs; 
    else {
      carray = row->outputs; 
  if (flag==0) {
    array_insert_last(Var_Variable_t*, table->inputNames, var);
    index = array_n(table->inputNames);
  else {
      array_insert_last(Var_Variable_t*, table->outputNames, var);
      index = array_n(table->outputNames);      

  return index;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableAddEntryRange ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  val1,
int  val2,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Adds the range val1-val2 to the union in row i, column j. ]

Description [ This function when supplied with row i,col j, a table and a range specified by integers val1 and val2, will add range val1-val2 to the i,j th entry in the table. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 643 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;

  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by changing the re-setting this entry\n");
  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,i,j,flag);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableAddRow ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Add an empty row (logically inert) to table. ]

Description [ Given a table this function adds an empty row at the end of the table. It return the index of the row it creates]

SideEffects [ Table has changed, and the one new row needs to be filled in ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 310 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t * row;
  int i;

  if (table != NIL(Tbl_Table_t)) {
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by adding this row\n");
      row = ALLOC(Tbl_Row_t,1);
      row->inputs = array_alloc(Tbl_Entry_t*,0);
      for (i=0; i < array_n(table->inputNames); i++) {
        array_insert_last(Tbl_Entry_t*,row->inputs, NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)); 

      row->outputs = array_alloc(Tbl_Entry_t*,0);
      for (i=0; i < array_n(table->outputNames); i++) {
        array_insert_last(Tbl_Entry_t*,row->outputs, NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)); 
      array_insert_last(Tbl_Row_t*, TblTableReadData(table),row);
      return ( array_n(TblTableReadData(table)) -1);
  else return -1;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_TableAlloc ( void  )

AutomaticEnd Function***********************************************************

Synopsis [ Allocate a new table. ]

Description [ This functions allocates memory for and returns a new table ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_Free ]

Definition at line 86 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Table_t * table;

  table = ALLOC(Tbl_Table_t,1);
  table->inputNames = array_alloc(Var_Variable_t*,0);
  table->outputNames = array_alloc(Var_Variable_t*,0);
  table->data = ALLOC(Tbl_Data_t,1);  
  TblTableReadDefaults(table) = array_alloc(Tbl_Entry_t*,0);
  TblTableReadRefCount(table) = 1;
  TblTableReadData(table) = array_alloc(Tbl_Row_t*,0);
  return table;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mvf_Function_t* Tbl_TableBuildMvfFromFanins ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outIndex,
array_t *  faninArray,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Compute the Mvf_Function_t for a table output in terms of fanins]

Description [Given a Tbl_Table_t, an integer for the table output value index, an array of fanin mdd_t* , and an mdd Manager, this function builds the Mvf_Function_t associated with the output. The output cannot be equal to another output, because this would make the table a relation, and that is not permissible. For each row, the function will build the mdd_t for the inputs using their Mvf_Function_t's and AND them together. If the input is of the type equal, it will build the equivalent set Mdd (see See Also) and AND it in.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Mvf_FunctionComputeEquivalentSet, TblEntryNormalConstructMdd]

Definition at line 1843 of file tblUtil.c.


  lsGen gen;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry, *entry2,*inputEntry;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  int value, rowNum, colNum, rowColNum, i;
  mdd_t *x, *result, *temp;
  Mvf_Function_t *function, *mvf1, *mvf2;

  x = NIL(mdd_t);
  value = Var_VariableReadNumValues(Tbl_TableReadIndexVar(table,outIndex,1));
  function = Mvf_FunctionAlloc(mddMgr,value);
  Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
    if (colNum == outIndex) {
      if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
        result = mdd_one(mddMgr);
        Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,rowNum,inputEntry,rowColNum) {
          if (inputEntry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
            mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,rowColNum);
            x = TblEntryNormalConstructMdd(mddMgr,inputEntry,mvf1);
          else if (inputEntry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
            value =Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(inputEntry);
            mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,rowColNum);
            mvf2 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,value);
            x = Mvf_FunctionsComputeEquivalentSet(mvf1,mvf2);
          temp = result;
          result = mdd_and(x,temp,1,1);
        Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {  
          Mvf_FunctionAddMintermsToComponent(function, value,result);
      else  if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
        value = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
        if (value == -1) {
        fail("Failure: Not equal to any input var in this table\n");
        /* must be equal to an input */
        entry2 = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,rowNum,value,0);
        result = mdd_one(mddMgr);
        Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,rowNum,inputEntry,rowColNum) {
          if (inputEntry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
            mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,rowColNum);
            x = TblEntryNormalConstructMdd(mddMgr,inputEntry,mvf1);
          else if (inputEntry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
            value =Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(inputEntry);
            mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,rowColNum);
            mvf2 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,value);
            x = Mvf_FunctionsComputeEquivalentSet(mvf1,mvf2);
          temp = result;
          result = mdd_and(x,temp,1,1);

        rowColNum = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
        mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,rowColNum);        
        value = Var_VariableReadNumValues(Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry2));
        temp = result;

        for(i=0; i< value; i++) {
          x = Mvf_FunctionReadComponent(mvf1,i);
          result = mdd_and(temp,x,1,1);
          Mvf_FunctionAddMintermsToComponent(function, i,result);

  /* accounting for the defaults */
  entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,outIndex);
  if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {  
    temp = Mvf_FunctionComputeDomain(function);
    result = mdd_not(temp);

    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {    
      Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
        Mvf_FunctionAddMintermsToComponent(function, value,result);
    else {
      value = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
      if (value == -1) {
        fail("Failure: Not equal to any input var in this table\n");
      mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninArray,value);
      Mvf_FunctionForEachComponent(mvf1,i,x) {
        temp = mdd_and(x,result,1,1);
        Mvf_FunctionAddMintermsToComponent(function, i ,temp);
  return function;  

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Mvf_Function_t* Tbl_TableBuildNonDetConstantMvf ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outIndex,
int  mddId,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Compute the Mvf_Function_t for a non-deterministic constant.]

Description [Given a Tbl_Table_t, an integer for the table output value index, an integer MddId, and an mdd Manager, this function builds the Mvf_Function_t associated with the output. The table cannot have any inputs; the function fails if it does. The output cannot be equal to another output, because this would make the table a relation, and that is not permissible. If this occurs, the function will fail on an assert statement.]

SideEffects [ Table must have no inputs.]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1792 of file tblUtil.c.


  lsGen gen;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  int value, rowNum, colNum;
  mdd_t *x;
  Mvf_Function_t *function;
  assert(Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) ==0);

  value = Var_VariableReadNumValues(Tbl_TableReadIndexVar(table,outIndex,1));
  function = Mvf_FunctionAlloc(mddMgr,value);
  Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
    if (colNum == outIndex) {
      assert(entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c);
      Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
        x = mdd_eq_c(mddMgr,mddId,value);
        Mvf_FunctionAddMintermsToComponent(function, value,x);
  return function;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableCanonicalize ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Semi-canonicalize a table]

Description [ Given a table (Tbl_Table_t), this function will return the semi-canonical form of the table by ordering the rows and columns.The canonicaliztion process, assigns a linear order to the table rows an columns, based on the value of their entries. For a table with binary valued entries, this value is exactly the number of 1's in the row or column. Once this linear order is assigned, the rows and columns of the table are swapped so as to order rows and columns with higher value at the beginning of the corresponding row or column order. It is called semi-canonicalization because two tables representing the same logic function need not have the same canonical form. ]

SideEffects [ The original table is destroyed. The user must duplicate a table before canonicalizing, to preserve it.]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 1447 of file tblUtil.c.

  int numRows, numInputs, numOutputs, rowNum, colNum;
  array_t *rowValArray;
  Tbl_Row_t *colVal;
  int i, val1,val2;

  numRows = Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table);
  numInputs = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table);
  numOutputs = Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table);
  rowValArray = TableCreatIntArray(numRows);
  colVal = ALLOC(Tbl_Row_t,1);
  colVal->inputs= TableCreatIntArray(numInputs);
  colVal->outputs= TableCreatIntArray(numOutputs);

  for(i=0; i< numRows; i++) {
    for(rowNum=0; rowNum< numRows-1; rowNum++) {
      if (Tbl_TableRowDominatesRow(table,rowNum,rowNum+1,rowValArray)) {
        val1 = array_fetch(int,rowValArray,rowNum);
        val2 =array_fetch(int,rowValArray,rowNum+1);

  for(i=0; i< numInputs; i++) {  
    for(colNum=0; colNum< numInputs-1; colNum++) {
      if (Tbl_TableColDominatesCol(table,colNum,colNum+1,0,colVal)) {
        val1 = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadInputs(colVal),colNum);
        val2 = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadInputs(colVal),colNum+1);

  for(i=0; i< numOutputs; i++) {  
    for(colNum=0; colNum< numOutputs-1; colNum++) {
      if (Tbl_TableColDominatesCol(table,colNum,colNum+1,1,colVal)) {
        val1 = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadOutputs(colVal),colNum);
        val2 = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadOutputs(colVal),colNum+1);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableColDominatesCol ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  cola,
int  colb,
int  flag,
Tbl_Row_t *  colValArray 


Synopsis [To determine if one Col dominates another]

Description [Given a table, two integers for column number cola colb, and a flag set to 0 to indicate input and 1 for output this function returns a TRUE if Cola dominates Colb and FALSE otherwise]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableRowDominatesRow]

Definition at line 1582 of file tblUtil.c.


  int valuea, valueb, totala, totalb;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entrya, *entryb;
  int colNum, rowNum;
  if (flag == 0) {
    valuea = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadInputs(colValArray),cola);
  else {
    valuea = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadOutputs(colValArray),cola);

  totala = valuea;
  if (valuea == -1) {
  totala =0;
    if (flag ==0) {
        if (colNum == cola) {
          valuea = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entrya);
          totala = valuea + totala;      
    array_insert(int, TblRowReadInputs(colValArray),cola,totala);      
    else if (flag ==1) {
        if (colNum == cola) {    
          valuea = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entrya);
          totala = valuea + totala;      
    array_insert(int, TblRowReadOutputs(colValArray),cola,totala);      

  if (flag ==0) {
    valueb = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadInputs(colValArray),colb);
  else {
    valueb = array_fetch(int,TblRowReadOutputs(colValArray),colb);
  totalb = valueb;  
  if (valueb == -1) {
  totalb =0;  
    if (flag ==0) {
        if (colNum == colb) {
          valueb = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entryb);
          totalb = valueb + totalb;      
    array_insert(int, TblRowReadInputs(colValArray),colb,totalb);      
    else if (flag ==1) {
        if (colNum == colb) {    
          valuea = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entryb);
          totalb = valueb + totalb;      
    array_insert(int, TblRowReadOutputs(colValArray),colb,totalb);      
  if (totala < totalb ) {
    return FALSE;
  else {
    return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableComplementEntry ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Complements the constant or union in row i, input/output column j. ]

Description [ This function whether supplied with row i,col j, a table will complement the i,j th entry in the table. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 677 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,i,j,flag);
  Tbl_EntryComplement(entry,0,(Var_VariableReadNumValues(Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table, entry))) -1 );


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Tbl_TableComputeMvfAndInputDependenciesOfOutput ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr,
int  outIndex,
int *  value 


Synopsis [Computes the inputs in the true support of a given output of a table.]

Description [Computes the inputs in the true support of a given output of a table. This is done by building the MVF for the output in terms of the MVFs of the inputs, where each input is treated as a free variable. Next the function Mvf_FunctionComputeSupport is called on the mvf. The support is returned as an array of integers corresponding to the input columns in the true support. This function must also be supplied with an mdd_manager. If the output is a constant, then this function returns a NIL(array_t), and puts the constant value in the int *value that is passed in.]

SideEffects [It is the user's responsibility to free the mdd_manager supplied, (use mdd_quit)]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableBuildMvfFromFanins]

Definition at line 1076 of file tblUtil.c.

  int             i, offset;
  Mvf_Function_t *outMvf;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  int             colNum;
  array_t        *faninMvfArray     = array_alloc(Mvf_Function_t *, 0);
  array_t        *mvarValues        = array_alloc(int, 0);
  array_t        *totalSupportArray = array_alloc(int, 0);
  int             numInputs         = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table );
  /* Add mdd's for new table input variables. */
  Tbl_TableForEachInputVar(table, colNum, var) {
    array_insert_last(int, mvarValues, Var_VariableReadNumValues(var));
  offset = array_n(mdd_ret_mvar_list(mddMgr));    
  mdd_create_variables(mddMgr,mvarValues, NIL(array_t), NIL(array_t));

   * Construct an MVF for each table input. The MVF for column i is the MVF
   * for MDD variable i.
  for (i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
    Mvf_Function_t *faninMvf = Mvf_FunctionCreateFromVariable(mddMgr, (i+offset));
    array_insert_last(Mvf_Function_t *, faninMvfArray, faninMvf);
  /* Compute the MVF of the output indexed by outIndex. */
  outMvf = Tbl_TableBuildMvfFromFanins(table, outIndex, faninMvfArray, mddMgr);

      = Mvf_FunctionComputeSupport(outMvf,mddMgr,value);
  return totalSupportArray;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_TableCreateTrueSupportTableForOutput ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Mvf_Function_t *  outMvf,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr,
int  offset,
int  outIndex,
array_t *  varMap 


Synopsis [Given an output column (and maybe its mvf) return a table with the true support inputs of the given output.]

Description [If a NIL(Mvf_Function_t) is supplied as input to this function , it uses Tbl_TableComputeMvfAndInputDependenciesOfOutput to compute the true support of the given output (outIndex), and then creates a new table for this output with only the true inputs. Given a non-nil Mvf of the table output, this function uses Mvf_FunctionComputeSupport to compute the true support of the given output (index), and then creates a new table for this output with only the true inputs. It returns the new table for the output of given index. If the output is a constant, then this function returns a constant table. If a non-nil mvf is supplied, then the function must also be supplied with an int offset, such that for mddid of column j is (j+offset) in the mvf supplied.]

SideEffects [Variables may be added to the mdd manager]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableComputeMvfAndInputDependenciesOfOutput]

Definition at line 1144 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *support;
  Tbl_Table_t * newTable;
  int i, inputId, rowNum, colNum, newColNum, newEqColNum, value, eqColNum;
  Tbl_Entry_t *newEntry, *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Row_t *row UNUSED;
  st_table *supLookup;

  newTable = Tbl_TableAlloc();  
  /* compute dependancies and put in a hash table */

  if (outMvf != NIL(Mvf_Function_t)) {
    support =
  else {
    offset = array_n(mdd_ret_mvar_list(mddMgr));
    support =
  if(support == NIL(array_t)) {
    /* create a constant table */
    var = Tbl_TableReadIndexVar(table,outIndex,1);
    i  = Tbl_TableAddRow(newTable);
    newEntry = Tbl_EntryAlloc(Tbl_EntryNormal_c);
    Tbl_TableSetEntry(newTable, newEntry, 0, 0, 1);
    newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);    
    (void) Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry(newTable,newEntry,0);
    return newTable;

  supLookup = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);

  arrayForEachItem(int, support, i, inputId) {
    st_insert(supLookup,(char*)((long)(inputId - offset)),(char*)((long)i));

  /* Account for multiple columns mapping to the same MDD variable.
   * There are two reasons why there may be fewer variables in the MVF
   * than there are input columns in a table:
   * 1. Multiple columns are tied to the same Var_Variable_t and hence
   *    get the same MDD variable.
   * 2. Variables that are in the apparent support of the table are not
   *    in the true support of the MVF.
   * The first reason is captured by varMap, the second by supLookup.
   * Now we merge the two and replace supLookup with the resulting table.
  if (varMap != NIL(array_t)) {
    int mapped;
    int nCol = 0;
    Var_Ord_t *varArray = ALLOC(Var_Ord_t, array_n(varMap));
    arrayForEachItem(int, varMap, i, mapped) {
      int position;
      if (st_lookup_int(supLookup, (char*)(long) mapped, &position) == 1) {
        varArray[nCol].id = i;
        varArray[nCol].rank = position;
    qsort((void *)varArray, nCol, sizeof(Var_Ord_t), varCompare);
    supLookup = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
    for (i=0; i < nCol; i++) {
      st_insert(supLookup, (char*)((long)varArray[i].id), (char*)((long)i));

  /* foreach input var check if in true support and then insert */
    if (st_lookup_int(supLookup, (char*)(long) i, &newColNum) == 1) {

  /* insert only specified output */
    if (i == outIndex) {    

  /* add rows to this table */

  TblTableForEachRow(table, row, rowNum){
    i = Tbl_TableAddRow(newTable);

  for (rowNum =0; rowNum < Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table); rowNum++ ) {
    for (colNum =0; colNum < Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table); colNum++) {
      if (st_lookup_int(supLookup, (char*)(long) colNum, &newColNum) == 1) {
        entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,rowNum, colNum, 0);
        newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);              
        if (Tbl_EntryIsEqual(entry)) {
          eqColNum = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
          if (st_lookup_int(supLookup,(char*)(long)eqColNum,&newEqColNum) == 0) {
            fail("Entry Equal Var not in True Support\n");
          else {
        Tbl_TableSetEntry(newTable, newEntry, rowNum, newColNum, 0);      

  for (rowNum =0; rowNum < Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table); rowNum++ ) {
    entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,rowNum, outIndex, 1);
    newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
      eqColNum = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
      if (st_lookup_int(supLookup,(char*)(long)eqColNum,&newEqColNum) == 0) {
        fail("Entry Equal Var not in True Support\n");
      else {
    Tbl_TableSetEntry(newTable, newEntry, rowNum, 0, 1);

  Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,i) {
    if (i==outIndex) {        
      if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
          newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
          eqColNum =
          if (eqColNum != -1) {
            newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
          else {
            newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);
      else {
        newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);
      (void) Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry(newTable,newEntry,0);

  return newTable;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Entry_t* Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  index 


Synopsis [Read the default value at given index]

Description [Given a Tbl_Table_t and an index, this reads the value of the default entry, and returns it. If the index is larger than the array size, it returns a NIL entry]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry]

Definition at line 286 of file tblUtil.c.

  if (array_n(TblTableReadDefaults(table)) < index) {
    return NIL(Tbl_Entry_t); 

  return (array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),index));

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Tbl_Entry_t *  entry,
int  index 


Synopsis [Set the default value at given index]

Description [Given a Tbl_Table_t, a default Tbl_Entry_t and an index, this sets the value of the default at this index to the entry. If the value of the index is larger than the default array size, this return a 0, else it sets the value and returns a 1.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry]

Definition at line 245 of file tblUtil.c.

  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by re-setting this entry\n");
  if (array_n(TblTableReadDefaults(table)) < index) {
    return FALSE; 
  if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
    entry->ioType = 1;
    entry->varColNum = index;
    /* debug */
    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c)
    assert(Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry) < Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table));    
  array_insert(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),index,entry);
  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableEntryIsDc ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Returns 1 if the entry in row i, input/output column j is a don't care. ]

Description [ This function returns 1 if the entry in row i and col j is a DC, 0 if it isn't and -1 if it does not exist. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 746 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  lsGen gen;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));

  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,i,j,flag);

    if (lsLength(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges) == 1){
      var = Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry);
      lsForEachItem(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges, gen, range) {
        if ((range->begin ==0)&&(range->end ==
          return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableFree ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)

Function*********************************************************** Synopsis [ Free a table. ]

Description [ Given a table, this routine decreases the table refcount. If the refCount == 1 then it also frees it, i.e. it also frees each and every Tbl_Entry_t entry in the table ]

SideEffects [ Does not free the Vars associated with the table. This is the responsibility of the user.]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_Alloc ]

Definition at line 114 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i,j,k;
  Tbl_Row_t * row;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  if (table != NIL(Tbl_Table_t)) {
    if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) < 2) {
  Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table,j,i,k,entry) {
      if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
    Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,i) {
      if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
  else {

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_TableHardDup ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Duplicate a table. ]

Description [ This routines creates a duplicate of table. However table entries are copied, but not Vars. ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_TableFree Tbl_TableSoftDup]

Definition at line 193 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Table_t * tabledup;
  int i;
  Tbl_Entry_t *newEntry, *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Row_t *row;

  tabledup = Tbl_TableAlloc();



  Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,i) {
    if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
    else {
      newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);
    (void) Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry(tabledup,newEntry,i);

  return tabledup;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TablePrintStats ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Print table statistics]

Description [ Prints the following information to the file: number of input columns, number of output columns, number of rows, name and cardinality of domain, of each input column, name and cardinality of domain, of each output, percentage of mxn entries with non-DC information (gives measure of sparsity)]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 2421 of file tblUtil.c.

  int rowNum, colNum,i,dc, total;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  lsGen gen;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;

  fprintf(fp,"Table Stats\n");   
  fprintf(fp,"Number of  Inputs           = %d\n",Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table));
  fprintf(fp,"Inputs                      :"); 
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
  fprintf(fp,"Values                      :");
    fprintf(fp,"%d ",Var_VariableReadNumValues(var));
  fprintf(fp,"Number of  Outputs          = %d\n",Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table));
  fprintf(fp,"Outputs                     :");
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
  fprintf(fp,"Values                      :");
    fprintf(fp,"%d ",Var_VariableReadNumValues(var));
  fprintf(fp,"Number of  Rows             = %d\n",Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table));

  dc = 0;
  total =0;
  Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,i,entry) {
    if(entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {    
      if (lsLength(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges) == 1){
        var = Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry);
        lsForEachItem(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges, gen, range) {
          if ((range->begin ==0)&&(range->end == Var_VariableReadNumValues(var)-1)){
  if (total > 0) {
    i = 100 *dc/total;
  else {
    i = 0;
  fprintf(fp,"# Don't Care entries        = %d\n",dc);
  fprintf(fp,"Percent Don't Care entries  = %d\n",i);    

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadConstValue ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outputColumnId 


Synopsis [ Return the constant value associated with an output]

Description [ Given a table that has no inputs and an output column index, this function returns the constant value associated with the output. It returns a -1 if the value is not a constant. Note that this test is conservative, because it does not take into account Boolean redundancies. It merely checks for one of the following conditions 1) the table has no inputs and a constant output 2) the table has only - inputs in the one row and the output is constant 3) the table is empty and the default value for the output is constant and 4) the table output has the same constant value for all inputs]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1984 of file tblUtil.c.

  int colNum, rowNum;
  boolean check;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  lsGen gen;
  int value, constant,count;

  constant = -1;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((outputColumnId >= 0) && (outputColumnId <

  if (Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) == 1) {  
    if (array_n(table->inputNames) == 0) {
      entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table, 0, outputColumnId, 1);
      if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
        if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
          Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
            constant = value;
          return constant;
    else {
      check = TRUE;
      Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
          return -1;
        if (check == TRUE) {
          check = -1;
          if (lsLength(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges) == 1){
            var = Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry);
            lsForEachItem(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges, gen, range) {
              if ((range->begin ==0)&&(range->end ==
                check = TRUE;
      if (check) {
        entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,0,outputColumnId,1);
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
          return -1;
        if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
          Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
            constant = value;
          return constant;
  else if (Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) == 0) {
    entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,outputColumnId);
    if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
      return -1;
    if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
      Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
        constant = value;
      return constant;      
  else {
    entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,outputColumnId);    
    if (entry == NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)){
      constant = -1;
      Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
        if (colNum == outputColumnId) {
          count = 1;
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c){
          return -1;
          Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
            lsStatus status;
            if (count > 1) {
              status = lsFinish(gen); 
              assert(status == LS_OK);
              return -1;
            else {
              if (constant != -1) {
                if (constant != value) {
                  status = lsFinish(gen); 
                  assert(status == LS_OK); 
                  return -1;
              else {
                constant = value;
            count ++;        
      return constant;
  return -1;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Tbl_TableReadDefaults ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [Return the defaults array associated with a table.]

Description []

SideEffects [This array is NOT to be modified. The user is encouraged not to use this function. It is exported so as to make the macros for iteration over items in the table possible. The user should use these macros for accessing data. The macros that can be used are mentioned in the SeeAlso list]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableForEachEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputVar Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar Tbl_TableForEachDefault]

Definition at line 2819 of file tblUtil.c.

  return (table->data->defaults);
Tbl_Entry_t* Tbl_TableReadEntry ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  rowNum,
int  colNum,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Returns the entry in row i, input/output column j, ]

Description [ This function returns the table entry at row i and column j. The item is of the Tbl_Entry_t. The flag indicates whether it is an input (flag = 0) or and output (flag =1) item. If any of the input data is incorrect it exits the program]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 518 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t *row;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  row = TblTableReadRow(table,rowNum);
  entry = TblRowReadEntry(row,colNum,flag);
  return entry;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Var_Variable_t* Tbl_TableReadIndexVar ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  index,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Find the Var of the variable (column) associated with the given index. ]

Description [ Given an index , this functions returns the Var of the column that is represented by. If any of the input data is incorrect it exits the program. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 482 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *carray;

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  if (flag==0) {
    carray = table->inputNames;
  else {
    carray = table->outputNames;
  return (array_fetch(Var_Variable_t*,carray,index));

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Tbl_TableReadInputVars ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [Return the input Var_Variable_t array associated with a table.]

Description []

SideEffects [This array is NOT to be modified. The user is encouraged not to use this function. It is exported so as to make the macros for iteration over items in the table possible. The user should use these macros for accessing data. The macros that can be used are mentioned in the SeeAlso list]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableForEachEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputVar Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar Tbl_TableForEachDefault]

Definition at line 2841 of file tblUtil.c.

  return (table->inputNames);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadNumInputs ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Return the number of inputs. ]

Description [ ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 2291 of file tblUtil.c.


Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Return the number of outputs. ]

Description [ ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 2311 of file tblUtil.c.


Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadNumRows ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Return the number of rows. ]

Description [ ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 2354 of file tblUtil.c.


Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadNumVars ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  flag 


Synopsis [return the number of input/output Vars]

Description [Given a table and a flag set to 0 for input and 1 for output this function returns the number of inputs or outputs.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableReadNumInputs Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs]

Definition at line 2330 of file tblUtil.c.

  if (flag==0) {
    return Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table);
  else {
    return Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table);

Here is the call graph for this function:

array_t* Tbl_TableReadOutputVars ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [Return the output Var_Variable_t array associated with a table.]

Description []

SideEffects [This array is NOT to be modified. The user is encouraged not to use this function. It is exported so as to make the macros for iteration over items in the table possible. The user should use these macros for accessing data. The macros that can be used are mentioned in the SeeAlso list]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableForEachEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputVar Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar Tbl_TableForEachDefault]

Definition at line 2863 of file tblUtil.c.

  return (table->outputNames);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableReadVarIndex ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Var_Variable_t *  var,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Find the index of the variable (column) associated with the given Var. ]

Description [ Given a Var_Variable_t, this functions returns the index of the column that is represented by. The function returns -1 if the var does not belong to the table. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 2376 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i;
  array_t *carray;
  Var_Variable_t *aVar;

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));  
  if (flag==0) {
    carray = table->inputNames; 
  else {
    carray = table->outputNames; 
  for (i=0; i< array_n(carray);i++) {
    aVar = array_fetch(Var_Variable_t*,carray,i);
    if (var==aVar) {
      return i;
  return -1;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_TableRowDelete ( Tbl_Table_t *  originalTable,
int  rowNumToDelete,
array_t *  freeArray 


Synopsis [Deletes specified row of table]

Description [Deletes a specified row of the table. It creates a new table, and copies all but the the specified row into the new table, and points the original table pointer to the new table. The original table is freed]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 415 of file tblUtil.c.

    Tbl_Table_t *newTable;
    int i, rownum, newRowNum, numInputs, numOutputs;
    Var_Variable_t *var, *newVar;
    Tbl_Row_t *row UNUSED;
    Tbl_Entry_t *newEntry, *origEntry, *entry, *dupEntry;

    newTable = Tbl_TableAlloc();
    Tbl_TableForEachInputVar(originalTable, i, var){
        newVar = Var_VariableDup(var, NIL(Hrc_Node_t));
        array_insert_last(Var_Variable_t *, freeArray, newVar);
        (void) Tbl_TableAddColumn(newTable, newVar, 0);
    Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar(originalTable, i, var){
        newVar = Var_VariableDup(var, NIL(Hrc_Node_t));
        array_insert_last(Var_Variable_t *, freeArray, newVar);
        (void) Tbl_TableAddColumn(newTable, newVar, 1);
    for(i = 0; i < Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(originalTable); i++){
        entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(originalTable, i);
        if(entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)){
            dupEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
            Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry(newTable, dupEntry, i);
    numInputs = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(originalTable);
    numOutputs = Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(originalTable);
    TblTableForEachRow(originalTable, row, rownum){
        if(rownum != rowNumToDelete){
            newRowNum = Tbl_TableAddRow(newTable);
            for(i = 0; i < numInputs; i++){
                origEntry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(originalTable, rownum, i, 0);
                newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(origEntry);
                Tbl_TableSetEntry(newTable, newEntry, newRowNum, i, 0);
            for(i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++){
                origEntry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(originalTable, rownum, i, 1);
                newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(origEntry);
                Tbl_TableSetEntry(newTable, newEntry, newRowNum, i, 1);
    return newTable;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableRowDominatesRow ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  rowa,
int  rowb,
array_t *  rowValArray 


Synopsis [To determine if one row dominates another]

Description [Given a table and two row number rowa and rowb, this function returns a TRUE if rowa dominates rowb and FALSE otherwise]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableColDominatesCol]

Definition at line 1516 of file tblUtil.c.

  int valuea, valueb, totala, totalb;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entrya, *entryb;
  int colNum;


  valuea = array_fetch(int,rowValArray,rowa);
  totala = valuea;
  if (valuea == -1) {
    totala =0;    
    Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,rowa,entrya,colNum) {
      valuea = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entrya);
      totala = valuea + totala;      
    Tbl_RowForEachOutputEntry(table,rowa,entrya,colNum) {
      valuea = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entrya);
      totala = valuea + totala;      
    array_insert(int, rowValArray,rowa,totala);

  valueb = array_fetch(int,rowValArray,rowb);
  totalb = valueb;
  if (valueb == -1) {
    totalb =0;    
    Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,rowb,entryb,colNum) {
      valueb = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entryb);
      totalb = valueb + totalb;      
    Tbl_RowForEachOutputEntry(table,rowb,entryb,colNum) {
      valueb = TableEntryComputeHashVal(table,entryb);
      totalb = valueb + totalb;      
    array_insert(int, rowValArray,rowb,totalb);
  if (totala < totalb ) {
    return FALSE;
  else {
    return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mdd_t* Tbl_TableRowToMdd ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
mdd_manager *  manager,
int  i,
array_t *  svArray 


Synopsis [ Returns an mdd for a table row ]

Description [ Given a row id i, a table, an mdd manager and an array of arrays of mdd_t*, this function returns the mdd for the corresponding row. The array of arrays of mdd_t* gives the onsets for different values of the multivalued var of each column.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 1714 of file tblUtil.c.

  mdd_t *result, *finalResult, *temp;
  int j,k;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Mvf_Function_t *mvf1, *mvf2;

  result = NIL(mdd_t);
  finalResult = mdd_one(manager);
  Tbl_RowForEachInputEntry(table,i,entry,j) {
    if ((entry->type) == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
      mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,j);
      result = TblEntryNormalConstructMdd(manager,entry,mvf1);
    else if ((entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c)) {
      k = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
      mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,j);
      mvf2 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,k);
      result = Mvf_FunctionsComputeEquivalentSet(mvf1,mvf2);
    else if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryUnassigned_c) {
      return NIL(mdd_t);
    temp = finalResult;
    finalResult = mdd_and(temp,result,1,1);
  Tbl_RowForEachOutputEntry(table,i,entry,j) {
    if ((entry->type) == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
      mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,j);
      result = TblEntryNormalConstructMdd(manager,entry,mvf1);
    else if ((entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c)) {
      k = Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry);
      mvf1 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,j);
      mvf2 = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,svArray,k);
      result = Mvf_FunctionsComputeEquivalentSet(mvf1,mvf2);
    else if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryUnassigned_c) {
      return NIL(mdd_t);
    temp = finalResult;
    finalResult = mdd_and(temp,result,1,1);
  return finalResult;

Here is the call graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TablesAreIdentical ( Tbl_Table_t *  tablea,
Tbl_Table_t *  tableb,
int  a,
int  b 


Synopsis [ Compare two tables.]

Description [ Given two Tbl_Table_t's tablea and tableb, this function will compare the two tables to determine if they are the same. It returns a TRUE if they are and a FALSE if not.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 1676 of file tblUtil.c.

  char *signaturea;
  char *signatureb;

  signaturea = TableObtainSignature(tablea, a);
  signatureb = TableObtainSignature(tableb, b);  
  if (strcmp(signaturea, signatureb) == 0) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableSetEntry ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Tbl_Entry_t *  newEntry,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Sets the entry in row i, input/output column j to given entry ]

Description [ This function sets the table entry at row i and column j to given Tbl_Entry_t. The flag indicates whether it is an input or and output item. If any of the input data is incorrect it return a FALSE]

SideEffects [ Old Value is lost ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 553 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t *row;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by  re-setting this entry\n");

  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table ,i,j,flag);
 if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {

  row = TblTableReadRow(table,i);

  newEntry->ioType = flag;
  newEntry->varColNum = j;
  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableSetEntryDc ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Sets the entry in row i, column j, to a don't care. ]

Description [ This function sets the table entry at row i and column j. The item is of the Tbl_Entry_t. The flag indicates whether it is an input or and output item. If any of the input data is incorrect it exits the program]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_EntrySetValue ]

Definition at line 598 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *ioarray;
  int range;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by re-setting this entry\n");
  if (flag==0) {
    ioarray = table->inputNames;
  else {
    ioarray = table->outputNames;

  range = Var_VariableReadNumValues(array_fetch(Var_Variable_t*,ioarray,j));
  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,i,j,flag);
  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableSetEquality ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag,
Var_Variable_t *  var 


Synopsis [ Sets the io entry row i, output column j to be equal to the given Var. ]

Description [ This function sets the entry in row i and column j to be equal to the entry specified by the given var]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 704 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  int index,check;
  Var_Variable_t *tblVar;

  check =0;
  entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,i,j,flag);
  Tbl_TableForEachInputVar(table, index,tblVar) {
    if (tblVar == var) {
      check =1;
  if (check == 0) {
    printf(" WARNING: Output Equal Another Output not supported, no change made\n ");

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableSetVar ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
Var_Variable_t *  sv,
int  flag 


Synopsis [Set the var in given column to given var]

Description [Given a table, an index and a new var for the index, this function sets the var in the table ]

SideEffects [The previously set var is lost]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 2201 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *svarray;
  if (flag==0){
    svarray = Tbl_TableReadInputVars(table);
  else {
    svarray = Tbl_TableReadOutputVars(table);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Table_t* Tbl_TableSoftDup ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Soft Duplicate a table. ]

Description [ This routines increases the refcounts of the table. ]

SideEffects [ Do not modify the soft duplicate tables's entries; it will modify the original table. For this use Tbl_TableHardDup]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_TableFree Tbl_TableHardDup]

Definition at line 165 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Table_t *tabledup;

  assert(TblTableReadRefCount(table) >0);
  tabledup = ALLOC(Tbl_Table_t,1);
  tabledup->data = table->data;

  tabledup->inputNames = array_dup(table->inputNames);
  tabledup->outputNames = array_dup(table->outputNames);
  TblTableReadRefCount(table) ++;
  return tabledup;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* Tbl_TableSplit ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Split a multi-output table into a set of single output tables. ]

Description [ Given a deterministic multi-output table this function splits it into an array of single-output tables.]

SideEffects [ Determinism is required for this to be sucessful. The user is responsible for freeing the original table]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 2233 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i,j, rowNum, colNum;
  array_t *resArray;
  Tbl_Table_t *newtable;
  Var_Variable_t *output, *input;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry, *newEntry;

  resArray = array_alloc(Tbl_Table_t*,0);
  Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar(table,i,output) {
    newtable = Tbl_TableAlloc();
    Tbl_TableForEachInputVar(table,colNum,input) {
    for (rowNum =0; rowNum < Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table); rowNum++) {
      (void) Tbl_TableAddRow(newtable);
    Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,j,entry) {
      if (j==0) {
        newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
      else {
        if (colNum ==i) {
          newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
    entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,i);
    if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
  return resArray;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableSubstituteVar ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Var_Variable_t *  oldVar,
Var_Variable_t *  newVar 


Synopsis [ Substitute the oldVar with the newVar. Return TRUE if successful. ]

Description [ Given a table and Var_variable_t's oldVar and newVar, it replaces the oldVar with the newVar in the table. It returns true if sucessful and false otherwise.]

SideEffects [ The oldVar is not freed, it is the user's responsibility ]

SeeAlso [ ]

Definition at line 2140 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i,k;
  int flag;
  Var_Variable_t *var;

  k = -1;
  flag =0;
  var = NIL(Var_Variable_t);

  if (!Var_VariablesTestHaveSameDomain(oldVar,newVar)) return FALSE;

  if (table != NIL(Tbl_Table_t)) {
    Tbl_TableForEachInputVar(table,i,var) {
      if (var == oldVar) {
        k = i;
        i = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table);
        flag = 0;
    if (k == -1) {
      Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar(table,i,var) {
        if (var == oldVar) {
          k = i;
          i = Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table);
          flag = 1;
    if (k != -1) {
      /* traverse all the entries of the table and change all the references
      to the old variable in the equal-to construct to the new variable */
      /* The above no longer has to be done as the entry refers to an
         index rather than the var */
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;
  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableSwapColumns ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j,
int  flag 


Synopsis [ Swap input/output columns i and j. ]

Description [ This functions swaps columns i and j and return true if sucessfull. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 1358 of file tblUtil.c.

  int k, rowNum,colNum,flag2;
  Tbl_Row_t *row UNUSED;
  Tbl_Entry_t *coli, *colj, *entry;
  array_t *rowArray;
  Var_Variable_t *vari, *varj;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((flag==0)||(flag ==1));
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by swapping rows\n");
  TblTableForEachRow(table,row,k) {
    coli = Tbl_EntryDup(Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,k,i,flag));
    colj = Tbl_EntryDup(Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,k,j,flag));    


  if (flag == 0) {
    rowArray = table->inputNames;
  else {
    rowArray = table->outputNames;

  vari = array_fetch(Var_Variable_t*,rowArray,i);
  varj = array_fetch(Var_Variable_t*,rowArray,j);

  /* Correct Equal entries */
  Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,flag2,entry) {
    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
      if (Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry)==i){
      else if (Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry)==j){

  Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,colNum) {
    if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
      if (Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry)==i){
      else if (Tbl_EntryReadVarIndex(entry)==j){
  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableSwapRows ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  i,
int  j 


Synopsis [ Swap rows i and j. ]

Description [ This function swaps rows i and j and return true if successful. It exits the program if data is incorrectly supplied.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 1323 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t *rowi, *rowj;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  if (TblTableReadRefCount(table) > 1) {
    printf(" WARNING: You are modifying more than one table by swapping these rows\n");
  rowi = TblTableReadRow(table,i);
  rowj = TblTableReadRow(table,j);

  return TRUE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableTestIsConstant ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outputColumnId 


Synopsis [ Returns TRUE if the output designated by outputColumnId is a constant. ]

Description [ Returns TRUE if the table has no inputs, and exactly one row, and the output entry in row 0 and column outputColumnId is of type normal and takes exactly one value. Note that this test is conservative, because it does not take into account Boolean redundancies. It merely checks for one of the following conditions 1) the table has no inputs and a constant output 2) the table has only - inputs in the one row and the output is constant 3) the table is empty and the default value for the output is constant and 4) the table output has the same constant value for all inputs]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_TableTestIsNonDeterministicConstant ]

Definition at line 794 of file tblUtil.c.

  int colNum, rowNum;
  boolean check;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  lsGen gen;
  int value, constant,count;
  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  assert((outputColumnId >= 0) && (outputColumnId <

  if (Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) == 1) {  
    if (array_n(table->inputNames) == 0) {
      entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table, 0, outputColumnId, 1);
      if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
        if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
          return TRUE;
    else {
      check = TRUE;
      Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
          return FALSE;
        if (check == TRUE) {
          check = FALSE;
          if (lsLength(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges) == 1){
            var = Tbl_EntryReadActualVar(table,entry);
            lsForEachItem(entry->EntryData.listOfRanges, gen, range) {
              if ((range->begin ==0)&&(range->end ==
                check = TRUE;
      if (check) {
        entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table,0,outputColumnId,1);
        if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
          return FALSE;
        if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
          return TRUE;
  else if (Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) == 0) {
    entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,outputColumnId);
    if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
      return FALSE;
    if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) == 1) {
      return TRUE;
  else {
    entry = Tbl_TableDefaultReadEntry(table,outputColumnId);    
    if (entry == NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)){
      constant = -1;      
      Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {
        if (colNum == outputColumnId) {
          if (entry->type != Tbl_EntryNormal_c){
            return FALSE;
          count = 1;
          Tbl_EntryForEachValue(entry,value,gen,range) {
            lsStatus status;
            if (count > 1) {
              status = lsFinish(gen); 
              assert(status == LS_OK);  
              return FALSE;
            else {
              if (constant != -1) {
                if (constant != value) {
                  status = lsFinish(gen);
                  assert(status == LS_OK); 
                  return FALSE;
              else {
                constant = value;
            count ++;        
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Tbl_TableTestIsDeterministic ( Tbl_Table_t *  table)


Synopsis [ Returns TRUE if the table is deterministic. ]

Description [ This implements a sufficient but not necessary check for determinism. It intersects every pair of inputs rows and compares the outputs to see if they are identical.]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ optional ]

Definition at line 944 of file tblUtil.c.


/* intersect every pair of input rows and
   then compare outputs if they're not same --- */
/* Sunil Khatri is implementing this */
  return 0;
boolean Tbl_TableTestIsNonDeterministicConstant ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  outputColumnId 


Synopsis [ Returns TRUE if the output designated by outputColumnId is a nondeterministic constant. ]

Description [ Returns TRUE if the table has no inputs, and the output referred to by outputColumnId is not a constant. ]

SideEffects [ ]

SeeAlso [ Tbl_TableTestIsConstant ]

Definition at line 914 of file tblUtil.c.

  assert(table !=NIL(Tbl_Table_t));
  if (array_n(table->inputNames) == 0) {
    if (!Tbl_TableTestIsConstant(table, outputColumnId)) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean Tbl_TableTestIsOutputSpaceComplete ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
mdd_manager *  mddMgr 


Synopsis [Test if given table has a completely specified output space]

Description [Given a table, this function will check if the given output has a completely specified output space, i.e. each output combination is present in the table. If this function is called on a table with inputs, it fails and exits. ]

SideEffects [required]

SeeAlso [optional]

Definition at line 969 of file tblUtil.c.

  int i, offset,rowNum,colNum,oldRowNum;
  boolean check;
  Mvf_Function_t *mvf;
  mdd_t *temp, *result, *function, *x;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  array_t        *faninMvfArray ;
  array_t        *mvarValues ;
  int             numOutputs;
  if (Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) != 0) {
    return FALSE;

  x = NIL(mdd_t);
  faninMvfArray     = array_alloc(Mvf_Function_t *, 0);
  mvarValues        = array_alloc(int, 0);
  numOutputs         = Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table );

  /* Add mdd's for new table input variables. */
  Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar(table, colNum, var) {
    array_insert_last(int, mvarValues, Var_VariableReadNumValues(var));
  offset = array_n(mdd_ret_mvar_list(mddMgr));    
  mdd_create_variables(mddMgr,mvarValues, NIL(array_t), NIL(array_t));

   * Construct an MVF for each table input. The MVF for column i is the MVF
   * for MDD variable i.
  for (i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
    Mvf_Function_t *faninMvf = Mvf_FunctionCreateFromVariable(mddMgr, (i+offset));
    array_insert_last(Mvf_Function_t *, faninMvfArray, faninMvf);
  /* Compute the MVF of the outputs */

/* iterate over output part and compute all mvf's of rows */
/* add to total */
  function = mdd_zero(mddMgr);
  oldRowNum = -1;
  result = mdd_zero(mddMgr);  
  Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,entry) {    
    if (rowNum != oldRowNum) {
      temp =function;
      function = mdd_or(temp,result, 1,1);
      result = mdd_one(mddMgr);
    if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryNormal_c) {
      mvf = array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t*,faninMvfArray,colNum);
      x = TblEntryNormalConstructMdd(mddMgr,entry,mvf);          
    else  if (entry->type == Tbl_EntryEqual_c) {
      printf("Failure: output equal to another output construct not supported\n");
    temp = result;
    result = mdd_and(x,temp,1,1);
    oldRowNum = rowNum;
  temp =function;
  function = mdd_or(temp,result, 1,1);

  check = mdd_is_tautology(function,1);
  for (i=0;i < array_n(faninMvfArray); i++){
    Mvf_FunctionFree(array_fetch(Mvf_Function_t *,faninMvfArray,i));
  return check;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableWriteBlifMvToFile ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  flag,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Print table to file specified by fp in blif-mv format]

Description [Given a table and file ptr, this function will print this table in blif_mv form to a file specified by the ptr. If stdout is specified this table will print it to stdout. It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate the nature of the table. If this flag is a 0, it indicates that the table is of the type .table. If it is a 1, then it indicates that the table is of the type .reset. Finally, if flag is 2, the table should be printed without header.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [TblEntryPrint TblEntryWriteBlif Tbl_TablePrintl]

Definition at line 2568 of file tblUtil.c.

  int rowNum, colNum,i;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;

  if (flag == 0) {
    fprintf(fp,".table "); 
  else if (flag == 1) {
    fprintf(fp,".reset ");

  if (flag < 2) {
      fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
      fprintf(fp," %s",Var_VariableReadName(var));

  if ((array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),0)) != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
    Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,colNum) {
      fprintf(fp," ");

   Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table,rowNum,colNum,i,entry) { 
    if ((colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) -1))&&(i==1)) {
    } else {
      fprintf(fp," ");    

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableWriteBlifMvToFileSpecial ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  flag,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Print table to file specified by fp in blif mv format. Appends the chars "_bufin" to the end of the output variables.]

Description [Given a table and file ptr, this function will print this table in blif_mv form to a file specified by the ptr. If stdout is specified this table will print it to stdout.It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate the nature of the table. If this flag is a 0, it indicates that the table is of the type .table if it is a 1, then it indicates that the table is of the type .reset.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [TblEntryPrint TblEntryWriteBlif Tbl_TablePrintl]

Definition at line 2506 of file tblUtil.c.

  int rowNum, colNum,i;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;

  if (flag ==0) {
    fprintf(fp,".table "); 
  else {
    fprintf(fp,".reset ");
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
    fprintf(fp,"%s_bufin ",Var_VariableReadName(var));

  if ((array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),0)) != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
    fprintf(fp,".default ");
    Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,colNum) {
      fprintf(fp," ");

   Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table, rowNum,colNum,i,entry) { 
    fprintf(fp," ");    
    if ((colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) -1))&&(i==1)) {

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableWriteBlifToFile ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Writes out a table to a named blif file]

Description [Writes out blif files corresponding to the table given.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 2743 of file tblUtil.c.

  int numInputs, numOutputs, numRows, colnum, i, j;
  Var_Variable_t *var;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  lsGen gen;
  Tbl_Range_t *range;
  int value, flag;

  fprintf(fp,".names ");     
  for (colnum=0; colnum < Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table); colnum++) {
    var = Tbl_TableReadIndexVar(table, colnum, 0);
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
  for (colnum=0; colnum < Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table); colnum++) {
    var = Tbl_TableReadIndexVar(table, colnum, 1);
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));

  numInputs = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table);
  numOutputs = Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table);
  numRows = Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table);

  for (i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
    flag =1;
    if (numOutputs == 1) {
      entry =  Tbl_TableReadEntry(table, i, 0, 1);
      if (Tbl_EntryReadNumValues(entry) ==1 ){
          if (value ==0) {
            flag = 0;
    if (flag ==1) {      
      for(j = 0; j < numInputs; j++){
        entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table, i, j, 0);
      fprintf(fp," ");
      for(j = 0; j < numOutputs; j++){
        entry = Tbl_TableReadEntry(table, i, j, 1);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Tbl_TableWriteSmvToFile ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  flag,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Print table to file specified by fp in smv format]

Description [Given a table and file ptr, this function will print this table in smv form to a file specified by the ptr. If stdout is specified this table will print it to stdout.It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate the nature of the table. If this flag is a 0, it indicates that the table is of the type .table if it is a 1, then it indicates that the table is of the type .reset.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [TblEntryPrint TblEntryWriteBlif Tbl_TablePrintl]

Definition at line 2632 of file tblUtil.c.

  int rowNum, colNum,i;
  Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
  Var_Variable_t *var;

  if (flag ==0) { 
    fprintf(fp,"\n-- Table for ");
  else {
    fprintf(fp,"\n-- Reset table for ");
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));
    fprintf(fp,"%s ",Var_VariableReadName(var));

  if (flag ==0) { 

    fprintf(fp, "INVAR\n( ");

    Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table, rowNum,colNum,i,entry) { 
      if ((colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) -1))&&(i==1)) {
        if(rowNum < Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) -1) {
            fprintf(fp,") |\n( ");
      } else {
        fprintf(fp,"& ");    
    if ((array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),0)) != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      fprintf(fp,") |\n( ");
      if (Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) > 0) {
        fprintf(fp,"!( (");
      Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry(table, rowNum,colNum,entry) { 
        if (colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) -1)) {
          if(rowNum < Tbl_TableReadNumRows(table) -1) {
            fprintf(fp,") | ( ");
        } else {
          fprintf(fp,"& ");    
      if (Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) > 0) {
        fprintf(fp,") ) & ");
      Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,colNum) {
        if (colNum < (Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) -1)) {
          fprintf(fp,"& ");    

  } else {


    Tbl_TableForEachEntry(table, rowNum,colNum,i,entry) { 
      if ((colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table) -1))&&(i==0)) {
        fprintf(fp,": ");
      } else if ((colNum == (Tbl_TableReadNumOutputs(table) -1))&&(i==1)) {
      } else {
        fprintf(fp,"& ");    
    if ((array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblTableReadDefaults(table),0)) != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      fprintf(fp,"1 : ");
      Tbl_TableForEachDefaultEntry(table,entry,colNum) {


Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Row_t* TblRowAlloc ( void  )


Synopsis [Allocate space for a row]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3045 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t *row;

  row = ALLOC(Tbl_Row_t,1);
  row->inputs = array_alloc(Tbl_Entry_t*,0);
  row->outputs = array_alloc(Tbl_Entry_t*,0);

  return row;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Row_t* TblRowDup ( Tbl_Row_t *  row)


Synopsis [Duplicate a table row]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3069 of file tblUtil.c.

  Tbl_Row_t *newrow;
  Tbl_Entry_t *newEntry, *entry;
  int i;

  newrow = TblRowAlloc();

  for (i=0; i < array_n(row->inputs); i++){
    entry = array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*,row->inputs,i);
    if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      newEntry= Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
    else {
      newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);

  for (i=0; i < array_n(row->outputs); i++){
    entry = array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*,row->outputs,i);    
    if (entry != NIL(Tbl_Entry_t)) {
      newEntry = Tbl_EntryDup(entry);
    else {
      newEntry = NIL(Tbl_Entry_t);
  return newrow;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TblRowFree ( Tbl_Row_t *  row)


Synopsis [Free a Tbl_Row_t]

Description [Given a Tbl_Row_t, this function frees all memory associated with it. ]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [TblRowAlloc]

Definition at line 3152 of file tblUtil.c.

  assert(row != NIL(Tbl_Row_t));

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Entry_t* TblRowReadEntry ( Tbl_Row_t *  row,
int  i,
int  flag 


Synopsis [Read the specified index entry in the given row]

Description [Given a Tbl_Row_t* and an integer i, this function returns the Tbl_Entry_t* at the ith position in the row.It must also be supplied with a flag to indicate whether an input or output entry is being read.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3176 of file tblUtil.c.

  if (flag==0) {
  else {
    return(array_fetch(Tbl_Entry_t*, TblRowReadOutputs(row),i));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* TblRowReadInputs ( Tbl_Row_t *  row)


Synopsis [Return the input array associated with a row.]

Description []

SideEffects [This array is NOT to be modified. The user is encouraged not to use this function. It is exported so as to make the macros for iteration over items in the table possible. The user should use these macros for accessing data. The macros that can be used are mentioned in the SeeAlso list]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableForEachEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputVar Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar Tbl_TableForEachDefault]

Definition at line 3006 of file tblUtil.c.

  return (row->inputs);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

array_t* TblRowReadOutputs ( Tbl_Row_t *  row)


Synopsis [Return the output array associated with a row.]

Description []

SideEffects [This array is NOT to be modified. The user is encouraged not to use this function. It is exported so as to make the macros for iteration over items in the table possible. The user should use these macros for accessing data. The macros that can be used are mentioned in the SeeAlso list]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableForEachEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputEntry Tbl_TableForEachOutputEntry Tbl_TableForEachInputVar Tbl_TableForEachOutputVar Tbl_TableForEachDefault]

Definition at line 2984 of file tblUtil.c.

  return (row->outputs);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TblRowSetEntry ( Tbl_Row_t *  row,
Tbl_Entry_t *  entry,
int  i,
int  flag 


Synopsis [Sets the entry in the given row at the given index]

Description [Given a row, an entry , a flag set to 0 to indicate input and 1 for output, and an index, this function sets the entry in the row at the index.]

SideEffects [The previous entry item at the index is lost]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3116 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_t *carray;
  if (flag ==0) {
    carray = TblRowReadInputs(row);
  else {
    carray = TblRowReadOutputs(row);
  if (i < array_n(carray)){
  else {

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Tbl_Row_t* TblTableReadRow ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
int  rowNum 


Synopsis [Read a table row]

Description [Given a table and an integer rowNum, this return the rowNumth Tbl_Row_t]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 3025 of file tblUtil.c.


Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TblTableSetRow ( Tbl_Table_t *  table,
Tbl_Row_t *  row,
int  i 


Synopsis [Set a Row]

Description [Given a table, a row and an index , this function sets the row in the table]

SideEffects [ The previously set row is lost ]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 2960 of file tblUtil.c.

  array_insert(Tbl_Row_t*, TblTableReadData(table),i,row);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int varCompare ( const void *  x,
const void *  y 
) [static]


Synopsis [Comparison function for qsort.]

Description [This function is used by qsort to order table inputs according to the MDD variable order in the support of the MVF.]

SideEffects [none]

SeeAlso [Tbl_TableCreateTrueSupportTableForOutput]

Definition at line 3449 of file tblUtil.c.

  Var_Ord_t *a = (Var_Ord_t *) x;
  Var_Ord_t *b = (Var_Ord_t *) y;
  return(a->rank - b->rank);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

char rcsid [] UNUSED = "$Id: tblUtil.c,v 1.19 2009/04/11 02:01:29 fabio Exp $" [static]


FileName [ tblUtil.c ]

PackageName [ tbl ]

Synopsis [ This package is used to manipulate the table data structure ]

Description [ The table data structure is used to store the information contained in the blif_mv table. This structure supports all constructs in blif_mv including the recursive constructs. This is consistent with the previous version of this data- structure. Note that the table package is in no way concerned with the semantics of the table constructed; it makes no interpretation on the correctness of a table (i.e. does it represent valid hardware)]

SeeAlso [ tbl.h, tblEntryUtil.c ]

Author [ Gitanjali M. Swamy ]

Copyright [Copyright (c) 1994-1996 The Regents of the Univ. of California. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.



Definition at line 44 of file tblUtil.c.