about the ass5 timing requirement

Xin Sun (sun.simon@usa.net) Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:00:42 -0800

From: "Xin Sun" <sun.simon@usa.net>
Subject: about the ass5 timing requirement
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:00:42 -0800

Sorry, I don't exactly know the max and min. For example, I read the datasheet of FLASH. There is a parameter is tACC. It says Max time is 70ns. It means that from address to valid data, maximum wait time is 70ns. Say, flash guarantees valid data at 70ns. So we calculate the time requirement from 70ns. tACC>=70ns While I read the datasheet of CPU, there is a parameter is tDAD. It says max time is 28+DT+w. First I assume DT=0 and w=0. It means that the valid data have to be presented on 28ns. so tDAD<=28ns. And I correct? Thanks Have a nice weekend, everybody.