Re: T or F questions

Ed Casas ( Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:54:14 -0700

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:54:14 -0700
From: Ed Casas <>
Subject: Re: T or F questions

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 08:04:18PM -0700, Xin Sun wrote: > Are these ... answers [below] correct? > (T) A register must be used to implement a parallel input port. No, F. A tri-state buffer is used to implement an input port. See your lab. > (T) To ensure reliable commucications a DCE should always be > connected to a DCE and a DTE should always be connected to a > DTE. No, F. For example, a DCE won't talk to a DCE because, for example, both TxD signals will be inputs > (T) No CPU time is used by an interrupt-driven input interface > while the device is not is use. True. If the ISR is not executed, no CPU time is used up. > What minimum number of bytes must be left free on an appliation > program's stack on an IBM pc to allow interrupts to execute and > return properly? the answer is 3. No. 3 words are pushed (flags, CS and IP), but that is 6 bytes. -- Ed Casas +1 604 822-2592